Title: The composition of planetary atmospheres: a historical perspective
1The composition of planetary atmospheres a
historical perspective
Emmanuel Lellouch
Observatoire de Paris, France
2Atmospheres of the Solar System
- Giant Planets
- Primary atmospheres (H2, He, CH4)
- Little evolution (no surface, little escape)
-  Terrestrial planets (Earth, Venus, Mars,
Titan) - Secondary atmospheres (CO2 / N2, N2 / O2, N2 /
CH4) - Outgassed and strongly evolved (escape, surface
interaction) - Tenuous atmospheres (Pluto, Triton, Io,
Enceladus) - In equilibrium with surface ices or internal
sources - Exospheres (Mercury, Moon, other Galilean
satellites) - Solar flux or solar wind action on surfaces
- Early times (1905-1970)
- The 1970s main concepts emerge
- The 1980s and 1990s accumulating molecules
- Recent spacecraft exploration (1995-2008)
4First detections the visible range
Wildt 1932
Identification of CH4 and NH3 in  visible spectra
of Jupiter and Saturn taken by Slipher in 1905
CH4 7260 A
CH4 8900 A
5First detections
Kuiper 1944
 The only reason why I happened to observe the
planets and the 10 brightest satellites was that
they were nicely lined up in a region of the sky
where I had run out of programs starsÂ
Detection of methane in Titan
6First detections
Spinrad et al. 1963
- Detection of H2 in Uranus
Identification of CH4 and NH3 in  visible spectra
of Jupiter and Saturn taken by Slipher in 1905
7First detections
8Beyond photography the beginning of infrared
(courtesy Dale Cruikshank)
During the war, Kuiper learned about the
development of IR detectors (PbS) having
sensitivity up to 3 ?m
Kuiper 1947
CH4 in Jupiter
? CO2 in Venus
9The beginning of infrared
CO2 on Mars (Moroz, 1964)
Vassili Ivanovich Moroz
10Too much enthusiasm
Sinton et al. 1960
Actually due to telluric HDO
11 Mars discovery of atmospheric water in 1963
Water cycle on Mars
12 Mars atmosphere basic chemistry
Detection of CO (1968) Detection
of O2 1.27 emission in 1976 O3 (1971), and O2
(1972) ? tracer of ozone (and not
vice versa!)
CO2 h ? ? CO O O O M ? O2
O2 O M ?O3 H2O h
?? OH H CO OH ? CO2 H (stability of
atmosphere) OH ? HO2 ? H2O2 (not detected
before 2005)
Noxon et al. 1976
13The solar reflected component of Venus
- Detection of HCl, HF and CO in Venus (above
clouds) - Michelson inteferometer R 20000
- Connes et al. 1967, 1969
- But
- H2O difficult to detect
- O2, O3 not detected
- How to probe below the clouds ?
14The 1970s The thermal infraredaccess to
physical concepts
In the thermal range
- Sensitive to temperature
- Sensitive to vertical distribution of gases
16Exploring the thermal range from Earth the 10 µm
Detection of strong hydrocarbon emission in outer
Saturn Titan
Gillett et al. 1973, 1975 (R 60)
17Methane photochemistry in Giant Planets(a recent
Moses et al. 2000 (Saturn)
18Methane photochemistry in Giant Planets(a recent
Detection of C3H4 and C4H2 on Neptune IRS/Spitzer
, R600 Meadows et al. 2008
Warmer on Titan (170 K) than Saturn (140
K) Predicted due to haze (esp. Titan) and
methane heating
Pre-Voyager models of Titan - inversion only ? -
greenhouse also?
Hunten, 1973
20Equilibrium vs disequilibrium species in Giant
At the relevant T, NH3 is the thermodynamical
equilibrium form of N ? In principle NH3 / H2
gives the N/H ratio but PH3 is NOT the
equilibrium form of P Competition between
chemical destruction and vertical convective
transport Quench level where tchem
tdyn Occurs at T 1200 K for phosphine ?
Observed PH3 abundance still gives P/H ratio !
21Exploring the thermal range from Earth the 5-µm
window of the Giant Planets
- Hot radiation originating from 3-5 bar levels
(due to low H2 and CH4 opacity) - NH3, PH3
- New detections in 1973-1975 H2O (equilibrium)
CO (disequilibrium, much ltlt CH4)
22Vertical profile of NH3 in Jupiter physical
processes and deep abundance
- NH3 / H2 at 3 bar indicates N/H on Jupiter is
enriched by a factor 2 over solar - H2O Does not give O/H ratio because H2O
condensation occurs deeper than levels probed - NEED FOR DEEP IN SITU PROBE
23The 1970s First global views of the planet
infrared spectra
24Telluric planets from space a full view of the
thermal IR spectrum
MARS Mariner 9 / IRIS (1973) R 2.4 cm-1,
FTS Temperature, water vapor and dust in the
martian atmosphere VENUS Venera 15/ Fourier
Spectrometer (1983), R 2 cm-1 Temperature and
composition field at and above Venus clouds (H2O,
SO2, H2SO4)
25 Full spectra of Giant Planets Helium
He/H in Giant Planets
Saturn IRIS / Voyager R 4.3 cm-1 He (Jup) He
(Sat) lt He (U) He (N) He (protosolar) ?
Evidence for helium segregation in Jupiters and
Saturns interior Thermal balace of Giant
Planets (internal source)
26 Full spectra of Titan chemistry
IRIS / Voyager R 4.3 cm-1
Voyager /UVS
N2 is dominant species in Titan
? Coupled photochemistry of N2 and CH4
271980-2000 Accumulating molecules(the golden
age of infrared)
28From the ground the power of spectral resolution
Fourier Transform Spectrometer at
CFHT (1983-2000) 0.9 5.2 µm, InSb, InGaAs
detectors Best spectral resolution 0.01 cm-1
29Exploiting the 5-µm region
More disequilibrium species in Jupiter and
Saturn CO, GeH4, AsH3
Detection of arsine (AsH3 ) in Saturn FTS/CFHT,
R22000 Bézard et al. 1990 ?
As / H 5 times solar
Jupiter and Saturn are enriched in heavy elements
(C, N, P, As) Saturn more than Jupiter
30Deuterium in the Solar System
. Venus
Detection of CH3D in Neptune CFHT/FTS, R 1600
(de Bergh et al. 1990)
Owen et al. Nature, 1986. Deuterium in the
outer solar system Evidence for two distinct
reservoirs D/H enriched in Mars and Venus
H2O Evidence for H2O photolysis and atmospheric
31A new, key, species
H3 on Jupiter
FTS/CFHT, R 15000 Maillard
et al. 1990
See J.P. Maillards and S. Millers talks
32Probing below Venus clouds
H3 on Jupiter
FTS/CFHT, R 25000 Bézard et al. 1989
The uppermost clouds form a curtain and by day
reflect sunlight back to dazzle us. By night,
however, we become voyeurs able to peep into
the backlit room behind D. Allen, Icarus, 1987
33(No Transcript)
34ISO External water in outer planets
? external water
?internal water
ISO/SWS R1500 Feuchtgruber et al. 1997
- Interplanetary dust ?
- Planetary environments (satellites, rings?)
- Cometary impacts (e.g. Shoemaker-Levy 9)
35Comets are sources for atmospheres
HST Noll et al. 1995
16-23 July 1994
JCMT 15-m Moreno et al. 2003
36Recent exploration fromspacecrafts (1995-2008)
37Spectroscopy from recent space missions the 3-D
Titan Cassini CIRS/(R0.5 cm-1)
Study of couplings between chemistry and
dynamics but no new detections (except many
38In situ measurements the chemical complexity of
Titans upper atmosphere from Cassini / INMS
39In situ measurements methane profile and
meteorology in Titans atmosphere from Huygens
Methane drizzle on Titan (Tokano et al. 2006)
40In situ measurements elemental abundances and
meteorology in Jupiter from Galileo
C/H, N/H, S/H are all 3 times solar Noble gases
are also 3 times solar. O/H is still not
41 Why even bother
to go there?
42Detection of J2O on Earth (Cambridge 2005 DPS