Title: CENN, Fall 2005, Week 6, 103109
1CENN, Fall 2005, Week 6, 10/3-10/9
2Welcome to the College of Education
3Florida Fund for Minority Teachers Scholarship
Application Deadline November 1st
What can you gain as an FFMT Scholar?
- 4,000 a year for two years.
What are the requirement to become an FFMT
Must be Resident of Florida plan to teach in a
Florida public school.
Must have Minimum 2.5 GPA
Must be African-American, Hispanic/Latino,
Asian Pacific Islander, or Alaskan Native.
Can not have more than 18 hours of upper division
course work. Must be newly admitted into a
teacher education program.
Get Application at http//www.ffmt.org/ or Jenny
Martinez 644-3763 jm04j_at_fsu.edu
- Deadline for clearance from Graduate Office, 108
Stone Building, to take comprehensive
examinations for masters and specialist degree
candidates and defense of dissertation or thesis.
- Spring 2006 Registration Guide available.
- Spring 2006 course listings available on Course
Lookup System.
6October 4, 1230 pm, 010 STB (Pioneers Room)
- Office of Minority Affairs (OMA) Informational
Group Session. - Mentoring participates will meet with other
mentor/mentee pairs for Program outline, group
discussion, and networking opportunity. - For further information, please contact Yolanda
Miranda-Hill at 644-3677
7News from CERDS
- Maria E. Vives Rodriguez will be defending her
dissertation at 2 pm on October 4 in 206 STB. - Title "Preschool Physical Education A case
study of the factors that influence movement
instruction to preschool children". - Major Professor Dr. Vickie E. Lake.
8News from SMRMPE
- Angela Beale
- An Investigation of the Current Status of Aquatic
Physical Activity in K-12 Public School Physical E
ducation Programs in the State of Florida - Major professor Susan K. Lynn
- Tuesday, October 4, 214 TUL, 2 pm
9October 4
- DEADLINE for filing appeals regarding student
teaching, 312 Stone _at_ 5 pm.
10News from MSE
- The FSU Writing Project, with Dr. Susan Wood's
outstanding leadership, and incredible assistance
from Dr. Shari Steadman, Dr. John Simmons, and
FSUS teachers/grad students Tameka King and Kris
Ryan held its extremely successful, inaugural
FSU WP Writing Summit hosted over 130 teachers,
some of whom came from as far as away as Tampa
and the Bahamas, for the day of focus on the
teaching of writing!
11(No Transcript)
12News from MSE
- Dr. Rosemary Traore scored a big Pepper
Foundation grant to support a culturally-appropria
te literacy project in two Jefferson and Gadsden
County middle schools!
13News from MSE
- Dr. Bob Guiterrez published two articles
- "The Predisposition of High School Students to
Engage in Collective Strategies of Problem
Solving" in Theory and Research in Social
Education - and
- "Spiritual Foundation for Civic Education in
Taboo in The Journal of Culture and Education.
14News from MSE
- An article co-authored by Dr. Shari Steadman and
the 2005 FSU Writing Project teachers has been
accepted for publication in the spring edition of
the Florida English Journal. - Dr. Shari Steadman was officially nominated for
the AACTE Outstanding Dissertation Award.
15News from ELPS
- Dissertation defense
- Krista M. Mooney
- The Evolution and Expansion of 11th
- Amendment Immunity Legal Implications
- for Public Institutions of Higher Education
- Major professor Joseph C. Beckham,
- October 7, 113L STB, 1 pm
16News from MSE
- Dr. Deborah Hasson has recently had an article
published in Bilingual Research Journal - Bilingual Language Use in Hispanic Young Adults
Did Elementary Bilingual Programs Help
17- THE U.S. HOUSE unanimously approved a bill that
would provide colleges with additional federal
financial aid of up to 36-million to help
students who have been affected by the hurricanes
continue their studies.
18Need a Career?
- Prepare for a CAREER in Human Resource
Development! - Are you interested in the fast paced life of
corporate training and development? - Use your knowledge and skills to leverage
learning to improve performance and
organizational productivity. - Now accepting applications for the MS and EdS
degree in Human Resource Development. This
program is offered completely online for the
distance learning students. - Contact Dr. John Sample at sample_at_coe.fsu.edu or
visit the HRD web site at - http//www.fsu.edu/adult-ed/
19September 15--October 15
20Hispanic Heritage Month
Thursday, October 6th 1230p.m. Pioneers Room
010 Stone Building Featuring Dr. Santa Arias
21October 6, 1230 pm, 302 STB Office of Minority
Affairs (OMA) Brown Bag Luncheon.
22October 7 and 8
- Welcome to Florida State University's Parents'
Weekend 2005! - Visit http//union.fsu.edu/pw/ for details
23COE Faculty Council
- October meeting of Faculty Council
- 300pm on Friday, October 7
- 206 STB
- Contact Dr. Kamata for details
24Huge Success!
- Congratulations to Dr. Tristan Johnson, Dr.
Aubteen Darabi, and Dr. Mike Spector for their
new 6.18 million grant through the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security.
Dr. Johnson
Dr. Darabi
Dr. Spector
- Dr. Monica Delano and Dr. Mary Frances Hanline
have received a U.S. Department of Education
personnel preparation grant. - Title "Preparing Highly Qualified Teachers of
Students with Low Incidence Disabilities State
Endorsements in Autism and Severe/Profound
Disabilities." - The purpose of the 4-year project is to offer
throughout the state of Florida on-line courses
leading to the state's Endorsement in Autism and
Endorsement in Severe or Profound Disabilities.
Dr. Hanline
26News from CERDS
- Burhanettin Keskin will be defending his
dissertation at 12 noon on October 7 in 206 STB. - Title The relationship between theory of mind,
symbolic transformations in pretend play and
childrens social competence. - Major Professor Ithel Jones.
273 Academics to Receive McGraw Prize in Education
- The annual prize honors individuals for
contributions that have helped improve education
in the United States. This year's winners are
being recognized for work in early-childhood
education and professional development for
teachers. - Barbara T. Bowman, a professor at the Erickson
Institute, in Chicago, is being recognized for
serving as an advocate for childhood education
for more than 50 years. - Sharon Lynn Kagan, an associate dean for policy
and a professor of childhood and family policy at
Columbia University's Teachers College, is being
recognized for her role in shaping policies on
early-childhood education. - Ellen Moir, executive director and founder of the
New Teacher Center at the University of
California at Santa Cruz, is being recognized for
helping teachers and administrators to study and
develop educational-support programs.
28Friday, October 14, 2005Time 900 a.m. - 430
p.m. Oglesby Student Union Ballroom - FSU
CampusCorner of Tennessee Street and Woodward
29Sport Management Conference
- October 20-22, 2005
- Tallahassee, FL
- The Sport Management Program at the Florida State
University is proud to host the 7th annual
conference for sport management scholars,
students, and professionals. - The conference program features an exciting mix
of academic research presentations and talks from
highly respected professionals in the sport
30October 14
- Last day to reduce course load without permission
of academic dean. Deans permission required to
drop below twelve (12) semester hours. - Last day to drop a course without receiving a
grade. - Last day to withdraw without receiving a grade.
- Last day to submit form requesting S/U grading or
to change S/U option back to regular grade.
31Visit COE website!
32News from ELPS
- Recent graduate Dr. Margo McClinton presented her
dissertation research in a presentation entitled,
"An Evaluation of How the State Merit Scholars
Program of Florida's Bright Futures Funding Has
Affected Student Success Among African American
Students," to the National Association of Student
Financial Aid Administrators at the 2005-2006
conference of the NASFAA Research Committee. - Dr. McClinton was also the recipient of a NASFAA
dissertation research grant.
33News from ELPS
- Dr. Jeff Milligan published a new book.
- He is also an author of Teaching at the
Crossroads of Faith and School.
34Good luck!
- EPLS doctoral students, Paul Flowers and
Sookyung Suh, were selected as one of three
pairs of finalists in the Performance Improvement
Competition held by AECT/PacificCorp. - Paul and Sookyung will compete in the final round
of the competition at the AECT conference on
Saturday, October 22nd
35Eat healthy and exercise!
11 weeks left till the end of the Fall semester!
36News Needed!
- Any news, achievements, announcements?
- See them at CENN!
- Contact Dr. Dina Vyortkina for details
- 002 STB
- 644-9623
37Have a great week!