Title: Part Time Entrepreneurship
1Part-Time Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneur
- Wantreprenuer
- Part-Time Entrepreneur
Amazon Link - http//www.amazon.com/Part-Time-Entr
2Part-Time Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneur
- Wantreprenuer
- Part-Time Entrepreneur
3Who is an Entrepreneur?
4Who is an Entrepreneur? Updated definition with
Risk Factor
Full Time
5Entrepreneur needs? More than an Idea
- Passion and Commitment
- It all comes down to Skill, Time and Money
- Skill Can you acquire skill?
- Time Can you work full-time?
- Money how much you can invest?
- Yes, You can acquire skill by investing your time
in right channels books, classes
- You can get money from investors. But investors
want to see how much you are committed. - If you are working fulltime job, then you cant
get investments. - How much money you can invest?
8Its all comes to Time
- If you are in your twenties, not married. Oh Yes,
you can quit your job and purse your dream as a
fulltime entrepreneur. - What about others? Who has families, kids,
mortgages? Can they take the same risk? - Or Do they have live with the dreams only for the
rest of their life?
9Part-Time Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneur
- Wantreprenuer
- Part-Time Entrepreneur
10Who are Wantrepreneurs?
Why only 10 out of 1000 can become entrepreneurs?
11Wantrepreneur excuses for not trying
12Part-Time Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneur
- Wantreprenuer
- Part-Time Entrepreneur
13Part-Time Entrepreneurship is the Answer !
- Part-Time Entrepreneurship lets you kill that
wantrepreneur. - No more excuses for wannabe entrepreneurs
- Lets you take the manageable risk
14How to become Part-Time Entrepreneur
- Kill the Wantrepreneur first
- Generate ideas and validate ideas with customers
- Learn Lean Startup Principles
- Take simple actions but big impact
- Leverage Tools and Technologies
- Work with Freelancers and Outsourcing
15Some Wiseman said -
- There are only 2 things
- Success or Learning (No Failure)
For more details visit www.PartTimeStartups.com