Title: United Nations Development Programme Disaster Management and Emergency Preparedness
1United Nations Development ProgrammeDisaster
Management and Emergency Preparedness
- Dec 11, 2003, Tirana, Albania
22003 Main results in building national DM
Operations Room/ fully operational/making a
visible and tangible difference
Radio Network 70 covered. Risk Assessment compl
eted/ published. GIS is established.
Planning process kicked off. Outline agreed.
Training Curriculum eight drafts/ four
finalized and published. Web-Site. Increasingly
competent national trainers. Project is a point o
f reference for DM in the region (Kosovo, DMTP,
Stab. Pact, BCPR ..)
3United Nations Development ProgrammeDisaster
Management and Emergency Preparedness
- Challenges national level
- Soft side of technology transfer (training, need
for IT-expertise, sustainability of the
- Keeping data-base up-to-date
- Stability of Civil Service
- Ensuring necessary support to the national
planning process (political/ workforce)
- Reality tests of plans and procedures
- Institutionalization of the training curriculum
- Completion of the radio-network
- Keeping partnership agreement(s) with Albanian RC
up-to-date and active, less direct
4United Nations Development ProgrammeDisaster
Management and Emergency Preparedness
- Proposed action in 2004
- Continued training on GIS, maintenance of
- Concerted action to promote GIS as a Ministry/
national standard/ user-protocols
- Advocacy for govt. maintenance and training
- Supporting the continuity of qualified staff
- CO senior management support to the national
planning process when necessary
- Creation of a core-working body for the national
- Simulation of plans and procedures
- Ministers Order on Curriculum/ clear rules for
- Identify donor for completion of radio-network
52003 Main results in building regional DM
ToT for regional trainers. Follow-up training
held and facilitated by these trainers.
Guidelines on regional planning established.
Partnerships Albanian Red Cross and CEOs
promoted/ concluded at regional level (six).
Six reg contingency plans (plus six), increased
cooperation with other services. Inventories.
Public education and awareness materials. Addl
Funding from PAMECA/ ARC. Albanian RC started loc
al vulnerability study. Methodology developed,
research well underway. IT/ radio support for 3 (
plus 3) prefectures.
6United Nations Development ProgrammeDisaster
Management and Emergency Preparedness
- Challenges ahead at regional level
- Reality tests of plans and procedures
- Further increasing the capacity of trainers/
- Keeping partnership agreement(s) with Albanian RC
relevant/ active and expanding
- Moving away from an emphasis on production of
materials to communication in the public
education component.
- Draw practical conclusions from the VCA for local
preparedness and planning
7United Nations Development ProgrammeDisaster
Management and Emergency Preparedness
- Proposed action in 2004
- Simulation(s) of regl plan
- Continue to involve regional trainers as
facilitators of regl workshops (4)
- Focus on public awareness campaigns with Albanian
- Identify possibilities for including other
- Contacts with Ministry of Education
- Discuss VCA results in one of the regional
workshop and draft recommendations for local
preparedness/ plans
82003 Results/ challenges in building
international DM capacity (IACP)
UNDMT fully established. Met every 3 months in
2002. Sustained contingency planning. 15-20 meeti
ngs facilitated by this project.
Plan ready. Sent to UNOCHA in Geneva for
comments. Challenges to plan when agencies redu
ce/ are unsure about their operational presence.
Harmonization with national plan.
Follow-up to the plan and appointment of new
disaster focal point.
9Required Action 2004 (IACP)
Harmonization with national plan. National Plan
will have special section on mobilization,
receipt, use, reporting of intl assistance.
Liaison with disaster focal point of the UNDMT.
UNDAC training arranged for Albanian
counterpart(s) in the MoLG, to improve
understanding of intl response mechanisms.