Title: Arizona WIC Program – Making Meals More Nutritious
1Arizona WIC Program Making Meals More
- Adrienne Udarbe
- Maternal and Child Health Program Manager
- Arizona Department of Health Services
2Current Foods
- Formulas
- Milk
- Cereal (infant and adult)
- Juice
- Eggs
- Cheese
- Dried Beans or Peanut Butter
- Tuna
- Carrots
3New/Revised Foods
- All current foods plus
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Whole Wheat Bread or other Whole Grains
- Soy-beverage and Tofu
- Light Tuna, Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel
- Canned Beans
- Baby Foods
4Food Packages
- Infant
- Fully Breastfed
- Partially Breastfed
- Fully Formula Fed
- Children
- Women
- Pregnant
- Fully Breastfeeding
- Partially Breastfeeding
- Postpartum
- Medically Fragile
- Primary Goal of the Food Package Changes
- Correlate formula amounts to age of the infant
and feeding practice - Eliminate juice
- Add baby food fruits and vegetable for all
infants - Add baby food meat for fully breastfed babies.
6Infant Fully Breastfed
- Birth through five (5) months of age
- Breastfeeding Support
- Six (6) through Eleven (11) months of age
- Breastfeeding Support
- 24 ounces of iron-fortified infant cereal
- 256 ounces of baby food fruits and vegetables
and - 77.5 ounces of baby food meat
7Infant Partially Breastfed
- Birth through one (1) months of age
- Breastfeeding Support
- Zero (0) to 104 fl ounces of reconstituted powder
formula (?) - One (1) through three (3) months of age
- Breastfeeding Support
- Up to 435 fl ounces reconstituted powder
- Four (4) through Five (5) months of age
- Breastfeeding Support
- Up to 522 fl ounces reconstituted powder
- Six (6) through Eleven (11) months of age
- Breastfeeding Support
- 384 fl ounces reconstituted powder
- 24 ounces of iron-fortified infant cereal and
- 128 ounces of baby food fruits and vegetables.
8Infant Fully Formula Fed
- Birth through three (3) months of age
- 870 ounces of reconstituted powder formula
- Four (4) through Five (5) months of age
- 884 fl ounces reconstituted powder
- Six (6) through Eleven (11) months of age
- 696 fl ounces reconstituted powder
- 24 ounces of iron-fortified infant cereal and
- 128 ounces of baby food fruits and vegetables.
- Primary goal of food package changes
- Help child maintain a healthy weight
- Offer a variety to help with picky eating habits
- Provide foods that are lower in fat and higher in
fiber and - Are consistent with Dietary Guidelines and
MyPyramid recommendations.
10Child, continued
- Food Package
- Grains
- 36 ounces iron-fortified whole grain cereal
- 2 lbs whole wheat bread
- 2 lbs of brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, or
- 2 lbs of soft corn or whole wheat tortillas.
- Fruits and Vegetables
- 128 fluid ounces of vitamin C-rich juice
- 6 cash-value voucher for fruits and vegetables
- Dairy
- 16 quarts of milk
- 16 quarts of soy beverage or
- 5 pounds of tofu
- Protein
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 pound dried beans
- 4, 15 ounce cans of beans or peas or
- 18 ounces of peanut butter
- - Combinations will be offered to suit the
participants preference.
11Woman - Pregnant
- Primary Goal of the Food Package
- Promote a healthy weight gain for mom and baby
- Improve variety of foods available
- Provide foods that are lower in fat and higher in
fiber and - Are consistent with Dietary Guidelines and
MyPyramid recommendations.
12Woman Pregnant, continued
- Food Package
- Grains
- 36 ounces iron-fortified whole grain cereal
- 1 pound whole wheat bread
- 1 pound of brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, or
- 1 pound of soft corn or whole wheat tortillas
- Fruits and Vegetables
- 144 fluid ounces of vitamin C-rich juice
- 8 cash-value voucher for fruits and vegetables
- Dairy
- 22 quarts of milk
- 22 quarts of soy beverage or
- 7 pounds of tofu
- Protein
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 pound dried beans or
- 4, 15 ounce cans of beans or peas
- 18 ounces of peanut butter
- - Combinations will be offered to suit the
participants preference.
13Woman Fully Breastfeeding
- Primary Goals of the Food Package
- Support breastmilk supply
- Improve the variety of foods available
- Promote steady weight loss and/or help maintain a
healthy weight after delivery - Provide foods that are lower in fat and higher in
fiber and - Are consistent with Dietary Guidelines and
MyPyramid recommendations.
14Woman Fully Breastfeeding
- Food Benefit
- Grains
- 36 ounces iron-fortified whole grain cereal
- 1 pound whole wheat bread
- 1 pound of brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, or
- 1 pound of soft corn or whole wheat tortillas
- Fruits and Vegetables
- 144 fluid ounces of vitamin C-rich juice
- 10 cash-value voucher for fruits and vegetables
- Dairy
- 24 quarts of milk
- 24 quarts of soy beverage or
- 8 pounds of tofu
- 1 lb of cheese
- Protein
- 2 dozen eggs
- 30 ounces of canned fish
- 1 pound dried beans or
- 4, 15 ounce cans of beans or peas
- 18 ounces of peanut butter
- - Combinations will be offered to suit the
participants preference.
15Woman Partially Breastfeeding
- Primary Goals of Food Package
- Promote a steady weight loss and/or maintain a
healthy weight after delivery. - Improve variety of foods available.
- Provide foods that are lower in fat and higher in
fiber and - Are consistent with Dietary Guidelines and
MyPyramid recommendations.
16Woman Partially Breastfeeding, continued
- Food Benefit
- Grains
- 36 ounces iron-fortified whole grain cereal
- 1 pound whole wheat bread
- 1 pound of brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, or
- 1 pound of soft corn or whole wheat tortillas
- Fruits and Vegetables
- 144 fluid ounces of vitamin C-rich juice
- 8 cash-value voucher for fruits and vegetables
- Dairy
- 22 quarts of milk
- 22 quarts of soy beverage or
- 7 pounds of tofu
- Protein
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 pound dried beans or
- 4, 15 ounce cans of beans or peas
- 18 ounces of peanut butter
- - Combinations will be offered to suit the
participants preference.
17Woman Postpartum
- Helps maintain the strength needed to care for an
infant. - Improve variety of foods available.
- Provide foods that are lower in fat and higher in
fiber and - Are consistent with Dietary Guidelines and
MyPyramid recommendations.
18Woman - Postpartum
- Food Benefit
- Grains
- 36 ounces iron-fortified whole grain cereal
- 1 pound whole wheat bread
- 1 pound of brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, or
- 1 pound of soft corn or whole wheat tortillas
- Fruits and Vegetables
- 96 fluid ounces of vitamin C-rich juice
- 8 cash-value voucher for fruits and vegetables
- Dairy
- 16 quarts of milk
- 16 quarts of soy beverage or
- 5 pounds of tofu
- Protein
- 1 dozen eggs
- 1 pound dried beans
- 4, 15 ounce cans of beans or peas or
- 18 ounces of peanut butter
- - Combinations will be offered to suit the
participants preference.
19Medically Fragile
- The WIC Program will continue to serve the
medically fragile participants by - Continuing to provide exempt infant formula and
medical foods - AND
- Offering a increased variety of WIC supplemental
20Other Opportunities for Tailoring
- Pregnant with more than one infant
- Breastfeeding more than one infant
21USDA Interim Final Rule
- http//www.fns.usda.gov/wic/regspublished/foodpac
22The changes to the WIC food packages hold
potential for improving the nutrition and health
of the nations low-income pregnant women, new
mothers, infants, and young children.Institute
of Medicine, 2005