Corrosion Measurement Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Corrosion Measurement Techniques


Corrosion Measurement Techniques A copy of this presentation is available in the CAL group in the computers in the Teaching Lab, or via the WWW at http://www.cp.umist ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: BobCo66


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Corrosion Measurement Techniques

Corrosion Measurement Techniques
  • A copy of this presentation is available in the
    CAL group in the computers in the Teaching Lab,
    or via the WWW at http//

Corrosion Measurement Techniques
  • Polarization curves
  • Linear Polarization Resistance
  • Open Circuit Potential Decay
  • AC Impedance Measurement
  • Electrochemical Noise Measurement
  • Weight Loss Measurement

Polarization Curves
  • Measurement methods
  • Cell design
  • Plotting data
  • Interpretation

Measurement Methods
  • Objective
  • determine current density under steady-state
    conditions as a function of potential
  • not really practical, as this would strictly
    require one sample for each potential
  • therefore compromise on closeness to true

Measurement Methods
Connect electrodes to corresponding terminals on
  • Potential control

Reference Electrode - reference connection for
potential measurement
Luggin Probe - allows potential to be detected
close to metal surface
Counter Electrode (or Auxilliary Electrode or
Secondary Electrode) - provides current path into
Working Electrode - metal being studied
Potentiostat controls potential
Measurement Methods
  • Current control

Counter Electrode
Reference Electrode - only used to monitor
potential, not connected to potentiostat
Current controlled by control of voltage across
resistor (IV/R)
Working Electrode
Luggin Probe still needed to limit IR error
Measurement Methods
  • Swept potential or current
  • Use sweep generator to produce slowly changing
  • Sweep generator output controls potentiostat
  • Record response on chart recorder (or use
    computer monitoring)
  • Swept current not often used, as it moves through
    corrosion potential very quickly

Measurement Methods
  • Potential or current step
  • Step potential or current from one value to the
    next, allowing time to stabilise at each new
  • Record current or potential
  • May be manually controlled, or use computer to
    step potential/current and take readings

Measurement Methods
  • Sweep direction
  • Aim to perform experiment in such an order that
    the initial polarization affects subsequent
    results as little as possible
  • Options
  • new specimen for each potential
  • one specimen for cathodic polarization, and one
    for anodic, both start at corrosion potential
  • one specimen, sweep from cathodic to anodic

Measurement Methods
  • Sweep rate (or step rate)
  • Ideal, all measurements made at steady-state
  • Time-dependent effects include
  • Charging of double layer capacitance (I C
  • Mass transport effects (t ? L2/D)
  • Adsorbed species and surface films (Faradays
  • Typical sweep rates are of the order of 1 mV/s or

  • Consider the corrosion of iron in aerated neutral
    solution, with the following parameters
  • Cdl 35 ?F / cm2 DO2 1.2 x 10-5 cm2 /s
  • Boundary layer thickness, ? 100 ?m
  • Number of iron atoms on surface ? 2?1019/cm2
  • Charge on the electron 1.6 x 10-19C
  • Calculate
  • Capacitive current at 1 mV/s
  • Characteristic diffusion time
  • Limiting current density for O2 reduction (8 ppm
  • Time to oxidise Fe surface to FeOH (Fe) at ilim

Cell Design
  • Working electrode
  • Reference electrode
  • Counter electrode
  • Solution
  • Mass transport

Working Electrode
  • Requirements
  • reproducible
  • representative
  • free of crevices
  • free of edge effects
  • free of galvanic effects
  • free of water-line effects

Working Electrode
  • Epoxy embedded electrode

Apply thin layer of epoxy to minimise stress and
risk of crevice formation
Weld or solder connecting wire to specimen
Apply thick layer of epoxy to seal connecting
tube and for strength
Pretreat specimen for good adhesion
Carefully grind surface to expose metal
Clean surface - dont use acetone
Working Electrode
  • Stern-Makrides electrodes

Lip sealbetween PTFE case and electrode
Working Electrode
  • Avesta cell

Reference Electrode
  • Commonly use Saturated Calomel Electrode (SCE)
  • Properties may degrade with time (and misuse)
  • check one against another (should not be more
    than 1 to 2 mV difference)
  • do not pass current through the reference
    electrode (e.g. do not connect to working or
    counter electrode)
  • do not allow to dry out

Reference Electrode
  • Solution in SCE (or Ag/AgCl electrode) is
    saturated KCl
  • beware of chloride contamination of test solution
    by Cl- leaking from reference electrode
  • make sure solution remains saturated

Luggin Probe
  • A Luggin probe should be used whenever there is a
    significant current applied to the electrode

Luggin probe allows point at which potential is
measured to be close to electrode surface (around
3 times tip diameter is best)
Counter electrode
  • Counter electrode should allow current to pass
    with tolerable polarization
  • Often claimed that counter electrode should have
    much larger area than working electrode, but this
    is not often necessary for corrosion studies
  • Usually use platinum or graphite, although
    stainless steel can be used in some situations
    (e.g. where only anodic polarization of specimen
    is used)

  • Requirements
  • as high a conductivity as possible (add
    supporting electrolyte, such as sodium
  • remain the same (pH, composition) throughout the
    experiment - ensure that volume is adequate
  • oxygen concentration often critical - aerate by
    bubbling air or O2 or deaerate with N2 or Ar
  • most reactions temperature sensitive, so control,
    or at least record, temperature

Mass transport
  • Methods of controlling mass transport
  • rotating disk or cylinder
  • flow channel
  • jet impingement
  • gas bubbling

Plotting of Polarization Curves
  • Comparison of log-i and linear-i plots
  • Identification of anodic and cathodic regions on
    log-i plots
  • Orientation of plots

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E log I - old plotting method
log i
Interpretation of Polarization Curves
  • Addition of reactions on log-I graphs
  • Tafel regions
  • Mass transport control
  • Active-passive transition
  • Transpassive corrosion
  • Pitting Corrosion

Tafel regions
  • A Tafel region is a straight line in the
    E-logi plot
  • For a reliable Tafel slope
  • the line should be straight for at least one
    decade (in this context a decade implies a change
    of current density by a factor of ten, i.e a
    difference of 1 in log i )
  • the region should be next to Ecorr

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Tafel Extrapolation
  • Extrapolate anodic or cathodic Tafel region, or
    both, back to Ecorr, when the current density is
  • In aerated neutral solutions, where mass
    transport limited oxygen reduction is the main
    cathodic reaction, the cathodic reaction does not
    have a valid Tafel slope, but the anodic slope
    can sometimes be used

  • How can we estimate the rate of hydrogen
    evolution during free corrosion?
  • Estimate the value for the graph shown.

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Mass transport control
  • When the supply of a reactant becomes mass
    transport controlled, we observe a limiting
    current density
  • The most common case occurs for oxygen as a
    cathodic reactant in neutral solutions
  • NOTE - the diffusion of a reaction product away
    from the electrode will not affect the rate of
    the forward reaction

Solution Resistance Effects
  • At high currents the potential drop associated
    with the solution resistance can be significant
  • It is generally referred to as an IR error
  • Gives a straight line on E-i plots

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Active-passive transition
  • As a passive film develops, it covers the surface
    and shuts off the dissolution reaction, leading
    to an active-passive transition

Active-passive transition
  • For stainless steel we sometimes see two
    active-passive transitions, on for Chromium, and
    one for Iron

Transpassive corrosion
  • A passive metal (notably Cr and Fe) may start to
    dissolve at a very positive potential when a
    higher oxidation state (e.g. Cr6 as chromate) is
  • This is known as transpassive corrosion, and will
    give something like a second activation-controlled
  • For alloys the behaviour will be complicated by
    the differing behaviours of the alloy components

Anodic Polarization Curve for Stainless Steel
Activation-controlled dissolution
Active-passive transition
Active peak for iron
Transpassive corrosion of Cr
Oxygen reduction
Overall anodic curve
log i
Pitting Corrosion
  • Pitting shows up as an increasing anodic current
    before (at a less positive potential than)
    transpassive corrosion or oxygen evolution,
    usually preceded by noise
  • E-logi plot does not follow same path if scan
    direction is reversed, but current is greater
    (since pit continues to grow)

Pitting Corrosion
Noise spikes due to meta-stable pitting
Current continues to increase after reversal of
Pit eventually re-passivates
log i
What is going on?
Stainless Steel in Aerated Sulphuric Acid
log i
Linear Polarization Resistance Measurement
  • Theoretical basis
  • Measurement methods
  • Interpretation

LPRM Theory
  • For an activation controlled reaction

Exchange current density
Equilibrium potential
Tafel slope based on exponential (i.e. mV for a
change of 1 in ln(i))
LPRM Theory
  • Summing for two reactions
  • Rearrange and convert to b rather than ?

Anodic partial current density (icorr)
Because ?c is taken as negative
Anodic Tafel slope (positive)
Cathodic Tafel slope (negative)
Cathodic partial current density ( -icorr)
Tafel slope based on a decade change in current
(i.e. a change of 1 in log i )
Stern-Geary coefficient
LPRM Measurement Methods
  • Control variable
  • Waveform
  • Cell configuration
  • Sweep rate

LPRM Control Variable
  • Potential control
  • potential range can be optimised
  • problems with drift of Ecorr
  • Current control
  • potential range depends on Rp
  • measurement inherently centred about i 0

LPRM Measurement Waveform
  • Triangle wave
  • can measure di/dt at i 0
  • requires relatively complex instruments
  • Square wave (switch between i and -i)
  • simple instruments
  • simple to automate
  • Sine wave
  • simplest theory for frequency effects
  • complex to perform measurement

LPRM Cell Configuration
  • Two electrode
  • assume Rp is the same for two similar electrodes
    and measure cell resistance ( 2Rp Rsol)
  • easy, no reference electrode required
  • Three electrode
  • use conventional counter, reference and working
  • provides lower solution resistance, therefore
    better for low conductivity solutions
  • more complex instrumentation

LPRM Recommendations
  • Use three electrode measurement with triangle
    waveform for laboratory studies
  • Use two electrode measurement with square
    waveform for simple corrosion monitoring (use
    three electrodes for high resistance solutions)
  • Use potential control when icorr variation is
  • Use current control when Ecorr varies a lot
  • When both icorr and Ecorr vary use current
    control, but adapt current to keep potential
    range reasonable

LPRM Interpretation
  • Determination of B value
  • calculate from Tafel slopes
  • correlation with weight loss
  • arbitrary value
  • 26 mV for activation control
  • 52 mV for one reaction at limiting current

LPRM Sweep Rate
  • Must be sufficiently slow for current charging
    double layer capacitance to be much less than
    total current
  • Characteristic time given by RctCdl - cycle time
    should be at least 3 times this
  • Need not be slow enough to allow diffusion
    processes to respond (as the basic theory is not
    valid for diffusion processes)

LPRM Problems
  • Theoretically, either
  • both reactions must be activation controlled, or
  • one reaction must be activation controlled and
    the other mass-transport limited
  • In practice it is rare for real systems to meet
    these constraints, and application of LPRM is not
    theoretically justified
  • Solution resistance adds to measured Rp, and
    produces lower apparent corrosion rate

Equivalent Circuits
  • An electrical circuit with the same properties as
    a metal-solution interface
  • The simplest circuit is a resistor, Rct,
    corresponding to the polarization resistance, in
    parallel with a capacitor, Cdl, corresponding to
    the double layer capacitance

Equivalent Circuits
  • An electrical circuit with the same properties as
    a metal-solution interface
  • The Randles equivalent circuit adds a series
    resistor, corresponding to the solution resistance

Analysis of Solution Resistance
  • If we analyse the full response to the LPRM
    measurement, we can estimate Rsol, Cdl and Rct

The voltage across Rsol is given by
Voexp(-t/RsolCdl) When t RsolCdl, VVoexp(-1)
Estimate Cdl from the exponential decay. The time
for V to fall to e-1 (37) of the initial value
is RsolCdl
Open Circuit Potential Decay
  • Similar to analysis of LPRM measurement
  • charge double layer capacitance by applying a
    current or potential
  • disconnect charging current
  • monitor decay of potential

Open Circuit Potential Decay
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