Title: New Perspectives in Central Auditory Processing Disorder
1New Perspectives in Central Auditory Processing
- Sharon Cameron
- Harvey Dillon
- National Acoustic Laboratories
2Overview of Presentation
- New perspectives on CAPD
- Description of the LiSN-S
- Research behind LiSN-S
- LiSN-S and the traditional APD test battery
- How to interpret LiSN-S results
- Management options
- Description of LiSN Learn Auditory Training
Software - LiSN Learn Phase I and Phase II Clinicial Trial
Results - LiSN Screening Test Sensitivity and Specificity
Study - LiSN-S Prescribed Gain Amplifier - HI Study
6-60 Years - Question time
3What is CAPD?
- For children with (C)APD..
- .. internal distortions degrade the auditory
signal so that top-down processing typically
predominates in most listening situations,
particularly those in which complex linguistic
and cognitive demands are coupled with background
noise - Putter-Katz et al (2002)
4Operations Required for Comprehension of Speech
in Noise
Wingfield, A and Tun, P (2007). J Am Acad Audiol
5Source Discrimination aka Auditory Stream
- The ability of the brain to tease apart all the
sounds that arrive simultaneously at the ears and
to form meaningful representations of the
incoming acoustic information - Auditory cues such as the location of the sound,
or the pitch of a speakers voice, help us to
segregating the total stream of sound into its
original sources
6LiSN-S Development
- LiSN-S was developed specifically to assess how
children use - Spatial location cues (ITD, IID)
- Pitch differences between voices
- to separate target auditory stimuli from
distracting auditory stimuli that arrive
simultaneously at the ears
7LiSN-S Research Spatial Processing Disorder
- Adaptive speech-in-noise-test
- Target sentences - 0º azimuth initially at 62dB
SPL - Competing speech - 0º or 90º azimuth at 55dB SPL
- 3-D auditory environment under headphones
- Offers alternative to free-field testing
- No special hardware required
- Four LiSN-S conditions
9LISN-S Conditions
10LiSN-S SRT Advantage Measures
11Client Screen
12Configure Language
13Client Session
14Diagnostic Screen
15Results Screen
16Explanation Screen
17Client Assessment Report
18NA LiSN-S Sentence Equivalence Study
19NA LiSN-S Sentence Equivalence Study
20Australian LiSN-S Normative Data
- 202 participants
- 106 children - 6 yrs, 2 mths to 17 yrs, 7 mths
- 60 young adults - 18 yrs, 1 mth to 29 yrs, 10
mths - 36 older adults 31 yrs, 8 mths to 60 yrs, 7
mths - English as a first language
- no history of hearing disorders
- no learning or attention disorders
- normal pure tone audiogram and middle ear
21Low Cue SRT
Low Cue SRT vs Age Group p lt 0.000001
22High Cue SRT
High Cue SRT vs. Age Group p lt 0.000001
23Talker Advantage
Talker Advantage vs. Age Group p lt 0.000001
24Spatial Advantage
Spatial Advantage vs Age Group p 00005
25Total Advantage
Total Advantage vs Age Group p 0.003
- LiSN-S SRT scores show that the ability to
understand speech in noisy environments develops
with age, is adult like by 14 years and starts to
decline by 50 years of age. - LiSN-S advantage measures show that ability to
use spatial and pitch cues does not decline once
adult-like performance is reached. - The ability to use spatial cues matures well
before the ability to use pitch cues and thus
plays a greater role in how well children, in
particular, are able to hear speech in noise.
27LiSN-S Cut-Off Scores
- Level below which performance on a LiSN-S measure
is considered outside normal limits. - Two and three-part regression equations fitted to
account for improvement with age. - Low and High Cue SRT
- max (intercept B-value age, max (c, d e
age) - (2 SDs of the residuals from the
age-corrected trend lines) - Talker, Spatial and Total Advantage
- min (intercept B-value age, c)
- (2 SDs of the residuals from the
age-corrected trend lines)
28Cut-off Scores - Low Cue SRT
29Cut-off Scores - High Cue SRT
30Cut-off Scores Talker Advantage
31Cut-off Scores Spatial Advantage
32Cut-off Scores Total Advantage
33LiSN-S Test-Retest Reliability
- 85 participants recruited from NA LiSN-S
normative data studies. - Retested on LiSN-S between 1 and 4 months after
initial testing (average 2 months, 2 weeks). - Mean test-retest difference ranged from 0.05 dB
to 0.5 dB. - RM ANOVA revealed no significant difference
between test and retest (p 0.307 to 0.974, age
categorical variable). - Correlation between test and retest significant
for all measures (p 0.006 to lt0.00001 r
ranged from 0.3 to 0.6)
34Spatial Advantage
35NA LiSN-S Critical Difference Scores
Condition Correction Factor (Mean Test-Retest Difference) SD of the Mean Test-Retest Difference 1.64 x SD Critical Difference (Including Correction)
Condition Correction Factor (Mean Test-Retest Difference) SD of the Mean Test-Retest Difference 1.64 x SD Critical Difference (Including Correction)
dB dB dB dB
Low-Cue SRT -0.49 1.51 2.47 -3.0
High-Cue SRT -0.44 2.40 3.93 -4.4
Talker Advantage 0.31 2.46 4.03 4.3
Spatial Advantage -0.05 2.21 3.63 3.6
Total Advantage 0.06 2.35 3.85 3.9
36Australian LiSN-S APD Study
- Nine children aged 6 to 11 years experiencing
listening difficulties in class relative to peers
who had no learning or attention disorder (SusAPD
group). - Eleven children with confirmed learning or
attention disorders (LD group). - Assessed on LISN-S and results compared to 70
age-matched controls. - Assessed with a traditional (C)APD test battery
37LiSN-S vs. Traditional Battery (LD Group)
Cameron Dillon (2008)
38LiSN-S vs. Traditional Battery SusAPD Group
Cameron Dillon (2008)
39Low Cue SRT
40Spatial Advantage
41LiSN-S Results Normal
Male, 11 years, 10 months showing Normal
42LiSN-S Results - SPD
Male, 7 years, 5 months with Spatial Processing
43LiSN-S Results Memory Deficit
Male, 8 years, 3 months with Memory Deficit
44LiSN-S Results Attention Issues
Female, 7 years, 10 months with Attention Issues
45Goal of Management Strategies
- The ultimate goal of CAPD management in children
is to maximize the auditory learning abilities
so that communication and classroom learning
experiences are more successful - Putter-Katz et al (2002)
46Managing Spatial Hearing Deficits
- Teacher-directed strategies
- Child-directed strategies
- Language training
- Classroom modification (10 dB SNR)
- Assistive listening device
- Training in source discrimination
47Auditory Training Research
- Develop deficit-specific remediation for children
with a spatial processing deficit. - Trains children to use binaural cues i.e.
differences in the timing and intensity of
signals arriving at the ears from various
locations - to attend to a target stimulus and
filter distracting auditory signals. - Used in the home (as well as schools/clinics).
- Provides detailed analysis, reporting and
feedback. - Alternative/adjunct to ALDs and other management
48Description of LISN Learn
- Four games presented on PC over headphones
- Target sentences at 0º azimuth (initially 62 dB
SPL) - Competing stories at 90º azimuth (55 dB SPL)
- Weighted up-down adaptive procedure used to
adjust the signal level of the target - SRT calculated over 40 sentences
- 131,220 unique sentences can be generated
49LISN Learn Game
Target at 0
The horse kicked six wet shoes
Distracters at and -90
Tamsins Blanket (-90) Erics Alarm Clock (90)
50Target The horse kicked six wet shoes
- 9 children (6 to 11 years) - LISN-S SA gt2SD
- TAPS-3 memory sub-tests
- CAPD Pediatric SSQ
- LISN Learn - 15 minutes per day 5 days per
week over 12 weeks (120 games) - Re-evaluate post-training 3 months
52LiSN Learn - Performance Over Time (n9)
10 dB
LiSN Learn SRT (dB)
Game Number
53LiSN-S Results Pre vs. Post (n9)
LC SRT - p 0.158 Talker Advantage
- p 0.981 HC SRT - p
0.0002 Spatial Advantage - p 0.0002 Total
Advantage - p 0.001
54Additional Results Pre- vs. Post Training
- Listening in Quiet p 0.103
- Listening in Noise p 0.0002
- Omissions p 0.168
- Commissions p 0.0004
- TAPS-3
- Memory Index p 0.003
- LiSN Learn training has the potential to
strengthen or reorganize connections dedicated to
binaural processing. - Training results in enhanced ability to process
speech in background noise.
56Method Phase II Clinical Study
- 20 children - LISN-S spatial advantage gt2SD from
mean - 10 x LiSN Learn (experimental group)
- 10 x Earobics (control group)
- Questionnaire
- Participant (LIFE)
- Parent (Fishers)
- Teacher (LIFE)
- LiSN Learn or Earobics training 15 minutes
per day - Re-evaluate LiSN-S and questionnaires
post-training - Offer LiSN Learn to control group.
57Phase II Study - LiSN Learn Group (n1)
SD from Mean
58Phase II Study - Earobics Group (n1)
SD from Mean
59LiSN-S Screening Test
- Develop screening test to be used by teachers,
speech pathologist, psychologists. - Fully-automated instructional, testing, scoring
and reporting functions. - Accessible via internet.
- End-users own computer and headphones used.
- Aims to
- Decrease time taken to refer children (and
adults) with suspected CAPD for diagnostic
testing with LiSN-S. - Reduce inappropriate referrals.
- Reduced referral time will result in speedier
implementation of management and remediation
programs for those with SPD.
60LiSN Screening Test
- Client data
- End-user inputs client data
- Sound check
- Sets output level of computer soundcard
- Reference tone consists of pulsed speech-shaped
broadband noise - Reference tone is presented at 40 dB below level
of combined distracters - Listener adjusts volume control until he or she
can just hear the reference tone - Assumed to be at least 10 dB SPL
- Therefore level of distracters presented during
test is approx 50 dB SPL
61LiSN Screening Test
- Word familiarization task (in quiet)
- 3 target words (red, blue, green)
- 12 foils (e.g. hat, doll, milk)
- Listener clicks on picture that matches word
until all words correctly identified. - LiSN Screening Test
- Distracters looped stories (DV /- 90º)
- Targets and foils
- Female 1 at 0º
- initially presented at SNR of 4 dB
- 2 second ISI
- Listener clicks mouse when target heard.
- Adaptive procedure used to find SRT that yields
50 intelligibility. - Level of word stimuli adjusted in 3 dB steps.
- At least 6 targets presented as practice.
- SRT calculated over up to 40 scored targets
62LiSN-S Screening Test Studies
- Target Stimulus Equalization Study
- 30 adults aged 18 to 29 years
- SRT of scored target words (red, blue, green)
consolidated across participants and psychometric
functions formulated - Amplitude of target words adjusted for equal
intelligibility - Sensitivity and Specificity Study
- 40 children and adults with suspected CAPD
- Tested with LiSN Screening Test at referring
centre - Tested with LiSN-S no more than 3 weeks later at
NAL - Correlation between LiSN Screening Test and
LiSN-S determined - ROC analysis used to determine sensitivity and
specificity - Optimum criteria cut-off scores determined
63LiSN-S Prescribed Gain Amplifier
64CAPD and Hearing Impairment Studies
- LiSN-S Study
- 160 participants (40 x 6-17 20 x 18-29 20 x
30-59 80 x 60) - Confirmed mild-to-moderately-severe SNHL (3FAHL
of 65 dB) - Assessment gools
- LIFE Questionnaire (6-17 years)
- SSQ Questionnaire (18-60 years)
- COGNISTAT (60 years)
- LiSN Learn Study
- 60 participants (10 x 6-17 10 x 18-60 10 x
60) - Confirmed mild-to-moderately-severe SNHL (3FAHL
of 65 dB) - Assessment tools
- Memory Test
- LIFE Questionnaire (6-17 years)
- SSQ Questionnaire (18-60 years)
- Brown, D., Cameron, S. Martin, J., Watson, C.,
Dillon, H. (in press). The North American
Listening in Spatialized Noise Sentences Test
(NA LiSN-S) Normative data and test-retest
reliability studies for adolescents and young
adults. - Cameron ,S., Brown, D., Keith, R., Martin, J.,
Watson, C., Dillon, H. (2009). Development of
the North American Listening in Spatialized Noise
- Sentences Test (NA LISN-S) Sentence
equivalence, normative data and test-retest
reliability studies. Journal of the American
Academy of Audiology, 20(2), 128-146. - Cameron, S. Dillon H. (2009) Listening in
Spatialized Noise Sentences test (LISN-S)
(Version 1.013) Computer software. Murten,
Switzerland Phonak Communications AG. - Cameron, S. Dillon, H. (2008). The Listening
in Spatialized Noise Sentences Test
Comparison to prototype LISN test and results
from children with either a suspected (central)
auditory processing disorder of a confirmed
language disorder. Journal of the American
Academy of Audiology, 19(5), 377-391. - Cameron, S. Dillon, H. (2008). Spatial
hearing deficits as a major cause of auditory
processing disorders Diagnosis with the LISN-S
and management options. In R. Seewald J.
Bamford, eds. A Sound Foundation Through Early
Amplification 2007. Proceedings of the Fourth
International Conference Phonak AG,
Switzerland, 235-241. - Cameron, S. Dillon, H. (2007). Development of
the Listening in Spatialized Noise - Sentences
Test (LISN-S). Ear and Hearing, 28(2), 196-211. - Cameron, S. Dillon, H. (2007). The Listening
in Spatialized Noise - Sentences Test (LISN-S)
Test-retest reliability study. International
Journal of Audiology, 46, 145-153.
66Acknowledgements and QA
- Dr Harvey Dillon
- Director of Research
- National Acoustic Laboratories
- Helen Glyde
- Research Audiologist
- National Acoustic Laboratories