2The Case For Action (Central Civil Government)
- Failure of some high profile public sector
programmes/projects to deliver agreed benefits
and/or cost overruns - Benchmarking indicates availability of more
effective delivery process - Best practice suggests independent peer reviews
at critical points in lifecycle of a programme or
3OGC Gateway Reviews Are
- Requested by the SRO of a programme or project
- There to help achieve success
- Independent
- Confidential Report belongs to the SRO
4The Gateway Brand - 1
- SRO / Project Team initiated
- Short focused review - 3 to 5 days
- Partnership with client - the SRO
- Independent review team
- Free at the point of delivery
- Whole lifecycle evaluation
- Based on best practice
5The Gateway Brand - 2
- Open process, no surprises
- Access to stakeholders documentation
- Peer to peer coaching style
- Confidentiality assured
- Candid, evidence based recommendations
- SRO is the client
6OGC Gateway Process
7OGC Gateway Review 0 - Programmes
- Strategic reviews of acquisition or policy
programmes - Repeatable, e.g. when
- there are changes to desired outcomes
- the way outcomes are delivered need to change
- there are concerns over effectiveness of the
programme - Focus of review adjusted depending on type of
programme and position in lifecycle
8OGC Gateway Reviews - Projects
- OGC Gateway Review 1 Business justification
- Need and support for the project
- OGC Gateway Review 2 Delivery strategy
- Develop delivery strategy
- OGC Gateway Review 3 Investment decision
- Competitive procurement
- OGC Gateway Review 4 Readiness for service
- Award implement contract
- OGC Gateway Review 5 Operations review and
benefits realisation - Manage contract
9Opportunity to Influence Project Outcomes
Manage Contract
Award and implement contract
Whole Life Expenditure
Competitive Procurement
Develop delivery Strategy
Develop Business Case
Readiness for Service
Operations review and benefits realisation
Business Justification
Delivery Strategy
Investment Decision
10 Overview of the OGC GatewayTM Process
11Criticality of Recommendations
Red To achieve success the project should
take action immediately. Amber The project
should go forward with actions on
recommendations to be carried out before the next
OGC Gateway Review. Green The project
is on target to succeed but may benefit from
the uptake of the recommendations.
12Follow up
- SRO de-briefed and draft report left with the SRO
on the last day of the review - Final report provided to SRO within 7 days
- Review Feedback forms to be completed and sent to
OGC or other originating location (eg Health) - Feedback is important to OGC Gateway and is
requested from all of the following - SRO
- RTMs
- Lessons learned evaluation by OGC Gateway or
other originating location (eg Health) quarterly
13OGC Gateway Review Key Lessons
Essentials for Programme/Project Success include
- Robust Business Case (with pre-agreed Critical
Success Factors) - Adequate skills and resources
- Ongoing risk management process
- Clearly defined roles responsibilities
- Effective stakeholder communication
- Sound financial controls
- Market knowledge and procurement advice
- Contract Management and delivery skills
- Scheduling and Planning
- Benefits realisation process
14Gateway Status (January 2007)
- 2000 Gateway reviews completed across central
government and the wider public sector covering
over 800 projects/programmes - 100 separate Departments, Agencies and NDPBs
have had Mission Critical, High or Medium risk
Gateway reviews - Over 84 of projects either retain or improve
their RAG status as they go through the Gateway
process - 250 accredited SCS reviewers.
15VFM Savings
- The OGC Gateway process is targeted to generate
500 million vfm gains per annum, which is half
the overall OGC target. - This target has been greatly exceeded in each of
the last three years, with OGC Gateway so far
delivering a total of over 2.5bn VFM savings in
central government. - The measurement methodology, which has been
approved by the NAO, is to sample 10 of the
reviews undertaken in the year, calculate a
percentage vfm gain compared to the project whole
life cost, and apply this to the value of
projects reviewed in the period.
16Freedom of Information Act 2000
- The Act came into force in January 2005.
- Requests have been made for OGC Gateway Review
reports. - OGC has worked closely with DCA on the
development of the policy for handling such
requests. Each case is considered on its own
merits, but Gateway reports have engaged several
exemptions, for example - S43 - Commercial interests
- S33 Audit functions
- S35 Formulation of government policy
- S36 - Prejudice to effective conduct of public
affairs. This refers to information which if
disclosed would inhibit full and frank
discussion. For this exemption to be used it
requires formal approval from the relevant
minister each time.
17Freedom of Information Act 2000
- In August 06 the Information Commissioner (ICO)
issued two decisions relating to Gateway
information. He ruled that - Two Gate 0 reports on the Identity Cards
Programme should be disclosed to the requestor
and that - Another requestor should be provided with the
Red/Amber/Green (RAG) status of the same two Gate
0 reports. - The Financial Secretary to the Treasury agreed
that OGC should appeal these decisions and the
two cases were heard together by the Information
Tribunal in March 07.
18Freedom of Information Act 2000
( For Review Teams )
If you receive a verbal request for Gateway
information you should say that Gateway
information is not actively published/disclosed
but that it is still for the SROs to decide how,
when and with whom they share the information. If
you receive a written request for disclosure of
Gateway information it is likely to be treated as
a request under the Freedom of Information Act
and will need to be considered under the terms of
the Act. If you do receive a written request
you should refer to the Senior Responsible Owner
or to your OGC Gateway contact, who will have
been advised on current handling policy by the
Department for Constitutional Affairs (DCA).
19Freedom of Information Act 2000
( For Review Teams )
- But please be aware that, as per our guidance,
you must securely dispose of the report and all
supporting documents immediately after the
delivery of the Final Report - which should be no
later than 7 days after the review.
20Freedom of Information Act 2000
( For Project Teams )
If you receive a verbal request for Gateway
information you should say that Gateway
information is not actively published/disclosed
but that it is still for the SROs to decide how,
when and with whom they share the information.
Written requests for disclosure of Gateway
information are treated as requests under the
Freedom of Information Act and are considered on
a case by case basis under the terms of the Act.
If you do receive a written request you should
refer to the FOI practitioner within your
department, who will have been advised on current
handling policy by the Department for
Constitutional Affairs (DCA).