Title: Plan C: The Conserver Option Curtailment, Cooperation, Community
1Plan C The Conserver Option Curtailment,
Cooperation, Community
- Third U.S. Conference on Peak Oil and
Community Solutions - Yellow Springs, Ohio
- Presented by
- Pat Murphy, Executive Director
- Community Solutions
- September 23, 2006
2Reality Continues
- Colin Campbell (ASPO) continues to count the days
- Opponents confuse by ignoring conventional
3Another Discovery Tick
- April 2006 Association for Study of Peak Oil
4The USGS Remains Silent
- Hirsch (DOE) Dept. of Army show real government
view - Similar situation with King Hubbert and Vincent
5We Do Have a Plan
- Over 5 years old Energy Policy Plan
- Knew about Peak Oil when written
- Many dislike it but its a plan
- Largest investment Military approach
- Control Middle East oil and gas
- Secondary Investment Energy
- Long Term Investments since 1970s
- Solar Surprise Bezdek Wendling
- Popular view needs reanalysis
6Military Likely Resources Conflict
- US hostile to many oil nations
- Iran may be invaded could lead to World War
- Russia and China rearming Russia gas turnoff
7Unequal Energy, Income, PollutionBasis for
Resource Wars
- Population
- US5,
- OECD Lite10
- ROW85
- Ratio
- U.S./ROW8
- Result15
- Burn ½ energy
- Have ½ wealth
- Make ½ CO2
- HxCy CO2
8World Now Understands WealthEnergy
- Everyone is a capitalist now
- Political approach unimportant
- Democracy or Dictatorship
- India or China
- Its economic growth
- And energy consumption
- Cold war returning
- Shanghai Cooperative
- Differences are resource control, not ideology
- Energy Wars are likely
- U.S. military budget is over 500 billion yearly
- 50 of world arms expenditure
- U.S. giving nuclear support to India to counter
China - China built 12 submarines last year tested
9Non-Military Energy Investments
- Funding Proposal 2007 Advanced Energy Initiative
- Huge private investments GE 148B (wind), Sharp
24B (PV) - Arthur Daniels Midland Cargill 110B (bio-fuels)
10Climate Change Adding Urgency!
- My personal epiphany of 2006!!
- CO2 2.6 Fuel Burned (weight)
- 2005 IEA report
- Issue not when oil is half gone
- Economic contractions
- Paradigm shift
- We dare not burn remaining oil
- Nor the coal, tar sands shale!
- Why dont we see this?
- We are bewitched!
11Technology Faith Americas Danger
- U.S. belief in technology is strong
- Religion of all religions
- Doctrine of substitution implies there are no
growth limits - This belief sets national policy
- Two major Plans A B
- Both count on technology
- Opposing positions - maybe
12Energy Plan A Fossil Fuel-Based
- So called non-renewables
- Business as usual
- Develop tar sands, oil shale, nuclear
- Top priority is clean coal
- (Bury CO2 in ocean and land)
- CO2 from coal 2x natural gas
- Corporate/government view
- President Bush, CEOs of Exxon, Cargill, GE, GM,
13Energy Plan B Non-Fossil Fuel-Based
- So called renewables
- Environmentally oriented
- Develop wind and solar
- Nuclear being debated
- One priority is bio-fuels
- Burning of food
- Assumes new transportation options
- Mass transit, fuel cells, PHEVs
- Al Gore, Lester Brown, Carl Pope, Amory Lovins,
James Lovelock - Many solar and wind companies
14Energy Plans A B Common Points
- Fuels or new sources (A or B Technology) will
save us - Plan A Clean Coal, Tar Sands
- Plan B Switch Grass, Wind and Solar
- Nuclear power supported by both to some degree
- Lots of overlap between two e.g. GE
- Biggest wind turbine company
- Biggest power plant (coal, gas, nuclear) company
- Agreement Nations 1 goal
- Increase economic growth by increased energy
consumption - We dont have to consume less energy just
different energy - Technology is the answer
15But Can Technology Save Us?
- This is a belief issue it is not at all obvious
- Technology more efficient/innovative machines
burning fuels - Could technology exist without fossil fuels
- Will it continue when fossil fuels are gone?
- There are high energy and low energy technologies
- Cars, planes, power plants
- Bypass surgery, most drugs, better golf clubs
- We have yet to consider a high tech low energy
world - Recent energy technology breakthroughs are not
16Comparison to Past Projects
- Popular mantra for Peak Oil We need a .
- (Manhattan, Apollo, Marshall Plan) Project
- Time lines
- Manhattan Project 12 years
- Apollo Project 9 Years
- Marshall Plan - 11 years
- Recent uncompleted energy projects
- Hydrogen Economy 33 years
- Fuel cell discovered in 1843
- Nuclear Fusion 40 plus years in development
17Two Examples One Old, One New
- Hyper car H2, fuel cell
- 30 years of overstatement
- Always fundamentally flawed
- Takes more energy to make H2 than it creates
ignored - Popular with Plan B advocates
- CO2 (Carbon) Sequestration (aka CCS)
- Gives us Clean Coal
- Dirt (toxins) legacy to our children
- Popular with Plan A advocates
- (And Al Gore)
18Green Solution H2/Fuel Cell Facts
- 1843 Fuel cell invented
- 1904 Wind power generates hydrogen
- 1965 Fuel cell built in Space program
- 1973 Nixon Project Independence (H2)
- 1993 Ballard makes first FC bus (800 M)
- 2002 Two FC cars arrive in California
- 2006 A few hundred vehicles out of 750,000,000
- Price is around 1,000,000
- Still dont know where the hydrogen will come from
Wind/H2 1904
191999 Technology Projections
- Daimler Chrysler pledged 100,000 FC vehicles/yr
by 2005 - Invested 350 million in Ballard Power Systems
- Ford Invested 420 million in Ballard
- Toyota committed to fuel cell well before 2002
- GM promised fuel cell cars in 2004
- All hype Nothing has come of it except
prototypes - From Amory Lovins Natural Capitalism (1999)
20New Option Clean Fossil Fuels
- CO2 Sequestration A potential holocaust for all
life - Remember nuclear waste ocean dumping?
- Nuclear waste still around and increasing in
21The Sequestration Challenge
- Bury 12 trillion pounds of CO2 annually
- Put in earth and oceans
- Contain it for 1000s of years
- Tests have placed trivial amounts
- Canada land site, Norway sea site
- CO2 has stayed for 10 years
- Government and corporations unlikely to wait for
proof - Future Gen project test 2012 at earliest
- Like nuclear industry, private industry will not
be liable - Repeating the nuclear experience but more
dangerous - Bequestration better name than sequestration
- Legacy for our children an uninhabitalbe planet
22Major Corporate Backing
- Princeton University's Carbon Mitigation
Initiative (CMI) - 20-million dollar from British Petroleum and
Ford - MIT Carbon Initiative funded by energy and car
corporations - American Electric Power, American Petroleum
Institute, Aramco Services, Chevron, Electricité
de France (EDF), EPRI, ExxonMobil, Ford Motor
Company, General Motors, Marathon Oil, Peabody
Energy (Coal) - Public excluded
- Dear Mr. Murphy,Thank you for your interest in
the MIT Carbon Sequestration Initiative. At this
time, the prospectus is only available for our
corporate sponsors or potential corporate
sponsors. -- Mary
23Plans A B Lead to Plan D Dieoff
- Based on legitimate despair
- Lack of confidence in leadership
- Political
- Corporate
- Scientific
- See little hope for people actions
- Advocates are not naive
- Jay Hanson
24Bartlett at ASPO-USA November 2005
- "How dumb could a civilization be that had a
finite resource of really high quality energy and
burned it all up in such a short time, leaving
essentially nothing behind?" - In the 5000 years of recorded history, 250 to
300 years and the age of oil is all over. What
kind of world will we leave our children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren? What will
they say of us? Will our great grand children
say, - "What kind of monsters must they have been?
- Representative Roscoe Bartlett at ASPO-USA
November 2005
25Results Arent So Good
- High crime rates
- Murders, rapes, assaults
- Record high incarceration
- Environmental degradation
- Soil disappearing
- Growing inequity
- 2005 highest in
- U.S. recorded history
- Deteriorating health
- Loss of civic engagement
- Lack of involvement
- Loss of community
- Need something better
26Plan C Conserving in Community
- A view of only using enough
- Conserving, Sharing Saving
- vs.
- Competing, Hoarding Consuming
- Means Curtailment Cutting back
- Not token conservation
- Sharing resources now and with people in the
future - Needs Community
- Context for a new Way of Life
- Cooperation Principle
27Conserving Different from Efficiency
- Efficiency increases consumption at least for
our culture! - Jevons Paradox more efficiency means more
consumption - Conservation (curtailment) deliberate attempt
to use less - A context where efficiency is not a basis for
more consumption
28Plan C Underway Since 1970s
- There are several Plan C schools
- Agrarians Intentional Communities
- CSAs Sustainability Movements
- Small Towns Voluntary Simplicity Groups
- Permaculture Organic local farmers
- Appropriate and Intermediate Technology Groups
- Response when these groups hear of Peak Oil
Climate Change - I wondered what would trigger the crisis!
- Share similar values
- And the values determine the technologies and
29Plan C Technology Intermediate
- We need technology but not the high-energy kind
- Easy to determine Plan C technology
- Visit other countries 5, 10 or 20 BOE yearly
vs. U.S. 57 - Historys junk yards re-implement discarded
technologies - Locate, and use, latest intermediate technologies
- E.F. Schumacher Society (England), Univ. of
Illinois - Intermediate technology
- Does not imply going back to outdated methods
- A forward movement into new territories
- The achievement of science does not lie mainly
in the apparatus and machinery that have been
developed from it - E. F. Schumacher Small is Beautiful
30Plan C Example Cuba
- Experienced unexpected Peak
- Oil with USSR 1990 collapse
- Implemented Plan C
- 2004 same life span/infant
- mortality as U.S.
- Uses 1/8 oil U.S. per capita
- Just declared 2006 as The Year of the Energy
Revolution - Cutting energy 50 more
- See The Power of Community How Cuba Survived
Peak Oil
31Community or Personal Change?
- Two schools of thought change policy or change
self - Obviously both but the order is important
- Decentralization, localization, relocalization
- Do we study Yellow Springs 20 vehicles and 5
buildings? - Or villagers 2,000 vehicles and 1,500 homes?
- Personal experience needed to make community
change - May require a conserver mind set to even analyze
options - Most people still believe in Plan A or B want
alternatives - There are technical skills lacking EROEI, Live
Cycle Costs - Successes to date are arguable passing
32Context U.S. Personal Consumption
- Food. Cars, Houses (BOE Equivalent) about half
total - Each of these greater than total consumption of
ROW - Focus on these three personal consumption
ignore rest
33Family Farm or Corporate Farm
- 10 calories of fossil fuels consumed per calorie
of food energy produced - Destroying life-giving soil
- Using fossil fuel water
- Exploitation of migrant workers
- Short life span
- Suffering of farm animals
- Increasing levels of obesity and diabetes in
population - Destroyed livelihoods
34Plan C Food Tactics
- Eat less from 3,800 to 2,500 Calories per day
(1/3 reduction) - Fight obesity and medical costs
- Change your diet
- Avoid beverage and snack food industry
- Avoid manufactured foods dont support the
enemy - Dont eat industrial manufactured meat (16 to 1
fuel ratio) - Eat locally grown meats or dont eat meat
- Prepare and store your own food avoid freezers
- Create a garden use the energy intensive lawn
- Raising food teaches something school cant
35Big Car or Frugal Car (or no car)
- The values of style and image
- Its not about transport
- Rest of world is frugal
- U.S. 21 mpg
- Europe 42 mpg, Japan 47 mpg
- GM Hummer vs. Honda Insight Example
- GM Hummer (10 mpg) 2005 sales 61,000 units
- Honda Insight (60 mpg) 2005 sales 700 units
- In September 2006, Honda took Insight off the
market - Government will not pass C.A.F.E. Standards
- Did so in 1975 Cut speed limits in 1974
36Plan C Transportation Tactic
- Replace your car with a more efficient one new
or used - Dont wait to buy a hybrid
- Buy foreign cars when possible
- Force U.S. manufacturers to change
- U.S. companies make small cars overseas
- Its greed for SUV profits
- Share rides everywhere
- Set a high goal e.g. drive alone 50 less
37Small Is Beautiful
- McMansion vs. Simple Homes
- Habitat for Humanity/Oak Ridge National Lab
(ORNLBTC) - Successful building of very low energy small
houses - U.S. houses twice the size of European houses
(like cars) - 2000 vs. 1000 sq. ft.
38Plan C Home Tactics
- Live in a smaller space.
- Retrofit the home you have (60 year average life)
- Focus on building envelope floors, walls,
ceilings/roofs - May have to build inner walls
- Upgrade windows
- Build window covers if you cant replace windows
- Evaluate and upgrade (or eliminate) appliances
(10-year life) - On-demand water heater may help
- Fluorescents or LED lights replace incandescents
- Get Sunfrost refrigerator or equivilent
- Remodel for multiple tenants
39Seem Too Simple?
- Huge change of perspective
- Wait until a Hummer gets on the tail of your
small car - Will your friends visit you in a lesser home?
- Can you eat healthy?
- There are many new physical skills required
- And new analytical skills to be learned
- It will take years and you will be a different
person - Better option that gathering more data about
technology - This is a radical change for America and a
needed one
40Community Solutions Plan C Projects
- Agraria small community in Yellow Springs, Ohio
- The basis for repopulation of the rural areas
- Houses using 1/4th energy of conventional houses
- Multi-use farming, workshops, clustered housing
- Land located dependent on funds
- Smart Jitney ride sharing system to share cars
- Specifications at communitysolution.org
- Reduce national energy use by 75
- Reduce accidents
- Rebuild community
- Common principle cut energy (and CO2) by 75
41Community Solutions Plan C Studies
- Retrofit and Reclaim
- Refurbish 110 million U. S. residences average
life 60 years - Problem is to retrofit not do new green or
eco building - When crisis approaches, there will be little new
building - Consumer Energy Data Book
- Budgeting for energy not money
- Consumer is ignorant of energy
- Confused by concept and measures (gal, Cu Ft,
kWh) - Doesnt understand energy/money relationship
42Wendell Berrys Reminder
- You must depend upon affection, reading,
knowledge, skill more of each than you have
imagination, work, growing older, patience, for
patience joins time to eternity - A new vision! Less is More!