Title: Training Approaches in Secondary Care
1Training Approaches in Secondary Care
- Jo Oakes
- Training Consultant
- NHS CFH Data Standards Products
2What we will cover?
- Who needs training?
- Why do we need training?
- What training is available?
- When is it going to happen?
3Who needs training?
4SNOMED CTTraining Knowledge Model
IT Managers Doctors Clinical
Admin Pharmacists Nurses Allied Health
Professionals End Users indirectly using SNOMED
CT through clinical applications
Information Analysts Clinical
Coders/Auditors Information Managers Health
Record Managers Clinical Research
Groups Managers of Clinical Databases Using
information drawn from SNOMED CT for analysis
System Designers Cluster Analysts Subset
Developers Technical Architects Best Practice
Groups Domain Clinical Experts Designers
influencing changes to SNOMED CT
Terminology Developers Changing / adding Content
Training Responsibility
CfH Tech Office
Trust Trainers
Power Users
End Users of IT applications
5Why do we need training?
- SNOMED CT is here to stay
- Incorporated into all applications
- Using a structured terminology is different to
using free text on paper - Coupled with fundamental changes in working
practice in the acute setting
6SNOMED CT is here to stay!
- SNOMED CT is the nationally recognised clinical
terminology for use within electronic records - Increasing use internationally
7SNOMED CT in applications
- There is a vision that one day the end user will
be able to use freetext to enter information into
the record much as he or she would on paper
records. The system will recognise local
vernacular and match to the most appropriate
concepts. We are not quite there yet! - The systems currently being deployed will
increase in sophistication. At present we have - Pick lists
- Restricted fields for completion
- Check boxes
- Different search capabilities
8Using a structured terminology is different
- SNOMED CT is the nationally recognised clinical
terminology for use within electronic records - It is more than a vast dictionary
- Its complex structure contains the capacity to
create a congruent language within and across
electronic records - A Language is more than just a collection of
words - A Language consists of structured rules or
grammar that when applied allow the words to
convey specific meanings
9Fundamental changes in working practice
- Changes in the workflow patterns
- Real time recording
- Mobile technology
10What training is available?
- Currently available
- Short term
- Long term
11Training currently available
- Workshops
- Seminars
- Training Courses
- Online courses
- Reading material
- E-learning material
12Short term
- Train the NHS Trainers
- Develop further e-learning modules
- Role based
- System specific
- Trust mandatory packages?
13Long term
- Training materials will continue to develop as
systems evolve and progress - It is anticipated that content on understanding
the use of clinical terminology within an
electronic record will be incorporated into
relevant academic curricula. - Clinical and non-clinical students within health
and social care will then enter the workplace
with a conceptual understanding of why we use a
clinical terminology and more importantly how
it works
14When is it going to happen?
- Currently
- E-learning module available in London and
Southern cluster (Doctors.net) - Southern Cluster have run several successful ETD
events incorporating SNOMED CT into the day - NHS Train the Trainers planned in the Southern
15How do you find out more?
- Training Consultant Jo Oakes
- Jo.Oakes_at_nhs.net
- SNOMED CT in electronic Records Programme
- SSERP_at_nhs.net
- www.snomed.org
- www.connectingforhealth.nhs.uk/terminology/snomed
16Any questions?