Title: Managing SNOMED
1Managing SNOMED
- January 2004
- Las Vegas
2Nomenclature Tasks
- Do I know how you should do this?
- NO!!!!!!
3Nomenclature Tasks
- Install nomenclature
- Interface to terminology
- Subsetting to enhance efficiency
- Mapping from existing controlled vocabulary
- Displaying preferred descriptions
- System wide
- User specific??????
- Message processing
- Requests from users for concept addition
- Updates (ongoing)
- Queries
4Interface options (Ferrari)
- Data entry concept requests
- Queries of LIMS data
- Natural language interface?
- Description logic approach
High Powered Terminology Server
Lims Server CIS Server Etc.
- Advantages
- Offload nomenclature from production system CPU /
data storage - Single update with new release of nomenclature
- Access to all at all times
- Minimal SNOMED pre-processing
- Disadvantages
- Expense
- Server
- Terminology software
- SNOMED functionality inadequate at this time.
- Probably requires full time nomenclaturologist ?
5Interface options (Chevy)
- Store subsets (pick lists) in LIMS System
- Query server
- a complete copy of SNOMED
- Your SNOMED workshop
Lims Server
Low End Terminology Server (Full copy of SNOMED)
- Advantages
- Terminology operations
- Disadvantages
- Several many subsets
- Subset updates as second step with new release
(problematic if manual) - Somebody must build subsets
6SNOMED Subset
- a set of Concepts, Descriptions, or
Relationships that are appropriate to a
particular language, dialect, country, specialty,
organization, user or context. - simplest form, the Subset Mechanism is a list
of SNOMED identifiers (SCTIDs). - Mechanism may be used to derive tables that
contain only part of SNOMED CT.
7Functional Sub-setting
- We only need PORTIONS of SNOMED
- DIFFERENT portions of SNOMED for various parts of
LIMS. - Retain the ability to use ALL of SNOMED to
search, retrieve, analyze data produced using
sub-sets. - Be prepared to transfer (copy) from SNOMED to
subset as needs change.
8Existing Subset(s)
- Non-human subset
- This subset assists applications that desire to
exclude concepts which are not human medical
concepts (i.e., paw and fin). - Note that this is NOT a veterinary subset as that
subset would include terms shared with humans
such as brain and eye. - Pathology subsets (3)
- CAP Cancer checklists
- Allergen subsets
9NAHLN Subsets?
- SNOMED (-) hierarchies that are NOT of interest.
- Someone has to decide whats not of interest
- Someone familiar with SNOMED should build the
subsets - Desired functionality -gt Subset the
relationships? - It would be nice to have a Non-human-only subset
- Organisms
- Species
- Breeds
- Bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc.
- Diseases of interest
- Some portion of laboratory tests (classification
scheme for LOINC?) - Reportable diseases (depending on jurisdiction)
Veterinary Subset (large) SNOMED (human only) 100 k - 200k concepts
Bacteria Living organism automated subset 6500 concepts
Abnormal Morphologies Body structure automated subset 4000 concepts
Respiratory Findings Findings/disorders automated subset 850
Severities Automated from qualifiers 5
11Veterinary SubsetsShared resource
- We need to develop a root veterinary subset
- Manual process (cant be automated at this time).
- Prune SNOMED to remove human ONLY content.
- Prune SNOMED aggressively to remove excessive
granularity. - Automated subsetting works on ALL SNOMED or the
Veterinary subset.
Cardiovascular disease subset Algorithm
Vet Subset
Cardiovascular Diseases
Intersection Veterinary Cardiovascular Diseases
13Subset development (Ideal)
- Build a complete Veterinary Subset of SNOMED
- Veterinary subset a resource shared by the
profession. - Managed by central authority
- Distributed by SNOMED?
- Use algorithm approaches to create microsubsets
14NAHLN Extension(s)?
- Conditions of husbandry
- Probably should be core
- Descriptions (more synonyms)
- Local
- Network-wide
15Recursion for gathering all descendants of a
- Build subsets
- breeds, species
- all disorders
- all cardiovascular disorders
- etc.
- Query for concept and all its specializations
- everything that ISA respiratory disease.
16List a SNOMED definition
ISA relationships always defining 116680003
Group by RelationshipsGroup CharacteristicType 0
is defining
17Why map?
- SNOMED is not optimized for data entry.
- Your own local vocabulary may be the preferred
data entry instrument. - Capture data via local term (description string)
- Convert to SNOMED concept
- Transmit to repository
- SNOMED provides a number of maps to nomenclatures
of human interest - ICD-9
- ICD-10
- ICD-0
- LOINC (special case we MIGHT use)
- SNOMED is source
- Mapping is directional
- Largely the result of differing granularity
between target and source - 11 Concept is the same
- Term may be identical or synonym remember to
distinguish on CONCEPT not on string - Narrow to Broad Source concept is more specific
than target - Broad to Narrow Source concept is more general
than target - Two maps may be needed for bi-directional
functionality (unless entire map is 11)
20Mapping for NAHLN
- NAHLN Maps (e.g., CAHFS) will use local
nomenclature as source, SNOMED as target - Map builder qualifications
- Understand structure of source and target
- Understand content of source and target
- IF the map is completely 11, the single map is
21Mapping for NAHLN
- 11 maps will represent a majority
- Broad (source) to narrow (SNOMED)
- Good argument that SNOMED needs more content
- Narrow (source) to broad (SNOMED)
- SNOMED may need/want the content
- Map to a post-coordinated concept may be required
22Post-coordination(for NAHLN mapping)
- What is post-coordination?
- Create a new concept by adding specificity to and
existing SNOMED concept.
- Source has
- Acute pasteurella pneumonia
- Target (SNOMED) has
- pasteurella pneumonia
- Create
- Pasteurella pneumonia has course acute
23Post-coordination(for NAHLN mapping)
Pasteurella pneumonia has course acute
- Where do you put your new creation?
- Extend the concepts table (1 new)
- Identifier outside of SNOMED itself (namespace
mechanism) - Extend the relationships table
- An extension (not part of core)
- Processed as if it is part of the original table.
24SNOMED -gt LOINC map?
- SNOMED can be used to provide a categorization
hierarchy for LOINC codes through the map. - Probably unnecessary unless vocabulary server
approach is employed.
25Species and Breeds
- It is our INTENTION that the living organisms
hierarchy should accurately reflect the current
state of the art re animal taxonomy. - Each entry has taxonomic rank identified in FSN
- Relationship type 3 (additional) to support a
relationship that identifies taxonomic rank.
26Species and Breeds
- Gather species and breeds
- Select the root for the hierarchy
- Perform recursive search for children
- Identify taxonomic rank
- Process string of FSN
- Fact relationship
- has taxonomic rank breed (etc.)
27Concept Addition
- Users WILL discover concepts that are not present
in the nomenclature - Licensed users can make requests to SNOMED
directly - Channels have been established for timely
28Concept Addition
- When we (AVMA Secretariat) receive a request for
concept addition - We confirm that the concept is really missing
- Often there is a synonym present
- Requested description can be added
- We prepare a SNOMED-style definition for the
concept - Concepts are added to the nomenclature by a
veterinarian on SNOMED staff
29Nomenclature Updates
- New version of SNOMED scheduled for every 6
months. - Expect change rate to decline with time
- NLM updating may be less frequent.
- NLM updating will certainly lag behind SNOMED
30Nomenclature Updates
- Retired Concepts
- Concept referral mechanism
- New Concepts
- Retired Descriptions
- New Descriptions
- New relationships
- Query full copy of SNOMED
- Queries based on description have highest yield.
- Indexes
- Query portion that has been recorded?
32SNOMED Extensions
- Enable authorized organizations to add Concepts,
Descriptions, Relationships and Subsets to
complement those that are centrally maintained as
the core content of SNOMED CT. - specialized terminology needs of an organization.
- Extensions maintain unique identification across
organizations for data transmission and sharing.
33SNOMED Extensions
- Distinguishable from the main body of SNOMED CT
- in the thesaurus
- when stored in a patient record, query or
decision support protocol. - Distinguishable from other Extensions, in the
same way as they are distinguishable from the
main body of SNOMED CT. - Able to be distributed and processed in the same
way as equivalent components from the main body
of SNOMED CT without requiring specific
adaptations of SNOMED-enabled applications.
34Existing Extension(s)
- US Drug extension
- List of drugs marketed in the United States
- UK Drug extension