Title: Chapter 7 - The Americas Section 2: Mesoamerica
1Chapter 7 - The Americas Section 2 Mesoamerica
Aztec and Mayan Empires
2Section 2 Mesoamerica
Main Idea Civilizations in Mesoamerica were some
of the earliest and most advanced in the Americas.
- Reading Focus
- What were the first civilizations in Mesoamerica
like? - What were some characteristics of Maya
civilization? - What made the Aztec empire one of the strongest
in the ancient Americas?
3I. The First Civilizations
Mesoamerica - southern Mexico and northern
Central America - first farming settlements in
the Americas
4A. The Olmec
- 1200 BC - AD 300 first large towns in
- Mesoamerica pyramids, courtyard, giant stone
- heads, and monuments
The Olmec carved giant heads from basalt that
came from 50 miles away
5A. The Olmec
- Elite led ceremonies, controlled trade from Gulf
of Mexico to Pacific coast cultural diffusion
Artists conception of the ancient Olmec city of
La Venta
6B. The Zapotec
- 1500 BC to AD 750 southern Mexico began as
farmers, built capital city of Monte Albán around
500 BC
7B. The Zapotec
- Monte Albán first city in Mesoamerica Olmec
influence - main plaza with pyramids, temples,
palaces, ball court
8C. The Toltec
- AD 900 to 1200 highlands of central Mexico
- militaristic society - warriors established
dominance over region
9C. The Toltec
- Built pyramid-shaped temples and spread the
- worship of their god, Quetzalcoatl
Tula, capital city of the Toltec
10II. The Maya
- 1000 BC - One of the most advanced people in
- the Americas occupied the Yucatán peninsula
11A. Early Maya Civilization
- First lived in small villages used
slash-and-burn agriculture and terraced hillsides
to grow crops
12A. Early Maya Civilization
- Most cities built during Mayan Classic Age - AD
250 to 900 became city-States with own ruler and
The Great Plaza (center) and North Acropolis
(top) at Tikal
13A. Early Maya Civilization
- Worshipped many gods performed rituals blood
offerings and occasional human sacrifice
The shaman is about to perform a cha-chac
ceremony a petition to the god, Chac, to send
14B. Achievements
- Many advancements in
- architecture
- math - concept of zero
- astronomy - 365-day farming, 260-day
- religious calendars
Maya Calendar, called the Sunstone
15B. Achievements
- Complex writing system glyphs represent
objects, sounds carved writing in stone and in
bark-paper book called a codex -
16III. The Aztecs
- Early Aztecs were farmers from northwestern
Mexico, created most powerful empire in
Mesoamerica -
17A. Rise of the Empire
- According to legend, would settle where they saw
an eagle on a cactus eating a snake AD 1100s -
migrated south to Valley of Mexico -
18A. Rise of the Empire
- Aztecs saw eagle and snake on swampy island in
Lake Texcoco founded city of Tenochtitlán -
19A. Rise of the Empire
- Formed alliance with nearby cities gained
control over huge region beyond Lake Texcoco -
20A. Rise of the Empire
- Aztecs were fierce warriors conquered 400 to 500
city states required people to pay tribute -
21A. Rise of the Empire
- Tribute was basis of economy gained wealth and
strength from tribute and trade -
22A. Rise of the Empire
- Tenochtitlan was capital city with temples,
- marketplaces, palaces and 200,000 people
23B. Society and Religion
- Society organized with king at the top, followed
- by priests, warriors, merchants, farmers, and
- slaves
Aztec Tribute List
24B. Society and Religion
- Believed gods needed blood sacrificed up to
- 20,000 victims - prisoners and slaves yearly to
- feed their sun god
25B. Society and Religion
- Late 1400s - Empire declined due to unrest
- among conquered peoples defeated by
- Spanish in 1521
Hernan Cortes and Malinche meet Aztec emperor
Moctezuma II