Title: Welcome to Best Selenium Training Institute in Bangalore
1Welcome to Seleniumlabs Training Institute in
2About Us
Seleniumlabs is one of the best Selenium training
institutes in Bangalore, popular for its
professional training. This is one stop solution
for providing training services in Information
Technology, Software Education End-to-End
3Selenium Course Index
COURSE AT BEST TRAINING INSTITUTE IN BANGALORE - Selenium Labs is offers Selenium Tool training in
BangaloreAutomation of testing using Selenium
tool - Topics Covered
- JAVA Basics
- Apache ANT
- Framework Development
- Junit
4Some of Selenium index's Covered by our experts
- Job Based training
- Convenient time to attend classes
- Record the classes and listen later
- Great amazing web-conferencing technology
- Real Time 10 years experienced coahers
- Course content takes you through all real time
scenarios - Learn to prepare resume, Projects Description
- 100 Job Placement assistance
5 Some Unique Features of Automation Testing
- Selenium RC It supports for almost all browsers.
- Selenium Web driverIt supports the Web Driver
API and can port all tests with maximum
flexibility. - Selenium IDETo build test scripts in development
environment. - Selenium-GridTest packages can be run Parallely
in multiple environments. - Open SourceBeing open source, it reduces cost.
6Coded UI Training
This training will enable developers and
functional testers how to automate testing by
using CodedUI. We will see specific scenarios and
how we can test them using CodedUI. Course
Duration 2 Days See Coded UI Training Course
Outline http//www.seleniumlabs.in/pdf/CodedUI.
7Selenium With C Training
This training will enable developers and
functional testers how to automate testing by
using C. We will see specific scenarios and how
we can test them using C. Course Duration 3
Days Selenium With C Training Course Outline
8Jmeter Testing Training
JMeter is an Open Source testing software. It is
100 pure Java application for load and
performance testing. jMeter is designed to cover
categories of tests like load, functional,
performance, regression, etc., and it requires
JDK 5 or higher. This tutorial will give you
great understanding on jMeter framework needed to
test an enterprise level application to deliver
it with robustness and reliability. Course
Duration 3 Days Jmeter Testing Training Course
9Web Services SOA Testing
Web Services is the mechanism or the medium of
communication through which two applications /
machines will exchange the data irrespective of
their underline architecture and the
technology The program is designed to meet the
unique challenges involved in learning and
implementing different testing techniques for
testing Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs) and
Web Services.
10Web Service Testing
Web Services Testing basically involves
- Understand the WSDL file
- Determine the operations that particular web
service provides - Determine the XML request format which we need to
send - Determine the response XML format
- Using a tool or writing code(i.e. Groovy) to send
request and validate the response
11Contact Us
Seleniumlabs Country India City
Bangalore State Karnataka Zip code
560068 Phone-no. 9590587663 Email
P.biswas2012_at_gmail.com Web Site