Nuclear Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nuclear Physics


Chapter 30 Nuclear Physics Types of Nuclear Reactions One important feature of nuclear reactions is that much more energy is released than with normal chemical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nuclear Physics

Chapter 30
  • Nuclear Physics

Milestones in the Development of Nuclear Physics
  • 1896 the birth of nuclear physics
  • Becquerel discovered radioactivity in uranium
  • Rutherford showed the radiation had three types
  • Alpha (He nucleus)
  • Beta (electrons)
  • Gamma (high-energy photons)

More Milestones
  • 1911 Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden performed
    scattering experiments
  • Established the nucleus could be treated as a
    point mass and a point charge
  • Most of the atomic mass was contained in the
  • Nuclear force was a new type of force

Some Properties of Nuclei
  • All nuclei are composed of protons and neutrons
  • Exception is ordinary hydrogen with just a proton
  • The atomic number, Z, equals the number of
    protons in the nucleus
  • Sometimes called the charge number
  • The neutron number, N, is the number of neutrons
    in the nucleus

More Properties of Nuclei
  • The mass number, A, is the number of nucleons in
    the nucleus
  • A Z N
  • Nucleon is a generic term used to refer to either
    a proton or a neutron
  • The mass number is not the same as the mass

  • X is the chemical symbol of the element
  • Example
  • Mass number is 56
  • Atomic number is 26
  • Contains 26 protons
  • Contains 30 (56-26) neutrons
  • The Z may be omitted since the element can be
    used to determine Z

More Properties
  • The nuclei of all atoms of a particular element
    must contain the same number of protons
  • They may contain varying numbers of neutrons
  • Isotopes of an element have the same Z but
    differing N and A values
  • The natural abundance of isotopes can vary
  • Example

  • The proton has a single positive charge, e
  • The electron has a single negative charge, -e
  • The neutron has no charge
  • Makes it difficult to detect
  • e 1.60217733 x 10-19 C

  • It is convenient to use atomic mass units, u, to
    express masses
  • 1 u 1.660539 x 10-27 kg
  • Based on definition that the mass of one atom of
    C-12 is exactly 12 u
  • Mass can also be expressed in MeV/c2
  • From ER m c2
  • 1 u 931.494 MeV/c2

Some Masses in Various Units
The Size of the Nucleus
  • First investigated by Rutherford in scattering
  • He found an expression for how close an alpha
    particle moving toward the nucleus can come
    before being turned around by the Coulomb force
  • From Conservation of Energy, the kinetic energy
    of the particle must be completely converted to
    potential energy

Size of the Nucleus, cont
  • d is called the distance of closest approach
  • d gives an upper limit for the size of the
  • Rutherford determined that
  • For gold, he found d 3.2 x 10-14 m
  • For silver, he found d 2 x 10-14 m

More About Size
  • Rutherford concluded that the positive charge of
    the atom was concentrated in a sphere whose
    radius was no larger than about 10-14 m
  • He called this sphere the nucleus
  • These small lengths are often expressed in
    femtometers where 1 fm 10-15 m
  • Also called a fermi

Size of Nucleus, Final
  • Since the time of Rutherford, many other
    experiments have concluded the following
  • Most nuclei are approximately spherical
  • Average radius is
  • ro 1.2 x 10-15 m
  • A is the mass number

Density of Nuclei
  • The volume of the nucleus (assumed to be
    spherical) is directly proportional to the total
    number of nucleons
  • This suggests that all nuclei have nearly the
    same density
  • Since r3 would be proportional to A
  • Nucleons combine to form a nucleus as though they
    were tightly packed spheres

Nuclear Stability
  • There are very large repulsive electrostatic
    forces between protons
  • These forces should cause the nucleus to fly
  • The nuclei are stable because of the presence of
    another, short-range force, called the nuclear
  • This is an attractive force that acts between all
    nuclear particles
  • The nuclear attractive force is stronger than the
    Coulomb repulsive force at the short ranges
    within the nucleus

Features of the Nuclear Force
  • Attractive force that acts between all nuclear
  • It is the strongest force in nature
  • Very short range
  • It falls to zero when the separation between
    particles exceeds about several fermis
  • Independent of charge
  • The nuclear force on p-p, p-n, n-n are all the
  • Does not affect electrons

Nuclear Stability, cont
  • Light nuclei are most stable if N Z
  • Heavy nuclei are most stable when N gt Z
  • Above about Z 20
  • As the number of protons increases, the Coulomb
    force increases and so more neutrons are needed
    to keep the nucleus stable
  • No nuclei are stable when Z gt 83

Magic Numbers
  • Most stable nuclei have even numbers of A
  • Certain values of N and Z correspond to unusually
    high stability
  • These values are called magic numbers
  • N or Z 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126
  • For example, He has N 2 and Z 2 and is very

Nuclear Spin
  • Protons and neutrons have intrinsic angular
    momentum called spin
  • A nucleus has a net intrinsic angular momentum
    that arises from the individual spins of the
    protons and neutrons
  • This angular momentum must obey the same quantum
    rules as orbital angular momentum

Nuclear Angular Momentum
  • The magnitude of the nuclear angular momentum is
    due to the combination of all nucleons
  • It is equal to
  • I is called the nuclear spin quantum number
  • It may be an integer or half-integer

Possible Orientations of Nuclear Spin
  • Shown is a vector model giving possible
    orientations of the spin and its projection on
    the z axis
  • This is for the case where I 3/2

Nuclear Magneton
  • The nuclear angular momentum has a nuclear
    magnetic moment associated with it
  • The magnetic moment is measured in terms of the
    nuclear magneton, mn
  • Note that mn is smaller than mB by a factor of
    about 2000, due to the difference in mass between
    the electron and the proton

Nuclear Magnetic Moment, final
  • The magnetic moment of a free proton is 2.792 8mn
  • No general theory of nuclear magnetism explains
    this value
  • The neutron also has a magnetic moment, even
    though it has no charge
  • The magnetic moment of the neutron is
    1.913 5mn
  • The negative sign indicates the neutrons
    magnetic moment is opposite its spin angular

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
  • Because the direction of the magnetic moment for
    a particle is quantized, the energies of the
    particle are also quantized
  • The spin vector cannot align exactly with the
    direction of the magnetic field
  • This gives the extreme values of the energy as
  • mz is the z component of the magnetic moment

NMR, cont
  • These states are often called spin states
  • It is possible to observe transitions between two
    spin states using NMR
  • The magnetic field splits the states

NMR, final
  • The sample is irradiated with electromagnetic
    waves in the radio range of the em spectrum
  • The frequency of the radio waves is adjusted so
    that the photon energy matches the separation
    energy between spin states
  • There is a net absorption of energy in the system
    which is detected by experimental control and
    measuring systems

  • An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is based on
  • Because of variations in an external field,
    protons in different parts of the body have
    different splittings in energy between spin
  • The resonance signal can provide information
    about the positions of the protons

Binding Energy
  • The total rest energy of the bound system (the
    nucleus) is less than the combined rest energy of
    the separated nucleons
  • This difference in energy is called the binding
    energy of the nucleus
  • It can be thought of as the amount of energy you
    need to add to the nucleus to break it apart into
    its components

Binding Energy, cont
  • The binding energy can be calculated
  • The masses are expressed in atomic mass units
  • M(H) is the atomic mass of the neutral hydrogen
  • mn is the mass of the neutron
  • M(X) is the mass of that isotope

Binding Energy per Nucleon
Notes from the Graph
  • The curve peaks in the vicinity of A 60
  • Nuclei with mass numbers greater than or less
    than 60 are not as strongly bound as those near
    the middle of the periodic table
  • The binding energy is about 8 MeV per nucleon for
    nuclei with A gt 50
  • This suggests that the nuclear force saturates
  • A particular nucleon can interact with only a
    limited number of other nucleons

Marie Curie
  • 1867 1934
  • Shared Nobel Prize in 1903 for studies in
    radioactive substances
  • Prize in physics
  • Shared with Pierre Curie and Becquerel
  • Won Noble Prize in 1911 for discovery of radium
    and polonium
  • Prize in chemistry

  • Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of
  • Discovered by Becquerel in 1896
  • Many experiments were conducted by Becquerel and
    the Curies
  • Experiments suggested that radioactivity was the
    result of the decay, or disintegration, of
    unstable nuclei

Radioactivity Types
  • Three types of radiation can be emitted
  • Alpha particles
  • The particles are 4He nuclei
  • Beta particles
  • The particles are either electrons or positrons
  • A positron is the antiparticle of the electron
  • It is similar to the electron except its charge
    is e
  • Gamma rays
  • The rays are high energy photons

Distinguishing Types of Radiation
  • The gamma particles carry no charge
  • The alpha particles are deflected upward
  • The beta particles are deflected downward
  • A positron would be deflected upward, but would
    follow a different trajectory than the a due to
    its mass

Penetrating Ability of Particles
  • Alpha particles
  • Barely penetrate a piece of paper
  • Beta particles
  • Can penetrate a few mm of aluminum
  • Gamma rays
  • Can penetrate several cm of lead

The Decay Constant
  • The rate at which a decay process occurs is
    proportional to the radioactive nuclei present in
    the sample
  • ? is called the decay constant and determines
    the rate at which the material will decay
  • N is the number of undecayed radioactive nuclei
  • No is the number of undecayed nuclei at time t0

Decay Rate
  • The decay rate, R, of a sample is defined as the
    number of decays per second
  • Ro Nol is the decay rate at t o
  • The decay rate is often referred to as the
    activity of the sample

Decay Curve
  • The decay curve follows the equation N No e- ?t
  • The half-life is also a useful parameter
  • The half-life is defined as the time interval
    during which half of a given number of
    radioactive nuclei decay

Decay Processes
  • The blue circles are the stable nuclei seen
  • Above the line the nuclei are neutron rich and
    undergo beta decay (red)
  • Just below the line are proton rich nuclei that
    undergo beta (positron) emission or electron
    capture (green)
  • Farther below the line the nuclei are very proton
    rich and undergo alpha decay (yellow)

Alpha Decay
  • When a nucleus emits an alpha particle it loses
    two protons and two neutrons
  • N decreases by 2
  • Z decreases by 2
  • A decreases by 4
  • Symbolically
  • X is called the parent nucleus
  • Y is called the daughter nucleus

Decay General Rules
  • When one element changes into another element,
    the process is called spontaneous decay or
  • The sum of the mass numbers, A, must be the same
    on both sides of the equation
  • The sum of the atomic numbers, Z, must be the
    same on both sides of the equation
  • The total energy and total momentum of the system
    must be conserved in the decay

Disintegration Energy
  • The disintegration energy, Q of a system is
    defined as
  • Q (Mx My Ma) c2
  • The disintegration energy appears in the form of
    kinetic energy in the daughter nucleus and the
    alpha particle
  • It is sometimes referred to as the Q value of the
    nuclear decay

Alpha Decay Example
  • Decay of 226 Ra
  • If the parent is at rest before the decay, the
    total kinetic energy of the products is 4.87 MeV
  • In general, less massive particles carry off more
    of the kinetic energy

Alpha Decay, Notes
  • Experimental observations of alpha-particle
    energies show a number of discrete energies
    instead of a single value
  • The daughter nucleus may be left in an excited
    quantum state
  • So, not all of the energy is available as kinetic
  • A negative Q value indicates that such a proposed
    decay does not occur spontaneously

Alpha Decay, Mechanism
  • In alpha decay, the alpha particle tunnels
    through a barrier
  • For higher energy particles, the barrier is
    narrower and the probability is higher for
    tunneling across
  • This higher probability translates into a shorter
    half-life of the parent

Beta Decay
  • During beta decay, the daughter nucleus has the
    same number of nucleons as the parent, but the
    atomic number is changed by one
  • Symbolically
  • Beta decay is not completely described by these

Beta Decay, cont
  • The emission of the electron or positron is from
    the nucleus
  • The nucleus contains protons and neutrons
  • The process occurs when a neutron is transformed
    into a proton or a proton changes into a neutron
  • The electron or positron is created in the
    process of the decay
  • Energy must be conserved

Beta Decay Particle Energy
  • The energy released in the decay process should
    almost all go to kinetic energy of the b particle
  • Since the decaying nuclei all have the same rest
    mass, the Q value should be the same for all
  • Experiments showed a range in the amount of
    kinetic energy of the emitted particles

  • To account for this missing energy and
    momentum, in 1930 Pauli proposed the existence of
    another particle
  • Enrico Fermi later named this particle the
  • Properties of the neutrino
  • Zero electrical charge
  • Mass much smaller than the electron, probably not
    zero but less than 2.8 eV/c2
  • Spin of ½
  • Very weak interaction with matter and so is
    difficult to detect

Beta Decay Completed
  • Symbolically
  • ? is the symbol for the neutrino
  • is the symbol for the antineutrino
  • To summarize, in beta decay, the following pairs
    of particles are emitted
  • An electron and an antineutrino
  • A positron and a neutrino

Beta Decay Examples
Beta Decay, Final Notes
  • The fundamental process of e- decay is a neutron
    changing into a proton, an electron and an
  • In e, the proton changes into a neutron,
    positron and neutrino
  • This can only occur within a nucleus
  • It cannot occur for an isolated proton since its
    mass is less than the mass of the neutron

Electron Capture
  • Electron capture is a process that competes with
    e decay
  • In this case, a parent nucleus captures one of
    its own orbital electrons and emits a neutrino
  • In most cases, a K shell electron is captured, a
    process often referred to as K capture

Carbon Dating
  • Beta decay of C-14 is used in dating organic
  • The process depends on the ratio of C-14 to C-12
    in the atmosphere which is relatively constant
  • When an organism dies, the ratio decreases as a
    result of the beta decay of the C-14

Enrico Fermi
  • 1901 1954
  • Awarded Nobel Prize in physics in 1938 for
    producing transunranic elements and discovery of
    nuclear reactions produced by slow neutrons
  • Other contributions include
  • Theory of beta decay
  • Free electron theory of metals
  • Development of first fission reactor (1942)

Gamma Decay
  • Gamma rays are given off when an excited nucleus
    decays to a lower energy state
  • The decay occurs by emitting a high-energy photon
  • The X indicates a nucleus in an excited state

Gamma Decay Example
  • Example of a decay sequence
  • The first decay is a beta emission
  • The second step is a gamma emission
  • Gamma emission doesnt change Z, N, or A
  • The emitted photon has an energy of hƒ equal to
    DE between the two nuclear energy levels

Summary of Decays
Nuclear Reactions
  • Structure of nuclei can be changed by bombarding
    them with energetic particles
  • The changes are called nuclear reactions
  • As with nuclear decays, the atomic numbers and
    mass numbers must balance on both sides of the

Nuclear Reactions, cont
  • A target nucleus, X, is bombarded by a particle
    a, resulting in a daughter nucleus Y and an
    outgoing particle b
  • a X Y b
  • The reaction energy Q is defined as the total
    change in mass-energy resulting from the reaction
  • Q (Ma MX MY Mb) c2

Q Values for Reactions
  • The Q value determines the type of reaction
  • An exothermic reaction
  • There is a mass loss in the reaction
  • There is a release of energy
  • Q is positive
  • An endothermic reaction
  • There is a gain of mass in the reaction
  • Energy is needed, in the form of kinetic energy
    of the incoming particles
  • Q is negative
  • The minimum energy necessary for the reaction to
    occur is called the threshold energy

Nuclear Reactions, final
  • If a and b are identical, so that X and Y are
    also necessarily identical, the reaction is
    called a scattering event
  • If the kinetic energy before the event is the
    same as after, it is classified as elastic
  • If the kinetic energies before and after are not
    the same, it is an inelastic scattering

Conservation Rules for Nuclear Reactions
  • The following must be conserved in any nuclear
  • Energy
  • Momentum
  • Total charge
  • Total number of nucleons

Types of Nuclear Reactions
  • One important feature of nuclear reactions is
    that much more energy is released than with
    normal chemical reactions
  • Two types of reactions can occur
  • Fission
  • Fusion

Nuclear Fission
  • A heavy nucleus splits into two smaller nuclei
  • A fissionable nucleus (X) absorbs a slowly moving
    neutron (a) and splits into two smaller nuclei
    (Y1 and Y2), releasing energy and multiple
    neutrons (several particles b)
  • With no means of control, a chain reaction
    explosion occurs
  • With controls, the fission process is used in
    nuclear power generating plants

Chain Reaction Diagram
Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear fusion occurs when two light nuclei
    combine to form a heavier nucleus
  • This is difficult since the nuclei must overcome
    the Coulomb repulsion before they are close
    enough to fuse
  • One way to do this is to cause them to move with
    high kinetic energy by raising them to a high
  • Also need a high density

Fusion in the Sun
  • The centers of stars have high enough
    temperatures and densities to generate energy
    through fusion
  • The Sun fuses hydrogen
  • Some stars fuse heavier elements
  • Reactions in cool stars (T lt 15 x 106 K) take
    place through the proton-proton cycle
  • In stars with hotter cores (T gt 15 x 106 K), the
    carbon-cycle dominates

Proton-Proton Cycle
  • The proton-proton cycle is a series of three
    nuclear reactions believed to operate in the Sun
  • The net result is the joining of four protons to
    form a helium-4 nucleus
  • Energy liberated is primarily in the form of em
    radiation (gamma rays), positrons and neutrinos

The Carbon Cycle
  • Hydrogen nuclei can fuse into nuclei heavier than
  • Multiple steps lead to the release of energy
  • The net effect is that four hydrogen nuclei
    combine to form a helium-4 nucleus
  • The Carbon-12 is returned at the end, it acts as
    a catalyst

Energy in a Star
  • Depending on its mass, a star transforms energy
    at the rate of 1023 to 1033 W
  • The energy from the core is transferred outward
    through the surrounding layers
  • Neutrinos carry energy directly through these
    layers to space
  • Energy carried by photons is absorbed by the
    gasses in the layer outside the core and
    gradually works it way to the surface by
  • This energy is emitted from the surface in the
    form of em radiation, mainly infrared, visible
    and ultraviolet
  • The star is stable as long as its supply of
    hydrogen in the core lasts
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