2We need to be reminded more often than
- Catholics are Christians who affirm Jesus
- we are saved
- Tradition is important to us
- Catholics use minds and hearts
- ratio et fides
- We believe in sacramentality
- ordinary reveals extraordinary
- Catholics emphasize community
- we are the Body of Christ
3Core characteristics of Christianity
- positive anthropology
- conviction of the sacramentality of life
- emphasis on relationship
- commitment to history, tradition
- appreciation of wisdom
- emphasis on
- spirituality
- social justice
- hospitality
4In other words...
Why did God make us? know love serve message
community service
5Problems of our Culture
- Privatization of religion
- separation of private from public life
- Tendency to psychologize
- how do you feel?
- Reductive inclusivity
- Seinfeld not that theres anything wrong
- Relativism
- its OK if its me
6Religious Dimension of the Catholic School
From the first moment that a student sets foot
in a Catholic school, he or she ought to have
the impression of entering a new environment, one
illumined by the light of faith, and having its
own unique characteristics.
7the impression of a new environment
- Creating the Catholic culture
- What is money spent on?
- What is talked about on the PA?
- Who/what is honored?
- What is time spent on?
- How are problems solved?
- What are the rituals and rites of passage?
- How are important matters communicated?
- How are things done around here?
8What Makes the School Catholic?
9Elements of Catholic Identity
Catholic Leadership Religious Education Worship Fa
ith Development Witness/Service Faith
Community Total Person/Student Philosophy Traditio
n Parental Involvement
10Catholic Leadership
- the leader of the Catholic school is a Catholic
who is knowledgeable in the Faith and steeped in
the Tradition.
11Leadership a rubric
- School administration and staff give witness to
the lived Gospel. - The principal develops and promotes integration
of faith and values. - Financial accountability and sharing of resources
reflect Catholic social teaching. - The administrator emphasizes the Catholic nature
of the school in the public forum.
12Religious Education
- religious instruction is based on the doctrine
and tradition of the Catholic Church...
13Religious Education a rubric
- There is an articulated religion program.
- Priority is given to the teaching of religion.
- Values are added to the curriculum.
- The religion program articulates the teachings of
the Catholic Church. - The religion curriculum is supervised and
evaluated. - Teachers of religion are professionally competent.
- liturgical celebrations are integrated into the
experiences of students...
15Worship a rubric
- Meaningful liturgies are provided.
- Students participate in preparation of liturgical
celebrations. - Liturgies and paraliturgical celebrations mark
important observances in the school. - Students are instructed in meaning and
participation in worship services.
16Faith Development
- the achievement of faith community within the
school is clearly articulated...
17Faith Development a rubric
- Signs, symbols, rituals and traditions of the
Catholic Church are evident within the
environment. - The school fosters and promotes the faith
experience of students and staff. - The school teaches prayers and praying as part of
the development of students and staff.
18Witness and Service
- the counter-cultural aspects of the Catholic
Faith, e.g. reflection, social justice, peace,
non-consumerism, etc. are integral to the
schools curriculum...
19Witness/Service a rubric
- The students are given instruction on the
Churchs social teaching. - Ample opportunities are provided for service to
others. - The students and the teachers reflect the lived
message of the Gospel
20Faith Community
- the achievement of a faith community within the
school is a clearly articulated and constantly
pursued goal.
21Faith Community
- The school seeks to aid the parents through
programs of family evangelization. - The students and staff see themselves as integral
parts of the parish, the diocese, the universal
Church. - Opportunities for communal prayer are made
22Total Person
- Church teachings and Gospel values form the
basis of person to person interactions and of
organizational practices within the school...
23Total Person a rubric
- The school provides for all aspects of human
development intellectual, social, spiritual. - The school is known as a welcoming place.
- The school values the gifts and talents of all
its students and staff. - The building and its furnishings reflect a
Catholic presence.
- the characteristics of Catholic education
enunciated by the National Conference of Catholic
Bishops, i.e.word, worship, community, service,
are visible in the mission and practice of the
25Philosophy/Mission a rubric
- The mission and philosophy reflect the
integration of the Catholic faith and Gospel
values with learning and life. - The mission and philosophy are consistent with
the educational ministry of the Church. - The school expresses its belief through worship,
teaching of Catholic doctrine and programs for
spiritual formation.
- the presence of sacred imagery, saints, pious
practices, etc. are integrated into the
experiences provided to the students...
27Tradition a rubric
- Besides Scripture, the Churchs tradition is
transmitted to students. - The grace and richness of sacramental experience
and history is reflected in the curriculum and
the climate. - Students and staff study the heroes of the
faith and strive to emulate their witness. - School traditions reflect the Catholic heritage.
28Parental Involvement
- the parents are the primary educators of their
children and must be involved in their education,
including their education in the faith...
29Parental Involvement a rubric
- The rights of parents, as primary educators, are
respected. - There is accountability to parents and families.
- There are ample opportunities for parental
involvement in the life of the school.
30For Us to Ask Ourselves
- How can we use the rubric to determine the extent
of presence/absence of the elements of Catholic
identity? - What place does Catholic identity have in the
schools strategic plan? In its budget? - What can the school guarantee parents? Students?
- What role does Catholic identity play in the
development of teachers/ staff?
31(No Transcript)
32According to the Bishops 1972 letter To Teach
as Jesus Did, the Catholic school is
characterized by
- Teaching of the message of Jesus
- Creation of a faith community
- The expectation of Christian service
- We teach the Scriptures and Tradition
- We study the life and teachings of Jesus
- We study the teachings and doctrine of the Church
- We infuse the religious dimension into all parts
of the curriculum - We train our teachers in the knowledge of the
Catholic religion and methods for teaching
- There is an annual faculty retreat
- There is a clear articulation of the religious
mission of the school - There is a concise plan for updating of religion
curricula - There is a requirement that teachers be updated
regularly on Church teaching
- We welcome all into the school community
- We regularly share our faith and take
opportunities for communal prayer and worship. - We treat all persons with dignity and respect.
- We relate the school community to the larger
parish and Church community
- Students participate in meaningful liturgies and
prayer opportunities - Teachers are inserviced on various forms of
prayer - Parents are involved in sacramental preparation
- Parents are involved in the religious formation
of their children
- Service learning opportunities are an integral
part of the curriculum - Students are instructed on the integration of
Gospel teaching into service - Service projects are regularly assessed with
regard to the appropriateness and value - Students are instructed in the social justice
teachings of the Church
- Issues such as racism, ageism, sexism are
addressed by the school and by teachers - Students are challenged to live in a socially
responsible way by taking example from
administrators and teachers - There is a conscious effort to recruit a diverse
student population - There is a sense of global responsibility
39Creating the Catholic Classroom
- the physical set-up
- creating opportunities to grow and learn
- creating the local community
- offers to serve
- the person in the front of the room
40The Physical Set-Up
- bulletin boards
- prayer corner
- arrangement of desks, tables
- decorations
- themes
- sacramentals
41Opportunities to Grow Learn
- WWJD??
- Seamless infusion of Catholic values
- Time to reflect, pray
- Catholic teachings
42Creating the Local Community
- the Domestic Church
- all are welcome
- Importance of forgiveness
- Investigation of Learning Styles
- Affective climate
- Respect for individual differences
- Respect for families
43Offers to Serve
- Classroom helpers
- Global awareness, concern
- Service Projects
- Influence on public, political scene
44The most important element...the people who work
- held to higher standards
- living logos
- ... once in awhile, use words
- know when to hold em
45To SummarizeOur Commitment
- to affirm students basic goodness, promote their
dignity, develop their gifts - to educate people to live responsibly as
responsible partners - to convince them that their lives are worthwhile
and have historical significance.
46In practical terms
- seamless integration of values
- sacramentality in academic excellence
- emphasis on the community of faith
- development of right relationship
- partnership with local and universal Church
- concern for the whole world.
47Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is
the reason for this school He is the unseen, but
ever-present teacher in its classes, the model of
its faculty, the inspiration of its students.