Dehydration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dehydration Paul R. Earl Facultad de Ciencias Biol gicas Universidad Aut noma de Nuevo Le n San Nicol s, N. L., Mexico | Gastroenteritis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Dehydration

  • Dehydration
  • Paul R. Earl
  • Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas
  • Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
  • San Nicolás, N. L., Mexico

  • Dehydration or volume depletion is
    classified as mild, moderate or severe based
    on how much body fluid is lost. When
    severe, dehydration is a life-threatening
    emergency. Volume depletion denotes lessening of
    the total intravascular plasma, whereas
    dehydration denotes loss of plasma-free water
    disproportionate to the loss of sodium. Potassium
    and other electrolytes including buffers líke
    phosphates need to be considered. Children,
    especially those younger than 4 years old, are
    more susceptible to volume depletion as a result
    of vomiting, diarrhea or increases in insensible
    water losses.

  • Dehydration can be caused by losing too much
    fluid, not drinking enough water or fluids, or
    both. Vomiting and diarrhea are common causes.
  • Dehydration is classified as mild, moderate or
    severe based on how much body's fluid is lost.
    Symtons include
  • Dry or sticky mouth.
  • Dizziness.
  • Low or no urine output concentrated urine is
    dark yellow.
  • Not producing tears.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Markedly sunken fontanelles (the soft spot on the
    top of the head in a baby).
  • Lethargic or comatose.

  • In addition to the symptoms of actual
    dehydration, you may also have
  • vomiting and
  • diarrhea.

  • Drinking fluids is usually sufficient for mild
    dehydration. It is better to have frequent, small
    amounts of fluid (using a teaspoon or syringe for
    an infant or child) rather than trying to force
    large amounts of fluid at one time. Drinking too
    much fluid at once can bring on more vomiting.
  • Electrolyte solutions or freezer pops are
    especially effective. These are available at
    pharmacies. Sport drinks contain a lot of sugar
    and can cause or worsen diarrhea. In infants and
    children, avoid using water as the primary
    replacement fluid.
  • Intravenous fluids and hospitalization may be
    necessary for moderate to severe dehydration. The
    doctor will try to identify and then treat the
    cause of the dehydration.

  • Treatment includes starting NS_at_20ml/kg slow push
    until signs of severe dehydration disappear.
    Avoid Ringer Lactate till patient passes urine.
    Maintainence fluid depends on body weight. Either
    DNS or RL may be used 10kg and less 100ml/Kg
    10-20 Kg 1000mL50ml/kg 20 Kg 1500ml 20 ml/kg
    It may be advisable to give half the calculated
    fluid in the first 8 hours and the remaining over
    the next 16 hours
  • Precautions
  • check for pulmonary oedema replenish Potassium as
    required Chills may occur due to fluid
    administration rule out infectious causes

  • Most cases of stomach viruses (also called viral
    gastroenteritis) tend to resolve on their own
    after a few days.
  • Boxers under hot lights sip water, then usually
    spit it out. They dont seem to know that that
    water could save them from a coma during heat
    prostration !

  • Pathophysiology
  • Pediatric dehydration is frequently the result
    of gastroenteritis, characterized by vomiting
    and diarrhea. However, other causes of
    dehydration may include poor oral intake due to
    diseases such as stomatitis, insensible losses
    due to fever, or osmotic diuresis from
    uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

  • Volume depletion denotes lessening of the total
    intravascular plasma, whereas dehydration denotes
    loss of plasma-free water disproportionate to the
    loss of sodium. The distinction is important
    because volume depletion can exist with or
    without dehydration, and dehydration can exist
    with or without volume depletion.

  • In children with dehydration, the most common
    underlying problem actually is volume depletion,
    not dehydration. Intravascular sodium levels are
    within the reference range, indicating that
    excess free water is not being lost from plasma.
    Rather, the entire plasma pool is contracted with
    solutes (mostly sodium) and solvents (mostly
    water) lost in proportionate quantities. This is
    volume depletion without dehydration. The most
    common cause is excessive extrinsic loss of

  • Pediatric patients, especially those younger than
    4 years, tend to be more susceptible to volume
    depletion as a result of vomiting, diarrhea, or
    increases in insensible water losses. Significant
    fluid losses may occur rapidly. The turnover of
    fluids and solute in infants and young children
    can be as much as 3 times that of adults. This is
    because of the following
  • Higher metabolic rates
  • Increased body surface area to mass index
  • Higher body water contents (Water comprises
    approximately 70 of body weight in infants, 65
    in children, and 60 in adults.)

Sodium considerations
  • Volume depletion can be concurrent
    with hyponatremia. This is characterized by
    plasma volume contraction with free water excess.
    An example is a child with diarrhea who has been
    given tap water to replete diarrheal losses. Free
    water is replenished, but sodium and other
    solutes are not.

  • In hyponatremic volume depletion, the person may
    appear more ill clinically than fluid losses
    indicate. The degree of volume depletion may be
    clinically overestimated. Serum sodium levels
    less than 120 mEq/L may result in seizures. If
    intravascular free water excess is not corrected
    during volume replenishment, the shift of free
    water to the intracellular fluid compartment may
    cause cerebral edema.With true dehydration,
    plasma volume contracts with disproportionate
    further free water loss. An example is the child
    with diarrhea whose fluid losses have been
    replenished with hypertonic soup, boiled milk,
    baking soda, or improperly diluted infant
    formula. Volume has been restored, but free water
    has not.

  • In hypernatremic volume depletion, the patient
    may appear less ill clinically than fluid losses
    indicate. The degree of volume depletion may be
    underestimated. Usually, at least a 10 volume
    deficit exists with hypernatremic volume
    depletion.As in hyponatremia, hypernatremic
    volume depletion may result in serious central
    nervous system (CNS) effects as a result of
    structural changes in central neurons. However,
    cerebral shrinkage occurs instead of cerebral
    edema. This may result in intracerebral
    hemorrhage, seizures, coma, and death. For this
    reason, volume restoration must be performed
    gradually over 24 hours or more. Gradual
    restoration prevents a rapid shift of fluid
    across the blood-brain barrier and into the
    intracellular fluid compartment.

Potassium considerations
  • Potassium shifts between intracellular and
    extracellular fluid compartments occur more
    slowly than free water shifts. Serum potassium
    level may not reflect intracellular potassium
    levels. Although a potassium deficit is present
    in all patients with volume depletion, it is not
    usually clinically significant. However, failure
    to correct for a potassium deficit during volume
    repletion may result in clinically significant
    hypokalemia. Potassium should not be added to
    replacement fluids until adequate urine output is

Acid and base problems
  • Clinicians may observe derangements of acid-base
    balance with volume depletion. Some degree
    of metabolic acidosis is common, especially in
    infants.Mechanisms include bicarbonate loss in
    stool and ketone production. Hypovolemia causes
    decreased tissue perfusion and increased lactic
    acid production. Decreased renal perfusion causes
    decreased glomerular filtration rate, which, in
    turn, leads to decreased hydrogen (H) ion
    excretion. These factors combine to produce a
    metabolic acidosis.

  • In most patients, acidosis is mild and easily
    corrected with volume restoration (as increased
    renal perfusion permits excretion of excess H
    ions in the urine). Administration of
    glucose-containing fluids further decreases
    ketone production.

  • United States
  • Pediatric dehydration, particularly that due to
    gastroenteritis, is a common ED complaint.
    Approximately 200,000 hospitalizations and 300
    deaths per year are attributed to gastroenteritis
    each year.

  • International
  • According to the Centers for Disease Control and
    Prevention (CDC), for children younger than 5
    years, the annual incidence of diarrheal illness
    is approximately 1.5 billion, while deaths are
    estimated between 1.5 and 2.5 million. Though
    these numbers are staggering, they actually
    represent an improvement from the early 1980s,
    when the death rate was approximately 5 million
    per year.

  • Morbidity varies with the degree of volume
    depletion and the underlying cause.
  • The severely volume-depleted infant or child is
    at risk for death from cardiovascular collapse.
  • Hyponatremia resulting from replacement of free
    water alone may cause seizures.
  • Improper management of volume repletion may cause
    iatrogenic morbidity or mortality.

  • Infants and younger children are more susceptible
    to volume depletion than older children.

Clinical History
  • The goal of the history and physical examination
    is to determine the severity of the child's
    condition. Classifying the degree of dehydration
    as mild, moderate, or severe accurately allows
    for appropriate therapy and disposition of the
    patient in a timely fashion.
  • Obtaining a complete history from the parent or
    caregiver is important because it provides clues
    to the type of dehydration present.

  • The emergency physician should be diligent in
    obtaining the following information
  • Feeding pattern and fluids given
  • Number of wet diapers compared with normal
  • Fluid loss (eg, vomiting, oliguria or anuria,
  • Possible ingestions
  • Activity
  • Medications
  • Heat and sunlight exposures

  • The following table highlights the physical
    findings seen with different levels of pediatric

Symptom Mild (lt3 body weight lost) Moderate (3-9 body weight lost) Severe (gt9 body weight lost)
Mental status Normal, alert Restless or fatigued, irritable Apathetic, lethargic, unconscious
Heart rate Normal Normal to increased Tachycardia or bradycardia
Quality of pulse Normal Normal to decreased Weak, thready, impalpable
Breathing Normal Normal to increased Tachypnea and hyperpnea
Eyes Normal Slightly sunken Deeply sunken
Fontanelles Normal Slightly sunken Deeply sunken
Tears Normal Normal to decreased Absent
Mucous membranes Moist Dry Parched
Skin turgor Instant recoil Recoil lt2 seconds Recoil gt2 seconds
Capillary refill lt2 seconds Prolonged Minimal
Extremities Warm Cool Mottled, cyanotic
Symptom Mild (lt3 body weight lost) Moderate (3-9 body weight lost) Severe (gt9 body weight lost)
Mental status Normal, alert Restless or fatigued, irritable Apathetic, lethargic, unconscious
Heart rate Normal Normal to increased Tachycardia or bradycardia
Quality of pulse Normal Normal to decreased Weak, thready, impalpable
Breathing Normal Normal to increased Tachypnea and hyperpnea
Eyes Normal Slightly sunken Deeply sunken
Fontanelles Normal Slightly sunken Deeply sunken
Tears Normal Normal to decreased Absent
Mucous membranes Moist Dry Parched
Skin turgor Instant recoil Recoil lt2 seconds Recoil gt2 seconds
Capillary refill lt2 seconds Prolonged Minimal
Extremities Warm Cool Mottled, cyanotic
  • Of these, the most accurate in identifying the
    level of dehydration are capillary refill, skin
    turgor, and breathing. The least accurate are
    mental status, heart rate and fontanelle

  • In most cases, volume depletion in children is
    from fluid losses from vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Vomiting may be caused by any of the following
    systems or processes
  • CNS (eg, infections, space-occupying lesions)
  • GI (eg, gastroenteritis, obstruction, hepatitis,
    liver failure, appendicitis, peritonitis, intussus
    ception, volvulus, pyloric stenosis, toxicity
    ingestion, overdose, drug effects)
  • Endocrine (eg, diabetic ketoacidosis
    DKA, congenital adrenal hypoplasia, Addisonian
  • Renal (eg, infection, pyelonephritis, renal
    failure, renal tubular acidosis)
  • Psychiatric (eg, psychogenic vomiting) - This is
    not seen in infants and is rare in children
    compared with adults.

  • Diarrhea may be caused by any of the following
    systems or processes
  • GI (e.g., gastroenteritis, malabsorption,
    intussusception, irritable bowel, inflammatory
    bowel disease, short gut syndrome)
  • Endocrine (eg, thyrotoxicosis, congenital adrenal
    hypoplasia, Addisonian crisis, diabetic
  • Psychiatric (eg, anxiety)

  • Volume depletion not caused by vomiting or
    diarrhea may be divided into renal or extrarenal
  • Renal causes include use of diuretics, renal
    tubular acidosis, and renal failure (eg, trauma,
    obstruction, salt-wasting nephritis). The effects
    of diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism, and
    adrenal insufficiency also fall into this
  • Extrarenal causes include third-space
    extravasation of intravascular fluid (eg,
    pancreatitis, peritonitis, sepsis, heart
    failure) insensible losses from fever, sweating,
    burns, or pulmonary processes poor oral intake
    and hemorrhage.
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