Title: 1. Welcome Our Speakers
1Over wintering Nursery Plant In Northeast Ohio
- 1. Welcome Our Speakers
- 2. Pre Winter Preparation fertility programs,
spacing, spraying,watering, rodent control - 3. Covering
- type of plastic, holding plastic down,rodent
control, labor(when to cover) - 4. Winter protection
- water, doors ?, shading, inner liners?
- 5. Uncovering (frost and freeze )
- irrigation, venting and removing plastic,
disposal of plastic -
2Summary of Over wintering
- Pre winter care spacing , fertilizer, pruning
- Cover Type of plastic, poly vs clear, Tie
downs, Doors, - Rodent Control
- Disease control
- Winter watering
- Uncovering
3When Do We Cover
- Suggest Guidelines are
- First Frost Date (F-Date) 30 to 45 days
- Ohio my first frost is October 15
- Cover between November 15-30
4Covering Check List .
- Soak all stock one to two days before covering.
- Make sure all plants are dormant before covering
- The ground should be well drained and free or
organic debris - Wet plants due to rain, snow ,dew or frost should
not be covered - Apply a fungicide spray just before covering
- Rodent bait should be place 25-50 feet apart .
5Covering Check List
- If material is laid flat ,be sure the tops are
facing south to cover the roots. - The closer plants can be consolidated the less
heat is lost . Be sure plants dont touch the
plastic. - Be sure there are no openings under the plastic
here rodents or wind can enter the structure. - Be sure the plastic is pulled tight and applied
in as warm a condition as possible
6When Do We Uncover ?
- Suggested Guidelines Are
- Last frost date in the Spring (F-Date) 30 to
45 days. - April 30 is our F- Date in Ohio
- We will uncover between March 16 and 31
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8Fertilizer Use and Over wintering.
- Plants need to be acclimated
- Root hardiness
- Proper cultural practices to get there
- Whether suitable conditions have
been achieved
before covering
9Fertilizer Use and Over wintering
- Question to ask
- Where plants over or under fertilized
- Late fall fertility practices
- September plants should stop growing
- Cover as late as possible to assure shut down
- Stop fertilizer in mid summer and stress plants
10How and What Do You Spray
11What Fungicides should Be Considered?
- Depends on
- Crop
- Stage of growth
- Diseases to control
- Length of control
- What your irrigation patterns are
- Are you using additives
12- Mancozeb
- Chlorothalonil
- Decree
- Iprodiene
- Lime Sulfur
- Copper
13Plant spacing
14Pits used to protect plants
15Rodent Control
16Meadow Mouse/Vole
17Vole Damage
18Vole Trails
19Vole ID
- A.K.A as the meadow mouse, prairie mouse and pine
mouse. All different species. Quick ID based on
tail length. - Pine vole tail length about same length as the
hind foot. - Meadow and Prairie Vole tail length about TWICE
the length as hind foot.
20Vole Biology
- Live 2-16 months
- 3-12 litters/year/with 6 young
- Can reproduce at 3months age
- Range ΒΌ acre
- Population 15- 500/acre
- Peaks every 3-5 years per food, dispersal,
climate, predators, physiological stress
21Vole Life
- Hide in Field Buffer Strips
- Feed Day and Night on Plant Material
- Favor High areas that are vegetated
- Vegetated areas decrease predators success by
hawks, owls, fox, coyotes, skunks,snakes.
22Vole Signs
- 1-2 inch wide SURFACE runways
- 1/16-1/8 inch gnaw marks at base and ROOTS
- Visual sighting
- Hawks often above,cats,other predators
- Spring Growth Poor/stressed
23Vole Management
- Reduce weeds, grass in Nursery and deep mulches
in landscapes - Avoid prunings on ground in fall
- For Nursery SitesPoison baits based on Zinc
Phosphide (ZnP), Phosgene gas is what kills Voles - Use care to prevent secondary poisoning
- Baits can absorb thru skin
24Vole Lower Bark Injury
25The Survey Says
- At least the one in Western PA by Iles
- Factors for most plant death in perennials
- Too Wet 44
- Too Dry 15
- Over winter too late 3
- Disease 18
- Animal Damage 47
26Rabbit Damage
27Rabbit Damage
28Rabbit/Deer Damage
29Rabbit Biology
- Live about a year
- 5 or so survive the winter to reproduce
- Up to 6 litters/year with 6 per litter
- Gestation 28 days
- 20 acre range
30Rabbit Management
- Controls work best in Winter when they are not
reproducing - Seek Favorable Brushy areas
- Seek natural cavities to shelter
- Encourage natural predators
- Manipulate Habitat, Trap, shoot, plant
protectants, Chemical repellants, exclude.
31Deer Damage
32Deer Biology
- Seasonal Breeders..Oct-Dec
- 40 of fawns breed first year
- 100 of 1yr does breed every year
- 1-2 even 3 fawns
- Are browsers of shrubs, vines small trees
- Look for shredded feeding
33Deer Damage
34Deer Damage/Fence
35Products Available
- Voles,mice
- ZP Rodent Bait AG 2 Zinc Phosphide by Bell
Labs - Prozap Zinc Phosphide Oat Bait by HACCO
- Eaton Bait Blocks
- Ramik Brown
- DEER. RABBITS, Rodents Spotrete F a Thiram
fungicide for turf with nursery notation. Label
notes to add latex sticker - Bonide Deer and Rabbit Repellent a mix of
putrescent whole eggs,garlic and capsaicin. Label
claims 3 months
36Overwintering Nursery Plant In Northeast Ohio
- 1. Welcome Our Speakers
- 2. Pre Winter Preparation fertility programs,
spacing, spraying,watering, rodent control - 3. Covering
- type of plastic, holding plastic down,rodent
control, labor(when to cover) - 4. Winter protection
- water, doors ?, shading, inner liners?
- 5. Uncovering (frost and freeze )
- irrigation, venting and removing plastic,
disposal of plastic -
37Failed winter structures
38Extra supports or keep snow off houses
39Covering winter structures
40Clamps and poly carb ends , tight plastic
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46Rodent control ?
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50Overwintering Nursery Plant In Northeast Ohio
- 1. Welcome Our Speakers
- 2. Pre Winter Preparation fertility programs,
spacing, spraying,watering, rodent control - 3. Covering
- type of plastic, holding plastic down,rodent
control, labor(when to cover) - 4. Winter protection
- water, doors ?, shading, inner liners?
- 5. Uncovering (frost and freeze )
- irrigation, venting and removing plastic,
disposal of plastic -
51Water ?
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53Inner liners
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56Overwintering Nursery Plant In Northeast Ohio
- 1. Welcome Our Speakers
- 2. Pre Winter Preparation fertility programs,
spacing, spraying,watering, rodent control - 3. Covering
- type of plastic, holding plastic down,rodent
control, labor(when to cover) - 4. Winter protection
- water, doors ?, shading, inner liners?
- 5. Uncovering (frost and freeze )
- irrigation, venting and removing plastic,
disposal of plastic -
57Disposal of Plastic
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59Winter Injury ( how do you detect it?)
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64Wire used to keep rodents out. Must be buried in
the ground
Corn use to feed animals on perimeters of the
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70Bark Crack
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80Willoway greenhouses
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