Title: Automated Service Kiosk
1Automated Service Kiosk
- Grant Approval
- CS 411
- Spring 2006
- Presented by
- Mylène Cover
- Keegan Morrison
- 1 May 2006
2Team Organization
Hill Price General Manager
Mylène Cover Project Manager
Enrique Polanco Researcher Technical Writer
Jared Miller GUI Programmer Web Master
Keegan Morrison Hardware Specialist Web Master
- Background
- Societal Enhancements
- Beta Testing
- Project Scheduling Requirements
- Project Budget
- Prototype
4Societal Problem Defined
- Poor customer service in retail is a cause for
low customer retention.
5Shopping Experience
6Did you know?
- Poor customer service is on the top five list of
reasons why businesses fail. - - Center for Entrepreneurship
Belmont University Center for Entrepeneurship
09/22/2005 http//forum.belmont.edu/cornwall/arch
7Why do customers leave?
CRMGURU.com http//www.rightnow.com/resource/RN_L
8Keep your customers!
- Repeat customers spend 33 more than new
customers - It costs 6 more to sell to a prospective
customer than to an existing customer - Referrals among repeat customers are 107 greater
than new customers - Customers are 50 more likely to be influenced by
word-of-mouth as opposed to ads
Stylus Systems, Inc. http//www.outsource2india.
Strategiy.com http//www.strategiy.com/feature.as
9Proposed Solution Defined/Goal
- Provide an in-store customer service terminal
that will serve as an alternative source of
knowledge and help for consumers.
10Project Research Objectives
- Design a friendly customer interface
- Produce interface with inventory database
- Design and organize queries to databases for
product comparisons and search analyses - Create ability to notify customer of
11Solution Characteristics
- Display all available items at specific store
- Notify of stock availability
- Produce a map of inventory general location
- Compare products
- Explain key terms/in depth or quick overview of
product description - Analyze queries and hits/misses
- Notify of sales/availability of coupons
- Give customers an outlet for voicing in-store
experiences - Provide option to queue up for additional
assistance from associate -
12A.S.K. System
13Technical Components
- Touch screen monitor
- ASK software
- Thin clients
- Inventory database interface
- Internal database
- Network connection
- Server
15A.S.K. Database Overview
16A.S.K. will not
- Replace associates
- Collect personal information from the shopper
- Act as a point-of-sale device
- Have autonomous inventory updates
17Benefits to Retail
- 15 to 20 average increase in sales
- Improve customer experience
- Help is there when needed
- Provide efficient help alternative
- Decreased wait time
- Improved response time
- Immediate gratification
- Better inform customers of products available
- Analyze the inquiry process
- Keep customers, increase sales, succeed!Â
- Increased customer satisfaction increased sales
Kiosk Market Sales http//www.kioskmarketplace.co
m/news_story.htm?i22182 Inter-media Kiosks
18Societal Importance
- Consumers increasingly using
- ATMs
- Websites
- Self-help Kiosks
- New technology, low cost
- Competition is technology and customer driven
- Customers expect the newest and most effective
19Scientific Merit Technical Innovations
- Airlines 1st to implement kiosks
- Declining sales need to bounce back
- Good and bad of technology
- Customers are happier
- Customers expect similar, efficient technology in
all aspects of their lives - Kiosk market booming
- Sales
- Budget
- Stores advised to target multi-channel consumers
20Customer-Operated Kiosk Market Data
JBS Interactive http//www.jbsinteractive.com/opp
21Evaluation PlanBeta Testing
- The following will be tested
- Products functionality
- Products user-friendliness
- User documentation
- Each beta tester will receive the following
- Basic instructions
- User Manual (in the form of the terminals online
help system) - Sample walk-throughs of the product
- Will include troubleshooting instructions
- Designed in a user-friendly format
- Feedback and Comment Form (in return for coupons,
for example)
22Evaluation PlanAcceptance Criteria
- 75 of beta testing polls must react positively
for the product to be considered a success - Success is when the following are obtained
- Functional prototype software
- Functional prototype hardware
- Functional integration of hardware and software
- Technical documentation for software and hardware
- Secured SBIR grant for Phase II
23Scheduling OverviewProjected Phase I
24Scheduling OverviewProjected Phase II
25Scheduling OverviewProjected Phase III
26Budget OverviewPhase II - Personnel
27Budget OverviewPhase II - Resources
28Budget OverviewPhase III - Personnel
29Budget OverviewPhase III - Resources
30DeliverablesPhase 1
- Assemble Team
- Papers
- Creative Writing Paper
- Descriptive Writing Paper
- Technical Supports Paper
- Budget White Paper
- User Manual
- Prototype Design
- Market Research
- Project Website
- Lab Prototype
- SBIR Proposal (Phase II)
31A.S.K. Break-Even Analysis
32Forum/Expert Feedback
- Of 550 people surveyed, 85 would go to a store
if an A.S.K. was available - Managers at Radio Shack, Best Buy, and Office Max
expressed interest in a product that would
provide the functionality of A.S.K.
33Happy Shopper Profit for Store
- Poor customer service is a problem
- A.S.K. will
- Improve customers in-store experience
- Help the store better meet customer needs
35Prototype Practicality
- Regular computer substituted for the kiosk during
demo - Simplified database
- Web server instead of an in-store server
36ASK Prototype Overview
37ASK Prototype Database Overview
- MySQL Database
- Three tables
- Comments
- Glossary
- Sales
- Predictive Analysis Database
38ASK Prototype Database Comments Table
- Three fields
- Date
- Rating
- Description
39ASK Prototype Database Glossary Table
- Three fields
- Word
- Definition
- Quantity of Queries
40ASK Prototype Database Sales Table
- Two fields
- SKU Stock Keeping Unit
- Coupon
41ASK Prototype Database PAD Table
- Four fields
- Date
- Specific Kiosk Number
- Items in Stock
42Store Inventory Database
- Eight fields (varies by store)
- Name
- Brand
- Price
- Category
- Location
- Number in Stock
- Details
43ASK GUI Software
- Images
- Inkscape
- The Gimp
44Prototype Demonstration
45(No Transcript)
46Backup 1 Reasons Businesses Fail
5. Poor Internal Controls and Execution
customer service, accounting controls, theft,
fraud 4. Poorly Designed Business Model 3.
Reliance on Critical Financing that Dries Up 2.
Failure to Adapt to a Changing Market AND THE 1
REASON? Management in Complete Denial
Belmont University Center for Entrepreneurship
09/22/2005 http//forum.belmont.edu/cornwall/arch
47Backup 2 Kiosk Acceptance
JBS Interactive http//www.jbsinteractive.com/opp
48Backup 3Competition Matrix Available to
49Backup 4Forum Results
- Would you use A.S.K.?
- 85 of respondents (n 550) said YES
- Respondent Testimonials
- Â You could change the way stores work forever
with an idea like this. It's awesome. - I think the best part is the item location in
the store. I've had countless times when I went
into a best buy or circuit city already knowing
exactly what I wanted, but then had to spend like
30 minutes finding it. The sales reps are
sometimes helpful with this, but you can't expect
them to know the exact location of everything,
and this method would be much quicker and not
waste a sales rep's time.