Title: Overview of Managing Public & Nonprofit Org.
1Overview of Managing Public Nonprofit Org.
- Catastrophies such as 9/11 and Katrina underscore
the importance of effective organization and
management of public organizations - However, we are ambivalent about governmentits
a love-hate relationship often influenced by
2What is Management?
- Many different perspectives and frameworks for
studying management - We will focus on organization theory and behavior
from a public perspective - Our basic framework will examining the
structures, processes and people of public and
nonprofit organizations - See p. 18 of Rainey for a broad definition of an
3Course Topics
- Foundational theories
- Environment and networks
- Forms of organizing
- Leadership, power org. culture
- Motivation
- Communication conflict
- New governance
4The Study of Management is Important!
- Consider rise of MPA programs like UNCW
- Need to address nonprofits as well as government
orgs (QENO) - Management as a second profession
5Major Schools of Thought
- Purpose of studying management is to build your
conceptual tool kit that is, provide multiple
frameworks or perspectives for understanding
orgs. and situations. Examples - Scientific Management Theory
- Administrative Management Theory
6Major Schools of Thought
- Human Relations Theory
- Human Resources Theory
- Systems Theory
- Quality Management Theory
- Organizational Culture Leadership Theory
7Learning from Experience
- We will learn about management by integrating
theory (Rainey Tompkins) and practice (Ashworth
and each other). - Observe your bosses carefully
- -- learn from both the good and the bad
- -- importantly, tell them what they need to
know, not what they want to hear (tactfully!) -
8Learning from Experience
- Ethics must be the foundation for practice
- -- first, trust your instincts (dont ignore
discomfort) - -- second, draw on multiple sources of guidance
for how to conduct yourself (upbringing, faith,
loyalty to superiors and organization, history,
personal conscience) - -- for public service career, look particularly
close to democratic and constitutional
imperative - (p. 165 in Ashworth)
9Learning from Experience
- Develop a persona like an egg with a semi-porous
shell - There is a substantial universality of experience
in public service that transcends geography or
agency - You are permitted to get frustrated, but never
thoroughly discouraged or disenchanted
10Learning from Experience
- You cant learn unless you get into the fray!
- Stretch your comfort zonetake on new tasks or
challenges that scare you a bit!
11Foundational Theories
- The Systems Metaphor
- -- inputs, throughputs, outputs
- -- feedback (single vs. double-loop)
- -- closed vs. open or adaptive systems
- Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management
- -- each task can be broken down and one best
way discovered to attain most efficient process -
12Foundational Theories
- Max Weber and the Ideal Bureaucracy
- -- based on legal and rational forms of
authority rather than tradition or
charisma-based - -- focus on hierarchical lines of authority,
rules, consistency, specialized expertise,
stability - -- raised concerns about need for individual
freedom, creativity, flexibility
13Foundational Theories
- Administrative Management School Principles of
Administration - -- POSDCORB
- -- span of control (between 6-10 subordinates)
- -- one master for each subordinate
- -- clear delegation and accountability
- -- task homogeneity dissimilar tasks should
not be grouped together - -- significant contribution, but what about
14Foundational Theories
- Mary Parker Follett and the Law of the Situation
- -- the giving of orders should be based on a
shared understanding between superiors and
subordinates of the particular situations and
what it requires - Hawthorne Studies Discovery of Human Beings in
the Workplace - -- social situation and psychology matters
15Foundational Theories
- Chester Barnard and The Importance of the
Executive - -- leaders induce and coordinate key
cooperative activities - -- incentives matter, not just money but also
power, prestige, fulfillment of ideals - -- leaders are key in shaping organization
culture - -- the informal organization is as important to
understand as the formal structure
16Foundational Theories
- Herbert Simon and Bounded Rationality
- -- focus on how decisions are made in
organizations - -- strictly rational decisions and choices are
impossible in complex situations - -- administrators satisfice or choose the
best of a limited set of alternatives within the
constraints of limited information and time
17Foundational Theories
- Kurt Lewin and Organizational Change
- -- groups and individuals maintain a
quasi- stationary equilibrium in their
attitudes and behaviors - -- equilibrium results from a balance between
forces pressing for change and those pressing
against change (basis for force field analysis) - -- must unfreeze and refreeze
18Foundational Theories
- Organizational Development
- -- Action research
- -- Participative decision making (PDM)
- Human Relations School
- -- Maslows hierarchy of needs
- -- McGregors Theory X and Theory Y
19Foundational Theories
- Contingency Theory
- -- organizations are open systems that respond
to social, economic and technological
imperatives (Tavistock Institute) - -- successful firms must have internal
structures as complex as their environments
(Lawrence Lorsch) - -- organizations tend to be organic or
mechanistic (Burns Stalker)
20Distinctive Context of Public Management
- Fragmented Authority
- -- multiple masters
- Open and Responsive Decision Process
- -- operating in a goldfish bowl
- Ambiguous and Intangible Goals
- -- difficult to define and control success
21Distinctive Context of Public Management
- Procedural Constraints
- -- emphasis on accountability restrains
managerial discretion - Political Constraints
- -- numerous stakeholders with varying levels of
influence depending on the issue - -- places premium on negotiating, conflict
resolution and coalition-building skills
22Distinctive Context of Nonprofit Management
- Working With/Under a Board
- Funding Constraints
- -- grants, foundations, donors
- Mission-Driven vs. Money-Driven
- Competition vs. Collaboration
- Managing volunteers
23Distinctiveness of Public Management
- Working with Politicians
- -- very current-issue oriented
- -- they are on top
- -- a manager must keep professional distance
and avoid inserting personal views - -- their world is trade-offs, swapping, making
deals, comprising - -- you must be focused when you need them
- -- you must be willing to be the fireplug
24Distinctiveness of Public Management
- Working with the Press
- -- consider them another branch of government
- -- be very careful about off the record
comments (the recorder is always on!) - -- consider their point of view
- -- be brief try to boil down complex issues
- -- dont make assumptions about what they know
- -- dont let them control the interviewknow
the one or two points you want to make and bore
25Environment of Public Organizations
- Environmental scanning can be an effective tool
for understanding organizational structure
behavior - -- technological conditions
- -- legal conditions
- -- political conditions
- -- economic conditions
26Environment of Public Organizations
- Environmental scanning (contd)
- -- demographic conditions
- -- ecological conditions
- -- cultural conditions
- Organizations are impacted by their environments
but can enact their own environment as well
27Environment Key Concepts
- Turbulence and interconnectedness characterize
the environments of most public organizations. - Organizations can adapt their structures in
response to their environment, or they can change
their niches. - -- huge issue with nonprofits!
28Environment Key Concepts
- Efficiency not necessarily the highest priority
in the design of U.S. government - -- external authorities, the media, interest
groups and citizens also demand effectiveness,
timeliness, reliability, and reasonableness -
- -- remember the three Es efficiency,
effectiveness and equity sometimes
uncomfortable bedfellows!
29Competing Values Framework
- How to make sense out of all the different org.
theories and perspectives in a way that us useful
toward understanding org. and org. behavior? - Quinn Rohrbaugh suggest it boils down to the
specific criteria or values being used to
assessand they all are important depending on
the context.
30Competing Values Focus
- Internal concern with well-being of employees
- External concern for the well-being of the
31Competing ValuesStructure
- Concern for flexibility and change
- Concern for stability and control
32Competing Values Framework
- Parsons to be a viable social system an
organization is subject to functional
imperatives - Adaptive Function
- -- acquire resources and adjust to forces in
external environment - Goal Attainment Function
- -- develop plans and direct their
33Competing Values Framework
- Integrative Function
- -- coordinate the work activities toward goals
- Pattern Maintenance Function
- -- ensure continued commitment of members
- Tension Management Function
- -- iron out tensions that inevitably arise
34Competing Values Framework
- Means-oriented values
- -- cohesion, morale, communication, planning,
goal-setting - Ends-oriented values
- -- growth, resource acquisition, productivity
35Competing Values Framework
- When these three dimensions are juxtaposed, they
reveal four competing models of org.
effectiveness - -- human relations model (Quadrant 1)
- -- open systems model (Quadrant 2)
- -- rational goal model (Quadrant 3)
- -- internal process model (Quadrant 4)
36Competing Values Framework
- Contradictions abound between different values
and frameworks - However, organizations face such competition
among values - Successful managers must balance or concurrently
manage competing values - Consider how Blast in Centralia case illustrates
37Focus on Goal Attainment (Q3)
- Rational Goal Model
- Importance of planning goal setting
- Focus on productivity efficiency
- Leadership role is Director Producer
38Focus on Goal Attainment (Q3)
- Organizations are goal-directed, purposive
entities. - A basic assumption is that public organizations
will perform better if the people in them clarify
their goals and measure progress against them. - Reflects the huge investment in stating goals and
performance measures.
39Focus on Goal Attainment (Q3)
- Roots of rational goal model are in the
Scientific Management, Administrative Management,
and Bureaucratic Theories - Critical managerial task of a Director is to set
clear goals, plan, measure against them, and hold
people accountable for the results
40Focus on Goal Attainment (Q3)
- However, in the public and nonprofit sectors,
goal setting is a huge challenge - -- no bottom line like private sector
- For example, goals can be ambiguous, multiple,
and conflicting - -- result can be debilitating for employees
41Focus on Goal Attainment (Q3)
- Major tool for addressing the goal challenge is
Strategic Planning Management - Key elements
- -- establishing clear vision and mission
- -- conducting SWOT analysis
- -- identifying key strategic issues
- -- identifying short long-term goals in
42Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- Importance of information management and
communication - Focus on stability and control
- Leadership role is Coordinator Monitor
43Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- Roots of internal processes model is
bureaucratic theory - Basic assumption is that organizational
performance is enhanced by maximizing rationality
through - -- fixed official duties, hierarchy of
authority, system of rules, task specialization
and written documentation
44Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- Critical managerial task as a Coordinator
Monitor is to supervise in a top-down manner,
ensure the standardization of work processes
skills, integrate the efforts of work groups, and
ensure legal compliance with rules and
45Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- The focus on internal processes is critical, but
the bureaucratic model presents serious
challenges - -- emphasis on impersonal application of rules
procedures (creates alienation or anomie) - -- dehumanizing impact on workers
- -- specialization hierarchy creates
communication obstacles narrow sense of
responsibility - -- institutional rigidity and goal displacement
46Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- Tools that address the challenges of bureaucracy
are adjusting organizational structures and
organizing through work groups or teams - Different org. structures include
- -- by function
- -- by program, product or service
- -- by matrix, client or process (see Graham
Hays reading)
47Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- Focus on groups or teams came about because they
influence communication and conflicts among their
members and between themselves and other groups. - Groups teams also seen as a way of dealing with
the problems created by bureaucracy
48Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- Group participation in decision making can
enhance the quality of decisions and acceptance
of change within an organization (SNF stages) - Groups can bring more knowledge, info, and
approaches than individuals - Groups can provide sense of belonging or cohesion
within an impersonal bureaucracy
49Focus on Internal Processes (Q4)
- A well-documented problem with groups is
Groupthink, or tendency towards unconscious
conformity by memberssymptoms are - -- stereotyping the opposition, overestimating
ones own position, stifling dissent - See Rainey (p. 338) for tips to avoid this
phenomenon -
50Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Importance of cohesion and morale
- Focus on human resource development
- Leadership role is Mentor Facilitator
51Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Roots of human relations model in work of Mary
Parker Follett, Fritz Roethlisberger, and Elton
Mayo. - Basic assumption is that the human side of
organizations matterfocusing on goals, structure
and processes tells us nothing about how to
manage people effectively.
52Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Follett believed that humans have an inherent
need to associate with others, develop social
bonds, and participate in collective life. - Humans have a need for self-expression and for
self-realization through groups.
53Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Follett was a pioneer in modern conflict
resolution through her concept of integrationa
useful conceptual tool. - She argued that conflict is typically resolved
through either domination or compromise. Both
techniques are flawedwhy?
54Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Integration is achieved by intermingling the
ideas and perspectives of each party as concerns
are discussed (called interpenetration). - As mutual understanding and a sense of
interdependence are created, new ways of thinking
about the situation emerge that integrate
interests (instead of positions).
55Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Another useful concept from Follett is the law
of the situation. - One person should not give orders to another
person, but both should agree to take their
orders from the situation. - Implications for management?
56Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Mayo focused on adverse effects of social
disorganization and irrational tendencies of
otherwise normal individuals in the workplace. - Roethlisberger focused on organizations as social
systems and significance of aligning the formal
and informal organization.
57Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Classic research studies fueled the human
relations model. - Hawthorne studies showed that higher morale
improved productivity by - -- relaxed supervision (less fear anxiety)
- -- social cohesion or solidarity
- -- personal attention/sympathetic treatment
- -- participative decision making
58Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- Bank Wiring Observation Room
- -- output can be determined by group norms
rather than individual effort and skill (rate
busters or chiselers socially ostracized) - -- social cliques within the organization
established informal status levels and addressed
problems outside of the formal structure and
hierarchy -
59Focus on Human Relations (Q1)
- The focus on humans has had a tremendous impact
on the understanding of decision making. - Decision making from a rational goal (Q3) and
internal process (Q4) perspective highlights the
rational decision making process.
60Decision Making
- Rational Decision-Making Model
- 1. Decision makers know all the relevant goals
clearly - 2. Decision makers clearly know the values used
in assessing those goals and know their
preferences among the goals and can rank order
them. - 3. All alternative means for achieving the
goals are examined. - 4. They choose the most efficient of the
alternative means for maximizing the goals.
61Decision Making
- However, in reality managers strive for
rationality, but cognitive limits, uncertainties,
and time limits create a condition of bounded
rationality. - Thus managers do not maximize rationality, they
62Decision Making
- Managers practice incrementalism, or muddle
through by concentrating on increments to
existing circumstances or conditions (e.g.,
incremental vs. zero-base budgeting). - Also, requirement for political consensus and
compromise bureaucratic cultures and power chip
away at attempts to act rationally (Graham
63Decision Making
- March Olson suggest that a garbage can is the
best metaphor for decision making in the real
world - Decision making occurs when a variety of
elements come together the right problem arises
when the right decision-making participants are
receptive to an available solution, all coming
together in a choice opportunity. The model
emphasizes that the linkages between these
elements are as much coincidental as they are a
product of rational calculation (Rainey, p. 168). - Implications for manager?
64Decision Making
- The human relations model also points out the
impact of personality on decision making
(consider the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator). - -- Extroversion-Introversion
- -- Sensing-Intuition
- -- Thinking-Feeling
- -- Judgment-Perception
- Implications for manager?
65Focus on Adaptation Function (Q2)
- Importance of flexibility readiness to succeed
in an uncertain environment - Focus on growth and resource acquisition
- Leadership role is Innovator Broker
66Focus on Adaptation Function (Q2)
- Roots of adaptation function is in the work of
open systems theorists such as Katz Kahn and
James Thompson. - KK emphasized the role played by environmental
or external forces in shaping organizational
norms structures and internal stresses and
67Focus on Adaptation Function (Q2)
- Thompson described how organizations must engage
in exchange relationships with other org. to
obtain needed resources and develop strategies
for maintaining their dependence (e.g., exerting
control over other org., altering their internal
structures, redefining their goals).
68Focus on Adaptation Function (Q2)
- An increasingly chaotic, rapidly changing world
has heightened the importance of this quadrant. - Emphasizes the importance of concepts such as
feedback mechanisms, assessment, benchmarking,
and strategic planning. - Implications for managers?
69Crisis Management Lessons
- After immersing ourselves in major
org./management models and their underlying
values and dominant perspectiveswe will focus on
cross-cutting, major management themes. - Crisis management is useful to study because of
what stress reveals about an organization.
70Crisis Management Lessons
- Practical Tips
- -- Explicitly acknowledge wrongdoing
- -- Fully accept responsibility
- -- Express regret
- -- Identify with injured stakeholders
- -- Ask for forgiveness
- -- Seek reconciliation with injured stakeholders
71Crisis Management Lessons
- Practical Tips
- -- Fully disclose information related to the
offense - -- Provide an explanation that addresses
legitimate expectations of the stakeholders - -- Offer to perform an appropriate corrective
action - -- Offer appropriate compensation
72Crisis Management Lessons
- Repeated failure to follow guidelines can reveal
underlying management problems - -- Goal displacement
- -- Dehumanization/technicism
- -- Inappropriate organization culture
73Crisis Management Lessons
- Sharing harsh truths with the public
- Accepting the burden of higher expectations
- Establishing appropriate accountability systems
- Fostering trust by building community
74Organizational Culture
- Schein definition patterns of shared basic
assumptions that the group has learned as it
solved its problems that has worked well enough
to be considered valid and, therefore, to be
taught to new members as the correct way to
perceive, think and feel in relation to those
75Organizational Culture
- Cultures have three levels
- Artifacts
- -- visible organizational structures
processes - Espoused Values
- -- strategies, goals, philosophies stated
theories - Basic underlying assumptions
- -- unconscious, taken-for-granted beliefs,
perceptions, thoughts and feelings theories
in-use -
76Leadership Theories
- Trait Theories
- -- search for characteristics associated with
those considered effective leaders, e.g. - -- intelligence
- -- physical stature or prowess
- -- enthusiasm
- -- persistence
- -- energy
- However, no consistent common set!
77Leadership Theories
- Ohio State Studies
- -- concern for relationships with subordinates
- -- emphasis on setting standards, assigning
roles, pressing for productivity and performance - -- set the stage for further research on these
two dimensions of leadership behavior
78Leadership Theories
- Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid
- -- characterized organizations according to
concern for people and concern for production
(building on Ohio State Studies) - -- developed grid with four types of
leadership - -- authority-obedience management
- -- country club management
- -- impoverished management
- -- team management (ideal)
79Leadership Theories
- Situational Leadership
- -- best style of leadership depends on the
situation e.g. - -- Directive leaders gives specific directions
and expectations - -- Supportive marked by encouraging,
sympathetic relations - -- Achievement-Oriented set high goals
- -- Participative encourages opinions/suggestio
80Leadership Theories
- Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership
- Transactional lead by tangible incentives
(sticks and carrots) - Transformational lead through vision
81Leadership Theories
- Transformational Behaviors
- -- idealized influence
- -- intellectual stimulation
- -- individualized consideration
- -- inspirational motivation
- Transactional Behaviors
- -- contingent reward
- --passive or active management by exception
82Leadership Theories
- Ethical Leadership
- -- managers do things right leaders do the
right thing managing and leading are
different! -
- Servant Leadership
- -- inverted paradigm of traditional concept of
the leader on top who influences followers role
of leader is to empower subordinates, give them
what they need to shine lead from behind
83Leadership Issues
- Are leaders made or born?
- Differences in male vs. female leadership styles
- Management/leadership as a second profession
(beyond technical competence)
84Work Motivation
- Maslow Needs Hierarchy
- -- Physiological Needs
- -- Safety Needs
- -- Social Needs
- -- Self-Esteem Needs
- -- Self-Actualization Needs
- McClelland
- -- need for Achievement, Power Affiliation
85Work Motivation
- Herzbergs Two Factor Theory
- -- hygiene factors vs. motivators
- McGregor Theory X and Theory Y
- -- people need control direction (X)
- -- people want to grow, develop, be challenged
- Equity Theory
- -- people search for equity in contributions
rewards (psychological contract)
86Work Motivation
- Expectancy Theory
- -- work effort is a function of the perceived
desirability of the outcomes associated with
working at a certain level and the expectancies
of achieving the outcomes. - Operant Conditioning
- -- positive negative reinforcement
- -- operant extinction
- -- punishment
- Goal-Setting Theory
- -- challenging, specific goals lead to higher
87Work Motivation
- Job Satisfaction
- Role Conflict Ambiguity
- Job Involvement
- Organizational Commitment
- Professionalism
88Work Motivation Methods
- Improved performance appraisal systems
- Merit pay/pay for performance
- Participative management and decision making
- Work enhancement job redesign, job enlargement,
and rotation - Quality of Work Life programs
89Work Motivation
- Public Service Motivation
- -- Rational public servants are drawn to
government to participate in the formulation of
good public policy, which can be exciting,
dramatic, etc. - -- Normative desire to serve the public
interest - -- Affective genuine conviction about the
social importance of government/nonprofit work
90Work Motivation
- Career Anchor Theory
- -- Scheins research that suggests each of us
has a primary career anchor.an aspect of our
work that is of fundamental importance to
usthat we would least want to give up - Reinforces belief that a leader/manager does not
motivate but rather focuses on finding the best
fit for people -
- The communication process involves four
components - -- a source (or sender) produces or encodes a
message - -- the message is transmitted via a medium (or
channel) to - -- a receiver (audience) who decodes the
message and gives - -- the sender feedback about how well the
message has been received
- Sending the message
- -- avoid ambiguous verbal or written messages
that can be interpreted or misinterpreted - e.g. faculty must have several publications,
some of which must be in refereed journals - -- be aware of the physical aspects of a
message such as your body language and tone - e.g. saying you are here to help from behind a
desk, frowning with arms crossed
- Sending the message (contd)
- -- message structure matters (material at
beginning or end are more likely to be noticed
and remembered summarizing is key - -- facts alone are insufficient to change
attitudes - (perceptions and emotions must be addressed)
- -- consider different messages depending on
direction of communication (downward, upward,
lateral, external)
- The medium or channel for message
- -- the medium is the message
- -- tremendous range today due to technology
- -- must consider implications of personal vs.
non- personal channels - -- audience as well as type of info matters
- -- often best to use multiple channels to
reinforce - (e.g, follow up personal message with email)
- The receiver of the message (audience)
- Avoid false assumptions
- -- the audience is a group of specialists
- -- the audience is familiar with the material
- -- the audience wants to receive the message
- -- the audience has time to read or listen to
the entire message - -- one style of writing or speaking is
appropriate for all situations
- Feedback from the receiver to the sender
- -- must know how message has been received
- -- look for non-verbal cues (with caution)
- -- most importantly
- Check and/or ask!!!
- Remember that most people are lousy listeners!
Common habits to avoid - -- selective listening
- -- being a fixer
- -- absolute statements (never, always, forever)
- -- daydreaming not being in the
present/focused - -- being right
- -- derailing
- -- being the reactor
- -- name calling or belittling
98Conflict Management
- Two behavioral dimensions that determine how an
individual approaches conflict - -- assertiveness taking action to satisfy
ones own needs and concerns - -- cooperativeness taking action to satisfy
the other partys needs and concerns - -- examined together, five types of approaches
are available to follow in a conflict
99Conflict Management
- Avoiding low on assertiveness and
cooperativeness - Accommodating low on assertiveness and high on
cooperativeness - Competing high on assertiveness and low on
cooperativeness - Compromising lies in the middle of both
dimensions - Collaborating high on both assertiveness and on
100Conflict Management
- Key steps toward collaborative conflict
management - 1. Face the conflict
- 2. Get the other party to face the conflict
- 3. Schedule a meeting in a neutral setting
- 4. Establish a collaborative context
- 5. Discuss your positions until your reach a
mutual definition of the conflict -
101Conflict Management
- Steps toward collaborative management
- 6. Discuss the nature of your interdependence
and identify your mutual goals - 7. Use divergent thinking to develop several
potential solutions - 8. Integrate several solutions to create a
mutually beneficial solution - 9. Make a commitment to this solution
- 10. Reflect on what you have learned
102Conflict Management
- Other tips from experience
- -- beware the land of the passive aggressive!
- -- people appreciate authenticityexpress what
you really want from a situation and where you
are coming from - -- when in doubt, talk (and be honest!)
103Normal Accidents
- Perrow contends that certain types of highly
technological systems like nuclear power plants
(or emergency response systems?) are
intrinsically unmanageable and subject to serious
accidents (or mistakes?) which he calls normal
in the sense that they are unavoidablethey are
due to unforeseeable combinations of multiple
small failures which combined are fataland they
cannot be understood and corrected by humans
regardless of their training or intelligence.
104Normal Accidents
- Multiple Simple Causes
- Fatal Combinations of Simple Causes
- The Fatal Combinations are Unforeseeable
- The Incomprehensibility of Normal Accidents While
They are Occurring - Management Implications?.......
105Organizational Change
- Stages of Organizational Life
- -- entrepreneurial stage
- -- collectivity stage
- -- formalization and control stage
- -- structural elaboration adaptation
106Organizational Development
- Key phases of action research model for org.
development - -- perception of a problem
- -- data collection
- -- feedback
- -- diagnosis
- -- action planning
- -- evaluation
107Organizational Development
- The step in OD is the integrity of the data
collection feedback stages - Involve all levels of the organization
- Ask three basic questions
- -- What helps you be effective in this org?
- -- What keeps you from being effective?
- -- If you had a magic wand what would you
108Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Emphasis on customer
- Working with supplier relationships
- Focus on measurement, assessment benchmarking
- Based on teamwork, trust, communication (drive
out fear, unhealthy competition)) - Well-developed training
- Broad org. commitment (culture)
109Reinventing Government Movement
- Catalytic (foster public-private partnerships)
- Community-Owned (empower local communities
groups) - Competitive (inject competition)
- Mission-Driven (rather than rules procedures)
- Results-Oriented (outcomes vs. outputs)
- Customer-Driven (surveys choices)
- Granting a franchise to private operators
- Providing vouchers
- Using volunteers
- Providing subsidies/financial incentives
- Initiating self-help or co-production programs
- Selling off activities to private operators
111Issues in Privatization
- Ideologically appealing (govt should be run more
like a business) but the devil is in the details - -- accountability, control, illusion of
competition, consequences of profit focus on
services, legal liability, citizen expectations) - Raises question of inherently governmental
112Leading/Managing Collaborations
- New Governance literature shifts the emphasis
from traditional management skills and the
control of large bureaucratic organizations to
enablement skills, the skills required to engage
partners arrayed horizontally in networks, to
bring multiple stakeholders together for a common
end in a situation of interdependence.
113Leading/Managing Collaborations
- Crosby notes in todays world no single person,
group or organization has the power to resolve
any major public problem yet at the same time,
many people, groups and organizations have a
partial responsibility to act on such problems.
Everyone has the ability to say no to proposed
solutions, and not enough people have the vision,
faith, hope, courage, and will to say yes.
114Leading/Managing Collaborations
- Key skills required
- -- Activation skills required to activate the
networks of actors increasingly required to
address public problems. - -- Orchestration skills needed to sustain a
collaborative by setting the tempo,
interpreting, setting boundaries expectations - -- Modulation skills necessary to elicit the
cooperative behavior required from
interdependent players in a complex network