Title: September Board Meeting FY08 and FY09 Spending Plan
1September Board MeetingFY08 and FY09 Spending
2FY08 and FY09 Spending Plan Maintenance
3FY08-FY09 Spending Plan
- Spending Plans Include Information On
- FY08, based on budget passed by Legislature
- FY09, based on agency growth cap of 1.5, set by
Governors budget office, based on statewide
projections. - Board Approval of Spending Plan Means
- EEC projects a need for supplemental
appropriations in FY08 to continue serving all
children referred from DSS and DTA, pursuant to
current mandates - EEC has shown which actions would be necessary
for the agency to live within the agency growth
cap of 1.5 - Future Board Actions Will Provide Opportunities
For - Articulating need for FY09 funding above A F
cap, both to avoid actions shown in spending
plan, and to provide additional funding for other
Board priorities and expansion
4FY07 Actuals vs. FY08 AppropriationsEEC budget
grows by 6.2
5FY08 Appropriations vs. FY08 ProjectionsAdditiona
l 2.7 growth needed to address unavoidable
Projected spending includes collective
bargaining reserve funding
6FY08 Spending Plan Financial Assistance Programs
- Transitional Assistance- additional need of 11M
- Children served in final months of FY07 exceeded
both FY07 and FY08 projections by 5. - The current projection for FY08 is based on FY07
actual caseload and may change given the
Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA)
initiatives to move more families to self
sufficiency. - Additional funding in FY08 is necessary to comply
with legal requirement to provide immediate
access to children authorized by DTA (no
waitlist) - Supportive- additional need of 2.3M
- Original waitlist of 800 cleared in FY07 as
required by budget language demand far exceeded
original waitlist expectations - Annualizing this increase and projecting the same
growth rate of approximately 160 children per
month in FY08 yields the unavoidable shortfall - This rate of placement will result in
approximately 21 of potentially eligible
children being placed in supportive care, which
is a 6 increase in the rate of access
7FY08 Spending Plan Financial Assistance
Programs, continued
- Income Eligible- adequate funding for waitlist
priorities - Can fund projected need for the following
priority populations only - Foster Care
- Homeless
- Military Personnel
- Teens and
- Continuity of care.
- Additional access for approximately 21,116 other
eligible families on the waiting list would
require additional funding or change in
prioritization policy
8FY2009 Spending Plan DevelopmentMaintenance
- Maintenance is defined by the Governors budget
office as The development of funding levels,
after minimal adjustments in specific areas, to
enable a department to carry out the same level
of service in FY2009 as was achieved in FY2008. - No additional items, either expansion or savings,
may be proposed as part of maintenance.
9FY2009 Maintenance Development
10FY09 Maintenance Increases
- Administration - 769,000
- 340K to maintain adequate administration and
monitoring of budget growth and pursue new
revenue maximization efforts - 210K for additional full-year cost of FY08 hires
- 184K for regional office moves and
- 35K for increase in State IT charges.
- Supportive - 23.6 million
- Continued growth rate of 30 in placements and
serving 27 of eligible DSS families. - Transitional Assistance - 5.2 million
- 3 rate of growth subject to DTA initiatives.
- Income Eligible - 602,682
- Limited growth to maintain immediate access to
priority populations
11FY09 Maintenance vs. FY09 CapSpending Plan
Assumptions of 5.8 vs. 1.5 required
- In order to comply with the AF spending plan
requirement, EEC needs to show how it would
reduce projected spending in FY2009 by 36
12FY2009 Maintenance vs. FY09 AF Cap
- EEC is statutorily required to maintain immediate
access to financial assistance for families
referred through DTA and DSS projected at
277M of EECs FY09 budget. - Submitting the FY09 spending plan within the
required 1.5 growth cap would mean a 12.7
reduction across EECs other spending projected
at 282M of EECs FY09 budget.
13Spending Plan Process Is Only the First Step
- September EEC submits the AF FY08 spending plan
and FY09 maintenance estimate. - October/November Discuss FY09 budget priorities
with EEC Advisory Team. EEC Board discusses and
votes on budget priorities of the Department. - December EEC staff meet with AF and Governors
office regarding FY09 priorities. - January Governor submits his recommendation of
the budget to the Legislature. - April House Ways and Means file their
recommendation of the budget for consideration by
the full House membership. - May Senate Ways and Means file their
recommendation of the budget for consideration of
the full Senate membership. - June Legislative Conference Committee meets to
reconcile the differences between House and
Senate recommendations of the budget. Approval
of the budget is required by both the House and
Senate. - June Governor receives budget as approved by
the Legislature reviews for vetoes and then
signs the bill into law. - July 1, 2008 State budget takes effect.