Title: Chapter 13- The Federal Bureaucracy
1Chapter 13- The Federal Bureaucracy
- (1). Define what a bureaucracy is, and summarize
its key characteristics and its nature. - (2). Examine the structure, organization, roles
and tasks of the Federal Bureaucracy. - (3). Examine the Presidents Cabinet and discuss
their key departmental responsibilities. - (4). Contrast the diverse functions of the
Executive Departments, Independent - Regulatory Commissions, Government Corporations,
and Independent Agencies. - (5). Contrast the key tasks of rule
administration, rule making, and rule
adjudication. - (6). Examine the development growth of the
Bureaucracys power and responsibilities. - (7). Outline how the Federal Personnel System has
evolved and changed, and discuss the - spoils system, patronage and the Civil Service
System and its attempted reforms. - (8). Examine the Federal Bureaucracy's political
character, goals, and resources. - (9). Outline the ways that Congress, the
President, Interest Groups, and other agencies - place constraints on the Federal Bureaucracy.
- (10). Explain the "iron triangle" theory and
contrast it with the rise of issue networks. - (11). Assess the recent efforts to reform or
"reinvent" the Federal Bureaucracy.
What is a Bureaucracy?
Gov. agencies that implement Government policies
Webers Five Characteristics of Bureaucracy
3Structure Tasks of Federal Bureaucracy(The
Executive Branch)
Executive Departments (The Cabinet)
Homeland Security
4Types of Federal Agencies
- Executive Departments
- Cabinet appointed by the president
- Confirmed by Senate with its advice consent
- Independent Regulatory Commissions
- Small commissions w/greater independence
- Fix terms can only be fired for cause
- Government Corporations
- Government companies that serve Public for fee
- Suppose to be self supporting (example?)
- Finance, energy, insurance
- Independent Agencies
- Not part of Executive Department w/sub-cabinet
rank - NASA, EPA, (Exception CIA)
- All heads serve at Pleasure of President
5 Executive Departments
What kind of Departments or Agencies are these?
Health Human Svs
Housing Urban Dev.
Homeland Security
Veterans Affairs
6Independent Agencies
What kind of Federal Agencies are these?
Peace Corps
National Archives Records
Exception Cabinet Rank (Since Clinton
7Independent Regulatory Commissions
What kind of Federal Agencies are these?
Federal Reserve
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Federal Trade Commission
Consumer Product Safety
8Government Corporations
What kind of Federal Agencies are these?
Export- Import Bank
Postal Service
Inter- America Foundation
Corp. for National Community Service
9Federal Departments Agencies (summary)
10The Tasks of the Federal Bureaucracy
- Bureaucracies Perform Three Functions
- 1. Rule Administration
- Administer the rules of public policy
- Core bureaucratic function
- 2. Rule Making
- Put general principles into Federal Regulations
- Develop new rules as required
- 3. Rule Adjudication
- Determine if when the rules have been followed
or broken
11Federal Government Rule Making (1940-2004)
12Development of Federal BureaucracyConstitutional
- Role of Congress the President
- Shared powers to devise operate Bureaucracy
- Presidents power to appoint ensure laws
executed - Federal Bureaucracy gt Constitutional hybrid
- Created by Congress
- Directed by the President
- Accountable to both
- Has the Federal Bureaucracy grown over the years?
- Answer Yes and No
13Civilian Federal Employees 1820-2003
14Federal Government Growth (1820-2003)Per Capita
Spending vs. People Employed
15Growth of the Federal Bureaucracy
- Chart (Figure 13-4) illustrated (from 1890)
- Steady Federal growth to 1945 highpoint (3.8M)
- Steep growth began between 1931gt 1945 (why?)
- Per capita growth spending (Figure 13-5)shows
- As US population grew (now at about 300 Million)
gt - Federal spending per person grew significantly,
while - Federal Bureaucrats employed declined
- Bottom Line
- Federal Bureaucracy now spending doing more per
person (per capita) w/less federal employees to
do it
16Expanding Functions of the Federal Bureaucracy
- Four major categories of Federal functions
- National Maintenance
- Clientele Services
- Regulation of Private Sector
- Income Redistribution
Lets look at these major Federal functions in
greater detail.
17National Maintenance
- Early Federal Government Functions
Responsibilities primarily limited to - Collect tax revenue
- Defend the Nation
- Conduct foreign relations
- Enforce Federal laws
- Promote internal communications
- Which Government Departments Agencies
administered these functions?
18Early Federal Departments Government
State Department
Treasury Department
War Department
Attorney General
Post Office
19Clientele Services (mid-19th century)
- Serve special needs of influential Interest
Groups - Agencies created to serve clients special
Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Labor
Bureau of Labor gt later Dept of Commerce and
20Client Service Needs of 20th Century
- 1930sgt Great Depressiongt FDRs New Deal
- Federal Activism and Bureaucracy expands
Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
1960sgt War on Povertygt LBJs Great Society
Department of Housing and Urban Development
21More Government Bureaucracy Created during the
20th Century
- All formed to address other clients needs
Department of Energy
Department of Transportation
Department of Education
Department of Veterans Affairs
Latest edition to Federal Bureaucracy?
22Department of Homeland Security
23Regulation of Private SectorExpanding Federal
Responsibilities More
- Responsibility or regulating American economy
- Federal Agencies established
- ICC, Federal Reserve, Federal Trade Commission
- 1960sgt Regulate Society (Social Regulation)
- Examples EPA, OSHA
- Social Regulation entails what kind of Federal
24Income Redistribution
- Agencies formed to re-distribute economic
benefits - Shift either directly or indirectly
- Direct payments made to poor individuals
- Social Security (elderly) AFDC (minors)
- Some programs even transfer to wealthy
- Dept of Agriculture programs (wealthy farmers)
- Social Security payments to wealthy retirees
- Not always a one way street (i.e. from rich to
25Federal Bureaucracys Personnel SystemA History
of Change
Government by Gentleman
Political appointees were generally recruited
from the educated elite class.
(A Calling or Duty in service to the Nation)
26Changes in Fed Bureaucracys Personnel System (2)
The Spoils System
Appointees of the President replace the previous
Presidents appointees.
Government jobs spoils of war
Spoils System first associated with whose
Spoils System is also known as?
The practice of rewarding partisan supporters
with government jobs. (AKA spoils system)
Strong support for Patronage or Spoils System
lasted until late 1800s when what happened?
Congressional reaction?
Pendleton Act of 1883 (from 10 - 80) gt
Signaled beginning of what system based on what?
28Civil Service Merit
- Competence for job stressed
- Political affiliation political loyalty not a
requirement for getting hired - What you know is more important than who you
Civil Servants ranked and paid IAW General
Schedule Classification System or GS rankings
29Civil Service Reform Act of 1978
- President Carter initiated major reforms
- Reorganized agencies that oversee civil service
in order to eliminate previous conflicts of
interests - Office of Personnel Management
- Merit System Protection Board
- Also created the Senior Executive Service (SES)
- Allows high level civil servants to move into
other vacant policy making positions. - Remains a work in progress (Homeland Security)
30Politics of the Federal Bureaucracy Theory versus
- Theory political neutrality competence
- (Based on 19th century social theory of Max
Weber) - Bureaucracy mechanically implement laws
policies - Always act in Publics best interest
- Above theory is the traditional (mythological)
view of how the Government Bureaucracy works as
illustrated in the following model
31Traditional View of Government Bureaucracy
Formulate Policy
Role of Bureaucracy?
Implements the Policy
32Political Character of the Federal Bureaucracy-
The Reality
- Reality Inherently political institutions
- Translate principles goalsgt concrete programs
- Take board policies laws gt detailed
regulations - Range of Discretion gt and conflicting guidance
- President vs. Congress intentions often compete
- Result Bureaucracy serves two masters
- Can Play one off the other (depending on own
agenda) - Exercises discretion gt freedom to shape own
rules - Usually made consistent with their own best
interests - With Belief whats good for them is good for the
33Goals of the Federal Bureaucracy
Two Goals
Mission Goals
Survival Goals
The policy objectives that justify the creation
and existence of an agency
The desire bureaucrats have to see the agency
they work for grow and prosper
34Potential Threats to those Goals
- Potential threatsgt
- Conflict competition with other political
actors - Congress The President (EOP)
- Other Federal Agencies Interests Groups
- State local governments
- Lifeblood of bureaucracy?
- Power ( A zero/sum game in Washington arena)
- Constant competition for power, influence,
growth - What are the Political Resources available to the
Federal Bureaucracy to counter these threats?
35Administrative Discretion
Political power through rule making procedures.
The use of rules to reflect an agencys view of
the public good.
Power how to shape administer policy (EPAgt
strict or lax enforcement of regulations)
36Clientele Support
Clientele are the recipients of the services a
government agency's programs provide.
The power an agency exercises depends heavily on
the power of its clientele.
Example DOD versus DOSgt whos most likely to
win? Domestic vs. foreign clients the captive
37Agencies gain power from the expertise their
employees develop.
Agency Expertise
Expertise is specialized knowledge acquired
through work experience or training and
- Critical factors affecting value of expertise
- Extent that agency is only one with the
expertise - Size of the knowledge gap with other experts
- Example NASA versus DOS foreign policy
38AssessmentEffect of differences in Agency Power
- Mission survival goals affected by all three
- Strong clients, great expertise, more knowledge
- More say therefore more power
- Expanded mission bigger budget ()
- More likely to survive at other agencies expense
- All affect status pecking order in Washington
- DOD more powerful than DOS
- Both more powerful than DOT DOE
- And so on down the Cabinet pecking order
39Political Constraints On Federal Bureaucracy
Other Agencies
The Courts
The President
Interest Groups
Examine in greater detail
40Political Constraints on the Federal Bureaucracy
The Congress
- Congressgt Article I enumerated powers
- Create gt implies modify or abolish
- Determine Bureaucracys structure
responsibility - Appropriate funds to accomplish responsibilities
- Congress implied powers
- Oversight (GAO CRS)
- Committee Sub-committees role
- Budget authorization appropriation for programs
- Interest Group's influence on Congress
- Can be significantgt motivating Congress to act
41Political Constraints on the Federal Bureaucracy
The President
- President gt IAW interpretation of Article II
- In addition to Enumerated also has implied powers
- Key examples
- See that all laws are faithfully executed
- Appointment powersgt influence who heads agency
- Shape how policies are implemented
- Can offer Budget proposals legislation to
Congress - Power of the veto threat
- Power to reorganize structure reassign
functions - OMBgt clear all new agency regulations
42Political Constraints on the Federal Bureaucracy
Interest Groups, The Courts Other Agencies
- Interest Groupsgt options available for relief
- Turn to President (EOP), Congress, or The Courts
- Other Agenciesgt overlapping responsibilities
- On-going competition for power influence
- FBI vs. CIA vs. DOS vs. DOD
- Impact check balance power of the other
- The Courtsgt can place legal constraints
- Politically immune during deliberations
- Determine if rules exceed authority or not lawful
43Alliances and the Federal Bureaucracy
- Iron Triangles (Figure 13-6)
- Effective when interest impact are very narrow
- Downside narrow interests that benefit the few
- Taxpayers (Public) pay for these special benefits
- Highly undemocratic gt last minute riders on
Bills - Issue Networks gt (offset above influences)
- Create range of competing positions on an issue
- Tends to offset narrow interests of iron
triangles - Agency Congress respond to all potential voters
- Result dampens special interests influence
44Iron Triangles
45Reinventing the Federal Bureaucracy
- Americans negative perception of federal
government - Wasteful inefficient (Red Tape)
- Politicians efforts to change government red tape
- Clinton Gore (National Performance Review)
- Previous commissions created in past to do same
thing - Grace Commissions (Reagan Administration) gt
result? - Recent post 9/11 trend organizational changes
- Homeland Security established (Effectiveness?
control of FEMA?) - Usual result? (mixed at best) gt why?
- Conflicting demands objectives for all
affected - Agencys survival goals bureaucratic self
interest - Interest Group (Public clients) demands (often
in conflict)
46Next Assignment
- Text- Chapter 14 The Courts
- Review Article III of Constitution
- Continue to prepare for Test II Key Terms
- Review Key Terms in context of Chapters 11-14
Learning Objectives - Note possible Quiz next Wednesday on Key Terms
- Test II administered a week from next Monday
- Bring SCANTRON 50/50 2 pencil
47Chapter 13 Key Terms
- Advice and consent Refers to the provision in
Article II of the Constitution that requires the
president to gain the Senates approval of
appointees to a variety of government positions. - Bureaucracy In general usage, the set of
government agencies that carries out government
policies. The bureaucracy is characterized by
formalized structures, specialized duties, a
hierarchical system of authority, routine record
keeping, and a permanent staff. - Bureaucrats A term used generally to identify
anyone who works within a large, formal
organization. More specifically, it refers to
career civil service employees of the government. - Cabinet An informal designation that refers to
the collective body of individuals appointed by
the president to head the executive departments.
The cabinet can, but rarely does, function as an
advisory body to the president. - Civil service The method by which most
government employees have been hired, promoted,
and fired since the 1880s. Personnel decisions
are based on merit, or the competence of the
individual to do the job, rather than the
individuals political loyalties. - Clientele The recipients of the services a
government agencys programs provide. - Expertise Specialized knowledge acquired through
work experience or training and education.
48Chapter 13 Key Terms (2)
- Iron triangles The alliance of a government
agency, congressional committee or subcommittee,
and political interest group for the purpose of
directing government policy within the agencys
jurisdiction to the mutual benefit of the three
partners. - Issue networks A loose collection of groups or
people in and out of government who interact on a
policy issue on the basis of their interest and
knowledge rather than just on the basis of
economic interests. - Patronage The practice of rewarding partisan
supporters with government jobs. Also known as
the spoils system. - Rule adjudication Determining whether an
agencys rules have been violated. - Rule administration The core function of the
bureaucracyto carry out the decisions of
Congress, the president, or the courts. - Rule making Formulating the rules for carrying
out the programs a bureaucratic agency
administers. - Spoils system The method used to hire and fire
government employees during most of the 1800s.
Government employees of the new presidents
choosing would replace those a previous president
had appointed. Government jobs were the spoils
(or rewards) of the electoral wars. This system
was also known as patronage.