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Medical Terminology


Medical Terminology Chapter 7 Body Fluids and Immunity Cellular Needs and Body Fluids Water is most important body fluid Cells require water, oxygen, and nutrients to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology
  • Chapter 7
  • Body Fluids and Immunity

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • Water is most important body fluid
  • Cells require water, oxygen, and nutrients to
  • Hydr(o) means water
  • -ous means pertaining to
  • hydrous means pertaining to water

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • -hidr(o), sweat or perspiration
  • Sweat excreted through pores in the skin
  • mucus is the slimy material produced by mucous
  • mucoid means resembling mucus
  • pus is the result of tissue breakdown because of

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • A localized collection of pus in a cavity formed
    by the disintegration of the tissue is called an
  • hematoma is a localized collection of blood,
    usually clotted, in an organ, space tissue,
    resulting from a break in the wall of a blood
  • Hematomas can occur anywhere in the body, but are
    most dangerous when in the head

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • Body Fluids are found
  • within the cells - intra/cellular
  • outside the cells - extra/cellular
  • intra- within
  • cellul(o) little cell or compartment
  • -ar, pertaining to
  • extra- outside

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • 1/4th of extracellular fluid is plasma (the
    liquid portion of the blood)
  • Blood remains inside blood vessels.
  • Blood is intravascular
  • intra- within
  • vascul(o) vessel
  • -ar pertaining to

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • Remaining extracellular fluid is between cells
    and tissue space
  • Interstitial fluid
  • inter- means between

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • More than half of all body fluid is contained
    within cells and is called intracellular fluid.
  • Body fluid is classified as either intracellular
    or extracellular fluid.
  • Majority of extracellular fluid is found between
    cells and tissue spaces and is called
    interstitial fluid.
  • Plasma is an extravascular fluid.

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • Regulation of the amount of water in the body is
    called fluid balance.
  • The intake and output must be balanced.
  • Intake too low - dehydration
  • Output too low - edema

Fluid Balance
  • Total Output 2500 ml
  • Urine 1500 ml
  • Skin 550 ml
  • Lungs 300 ml
  • Feces 150 ml
  • Total Intake 2500 ml
  • Water (beverages) 1600 ml
  • Water (moist foods) 700 ml
  • Metabolism 200 ml

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • hydrocephaly is more commonly called
  • hydrocephalus means a condition characterized by
    abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid
    within the skull, enlargement of the head, mental
    retardation, and convulsions.
  • A shunt is placed to redirect the fluid

Cellular Needs and Body Fluids
  • Calculus or stone
  • Formed in body tissues by an accumulation of
    mineral salts in the body tissues.
  • Nephro/lith/iasis kidney stones
  • Litho/tripsy crushing of a stone

Composition of Blood
  • Study of Blood is Hematology
  • Hemat(o) means blood and blood forming tissues
  • Hemato/logic means pertaining to hematology
  • Hematologist is one who studies blood
  • -poiesis means production
  • hematopoiesis - formation and development of
    blood cells

Composition of Blood
  • Coagul(o) refers to coagulation
  • Coagulation is the formation of a clot
  • A coagulant promotes or accelerates clotting
  • -ant means that which causes
  • An Anticoagulant is used to prevent blood from
  • -ate means to cause an action or the result of an

Composition of Blood
  • Nucle(o) and kary(o) mean nucleus
  • nucleoprotein is a protein found in the nucleus
  • karyomegaly indicates a large nucleus or an
    abnormal enlargement of a cell nucleus
  • A normal red cell in the circulating blood has
    matured and lost its nucleus

Composition of Blood
  • A normal white cell in the circulating blood has
    lost its nucleus
  • -oid means like or resembling
  • nucle/oid means resembling a nucleus
  • morph(o) means form or shape
  • poly- means many
  • poly/morpho/nuclear is the most abundant type of

Composition of Blood
  • Polymorphonuclear is a leukocyte with a nucleus
    that is divided in such a way that it appears as
    multiple. (PMN)
  • polymorph
  • cytoplasm of a polymorph typically contains small
    granular structures
  • these cells may be referred to as granulocytes

Composition of Blood
  • Coagulopathy means any disease of coagulation
  • Blood coagulation is a series of chemical
    reactions in which special fibers(fibrin) entrap
    blood cells resulting in a blood clot.
  • Clots formed within blood vessels is a serious
    condition that can result in death

Composition of Blood
  • A naturally occurring anticoagulant keeps blood
    from clotting within the body.
  • in vitro means occurring in a laboratory test
    tube or occurring in an artificial environment
  • in vivo means within the living body

Composition of Blood
  • Laboratory blood tests often requires treating
    blood with an anticoagulant
  • Hematocrit measures the percentage of red blood
    cells in a volume of blood
  • hem(a) and hem (o) mean blood
  • A hemo/cyte is a blood cell
  • -cyte means cell

Composition of Blood
  • Erythro/cytes are red blood cells (red
    corpuscles) (RBC)
  • Erythro/cyt/ic means pertaining to erythrocytes
  • Erythro/poiesis is the production of erythrocytes
  • erythro/poietin stimulates the production of
  • -poietin means a substance that causes production

Composition of Blood
  • Leuk(o) means white
  • Leukocyte is a white blood cell (WBC)
  • Leukocytes protect the body against pathogenic
    (disease causing) organisms
  • Healthy people have normal numbers of RBC and WBC
    in their blood
  • leukocyte count/ erythrocyte count

Composition of Blood
  • thromb(o) means thrombus
  • A blood clot that obstructs a blood vessel or
    cavity of the heart (clot that occurs internally)
  • Thrombo/cyte is a blood platelet
  • Thrombo/lysis is a dissolution or destruction of
    a clot formed inside a vessel

Composition of Blood
  • lys(o) means destruction or dissolving
  • -lysis describes the act of dissolving or
  • -lytic is a suffix to form adjectives describing
    dissolution or destruction
  • thrombolytic
  • -lysin means a substance that dissolves or
  • thrombolysin

Composition of Blood
  • Thrombosis is the presence of a thrombus
  • Dissolving of a thrombus is thrombolysis
  • -ectomy means surgical removal or excision
  • to surgically remove a clot is called a

Composition of Blood
  • thrombolysis is destruction of a clot
  • hemolysis is destruction of blood
  • A hemolysin is a substance that causes the
    destruction of red blood cells
  • -emia is a suffix that means blood

Composition of Blood
  • leuk/emia is white blood
  • Leukemia is a progressive, malignant disease of
    the hematopoietic (blood forming) organs,
    characterized by a sharp increase in the number
    of leukocytes, as well as the presence of
    immature forms of leukocytes in the blood and
    bone marrow

Composition of Blood
  • An/emia means without blood
  • -penia means decreased or deficient
  • leukocytopenia - decrease or deficiency in the
    number of leukocytes (leukopenia)
  • erythro/cyto/penia is a decrease or deficiency in
    the number of erythrocytes (erythropenia)

Composition of Blood
  • Anemia is a deficiency in the number of red blood
    cells or a deficiency in hemoglobin
  • hemoglobin is the red pigment of blood
  • Anemia is not a disease but a sign of various

Composition of Blood
  • Signs and Symptoms of Anemia
  • tachycardia
  • dyspnea
  • syncope (fainting)
  • tinnitus
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • dizziness
  • congestive heart failure

Composition of Blood
  • Iron deficiency anemia results when a greater
    demand for iron than the body can supply.
  • It can be caused by blood loss or insufficient
    intake intake or absorption of iron from the
    intestinal tract
  • Iron deficiency anemia is usually successfully
    treated with iron tablets and a well balanced diet

Composition of Blood
  • Thrombocytopenia is a decrease in the number of
    platelets (thrombopenia)
  • Thrombocytes (platelets) are a key component in
    the process of blood clotting
  • Severe thrombocytopenia results in a bleeding
  • thrombocytosis is an increase in platelets in
    circulating blood

Composition of Blood
  • Hemo/philia is a hereditary bleeding disorder in
    which there is a deficiency of one coagulation
    factor called antihemophilic factor VIII.
  • Minor injuries can result in prolonged bleeding
    which leads to anemia
  • -osis can mean more than a condition
  • erythrocytosis is increase in number of red blood
    cells (erythrocytes)

Composition of Blood
  • Leukocytosis is an increase in number of
    leukocytes (white blood cells)
  • Increase in leukocytes as in leukemia is not
    normal. Many of the leukocytes in leukemia are
    abnormal or immature white blood cells.
  • Increase in leukocytes in response to an
    (infection) infecting organism is normal.

Composition of Blood
  • Infection vs. inflammation
  • infection is the presence of living
    microorganisms within the tissue
  • inflammation is the bodys response to injury.
  • Inflammation is part of the bodys natural
  • Signs of inflammation are redness, swelling and

Composition of Blood
  • Poly- means many
  • cyto means cell
  • hem(o) means blood
  • -ia means condition
  • Polycythemia is a disorder in which there is an
    increase in erythrocytes

Composition of Blood
  • primary - bone marrow over produces many types of
    cells and is associated with a chromosomal defect
  • secondary - as a physiologic response to
    prolonged exposure to high altitude, or heart or
    lung disease
  • leads to increased viscosity (stickiness) of blood

Composition of Blood
  • A coagulopathy is any defect in coagulation
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a grave
    coagulopathy in which there is generalized
    intravascular clotting.

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • Micr(o) means small
  • microcyte is a small cell
  • microcytosis is an increase in the number of
    under sized red blood cells
  • Macr(o) means large
  • macrocyte is a large cell
  • macrocytosis is an increase in larger than normal

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • Scop(o) means to view or examine
  • -scopy means the act of viewing
  • microscopy is examining something small
  • macroscopy is examining something large
  • megal(o) means large or enlarged
  • megalocytes are large cells

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • Norm(o) means normal
  • normocytes are normal cells
  • is(o) means equal
  • iso/cyt/osis means cells that are of equal size
  • anisocytosis are cells that are not of equal size

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • isotonic means equal tension
  • an isotonic solution is a solution in which body
    cells can be bathed without damage to the cell
    through diffusion of water in or out of cells
  • spher(o) means round
  • spherocyte is a round cell
  • spherocytosis means the presence of spherocytes
    in the blood

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • Poikil(o) means irregular
  • poikilocyte is a blood cell with abnormal shape
  • poikilocytosis is the presence of poikilocytes in
    the blood
  • poikilocytes are present in sickle cell anemia

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary anemia with an
    inherited abnormal type of hemoglobin.
  • Blood cells are elongated and sickled and are
    highly fragile
  • in vivo hemolysis occurs resulting in hemolytic

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • hyper- means excessive or more than normal
  • hypo- means beneath or below normal
  • chrom(o) means color
  • hypochromia in which blood cells have below
    normal amount of color
  • hyperchromia in which blood cells have above
    normal amount of color

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • Hemoglobin is the red pigment inside erythrocytes
  • globin is a type of protein
  • hemoglobin is a type of protein found in blood
  • hemoglobinopathy is any disease associated with
  • hemolyze means that the erythrocytes dissolve

Anemias and Abnormal Hemoglobins
  • Hemolytic anemia is characterized by the
    premature destruction of erythrocytes
  • plast(o) means repair
  • aplastic means having no tendency to develop new
  • In aplastic anemia the bone marrow is diseased
    and produces few cells
  • dyscrasia is any disorder associated with the
    blood or bone marrow

Blood Coagulation
  • Fibrin is formed when blood clots
  • word part for fibrin is fibrin(o)
  • fibrin/oid means resembling fibrin
  • fibrinogen is a precursor of fibrin
  • fibrogen is a protein that is changed to fibrin
    in the process of coagulation
  • fibrinolysis is the destruction of fibrin

Blood Coagulation
  • A fibrinolysis can dissolve a thrombus
  • -stasis means stopping or controlling
  • hemostasis means stoppage of blood flow
  • trans- means through or across
  • the introduction of whole blood or blood
    components into the blood stream is transfusion

Blood Coagulation
  • Typing the blood is necessary for transfusion
  • the typing process looks for agglutination to
    specialized sera
  • agglutination is blood clumping
  • a transfusion reaction is an adverse reaction the
    the received blood.
  • Blood group incompatibilities causes hemolysis
    which is the destruction of erythrocytes

Blood Coagulation
  • Transfusion reaction results in hemo/lysis of the
  • Certain diseases can be transmitted through a
  • Donate your own blood would be an autologous

Classification of Disease
  • Organic diseases are associated with a
    demonstrable physical change in an organ or
  • Functional disorders are marked by S Ss, but
    no physical changes.

Classification of Disease
  • Infectious
  • Hereditary
  • Degenerative
  • Traumatic
  • Autoimmune
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Idiopathic
  • Iatrogenic
  • Nosocomial

Classification of Disease
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Pathogenic organisms
  • Communicable contagious
  • Directly by contact
  • Indirectly via substances
  • Via vectors

Classification of Disease
  • Microorganisms
  • Spheric (cocci)
  • Rod-shaped (bacilli)
  • Spiral (spirochetes and spirilla)
  • Comma-shaped (vibrios)

Classification of Disease
  • Gram Stain
  • Pink or red gram negative
  • Violet or purple gram positive
  • Also classified by arrangement

Classification of Disease
  • Strepto/cocci appear to grow in chains
  • Staphylo/cocci grow in grape like clusters
  • Diplococci grow in pairs
  • Bacter/emia presence of bacteria in the blood

Classification of Disease
  • Aerobic requires oxygen to maintain life
  • Anaerobic grows in complete or almost complete
    lack of oxygen

Classification of Disease
  • Antiseptic inhibits growth of microorganisms
  • Bacteriostatic inhibits growth of bacteria
  • Bactericidal kills bacteria
  • Botulism - Bacterial food poisoning

Classification of Disease
  • Fungi are microorganisms that feed by absorbing
    organic molecules from their surroundings.
  • They may be parasitic.

Immune System
  • Pathogens are microorganisms that are capable of
    causing disease
  • resistance is the bodys ability to counteract
    the effects of foreign invaders
  • susceptibility is lack of resistance
  • specific and non-specific resistance

Immune System
  • Nonspecific defense mechanisms are directed
    against all pathogens
  • unbroken skin
  • phagocytes
  • inflammation
  • complement
  • interferon
  • see table 7-13 p 133

Immune System
  • Interferon is formed when cells are exposed to a
  • phagocytosis is the ingestion and destruction of
    microorganisms and cellular debris by certain
  • Phag(o) means to eat
  • macrophages and leukocytes are the primary
    phagocytic cells

Immune System
  • Specific defense mechanisms are selective for
    particular pathogens
  • This specific resistance is called immunity and
    protects from a specific disease or condition
  • white blood cell and t-cells are responsible for
    cell mediated immunity
  • b-lymphocytes are responsible for antibody
    mediated immunity

Immune System
  • Antibodies are formed against foreign substances
  • antibodies are formed to act against other cells
    or substances that our bodies recognize as being
  • Immunoglobulins or antibodies are found in the
    liquid part of the blood, plasma
  • Immun(o) means immune
  • globulins are plasma proteins

Immune System
  • Specific antibodies provide us with immunity
    against disease causing organisms
  • we generally acquire antibodies either by having
    a disease or by receiving a vaccination.
  • A vaccination causes our bodies to produce

Immune System
  • a foreign substance that induces the production
    of antibodies is called an antigen
  • polio vaccine contains polio antigen
  • after receiving polio vaccine, one is immunized
    against polio
  • an excessive reaction to an antigen is considered
    a hypersensitivity

Immune System
  • -phylaxis means protection
  • anaphylaxis or anaphylactic reactions are
    exaggerated, life threatening hypersensitivity
    reactions to a previously encountered antigen
  • anaphylactic reactions are severe and can be
  • insect stings and penicillin are common causes of

Immune System
  • Allergies are conditions in which the body reacts
    with an exaggerated immune response to common,
    harmless substances.
  • A substance that can produce an allergic reaction
    but is not necessarily harmful is called an
  • in an allergic reaction, injured cells release a
    substance called histamine

Immune System
  • Histamine causes dilation of the capillaries, an
    increase in gastric secretions, and contraction
    of smooth muscle of several internal organs
  • histamine is responsible the symptoms of hay
    fever teary eyes, sneezing, and swollen
    membranes of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Antihistamines act against histamine

Immune System
  • Immunization is the process by which resistance
    to an infectious disease is induced or augmented
  • immunity that an individual develops in response
    to a harmful antigen is active immunity
  • borrowed immunity that is effective for only a
    short time is passive immunity

Immune System
  • vaccination is a form of prophylaxis, protection
    of or protection against disease
  • toxoids contain toxins which are antigens
  • toxoids cause our bodies to produce antibodies,
    thus providing us with immunity

Immune System
  • a toxoid is a toxin that has been treated to
    eliminate its harmful properties without
    destroying its ability to stimulate antibody
  • a toxoid is a helpful form of toxin
  • tox(o) which means poison is usually harmful
  • a cytotoxin has harmful effects on cells

Immune System
  • Cytotoxicity means having a harmful effect on
  • toxicity is the virulence of a toxin or poison
  • toxic/osis is any disease condition caused by
  • Virulence means the degree of disease causing
    capability of microorganisms

Immune System
  • Immuno/compromised pertains to immune response
    that has been weakened by a disease or an
    immuno/suppressive agent
  • radiation and certain drugs are immunosupressants
    - meaning they suppress the immune response
  • transplant rejection is an immune reaction to the
    donors tissue cells

Immune System
  • To transplant is to transfer tissue
  • Immunosupressants are given to transplant
    recipients to prevent or lessen the possibility
    of rejection

Chapter 4
  • Class review exercises

What is the meaning?
  • Hemato
  • blood
  • -cyte
  • cell
  • is(o)
  • equal
  • leuk(o)
  • white

What is the meaning?
  • Kary(o)
  • nucleus
  • melan(o)
  • black
  • micr(o)
  • small
  • megal(o)
  • large or enlarged

What is the meaning?
  • Phag(o)
  • to eat
  • a-
  • no, not, without
  • poly
  • many
  • phil(o)
  • attraction

What is the meaning?
  • -lysis
  • destruction or dissolving
  • -penia
  • decreased or deficient
  • -poiesis
  • production
  • xanth(o)
  • yellow

What is the meaning?
  • -erythr(o)
  • red
  • macr(o)
  • large or enlarged
  • cellul(o)
  • little cell or compartment
  • morph(o)
  • scope or form

What is the Combining Form?
  • Hemoglobin
  • hemoglobin(o)
  • fibrin
  • fibrin(o)
  • water
  • hydr(o)
  • coagulation
  • coagul(o)

What is the Combining Form?
  • Air
  • aer(o)
  • color
  • chrom(o)
  • green
  • chlor(o)
  • clot
  • thromb(o)

What is the Combining Form?
  • Round
  • spher(o)
  • irregular
  • Poikil(o)

  • An instrument used to view
  • -scope
  • blood
  • -emia
  • capable of destroying
  • -lytic
  • substance that dissolves or destroys something
  • -lysin

  • Across
  • trans-
  • within
  • intra-
  • between
  • inter

A or An
  • Traumatic
  • atraumatic
  • hydrous
  • anhydrous
  • uria
  • anuria

A or An
  • toxic
  • atoxic
  • plastic
  • aplastic

What is the Color?
  • Chloropia
  • green
  • melanocyte
  • black
  • cyanoderma
  • blue

What is the Color?
  • xanthoderma
  • yellow
  • leukopenia
  • white

Case StudyWord Meaning
  • A 23 year old female came to the emergency room,
    complaining of dizziness and headache.
    Examination revealed pallor and tachycardia. The
    patient had a history of dyspnea on exertion,
    tinnitus, and syncope. Blood tests and ECG were
    ordered. Tachycardia was the only abnormality
    demonstrated on the ECG. All blood

Case StudyWord Meaning
  • Tests were normal except CBC, which indicated a
    microcytic hypochromic anemia. Additional tests
    were ordered to determine the etiology of the

Case StudyWord Meaning
  • Pallor
  • paleness
  • tachycardia
  • increased pulse rate
  • dyspnea
  • difficult breathing

Case StudyWord Meaning
  • Tinnitus
  • noise in the ears, such as ringing
  • syncope
  • fainting

What is the Meaning?
  • Hemat(o)
  • blood
  • hem(a)
  • blood
  • hem(o)
  • blood
  • spher(o)
  • round

What is the Meaning?
  • Poikil(o)
  • irregular
  • erythro(o)
  • red
  • poly-
  • many
  • cyan(o)
  • blue

What is the Meaning?
  • Leuk(o)
  • white
  • melan(o)
  • black
  • chlor(o)
  • green
  • xanth(o)
  • yellow

What is the Meaning?
  • -ectomy
  • removal of, incision
  • -cyte
  • cell
  • -ate
  • to cause an action or the results of an action

What is the Meaning?
  • -ar
  • pertaining to
  • -ant
  • that which causes
  • -emia
  • blood
  • is(o)
  • equal

What is the Meaning?
  • Kary(o)
  • nucleus
  • morph(o)
  • shape or form
  • phag(o)
  • to eat
  • phil(o)
  • attraction

What is the Meaning?
  • micr(o)
  • small
  • coagulation
  • blood clotting
  • poikilocyte
  • an erythrocyte of irregular shape
  • hematoma
  • a localized collection of blood

What is the Meaning?
  • Thrombus
  • formation of a clot within a blood vessel
  • cytologist
  • one who studies cells
  • leukocyte count
  • an evaluation of white cells

What is the Meaning?
  • Thrombolytic
  • capable of dissolving a thrombus
  • thrombectomy
  • surgical removal of a blood clot
  • thromb(o)
  • clot
  • leukopenia
  • a decreased white cell count

What is the Meaning?
  • Leukocyte
  • white blood cell that functions in the bodys
    defense system
  • syncope
  • fainting
  • hematology
  • the study of blood

What is the Meaning?
  • In vivo
  • in the body
  • antibiotic
  • substance commonly prescribed in the treatment of
    bacterial infections
  • erythropoiesis
  • production of red cells

What is the Meaning?
  • Macropodia
  • increased size of the foot
  • macrodontia
  • increased size of the teeth
  • microcyte
  • a small cell
  • macrocyte
  • a large cell

What is the Meaning?
  • Chromocyte
  • any colored cell
  • histocyte
  • a tissue cell
  • poikilocytosis
  • the presence of irregular shaped erythrocytes in
    the blood

What is the Meaning?
  • Spherocytosis
  • the presence of spherocytes in the blood
  • thrombolysin
  • substance capable of dissolving a thrombus

What is the Meaning?
  • Macroscopy
  • examination with the naked eye
  • microscopy
  • examination of something small
  • transplant
  • a surgical procedure whereby living organs are
    transplanted from one part of the body to another
    or from one individual to another

  • 1. Hydr(o)
  • 2. hem(a)
  • 3. aer(o)
  • 4. clor(o)
  • 5. chrom(o)
  • 6. cyt(o)
  • a. Air
  • b. Green
  • c. Color
  • d. Cell
  • e. Water
  • f. blood

  • 1. Erythr(o)
  • 2. Is(o)
  • 3. kary(o)
  • 4. leuko(o)
  • 5. macro(o)
  • 6. hem(o)
  • a. red
  • b. hemoglobin
  • c. nucleus
  • d. equal
  • e. large or enlarged
  • f. white

What is the Meaning?
  • Poly-
  • many
  • phil(o)
  • attraction
  • -lysis
  • destruction
  • -penia
  • decreased deficiency

What is the Meaning?
  • -poiesis
  • production
  • xanth(o)
  • yellow
  • erythr(o)
  • red
  • macr(o)
  • large or enlarged

What is the Meaning?
  • Anti-
  • against
  • morph(o)
  • shape or form
  • coagulopathy
  • any disease of coagulation
  • thrombolysis
  • dissolving of a thrombus

What is the Meaning?
  • Leukocytosis
  • an increase in the number of white blood cells
  • microencephaly
  • abnormal smallness of the head
  • ophthalmoscope
  • an instrument for examining the eye

What is the Meaning?
  • Toxicosis
  • any disease or condition caused by poison
  • otoscopy
  • examination of the ear
  • cytoscopy
  • microscopic examination of cells

What is the Meaning?
  • Hypochromic
  • a condition in which erythrocytes have a reduced
    hemoglobin content (pigment)
  • poikilocyte
  • a cell having an abnormal shape
  • anemia
  • a decreased red blood cell count

What is the Meaning?
  • Septicemia
  • a systemic infectious condition caused by
    pathogenic microorganisms, their enzymes, or
    their toxins
  • pigment color of melanin
  • dark brown to black
  • cyanoderma
  • blue skin

  • a. Many
  • b. Shape or form
  • c. Decreased
  • d. Red
  • e. Large or enlarged
  • 1. Morph(o)
  • 2. -penia
  • 3. Macr(o)
  • 4. Poly-
  • 5. Erythr(o)

  • a. attraction
  • b. destruction or
  • dissolving
  • c. production
  • d. yellow
  • e. against
  • 1. xanth(o)
  • 2. -poiesis
  • 3. -lysis
  • 4. Phil(o)
  • 5. Anti-

What is It?
  • The destruction of red blood cells with the
    liberation of hemoglobin
  • hemolysis
  • the reduction in the number of red blood cells,
    hemoglobin, r both red cells and hemoglobin
  • anemia
  • a substance that causes hemolysis
  • hemolysin

What is It?
  • A disorder in which there is an increase in the
    number of red blood cells
  • polycythemia
  • excessive urination
  • polyuria
  • a small cell
  • microcyte

What is It?
  • A cell that engulfs other matter
  • phagocyte
  • a condition in which erythrocytes are not of
    equal size
  • anisocytosis
  • any disease of coagulation
  • coagulopathy

What is It?
  • The study of cells
  • cytology
  • dissolving of a thrombus
  • thrombolysis
  • an increase in the number of white blood cells
  • leukocytosis

What is It?
  • Abnormal smallness of the head
  • microcephaly
  • an instrument for examining the eye
  • ophthalmoscope
  • any disease condition caused by poisons
  • toxicosis
  • examination of the ear
  • otoscopy

What is It?
  • A decreased white cell count
  • leukopenia
  • cells that function in the bodys defense system
  • leukocyte
  • fainting
  • syncope

What is It?
  • The study of blood
  • hematology
  • in the body
  • in vivo
  • a substance commonly prescribed in the treatment
    of bacterial infections
  • production of red cells
  • erythropoiesis

Also Known As
  • Red blood cells
  • erythrocytes
  • white blood cells
  • leukocytes
  • thrombocytes
  • platelets

Also Known As
  • bluish discoloration of skin
  • cyanoderma
  • difficult time breathing
  • dyspnea

Chapter 4
  • Book CD review
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