Title: Mackenzie Glen’s Kindergarten Orientation
1Mackenzie Glens Kindergarten Orientation
All I Ever Wanted to Know, I learned in
Presented by The Kindergarten Team
2Purpose for This Evening
- To support you in preparing your child for a
successful first year of school - To share ideas and activities to better prepare
your child for the Kindergarten Program - To introduce the program expectations
- Principals Introduction
- Slide Show Presentation
- Literacy and Learning Centres
- Visit Information Booths and Display Table
- Receive Welcome to Kindergarten Package
- Goodbye! We look forward to a successful JK year!
4Preparing For SchoolSocial Readiness
- Over the next few months
- Expose your child to peers (Playgroups, Library
Programs, camps, etc.). - Leave your child with other caregivers
(Babysitters, Friends). - If your child is not toilet trained yet, please
begin to do so. - Practise basic life skills
- - Communication of needs
- - Follow simple directions
- - Eat and tidy up independently
5Preparing for SchoolEmotional Readiness
- Over the summer
- Walk to school and play in the school yard.
- Find the outside entrance to the Kindergarten
area. - Establish bedtime routines and morning routines.
- Make up a fun goodbye routine and practise it in
other situations before school starts.
- Read and discuss books that talk about starting
school - The Kissing Hand
- By Audrey Penn
- Tom Goes to Kindergarten
- By Margaret Wild
- Look Out Kindergarten
- By Nancy Carlson
- Ill Always Come Back
- By Steve Metzger
7Preparing For SchoolAcademic Readiness
- Kindergarten Program
- The Ministrys Kindergarten program is a two-
year continuum and addresses learning in - Language (Literacy)
- Mathematics (Mathematical Literacy)
- Science and Technology
- Personal and Social Development
- The Arts
- If you would like a copy of the Kindergarten
Program, please visit www.edu.gov.on.ca
8Preparing For SchoolAcademic Readiness
- As Literacy is our school focus,
- we strongly encourage you to
- work on the following skills with
- your child over the next few months
- recognizing name and identifying letters in it
- printing name
- identifying capital and lower case letters
- listening to and discussing books with your child
(e.g., My favourite part of the story was )
9Preparing For SchoolAcademic Readiness
- In order for your child to succeed in
- Literacy, he/she should have the following
- skills in place
- Oral Communciation
- communicates basic needs (e.g., I need to go to
the bathroom/I feel sick., etc.) - talks to peers and teacher
- listens to and follows instructions
- listens quietly during story time
- follows simple routines (e.g., cleans up toys
after playing)
10Preparing For SchoolAcademic Readiness
- Mathematical Literacy
- oral counting
- recognizing numbers through puzzles and number
books - sorting (e.g. colour, shape, size, etc.)
- Basic Concepts
- identifying colours and shapes
11Preparing For SchoolAcademic Readiness
- Gross Motor Skills
- jumping, running, climbing, hopping, etc.
- Fine Motor Skills
- playing with lego and puzzles, beading,
playdough, holding/using paintbrushes, pencils,
crayons and scissors
12Materials to Have at Home
- Magnetic letters and numbers
- Thick crayons, pencils
- Construction paper
- Scribble and/or notebook
- Glue stick, childrens scissors
- Concept and story books
- Extra measuring cups, spoons to play with in the
sand or water
13English Language Learners
- Although it is important to maintain your first
language, it is necessary for your child to
develop English comprehension and speaking skills
in order to - Communicate basic needs (e.g., washroom, feeling
sick, etc.) - Interact with peers
- Understand simple instructions
14Is your child ready for school?
- Has your child had a
- Pre-school health examination
- Vision check
- Hearing check
- Updated immunizations
- Dental check
15Operational Items
- School starts promptly at 815 a.m. If you arrive
after this time, you need to sign in at the
office. - Teacher supervision begins at 800 a.m. You may
drop off your child at that time. - Recess is from 1015 a.m. to
- 1035 a.m.
- Lunch is from 1155 a.m. to
- 1255 p.m. There is supervision during the
lunch hour. - School is over at 235 p.m.
- Bussing Information can be found at
16Snacks and Lunches
- Children will be eating snack and lunch in their
classrooms - They will require a healthy snack, a lunch, and a
reusable water container to be packed in a
reusable lunch bag. - Food allergies No Nuts Please!
- Nutritious
- Easy to open independently
- Child is able to eat independently
- Food that does not require heating
- Identify snacks and lunch for child
17 Backpack and Clothing
- Backpack - Provide a large backpack that is top
loading with a zipper. - Dress for activity
- We encourage pants with elastics (belts, buckles
and overalls hinder independent bathroom use) - Change of clothing
- Extra top, pants, socks and underwear
- Kept in a labelled bag in your childs backpack
- Indoor and outdoor shoes
- Due to safety reasons, students require Velcro
shoes for indoor and outdoor use - Please label both sets of shoes with your childs
18Washroom and Self-Help Routines
- At school, children
- Use washroom independently
- Wash hands with soap
- Dress and undress
- coat, boots, hats, mittens, shoes
- zippers
- buttons
- If your child is going to be absent, you NEED to
notify the school - (905-417-9771) by leaving a detailed voice
message - We communicate with parents through
- Monthly Calendars
- Newsletters
- Phone calls
- Notes from your childs teacher
20Literacy and Learning Centres
- Purpose To give you ideas and strategies to help
your child prepare for Kindergarten (emotionally,
socially, academically) - We have 5 centres for you to visit and engage in
with your child - You will be at each centre for 10 minutes and you
will move to the next centre when you hear the
music - Teacher(s) will explain and guide you through
each activity - Please look for your Tribe colour signs which
will guide you through the learning centre
- At each centre you will receive a sticker for
your passport - Once you have visited each centre your passport
will be complete - At this time you are encouraged to visit the
display table and booths - Proceed to the Welcome to Kindergarten table to
pick up your package after you have shown your
completed passport
- Thank you for attending Mackenzie Glens Welcome
to Kindergarten Orientation. - You have already taken the first step towards
your childs road to success. - We look forward to developing a positive parent
teacher partnership!
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