Title: Performance Management
1Performance Management
University of Phoenix HCS/451 Team B Qualisia
Clayton and Jocelyn Garcia May 29, 2013
- Presentation will include the following
- Summary of how the scenario might apply to the
chosen organization - Information needed and the most appropriate tools
for responding to the scenario - Why the process, information, and tools were
chosen and how they should contribute to a
response - The decision the team made regarding the scenario
and how the decision was reached - How any changes resulting from the decisions
could be disseminated and implemented in the
organization - An explanation of the concept of continuous
quality management in the health care industry - Challenges the team faced in this project
Parkland serves as a level one trauma center
along with other hospitals in the area such as
Baylor and Methodist hospital. Parkland is funded
by Dallas County tax payers, hospital reserve
funds and private donations. (National
Center for Biotechnology Information , 2011)
4Summary of how the scenario might apply to your
chosen organization
- Currently Parkland Hospital has an average wait
time in the ER around 10 hours depending on
current health status. This issue has caused
deaths and many loss suits within the
5(No Transcript)
6Information needed and the most appropriate tools
for responding to the scenario
- Patient surveys
- How long is the process?
- Total number of staff at work during peek hours
- Staff options
7Common tools used to enhance decision making
- Discover the problem within the organization
- What are some possible solutions to the problem
- choose the best solution to the problem
- Is the decision made is working for the problem
- (National Center for Biotechnology
Information, 2011)
8How to acquire relevant information required for
decision making
- Deep Research
- Educational
- Government
- Scholar
9Why the process, information, and tools were
chosen and how they should contribute to a
- philosophical and structural elements
- associated with CQI, including
- 1. Epidemiological and clinical studies, coupled
with insurance payment - and medical records data, often referred to as
the basis of - evidence-based medicine
- 2. Involvement of the medical staff governance
process, including - quality assurance, tissue committees, pharmacy
and therapeutics - committees, and peer review
- 3. Use of risk-adjusted outcome measures
- 4. Use of cost-effectiveness analysis
- 5. Use of quality assurance data and techniques
and risk management - data
10Current and future trends in risk and quality
11The decision your team made regarding the
scenario and how you reached your decision
- Identify the issue
- Solve the issue
- What strategy to come up with to resolve issue
- Managing the performance
12How any changes resulting from your decisions
could be disseminated and implemented in the
A drastic change in implementing the regulations
of the CAP shows a major improvement
13Challenges that may be encountered in making
risk-management and quality-management decisions
- Under staff
- Demand
- Resources
14An explanation of the concept of continuous
quality management in the health care industry
15 What strategies should be adapted to improve
ongoing performance
- Interaction between risk/quality management
- Enforcing regulation to improve patient quality
care - Educating staff
- Having a great management team
Egerton, Moffeit, Dunklin, 2013)
16Challenges your team faced in this project
- Communication
- Gathering information
17Common problems encountered by your chosen
organization type
- Current Emergency room wait time
- ER check in process in long
- Old facility
- Patient satisfaction
- Quality and risk management are apart of all
organizations to solve or improve current or
future problem within the organization. Many
issues within the organization causes the
performance to decrease as well as patient
satisfaction. Communication between the risk,
quality, and management units will increase
patient safety and reduced liability effectively - (Dunne,E., 2007)
- Carroll, R. L. (2009). Risk management handbook
for health care organizations (Student ed.). San
Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass. - Sollecito, W. A., Johnson, J. K. (2013).
McLaughlin and Kaluzny's Continuous Quality
Improvement in Health Care (4th ed.). Sudbury,
MA Jones and Bartlett. - Decision Making . (2011). Retrieved on May 25,
2013 from http//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21140
861 - Sollecito, W. A., Johnson, J. K. (2013).
McLaughlin and Kaluzny's Continuous Quality
Improvement in Health Care (4th ed.). Sudbury,
MA Jones and Bartlett. - IntegratedQualityMgmtMode. (2010, November).
Retrieved May 29, 2013, from yukonhospitals
tyMgmtModel_Nov2010.pdf - Egerton, B., Moffeit, M., Dunklin, R. (2013).
Chronic Condition. (A. Stewart, M. Beelman, D.
Swanson, Editors, D. Lathrop, Producer, Dallas
Morning News) Retrieved May 16, 2013, from Dallas
News http//res.dallasnews.com/graphics/2013_02/p