Title: Office of Grants Administration (OGA): Roles and Responsibilities
1Office of Grants Administration (OGA)Roles and
- Leslie Hickman
- Grants Management Specialist
2The NIH Extramural Team
Grants Management
3Function of Grants Management
- Complement technical role of Program
- Overall responsibility for monitoring grants
process - Facilitate timely business management actions by
grantee - Ensure timely and appropriate actions by the
4Grants Management Officer (GMO) Activities
- Evaluate application for administrative content
- Negotiate grant awards
- Provide consultation and technical assistance
- Focal point for receiving and acting upon
requests for prior NIH approval - Involvement in all stages of pre-application and
application review
5OGA Responsibilities
- The GMO is the ONLY NIH official authorized to
obligated NIH to the expenditure of funds or to
change funding, duration, or other terms and
conditions - OGA maintains the official grant file for NCI
6Pre-application Application Review
- Review and comment on FOAs
- Resource for the grantee and Program Director on
budgetary and policy matters - Attend site visits, peer review, and NCAB
meetings as necessary
7Post NCAB Review
- Review applications selected for funding for
compliance with applicable requirements - Exception funding
8Competing Applications
- Categorical
- Requests costs specific to each category
- Over 250,000 Direct Costs (excluding 3rd party
FA) - Detailed budget information for each category
- Institutional base salaries required
- Modular
- Requests costs in 25,000 increments
- Up to 250,000 Direct Costs (excluding 3rd party
FA) - No detailed budget information
- No individual salary information
9Preaward Review
- IRB/IACUC Approvals
- Certification of Education for Human Subjects
Research for all Key Personnel - Other Support for Key Personnel
- Requested by the PD
- The PD identifies scientific overlap, OGA
identifies budgetary and commitment overlap - Review requested budget
- Review Financial Status Reports (FSRs)
10Preaward Review (continued)
- Negotiate amount of award based upon current
funding plan - Prepare and document Program and GMO
recommendations for concurrence memos - Compose and track special terms and conditions of
11Other Support
- NIH requires complete and up-to-date other
support information prior to award for all key
personnel (except consultants) - All sources of research support (including
outside the applicant organization). - Percent efforts must be listed for each project.
- Grantees must report changes as part of the
annual progress report. - NIH Guide, February 13, 2003
- http//grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-fil
12Other Support Additional responsibilities if the
pending grant will be the fifth or higher funded
award for the PI
- Request clarifying information that lists each of
the grants the PI currently receives, the
approved effort on each grant as well as the
effort on the pending award - Forward updated information to the NCI Program
Official for review - Send an e-mail to all relevant Program staff to
organize a discussion of the grants currently
funded by NIH
13Other SupportAdditional responsibilities
- If it is determined that additional information
is needed, request a commitment management plan
for the PI - Forward the commitment plan to all relevant
Program and Grants Management staff for review
and approval - Add term to the award requiring compliance with
the commitment plan as proposed - Update the NCI grant file for each grant with a
copy of the approved commitment plan
14The Electronic Grant File
- The official grant file resides in Egrants
- OGA is in the process of destroying paper files.
- Egrants is used by OGA to electronically document
all aspects of the grant - All grantee requests received via paper copy are
uploaded into Egrants - Programs shadow files are unnecessary
15OGAs Electronic Award Process
- Application received and reviewed electronically
- Excel spreadsheet for budget work-up
- GMS Document Control Sheet (Greensheet)
- Award prepared in IMPAC II (import budget and
terms) - NGA issued electronically to grantee
16(No Transcript)
17Document Control Sheet (Greensheets)
- Electronic Greensheets document the complete
review of the application. - Completed by program directors and grants
management specialists - Includes questions about human/animal subjects,
funding plan, foreign involvement, model and data
sharing, other support etc - Program greensheet needed before specialist
greensheet - Special issues or concerns should be documented
in detail - Additional documents or correspondence may be
attached to the greensheet
18(No Transcript)
19The Notice of Grant AwardNGA OverviewTerms of
20Notice of Grant Award (NGA)
- Identifies grantee, project, Principal
Investigator - Indicates funding level
- Indicates period of support
- Sets forth Terms and Conditions
- Provides NIH Contact Information
21Terms of AwardThe following terms are
automatically incorporated into every award
- Applicable laws and regulations-including 45 CFR
Part 74 or 45 CFR Part 92 as appropriate - Restrictions on the expenditure of federal funds
included in appropriations acts - Reference to the NIH Grants Policy Statement
22Terms of AwardAdditional terms and conditions
may be added to the award to
- Convey general information
- Include IC specific information or requirements
- Place restrictions on the award
23Terms of Award Terms addressing the following
information are added by the specialist to every
NCI award
- NCI Grants Management Specialist and Program
Director contact information - Customer service feedback website
- PubMed Central (PMC) for original research
publications resulting from support from NIH
24Terms of Award
- A grantee indicates acceptance of an NIH award
and its associated terms and conditions by
drawing or requesting funds from the designated
HHS payment system or office. - NIH Grants Policy Statement, December 2003
- http//grants2.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps_2003/N
25Reviewing Non-Competing Continuation Progress
26Continuing Support
- Grant awards generally for a three, four or five
year project period - Continuing support provided on annual basis
subject to the appropriation of funds by Congress - Support subject to acceptable scientific progress
by the PI - Funds for each future budget period are requested
on the non-competing continuation progress report.
27Non-Competing Continuation Progress Reports
- Due 60 days prior to anniversary date (unless
E-SNAP Due 45 days prior to anniversary date) - Progress Reports are received centrally scanned
into IMPACII. - Specialist reviews Progress Report electronically
(E-grants) - Verifies human/animal subjects assurances and
IRB/IACUC approvals - Reviews changes in updated Other Support
- Resolves budgetary issues (carryover requests,
restricted funds, financial status reports, etc)
- Completes greensheet
- Terms of award
- Issue NGA
28Streamlined Non-Competing Application Procedures
- Total Committed Costs are the basis for the award
- Modified financial reporting FSR only due at
the end of the competitive segment - Three questions in the non-competing progress
29Streamlined Non-Competing Application Procedures
- SNAP Questions
- Change in the other support of key personnel?
- Significant change in the level of effort for key
personnel? - Estimated unobligated balance greater than 25 of
current years total budget?
30Traditional/Non-SNAP Applications
- Submit complete non-competing progress report
(PHS 2590) - Detailed budget and updated other support
- Address unobligated balance greater than 25
- Total committed costs are the basis for the award
- Annual Financial Status Reports
31OGA Post Award Responsibilities
- Follow up on restrictive terms of award.
- Involved in audit resolutions
- Misconduct concerns
- Prior approval requests
32Responding to Prior Approval Requests
The Office of Grants Administration serves as the
focal point for receiving and responding to all
correspondence from the grantees related to
business management activities.
33 Activities Requiring Prior Approval
- No-Cost Extensions beyond the first extension
- Change in Principal Investigator
- Pre-Award costs of more than 90 days
- Addition of a foreign component
- Change in scope or research objectives
- Significant reduction in effort by PI or other
key personnel named in NGA
34Prior Approval Requests
- All requests for prior approval must be
- Submitted in writing (e-mails are acceptable)
- Submitted to the awarding ICs Grants Management
Specialist no later than 30 days before the
proposed change - Signed by an institutional business official
- Approved by program and grants management staff
35Responding to Prior Approval Requests
- Official response to grantee requests must by
sent by the OGA - Letters of denial must by signed by the Chief
Grants Management Officer - The official grant file resides in Egrants
36How can you help?
- Send all correspondence to OGA
- Request other support from grantees
- Complete the PD greensheet in a timely manner (by
1st of the month) - Forward all requests to appropriate offices
- OHRP/OLAW for negotiation of human/animal
assurances - Fogarty for foreign involvement
- Immediately report to DEA and OGA any allegation
of misconduct (either fiscal or scientific). Make
no contact with grantee/PI. NCI should meet
discuss the issue.
37Helpful Websites
- NIH Grants Policy Statement (Rev. 12/03)
dex.htm - Human Subjects (OHRP) http//www.hhs.gov/ohrp/
- Animal Subjects (OLAW) http//grants.nih.gov/grant
s/olaw/olaw.htm - OER http//grants.nih.gov/grants/oer.htm
- NCI Workbench https//i2e.nci.nih.gov/workbench/Wo
rkbenchView - Office of Grant Administration http//www3.cancer.
gov/admin/gab/index.htm - EFDB Intranet http//camp.nci.nih.gov/admin/oem/ef
db/ - NCI Grants Process Book Located on NCIs Office
of Grants Administration webpage
http//www3.cancer.gov/admin/gab/index.htm - Electronic Submission of Grant Applications
Homepage http//era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/inde
x.htm - NCI Grants Process Book (Located on NCIs Office
of Grants Administration webpage)