Title: Green[er]-to-Green Aircraft/Aeronautical Possibilities
1Greener-to-Green Aircraft/Aeronautical
- Dennis M. Bushnell
- Chief Scientist
- NASA Langley Research Center
2Humans Have Taken Over and Vastly Shortened
EvolutionHuman EngenderedE7 times Natural
Of the Planet - Global Warming, Pollution,
Deforestation, Species Extinction - Huge Public
Works (e.g. 3 Gorges Dam) Of the Human Species -
Genomic Design and Repair Products/Life Forms -
Cross Species Molecular Breeding - Directed
Evolution (Maxygen etc.)
3The Major Societal Problems
- Warming Anthropogenic CO2-Induced,Attendant
Arctic Methane Release - Consequent Green Energy Requirement,Simultaneous
Demise of Cheap Oil - Shortages of Water Arable Land
- An Increasing Food Shortage
4 - CO2 levels are NOW greater than at any time in
the last 650,000 Years- Tundra
Melting,Releasing huge amounts of Methane.- N.
Atlantic Gulf Stream Heating reduced by 30
overlying fresh water from melting glaciers.
5Prevention of collapse of the Ecosystem has now
become the overwhelming issue
European Commission on Key Technologies for
6Rationals for Going Green
- Escalating Price of Petroleum
- Warming Including Acidic Oceans
- National Security/Geo-Politics
- Economics/ Balance of Payments
- Personal Economics/ Independence
7THE KEY TECHNOLOGIES(highly synergistic / at the
frontiers of the small / in a feeding frenzy
off each other)
- IT (comms/computing/sensors/electronics/machine
intelligence) - Bio (genomics/molecular biology/designer life
forms) - Nano (coatings/barriers/computers/sensors/material
s/assemblers) - Energetics (HEDM (various)/revol.
solar/biomass/explosives/propellants/storage) - Quantum crypto/computing/sensors/optics/Electroni
cs - Societal Technological Systems (motivational
asynchronous distance learning,
immersive/virtual presence, tele-everything,
robotic everything, digital earth/digital
8Aircraft/Aviation Emission Issues
- CO2/NOX - a Warming Issue
- Water Vapor/Cirrus Clouds - a Warming issue
- Localized Airport/environs Pollution - a health
and quality of life issue
9Aircraft/Aeronautics Emission Solution
- Operations
- Vehicle Technologies/Efficiency
- Advanced Energetics/Propulsion
- Alternatives to Air Transport
- AND - A Suggested/ Practical Solution
10Operations Approaches
- Automatic Flight routing for fuel use/emission
reduction - Requires Fixing the ATC System
- Mandate Flying Full
- Fly below 27 KFt Solves the H20 Problem
- Carbon Tax, increase ticket price/reduce
11Vehicle Technologies/Efficiency
- 50-to-100 increase in L/D
- - Aggressive BWB
- - Strut braced Wings
- Revolutionary Structures and Materials
- - Strut braced Wings
- - CNT Structures/Materials Factors of 3-to-5
potential dry weight reductions
12(Example) CTOL Transport Advanced Concepts
- Strut-braced/Tip engines (C-C, NLFC, etc.)
- Adv, BWB (Goldschmeid integ., HLFC etc.)
- Ring Wing (Distributed/anti-DDL Propul.)
- Dbl. Fuselage-midwing
- Biplane
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14Example - Strut/Truss Braced
- Strut/Truss to
- Support tip engines for DDL/vortex red.
- Reduce wing thickness (reduce wt sweep)
- Enable NLF inc. lift carrying struts
- Also Required/Desired
- APU powered C-C on tail (engine out)
- VPI strut design (for downloads)
- Active load alleviation for flutter
- Strut/Truss Wing Box Combined Struct.
- Incr. dia./shorter fuselage (red. wetted area)
15Advanced Energetics/Propulsion
- SMES with CNT Magnets B field and material
strength, reduced losses, 10 times Chemical
Energy storage density - Soliton Divergence-less Energy Beaming,
incl. intermittent - Positrons stored as Positronium, open cycle
heating - Fuel Cells Above 27KFt requires special water
efflux/treatment approach
16Nominal Power Densities
- ZPE..E108 X Chemical
- Anti-Matter/Positrons.. E10 X Chemical
- Fission/Fusion.. E6 X Chemical
- Isomers. E5 X Chemical
- SBER E2 X Chemical
- Hydrogen....38 KWH/Kg
- HC..14
- Advanced Flywheels. .9 - 20?
- Batteries.. . .04 - 10?
- SMES .0015 - 100?
- Super/ultra Capacitors .0007 -8?
17First-Order Impacts of Nano upon
EnergeticsImproved Performance/Cost Reduction
- Fuel Cells
- Photovoltaics
- H2 Storage Casimir Forces?
- Supercapacitors
- Batteries
18Soliton Energy Transfer..
- Solitons are waves in non-linear systems which
are non-dispersive,maintain amplitude - Utilized in optical communications information
transfer,up to 1,000,000 Km thus far - Physics evidently allows utilization for Energy
Transfer,Not yet accomplished - - Would change Energetics MUCH DE weaponry,
SPSats, Beamed Energy Propulsion,
19Electric Propulsion
- An Emerging candidate for eventual replacement of
GTEs ,used NOW on smaller craft - Propulsors
- - Electric Motors/Ducted Fans Electromechanical
- - MHD Accelerators Electromagnetic
- - Heat Air in a GTE Cycle Electro-thermal
- Electricity Sources
- - Fuel Cells
- - CNT Flywheel/Generator
- - SMES/CNT Magnets
- - Off Board Beamed Energy MW,Rectennas.
- - Adv. Batteries,ultra-capacitors
- - Solar/ PV
20In-Atmosphere/High Thrust Electric Propulsion
- Elimination of CO2,NOx emissions
- Thermodynamic Efficiency Improvements
- Potential Cost,Reliability,Maintenance,Safety
benefits ? - Reduced noise Thermal Signatures
- High Altitude Efficiency esp. Near Space/HALE
- Distributed Propulsion
21More Efficient Fuel Cells
- Add Bottoming cycle using Thermal Diodes
23-33 direct thermal-electric conversion or
Thermal cycle - MANY approaches on the table -
Membranes/materials/electrochemistry, Factor of
10 plus in KW/Kg appears probable over next
decade,10X improvement over last decade,NANO may
yield yet another factor of 10..
22Hydrogen Sources
- Genomic Bio Photosynthesis
- Artificial Photosynthesis
- Electrolysis
- - Direct visible light Photo-Catalysis
- - Plastic Nano PV Energy
- - Bio Mass Incl.Seawater Agric. Energy
- - Ocean Thermal,Wind Energy
- - Usual Energy Sources Hydro,Nuc,.
- Reformation JP,Methane,Ammonia.
- Coal Gasificationw/H20
- Sulfur-iodine Thermo-chemical Cycle w/H2O
23Hydrogen Storage
- Cryo incl. Slush, Solid
- CNTs/Zeolites Casimir Force Optimization,Doping
, CNT Structure - CNT Pressure Vessels,
- Lithium Nitride,Graphite Nanofibers
- Ammonia,Ammonia Borane PNNL
- Methane,Gas Hydrates
- Porous Magnesium Alloys
- Titanium doped Hydrides
- Glass/Polymer Microspheres
- Metal/Organic Frameworks
24An Outlook for H2
- Biologic H2 sources could provide a Green H2
Supply - H2 Infrastructure would take too long to put in
place compared to warming/petroleum problems
time scales and is exceedingly expensive - Hydrogen Storage is still nascent, Nano Tech
including Casimir Force Engineering could help - - Bottom LinesBiofuels using existing
infrastructures are/will be the Green
transportation fuel of choice.
25More Efficient GTEs
- Endothermic Fuel Cooling
- - Replace current bleed air suction/injection
losses with increased Regeneration - Exhaust Stream Heat Exchangers Bypass
- - Minimize weight of exchangers via Riblet
surface treatment Increase Re An - - Chinese Super Tubes for ultra-efficient heat
exchanger - Aspirated Compressors
- Combustor Turbulence Length Scale Tailoring to
improve turbine blade performance - Free Piston Compressor/Combustor
- Wave Rotors
26Alternatives to Air Transport
- Tele-Everything including Tele-Travel via 5
senses Virtual Reality/ Holographic Projection - On-Site Manufacturing Mechatronics, Printing,
Strong Nano/Nano Replicators
27Worldwide IT Revolution
- Comms/Computing/Sensors/Electronics
- Factor of E07 since 59 Moores Law
- Factor of E08 to E12 further improvement
Silicon,Molecular/CNT, Quantum, Bio, Optical - Beyond Human Machine Intelligence?
- Automatics/Robotics in the large
- Immersive multi-sensory VR/Holodecks
- Ubiquitous multi physics/hyperspectral sensors
- Work (at home telecommuting, reduced
local/corporal travel) - Shopping (at home web based, requires delivery)
- Entertainment/leisure (at home immersive 3-D
interactive/multi-sensory via VR/holographic
projection) - Travel (3-D/interactive/multi-sensory
tele-travel) - Education (at home low cost asynchronous, web
based on-demand, highly motivational, life-long
distance learning, .edu) - Health (at home interactive tele-medicine)
- Politics (increased real-time virtual involvement
of the body politic) - Commerce (tele-commerce already ubiquitous)
29It will be routine to meet in full-immersion
virtual reality for business meetings and casual
conversations in 5 to 7 years
Ray Kurzweil,Author,Age of Spiritual Machines
30By 2025, 40 of Private and 15 of Public
Colleges and Universities are Expected to Close
due to Web-based Competition
31In 30 Years,The Universities of America,as we
have Traditionally known them,will be Barren
Peter Drucker
32Human (Societal) Alienation
- Paleolithic--tightly-knit (interdependent)
hunter-gatherer groups/tribes (98 percent of
human history/evolution) - Neolithic (first wave) (to--18th
Century)--tightly-knit agricultural villages
(common religion/culture, interdependent) - Industrial Revolution (second wave) (19th, 20th
Century)--mass movements from the land to
manufacturing centers, loss of village social
infrastructure, left only with familial support
systems - Information Revolution (third wave)--increased
physical isolation (electronic cottages) but
greatly enhanced non-corporal mental interaction
via immersive 3-D multi-sensory interactive
comms. e.g. On-line Gaming
33Wild Card..
- The extent to which Socialization via Virtual
Presence will replace and possibly Improve
Physical Presence Socialization - - It really is all in our heads,Silicon
implants and optical comms will enable superb 5
senses instantaneous immerse presence including
Haptic Touch etc.,Better than Real.and not
limited to reality..
34Virtual Reality Outlook
- Optical Comms - Bandwidth
- Conventional VR/next 10 yrs.
- 3-D sound, smell, haptic touch
- Projection onto eye
- Better/more intense than reality
- Beyond Conventional
- Direct brain feeds
- Super sensory inputs/experiences
- Applications include entertainment, travel,
business, medicine, education creativity
2020 2015
0 10 20 30
Source Transportation Research Board,
Washington DC, 1994
36And, Finally, There is the REAL,PRACTICAL
SolutionHC Transportation Fuel obtained from
Biomass, probably through Seawater Agriculture
Unchanged fuel infrastructure, fly below 27K
Ft for water issue,Cost Effective, CO2 price
paid upfront - plants take up the CO2-C-C
enables wing size reduction and ride quality for
less than 27k ft cruise, also Simultaneous
multiple A/C runway utilization for Airport
37Petroleum Transportation Fuel Outlook
- In General,Cheap Oil Production is peaking or
has peaked.Residual supplies will have greater
production costs.Increasing Petroleum
demand,particularly from the developing world
,will ensure ever increasing oil prices and
shifts,from purely economic drivers, to
Alternatives H2,Biomass - Demand Example - U.S. has 745 vehicles per 1,000
population.China,the second largest oil importer,
has 3 vehicles per 1,000 population.If China goes
to 5 Vehicles per 1,000 Population they will have
to DOUBLE their Oil Imports to 10 Million
38Energy and Warming
- 75 of Energy Usage is releasing climate-changing
amounts of Fossil Carbon as CO2 - This Fossil CO2 warming is releasing Fossil
Methane from the Tundra,Methane some 22X more of
a warming gas than CO2,A Warming Accelerant - Of the Renewables,only Solar via Biomass and
Other Approaches has the potential to provide
the requisite Capacity Wind,Hydro,Nuc
cannot. - Biomass Produces Liquid Fuels and is less
expensive currently than other Solar
39Bio Mass Potential
Biomass grown on some 6 of the U.S. Land mass
could replace current U.S. oil and natural gas
40Shallow Sea/Desert Production of Biomass via
Seawater Irrigation land/water/food/Energy/Warmin
- Closed CO2 Cycle (Obviates Global Warming)
- - Food
- - Petro-chemical feedstock
- Materials/clothing etc.
- - ENERGY (end reliance on Middle East)
- Terraforming, alter desertification etc.
- Preservation/Production of Fresh Water
- Rich Mineral Source (Seawater)
- Utilization of Wastelands (Sahara, etc.)
- Seawater contains some 80 of plant nutrients
- China doing it NOW
41Energetics in the Post-Petroleum Age
- BioMass via Seawater Agriculture on
WastelandsLand,water,food.energy,warming - Plastic Nano PV
- Advanced Geothermal
- Tidal Currents
- Genomic Bacteria H2 Production
- Artificial Photo-Synthesis H2 Production
- Photo-Catalytic Electrolysis of H2O
- H-B11 Fusion,LENRs
- Wildcard - ZPE
- Conservation via Light Diodes,Thermal
Diodes,CNT Computing,Tele-Everything, Fuel
Cells,CNT-enabled weight reductions
42Energetics Wild Cards Being Worked
- Solitons for Low Divergence Power Beaming
- Positron Storage as Positronium
- High Efficiency Plastic Nano PV
- 30 Thermo-Electrics
- High Efficiency KW/KG Fuel Cells
- On-Site H2 Generation vice Storage Zinc,.
- Room Temperature S-C
- Tapping ZPE, Higher Yield LENRs
- Controlled Nuclear Isomer Release
- SMES with CNT Magnets
- Lithium Tantalate Crystals
43Global Warming Solutions
- Green Energy
- Conservation
- Genomic Biologics w/greatly increased CO2 Uptake
- Trigger Calderas Nascent Volcanoes,Put massive
amounts of dust in the Atmosphere - Nano-Particulates spread on the monolayer of
surfactant on the Oceans Surface to alter Albedo - Gigantic reflective films/membranes in orbit
- Seed Oceans with iron to provoke/enable
Phytoplankton Blooms
44As the Aeronautical Mastodon, Festooned with
Antique Hardware, Attempts to determine the
direction of, and turn toward, the South before
the ice closes in Completely..
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