Title: Special Education, Section 504 and Lots of Other Stuff
1Special Education, Section 504 and Lots of Other
- Presented by
- Dr. Winona Anderson and Sandy Majchrzak
- Dr. Winona Anderson
- Worked in schools for 29 years before retiring,
27 of which was in the Waynesville School
District - Paraprofessional
- Teacher
- Counselor
- School Psychological Examiner
- Special Education Administrator
- Taught classes for Lindenwood University and
Drury University - Worked at South Central RPDC since June, 2007
3Todays Norms and Expectations
- Be an ACTIVE Learner
- Be Responsible for your Own Learning
- Ask Questions
4Focusing on Six Main Topics
- Confidentiality Issues
- Special Education Process
- Section 504 Accommodation Plans
- Differentiated Learning Styles
- Changes in IDEA 2004
- School Improvement Monitoring
- Information about students at school is
protected by the Family Educational Rights and
Privacy Act (FERPA)
7Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Federal law that requires school districts to
keep information in student education records
confidential - Applies to all school district personnel and
Board of Education. - Information contained in student education
records may not be disclosed without written
8Education Record
- An education record is information about an
identifiable student that is maintained in any
form by the school district. - This includes handwritten records, pictures,
electronic documents, etc. - A person is liable if he/she discloses
information that is protected
9Examples of Education Records
- Emergency cards
- E-mails
- Photographs
- Grade cards
- Individual Assignment Grades
- Discipline records or referrals
- Suspension/Detention List
- Evaluation Reports
- IEP records
- Videotapes
- Surveillance tapes
- Videotapes of student performances
- Audiotapes of student performances
- Attendance records
- Cafeteria Accounts
- Library Fines or Overdue Book Lists
- Records of Test Scores
10Disclosure of Education Records
- Education records are disclosed when information
from the record is shared with another person in
any way. - Sharing includes verbal, showing, faxing,
e-mailing, etc.
11Parents have rights. . .
- To view the contents of the educational record
- To have a copy of the contents of the educational
record - Be sure to assure that a parent is a parent
12Disability and Medical Information
- Additional laws govern the release of disability
and medical information. The laws include - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act - Americans with Disabilities Act
- Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA)
13Disability and Medical Information
- Medical or disability information is confidential
and may only be disclosed to school employees or
school officials who have a need to know the
information. - Few people actually have a need to know about a
students disability or medical information. - Staff have a need to know if the information is
necessary to protect or effectively serve
students. - The district leadership determines who has a need
to know information.
14Practical applications of FERPA
- Confidentiality is extremely important,
particularly in special education - Discussions about students should occur in a
confidential manner and locationnot hallways,
social events, ball games, etc. - Confidential information can be subpeonaed by a
15Remember. . .
- Share information on a need to know basis with
only those who have proper authorization - When in doubt, dont give it out!
16Special Education Process
- All you ever wanted to know
- . . . and more!
17What is the difference?
- Disability?
- Handicap?
- Educational Disability?
18Disability or a handicap? They are not the same.
- A disability is a loss which affects the persons
ability to walk, hear, talk, learn, etc. - Disability loss
- A loss is not always handicapping
- A handicap describes a situation, loss, or
barrier imposed by society, the environment, or
oneself which limits a person in some way - Handicap limitation
19Educational Disability
- An educational disability
- A disability (a loss) which
- Adversely affects LEARNING to a significant
degree - Determine eligibility for special education
20Not all qualify for special education services. .
- They have not met the eligibility criteria to
have an educational disability - Outlined in the Special Education Compliance
Program Review Standards and Indicators - Some students may qualify for a Section 504 plan
if they do not qualify for an IEP - Section 504 Accommodation Plans will be discussed
a bit later
21Special Education Compliance Plan
- Your principal (or designee) should have a copy
of the district Special Education Compliance Plan
in their office - Contains all of the information in the special
education process - Can download Standards and Indicators from DESE
22How many exceptional children are in a normal
- 10-12 will qualify for special ed services
- 1-3 will qualify for Section 504
- 1-3 gifted
23Step 1 in the Special Education Process
- Screen Students who are having difficulty
- Determine who is having learning problems
- Check the records
- Check for physical problems
- Vision
- Hearing
- Health
24Step 2
- Talk to the parents
- Show concern
- Ask about the students previous experiences in
school - Have there been frequent moves?
- What is the academic history of the child?
- Ask if they know of ways to help
25Step 3
- Alternative Interventions Strategies
- Try many interventions and document results
- Talk to senior-level teachers
- Get ideas from them
- Implement their suggestions
26Step 4
- If little or no progress is made, it is time to
seek help from the Student Assistance Team - The teacher will need to complete some forms
- Have your screening information available
- Know which interventions have been attempted and
the result of each
27Step 4 Review of Current Information/Referral
for Evaluation
- Its a Team Decision
- Decisions to move into evaluation or not to move
into evaluation is a team decision - The team may provide additional suggestions for
the teacher to try before moving into evaluation - The classroom teacher is a REQUIRED member of the
28Step 5 Moving into Assessment
- The team may refer the student for individualized
testing - Your school district has personnel who conducts
evaluations. - Do you know who that personnel is in your school
29Eligibility Criteria
- The state has developed eligibility criteria for
each of the sixteen categories - The student must meet a specific eligibility
category to be considered for special education
30Step 6 Staffing Meeting
- Review Assessment
- The team determines if the student meets at least
one of the eligibility criteria for an
educational disability - The team determines if the student may benefit
from special education services
31Step 7 IEP Meeting
- If the child qualifies for special ed services,
the team develops an IEP - The classroom teachers input is invaluable in
writing a successful program for the student - If the student needs special education services,
a placement form is signed by the parent after
the IEP is developed
32The responsibility goes on. . .
- Most special education students, ages 6-21, will
be educated in the general education setting at
least 80 of each school day - Often, the student will be in the regular
classroom with modifications or accommodations
33Modifications vs Accommodations
- Modifications change the intent of the assignment
- Accommodations level the playing field allowing
the student to do the same assignment as peers,
with support
- Practices and procedures in the areas of
presentation, response, setting, and
timing/scheduling that provide equitable
instructional and assessment access for students
with disabilities. - Accommodations reduce or eliminate the effects of
a students disability and do not reduce learning
- Give support but do not change the curriculum
- All students can benefit from accommodations
- All students need accommodations from time to time
36Examples of Accommodations
- Make use of nonverbal signals to cue students
prior to transitions or to focus on teachervary
the tone of voice - Increase teacher proximity to student
- Provide preferential seatingput distractible
students with well-focused students - Increase physical and/or visual prompting of
student - Keep brevity in mind
- Provide earphones for students to reduce auditory
distractions as appropriate - Provide more physical work space
- Have students clear desk of distractors
- Changing, lowering, or reducing learning or
assessment expectations - May result in implications that could adversely
affect a student throughout that individuals
educational career - Examples include
- Requiring a student to learn less material
- Revising assignments or tests to make them easier
38Remember. . .
- Modifications change the curriculum to fit the
students learning level - Modifications restrict students from learning
material necessary to pass end of course tests - Modifications must be specified and required by
the IEP
39Examples of Modifications
- Lessen the length of the assignment
- Test content knowledge, not spelling or ability
to read - Do not require oral reading
- Assign a project instead of a test
40Any questions about. . .
- Disability vs Handicap
- Special Education Process
- Accommodations and Modifications
41Section 504
- What is a Section 504 Accommodation Plan?
42So what is Section 504?
- Federal Legislation passed in 1973
- First significant federal legislation to prohibit
discrimination against individuals with
disabilities - Applicable to any program or activity receiving
Federal financial assistance - Includes public schools
43What does it say?
- No otherwise qualified individual with a
disability. . .shall solely by reason of his or
her disability, be excluded from the
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or
be subjected to discrimination under any program
or activity receiving Federal financial
44What does that mean?
- Any person that has a disability from the ages of
birth to death (students, parents, or employees)
may not be excluded from any activities or
opportunity because of their disability
45Isnt that what IDEA does already?
- The coverage of Section 504 is broader than the
coverage under IDEA
46Section 504 or IDEA?
- Students who qualify for IDEA are protected under
Section 504 also
General Population
47Major differences between IDEA and Section 504
- Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
- Educationally Disabled
- Ages 3-21
- Adaptations
- 13 Categories
- Partially funded
- Mediation3 person hearing panelstate/federal
court - Requires the need for special ed services
- Section 504
- Section 504 Accommodation Plans
- Handicapped
- Birth to death
- Accommodations
- Many ways to qualify
- Not funded
- Hearing officer-Office of Civil Rights-Federal
Court - Does not require a need for special ed services
48Definition of a Handicap according to Section 504
- Under Section 504, a person is considered to be
handicapped if that person - Has a physical or mental impairment which
substantially limits one or more of that persons
major life functions - Has a record of such as impairment
- Is regarded as having such an impairment
49A physiological or physical impairment is defined
- Any physiological or physical disorder or
condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical
loss affecting one or more of the body systems
50Mental or psychological impairment includes. . .
- Mental retardation, organic brain syndrome,
emotional or mental illness, or specific learning
51Major life activities
- Functions such as caring for ones self,
performing manual tasks, or performing basic
skills the average person in the general
population can do
52Examples of Major Life Functions
- Learning
- Working
- Talking
- Seeing
- Hearing
- Speaking
- Walking
- Standing
- Sitting
- Reaching
- Stooping
- Breathing
53Has a record of such an impairment. . .
- Means having a history of, or has been
misclassified as having, a mental or physical
impairment that substantially limits one or more
major life activity.
54Is regarded as having an impairment
- A physical or mental impairment that does not
substantially limit major life activities but
that is treated by a recipient as constituting
such a limitation - A physical or mental impairment that
substantially limits major life activities as a
result of the attitudes of others toward the
impairment - Has none of the impairments but is treated by a
recipient as having such as impairment
55A physical or mental impairment which
substantially limits
- Section 504 defines substantially limiting as
being unable to perform a major life activity the
AVERAGE person in the general population can
perform, or being restricted as to the duration
and manner of that major life activity.
56Section 504 covers regular education,
non-academic programs, and extracurricular
- Honor rollsschool cannot deny to disabled
students with sufficiently high G. P. A.s - Access to field trips and other trips
- Special diets must be provided
- Cannot shorten day of disabled students in most
57Physical accessibility, facilities, and
- Section 504 students cannot be required to take
longer bus rides than non-disabled students - School facilities must have equal access for
students, parents, and patrons - Facilities must be comparable for disabled and
non-disabled students
58Examples of Individuals Who May Be
Covered--Section 504
- Students with a disability which significantly
impacts their learning but who may not qualify
under IDEA eligibility - Students with health problems such as asthma,
ADHD, epilepsy, diabetes, or cardiac problems - Students with communicable diseases, such as AIDS
or hepatitis - Students with orthopedic problems who do not need
special education
59ExamplesIndividuals Who May Not Be Covered
- Students who have a low-average IQ but are
failing in school - Low-average IQ is not a disability
- A student with a disability who is making
satisfactory progress in school and needs no
accommodations. - Just because a student has a documented
disability or a diagnosis DOES NOT mean they
automatically qualify for Section 504
60Others not covered. . .
- Individuals engaging in illegal use of
drugshowever, addiction may qualify as a
disability - Environmental, cultural, and economic
disadvantaged are not covered - Certain conditions such as homosexuality,
kleptomania, pyromania, etc.
61What if we dont follow the students Section 504
- Families have a right to file a request for a
hearing with the Districts Compliance Officer.
If unsatisfied, the family may request an
impartial due process hearing with an impartial
outside hearing officer.
62Is that all?
- Families may also file a formal complaint with
the U.S. Office of Civil Rights. If the OCR
agrees with the family, the OCR will inform the
parent they have the right to sue the district
and the individuals involved.
63So. . . .
- Use your common sense
- Follow the guidelines
- Dont give-in just because its easy
- Do what is best for kids
- Seek legal advice for difficult cases
64Any questions?
65Not all students learn the same
- Not all adults learn the same either
- When you read, do you like
- The TV on?
- The radio on at a regular volume?
- Soft music playing in the background?
- No noise within 2 miles?
66Why is this important?
- When developing your teaching plans, try to tap
into as many different intelligence areas for
learning as possible. - Teachers most often teach using the modalities by
which they learn - Modifications are often needed to match the
students learning styles
67Changes in IDEA 2004
- Reauthorization occurs every five years.
- This information is taken from the following DESE
website http//dese.mo.gov/divspeced
68Eligibility Criteria
- Other Health Impaired
- Definition was expanded
- Tourette Syndrome was added to the definition
- Mental Retardation
- Now called Intellectual Disability in State Plan
69Related Services
- Related services are services that assist a child
with a disability to benefit from special
education - Do not include a medical device that is
surgically implanted, the optimization of that
devices functioning, maintenance of that device,
or the replacement of that device - Schools do not have to purchase such a device as
a related service - The distinguishing factor between services that
are covered until IDEA and those not covered are
the level of expertise required
70Related Services (continued)
- Does not limit
- Right of child to other related services
- Responsibility of public agency to monitor and
maintain certain medication devices - Breathing devices
- Nutrition devices
- Device for operation of bodily functions
- Responsibility continues for routine checking of
external components of surgically implanted
71Highly Qualified Teachers
- IDEA defined Core Academic Subjects
- English, reading or language arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Foreign languages
- The arts
- Social Studies
72Highly Qualified Teachers
- A special ed teacher AT ANY GRADE LEVEL can be
considered to be HQ if he/she - Is not teaching a core academic subject
- Does not give a grade
- Is not the teacher of record
- All others questions, consult the DESE website
73Response to Intervention (RtI)Early Intervening
Services (EIS)
- RtI training is available through DESE website
- EISdistricts may use up to 15 of their Part B
federal funds to develop and provide early
intervening services to non-disabled students - Identify students early (K-3)
- Provide services by providing academic and
behavioral support
- Timeline60 days
- Exceptions to timelines
- Parent repeatedly fails or refuses to produce
child for the evaluation - Child transfers to another district during an
evaluation - Extended school breaks that occur during the
evaluation period - Extended student illness during the evaluation
period - All exceptions to the timelines must be
documented in the students record
- May not be conducted more than once a year unless
the parent and public agency agree otherwise - Must be conducted at least once every 3 years
unless the parent and public agency agree reeval
is not necessary
76Reevaluation/Summary of Performance
- For graduates from high school with a regular
diploma or student exiting the system at age 21 - Reevaluation not required when student with a
disability - Summary of Performance required for a student
with a disability when
77Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE)
- Parent entitled on only one IEE at public expense
for each evaluation agency conducts with which
the parent disagrees - Any party may present results of IEE in a Due
Process Hearing - Agency must consider results of privately funded
evaluation, if it meets agency criteria - Parent not required to share results of privately
funded evaluation with public agency, but not
considered IEE
78IEP Meeting Excusals
- Attendance at the meeting of a team member can be
excused - Prior to the meeting, the parent and school must
agree in writing to excuse the team member(s)
from the meeting
79IEP Meeting Amendments
- Conditions
- Initial IEP meeting and Annual review meetings
must be held. Amendments may only be made in the
interim. - Amendments made either by
- Holding an IEP meeting, OR
- Parent and school may agree not to convene IEP
meeting to amend childs IEP - Copy of the IEP with the amendments incorporated
must be provided at parent request - IEP team members informed of any amendments
80IEP Content
- The statement of present levels must describe the
childs present levels of academic achievement
and functional performance - Short-term objectives and benchmarks are required
only for children with disabilities who take
alternate assessments aligned to alternate
achievement standards (MAP-A)
81In-state Transfer Students
- Student with known or suspected disability
enrolls from another Missouri district - Implement the IEP
- IEP in hand or interviews with parent, student,
previous school district officials to determine
IEP content - Accept of reject eligibility determination
- If reject, initiate reevaluation
82Out-of-State Transfers
- Student with known or suspected disability
enrolls from another state - IEP in hand
- Comparable services similar or equivalent
- Initiate evaluation, if determined necessary
- Develop, adopt, implement new IEP, if appropriate
- Without IEP
- Place in regular education until evaluation
conducted and IEP developed - Evaluation is initial evaluation
83TransfersOther Considerations
- Summer transfers
- Must have a means for determining whether the
children who move into the state during the
summer are children with disabilities and for
ensuring that an IEP is in effect at the
beginning of the school year - Transferring the childs records
- Request records within 2 days of enrollment
- Send records within 5 days of receiving a request
for records
84Parentally-Placed Children in Private Schools
- Responsibility for child find, identification and
provision of services has changed from district
of residence to district in which private school
is located - Statute and regulations identify requirements for
consultation with representatives of private
85Schools can set stricter guidelines
- If you have Compliance questions, please call
Bruce Renner - BruceRenner_at_missouristate.edu
- 417-829-5095
86Special Education Monitoring
- Limited number of schools will have on-site
visits - State Performance Plan Targets and Monitoring
- Priorities and Indicators
- See the 20 Indicators http//dese.mo.gov/divspeced
87Any questions?
- Do you still have questions that have been
unanswered? - Do you have other questions?
88A thought in closing. . .
- I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but
it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks, as
if they were great and noble. - --Helen Keller
89Evaluation of Workshop
- For additional questions or help call Winona
Anderson or Sandy Majchrzak - South Central RPDC
- 1-800-667-0665
- sandym_at_mst.edu
- awinona_at_mst.edu
- Contact Bruce Renner with Compliance questions
- BruceRenner_at_missouristate.edu
- 417-829-5095