Title: Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Biggest Explosions Since the Big Bang
1Gamma-Ray Bursts The Biggest Explosions Since
the Big Bang
- Kris Stanek
- The Ohio State University
- Brief history
- Up close and personal with GRBs
- GRBs in Swift era
- Future directions
3Why do we care
4Killer GRBs!
The death of life on Earth?
5Brief History
- 1973 Discovery paper (Vela)
- 1992 BATSE showed that GRBs are isotropic on the
sky, but with fewer faint GRBs - 1995 Paczynski-Lamb debate
- 1997 Beppo-SAX finds first X-ray afterglows with
accurate (few arcmin) localizations this leads
to discovery of optical (GRB 970228) and radio
(GRB 970508) afterglows and solves the distance
problem - 2003 GRB 030329/SN 2003dh-connection to SNe
- 2004-present Swift satellite has so far
precisely localized more than 400 GRBs high
redshift GRBs
6Brief History
Soviets? No!
7Brief History (cont.)
2704 BATSE Gamma-Ray Bursts
8Brief History (cont.)
10Brief History (cont.)Nemiroff 1994118 models
11Beppo-SAX GRB 970228
12GRB 970228 Optical
Groot et al. 1997
13GRB 970508 Redshift!
Metzger et al. 1997z gt 0.835
14GRB 970508 Light curve
Galama et al. 1997
15Up close and personal with GRBs
- 1999 GRB 990510 jets in GRBs
- 2003 GRB 030329/SN 2003dh firm connection to
core-collapse supernovae and death of massive
stars - 2006 No mass extinction on Earth due to GRBs
16GRB 990510
17GRB 990510 Light Curve
Stanek et al. 1999
18Theoretical Insight
19Internal-External Shock Model for Long GRBs
Internal collisions Internal Shocks
External Shocks
Stanek et al. 1999
20Afterglows broken light curves suggest jets
Edge effect
Sideways expansion
21GRB 030329 Light Curve
22GRB-SN Connection The Smoking gun GRB
030329/SN 2003dh
Stanek et al. (2003) Matheson et al. (2003)
23(No Transcript)
24Nature of GRB Progenitors
GRB 060218/SN 2006aj (Modjaz et al. 2006)
26GRB vs. SN Hosts with HST
Fruchter et al. (2006)
27Local GRB Hosts
Stanek et al. (2006)
28Local GRB Hosts
Stanek et al. (2006)
29Killer GRBs?
Ohio State University astrophysicist Kris Stanek
on extremely low probabilities of nearby massive
interstellar explosions Now we can conclusively
say there is a better chance you will get shot in
the face by Dick Cheney than Earth getting hit
with a gamma ray burst. SEED Magazine Dec/Jan
30Stellar Evolution
GRB if Fe/H low
31Swift GRB Mission
- Launched in Nov. 2004. Spacecraft will have a
lifetime to orbital decay of 8 yr. - Instruments
- Burst Alert Telescope (BAT)(15-150kev)(1-4)
- X-ray Telescope (XRT) (0.2-10kev)(5)
- Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope (UVOT)
32Observing Strategy
- BAT triggers on GRB, calculates position to lt 4
arcmin - Spacecraft autonomously slews to GRB position in
20-70 s - XRT determines position to lt 5 arcseconds
- UVOT images field, transmits finding chart to
33Gamma-ray Coordinates Network
35GRB 070125
Garnavich et al. (2007)
36GRB 070125
Garnavich et al. (2007)
37GRB 050904z6.295
The prompt optical/near-infrared flare of GRB
050904 the most luminous transient ever
detected Kann et al. (2007)
GRB 090423
39GRB 080318Bz0.937
40Classification Again
41The Consensus
- Short(-hard) Bursts
- Merger of compact objects (neutron stars, BHs)
- Found in old and young stellar population
42Future GRB Mysteries?