Title: Digital Products From Hytera
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2Radios have been featured a lot in the past but
off late people have started moving towards more
advanced technologies such as the mobile phones
and the internet. Even then these radios are
being used in the defense and safety departments
of various countries. The technological
advancements have also been made in the radio
technologies and people have started to move from
the DMR radio to the TETRA radio which is the
latest in the technology as of now. These radios
are further advancements of the trunked radio
technology that has been used for the emergency
services and at airports and metro train stations
throughout the world.
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4Trunked radio offers you with a solution of
minimizing the number of lines that would be
required if many people would have wanted to
connect at the same time. TETRA radio further
advances the same technology and offers the
following upgrades
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6Lowers the cost of infrastructure which would
have been more in case these radios were not
used. It uses small frequency transmitters and
hence the depth of penetration of the signals is
greater and hence a larger area is covered in the
same amount of signals for which other radios
would have required great signal
strength. Works well in low signal areas
wherein other radios would require installation
of repeaters. Hence acts as a cost
saver. Transfers and receives data at a
comparatively very fast speed as compared to
other normal radios. Can receive and transmit
encrypted signals at both the user ends.
7Contact Us
Hytera house, 939 Yeovil Road, Slough, Berkshire.
SL1 4NH, UK. www.hytera.co.uk