Title: An
1An Ocean of Opportunity for Personal
Enhancement, Adventure, Growth, Education,
Responsibility Fellowships Internships
- Nikola Garber
- Knauss Fellows Program Manager
- National Sea Grant Office
- Fellowships
- Advanced degree or professional experience
- Salaried positions
- 9 months to one year plus
- Internships
- Minimal experience (Undergraduates)
- Salaried or volunteer
- Short-term arrangements
- Current Students
3Questions to Ask?
- Programs Available
- Individual Interests or Preferences
- Stipend
- Transportation/Living Expenses
- Length of program
- Expectations
- Mentors
4Desired Personality Attributes
- Be Competent Confident
- Friendly Agreeable
- Willing to Volunteer for Any Activity
- Inquisitive
- Team Player
- All Disciplines
5When/How to Start
- Search Early (Year Prior to )
- Deadlines May Be Extended
- Information From EVERYONE www
- Complete Application Requirements
6General Application Requirements
- Recommendations
- Resume/Curriculum Vitae
- Personal Statement
- College Transcript
7Knauss Sea Grant Fellowship
- Began 1979
- Unparalleled educational experience
- Important pipeline into workforce
- Graduate students
- Interest in ocean, coastal, Great Lakes resources
- One-year 38,000 Fellowship
- Placement Legislative/Executive Branch
- Based in Washington, D.C.
8Knauss Sea Grant Fellowship (cont.)
- Over 500 Past/Present Fellows
- 1987 Congress Dean John A. Knauss Marine Policy
Fellows becoming a formal part of the National
Sea Grant College Program Act - Fulfill SG broad educational responsibilities
- Knauss a former administrator of NOAA Dean of
Graduate School of Oceanography, University of
Rhode Island
9Selection Criteria
- Personal academic curriculum vitae (not to
exceed 2 pages with 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins) - Personal educational career goal statement
emphasizing expectations from the experience as
it relates to career development (not to exceed
1000 words, 12 pt. font) - Two letters of recommendation with one being from
the students major professor (or equal) - A letter from the sponsoring Sea Grant Director
- Official copy of undergraduate/graduate
10Examples of Legislative Offices
- Senator Ron Wyden
- Rep. Pallone
- Rep. Ron Kind Upper MS River Task Force
- House Committee on Resources
- Committee on Commerce, Science, Transportation
- Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
- Senator Akaka
- Rep. Sam Farr
- Rep. Thomas Allen
11Examples of Executive Offices
- NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service)
- Marine Mammal Division
- Office of Protected Resources
- Office of Habitat Conservation
- Habitat Restoration Center
- Office of the Under Secretary
- Office of Legislative Affairs
- Office of Policy and Strategic Planning
- Office of General Counsel
12Examples of Executive Offices (cont.)
- NOS (National Ocean Service)
- Coastal Ocean Program
- National Marine Sanctuaries
- Office of Global Programs
- Oceanographer of the Navy
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- National Science Foundation
- U.S. Department of the Interior
13Alumni Employment Patterns 1979-2000
- Public Sector 43
- Other Federal Agencies 42
- Congress 12
- State, Regional, Local Governments 22
- University/Academia 15
- Employees 50
- Degree Seeking 13
- Private Sector 30
- Includes Non-profit Org, Contractors, 125
- Consultants, Private Industries, Aquariums, And
Law - Other 12 50
N 412
14Other Fellowships
- www.sacnas.org www.marinecareers.net
- Sea Grant Programs
- American Fisheries Society
- National Science Foundation (Japan Research
Fellowship) - Congress Federal Government
- Overseas Summer Jobs
- Journal Nature Recruitment Section
15Fellowships/Internships Provide
- Networking
- Future Employment
- Academic Training
- Exposure to Other Fields
- Work Experience
- Research Experience
- Resume Enhancement
16For additional informationplease contact
- Nikola Kola Garber
- Knauss Sea Grant Fellows Program Manager
- National Sea Grant College Program
- 1315 East-West Highway
- SSMC3, R/SG, Rm 11718
- Silver Spring, MD 20910
- Tel (301) 713-2431 ext. 124
- Fax (301) 713-0799
- E-mail nikola.garber_at_noaa.gov