Chapter 9 Water Resources - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 9 Water Resources


Chapter 9 Water Resources Geosystems 5e An Introduction to Physical Geography Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen Web URL for GEOG 123b: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 9 Water Resources

Chapter 9 Water Resources
Geosystems 5e An Introduction to Physical

Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen
Web URL for GEOG 123b
  • http//
  • -Assignment 2 can be printed from that location.

Note about previous discussion about Global
Warming Global Dimming
  • Scientists are now discovering that the amount of
    solar energy reaching the Earth's surface has
    been gradually falling in the last few decades.
    Paradoxically, the decline in sunlight may mean
    that global warming is a far greater threat to
    society than previously thought.
  • Dimming appears to be caused by air pollution.
    Burning coal, oil and wood, whether in cars,
    power stations or cooking fires, produces not
    only invisible carbon dioxide - the principal
    greenhouse gas responsible for global warming -
    but also tiny airborne particles of soot, ash,
    sulfur compounds and other pollutants.
  • Because the particles seed the formation of water
    droplets, polluted clouds contain a larger number
    of droplets than unpolluted clouds. Recent
    research shows that this makes them more
    reflective than they would otherwise be,
    reflecting the Sun's rays back into space.
  • But perhaps the most alarming aspect of global
    dimming is that it may have led scientists to
    underestimate the true power of the greenhouse
    effect. They know how much extra energy is being
    trapped in the Earth's atmosphere by the extra
    carbon dioxide we have placed there. What has
    been surprising is that this extra energy has so
    far resulted in a temperature rise of just 0.6
    degree Celsius. This has led many scientists to
    conclude that the present-day climate is less
    sensitive to the effects of carbon dioxide than
    it was, say, during the ice age, when a similar
    rise in CO2 led to a temperature rise of six
    degrees Celsius.
  • But it now appears the warming from greenhouse
    gases has been offset by a strong cooling effect
    from dimming - in effect two of our pollutants
    have been canceling each other out. This means
    that the climate may in fact be more sensitive to
    the greenhouse effect than previously thought.

Lecture overview
  • In this lecture we will examine the Earths
    plumbing systemthe hydrologic cycle. The text
    (Chapter 9) focuses in on the soil-moisture
    environment and the application of the hydrologic
    cycle to a specific site. Also, the water
    balance, which is an accounting of the hydrologic
    cycle for a specific area with emphasis on plants
    and soil moisture follows.
  • We will also review the nature of groundwater and
    look at several examples of this generally abused
    resource. Groundwater resources are closely tied
    to surface-water budgets. We will also consider
    the daily water we withdraw and consume from
    available resources, in terms of both quantity
    and quality.

Some basic stats
  • Fortunately, water is a renewable resource,
    constantly cycling through the environment,
    endlessly renewed. Even so, some 80 countries
    face impending water shortages, either in
    quantity or quality, or both. One billion people
    lack access to safe water in 2001 some 1.8
    billion lack adequate sanitary facilities. During
    the first half of the new century water
    availability per person will drop by 74, as
    population increases and adequate quality water

After this lecture and reading the chapter you
should be able to
  • Illustrate the hydrologic cycle with a simple
    sketch and label it with definitions for each
    water pathway.
  • Relate the importance of the water-budget concept
    to your understanding of the hydrologic cycle,
    water resources, and soil moisture for a specific
  • Construct the water-balance equation as a way of
    accounting for the expenditures of water supply
    and define each of the components in the equation
    and their specific operation.
  • Describe the nature of groundwater and define the
    elements of the groundwater environment.
  • Identify critical aspects of freshwater supplies
    for the future and cite specific issues related
    to sectors of use, regions and countries, and
    potential remedies for any shortfalls.

1. Explaining a simplified model of the complex
flows of water on Earththe hydrologic cycle.
  • Vast currents of water, water vapor, ice, and
    energy are flowing about us continuously in an
    elaborate open global plumbing system. A
    simplified model of this complex system is useful
    to our study of the hydrologic cycle (Figure
    9-1). The ocean provides a starting point, where
    more than 97 of all water is located and most
    evaporation and precipitation occur.

Hydrologic Cycle Model The model shows how water
travels endlessly through the hydrosphere,
atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere. The
triangles show global average values as
percentages. Note that all evaporation equals
all precipitation when all of the Earth is
considered. Regionally, various parts of the
cycle will vary, creating imbalances and,
depending on climate, surpluses in one region and
shortages in another.
Figure 9.1
Hydrologic cycle Contd
  • If we assume that mean annual global evaporation
    equals 100 units, we can trace 86 of them to the
    ocean. The other 14 units come from the land,
    including water moving from the soil into plant
    roots and passing through their leaves. Of the
    ocean's evaporated 86 units, 66 combine with 12
    advected (transported) from the land to produce
    the 78 units of precipitation that fall back into
    the ocean. The remaining 20 units of moisture
    evaporated from the ocean, plus 2 units of
    land-derived moisture, produce the 22 units of
    precipitation that fall over land. Clearly, the
    bulk of continental precipitation derives from
    the oceanic portion of the cycle.

Question What are the possible routes that a
raindrop may take on its way to and into the soil
  • Answer Precipitation that reaches Earth's
    surface follows a variety of pathways. The
    process of precipitation striking vegetation or
    other groundcover is called interception.
    Precipitation that falls directly to the ground,
    coupled with drips onto the ground from
    vegetation, constitutes throughfall. Intercepted
    water that drains across plant leaves and down
    plant stems is termed stem flow and can represent
    an important moisture route to the surface.
    Water reaches the subsurface through
    infiltration, or penetration of the soil surface.
    It then permeates soil or rock through vertical
    movement called percolation (Figure 9.3).

Fig. 9.3 The soil-moisture environment
Precipitation supplies the soil-moisture
environment. The principal pathways for water
include interception by plants throughfall to
the ground collection on the surface, forming
overland flow to streams transpiration (water
moving from the soil into plant roots and passing
through their leaves) and evaporation from plant
evaporation from land and water and
gravitational water moving to subsurface
groundwater. Water moves from the surface into
the soil by infiltration and percolation.
How do precipitation and evaporation volumes from
the ocean compare with those over land?
  • More than 97 of Earth's water is in the ocean,
    and here most evaporation and precipitation
    occur. 86 of all evaporation can be traced to
    the ocean. The other 14 comes from the land,
    including water moving from the soil into plant
    roots and passing through their leaves by
    transpiration. Of the ocean's evaporated 86, 66
    combines with 12 advected from the land to
    produce the 78 of all precipitation that falls
    back into the ocean. The remaining 20 of
    moisture evaporated from the ocean, plus 2 of
    land-derived moisture, produces the 22 of all
    precipitation that falls over land.

How might an understanding of the hydrologic
cycle in a particular locale, or a soil-moisture
budget of a site, assist you in assessing water
resources? Some specific examples.
  • A soil-moisture budget can be established for any
    area of Earth's surface by measuring the
    precipitation input and its distribution to
    satisfy the "demands" of plants, evaporation, and
    soil moisture storage in the area considered. A
    budget can be constructed for any time frame,
    from minutes to years. See Figures 9-11 in next

  • Figure 9.11 Sample water budget. Annual
    average water-balance components graphed for
    Kingsport, Tennessee. The comparison of plots
    for precipitation inputs (PERCIP), and potential
    evapotranspiration outputs (POTET) determines the
    condition of the soil-moisture environment. A
    typical pattern of spring surplus, summer
    soil-moisture utilization, a small summer
    deficit, autumn soil-moisture recharge, and
    ending surplus highlights the year.

What does The soil-water budget is an assessment
of the hydrologic cycle at a specific site
  • A water balance can be established for any area
    of Earth's surface by calculating the total
    precipitation input and the total of various
    outputs. The water-balance approach allows an
    examination of the hydrologic cycle, including
    estimation of streamflow at a specific site or
    area, for any period of time. The purpose of the
    water balance is to describe the various ways in
    which the water supply is expended. The water
    balance is a method by which we can account for
    the hydrologic cycle of a specific area, with
    emphasis on plants and soil moisture.

What are the components of the water-balance
equation? (Fig. 9.4)
Explain how to derive actual evapotranspiration
(ACTET) in the water-balance equation.
  • The actual amount of evaporation and
    transpiration that occurs is derived by
    subtracting DEFIC, or water demand, from POTET.
    Under ideal conditions, POTET and ACTET are about
    the same, so that plants do not experience a
    water shortage. Droughts result from deficit
    conditions, where ACTET is greater than the
    available moisture.

What is potential evapotranspiration (POTET)? How
do we go about estimating this potential rate?
  • POTET is the amount of moisture that would
    evaporate and transpire if the moisture were
    available the amount lost under optimum moisture
    conditionsthe moisture demand. Both evaporation
    and transpiration directly respond to climatic
    conditions of temperature and humidity. For the
    empirical measurement of POTET, probably the
    easiest method employs an evaporation pan, or
    evaporimeter. As evaporation occurs, water in
    measured amounts is automatically replaced in the
    pan. Screens of various sized mesh are used to
    protect against overmeasurements created by wind.
    A lysimeter is a relatively elaborate device for
    measuring POTET, for an actual portion of a field
    is isolated so that the moisture moving through
    it can be measured. See next slide (Figure 9-7)
    for a sketch of such a device.

  • Fig 9.7 Lysimeter
  • Drawn is a weighing lysimeter for measuring
    evaporation and transpiration. The various
    pathways of water are tracked Some water remains
    as soil moisture, some is incorporated into plant
    tissues, some drains from the bottom of the
    lysimeter, and the remainder is credited to
    evapotranspiration. Given natural conditions,
    the lysimeter measures actual evapotranspiration.

Explaining the operation of soil-moisture
storage, soil-moisture utilization, and
soil-moisture recharge.
  • Soil moisture storage (?STRGE) refers to the
    amount of water that is stored in the soil and is
    accessible to plant roots, or the effective
    rooting depth of plants in a specific soil. This
    water is held in the soil against the pull of
    gravity. Soil is said to be at the wilting point
    when plant roots are unable to extract water in
    other words, plants will wilt and eventually die
    after prolonged moisture deficit stress.
  • The soil moisture that is generally accessible to
    plant roots is capillary water, held in the soil
    by surface tension and cohesive forces between
    the water and the soil. Almost all capillary
    water is available water in soil moisture storage
    and is removable for POTET demands through the
    action of plant roots and surface evaporation
    some capillary water remains adhered to soil
    particles along with hygroscopic water. When
    capillary water is full in a particular soil,
    that soil is said to be at field capacity, an
    amount determined by actual soil surveys.

  • When soil moisture is at field capacity, plant
    roots are able to obtain water with less effort,
    and water is thus rapidly available to them. As
    the soil water is reduced by soil moisture
    utilization, the plants must exert greater effort
    to extract the same amount of moisture. Whether
    naturally occurring or artificially applied,
    water infiltrates soil and replenishes available
    water content, a process known as soil moisture

Example (Fig. 9.10) In the case of silt-loam
soil from, roughly what is the available water
capacity? How is this value derived?
  • The lower line on the graph plots the wilting
    point the upper line plots field capacity. The
    space between the two lines represents the amount
    of water available to plants given varying soil
    textures. Different plant types growing in
    various types of soil send roots to different
    depths and therefore are exposed to varying
    amounts of soil moisture. For example,
    shallow-rooted crops such as spinach, beans, and
    carrots send roots down 65 cm (25 in.) in a silt
    loam, whereas deep-rooted crops such as alfalfa
    and shrubs exceed a depth of 125 cm (50 in.) in
    such a soil. A soil blend that maximizes
    available water is best for supplying plant water

Example Water balance and water management
scheme in Snowy Mountain, Southeastern Australia.
  • In the Snowy Mountains, part of the Great
    Dividing Range in extreme southeastern Australia,
    precipitation ranges from 100 to 200 cm (40 to 80
    in.) a year, whereas interior Australia receives
    under 50 cm (20 in.), and drops to less than 25
    cm (10 in.) further inland. POTET (potential
    evapotranspiration) values are high throughout
    the Australian outback and lower in the higher
    elevations of the Snowy Mountains.
  • The plan was designed to take surplus water that
    flowed down the Snowy River eastward to the
    Tasman Sea and reverse the flow to support newly
    irrigated farmland in the interior of New South
    Wales and Victoria. The westward flow of the
    Murray, Tumut, and Murrumbidgee rivers is
    augmented, and as a result, new acreage is now in
    production in what was dry outback, formerly
    served only by wells drawing on meager
    groundwater supplies.
  • In the 1990s the Scheme passed its 50th
    anniversary of operation, a major milestone.

Are groundwater resources independent of surface
supplies, or are the two interrelated? (Movie at
the end of lecture)
  • Groundwater is the part of the hydrologic cycle
    that lies beneath the ground and is therefore
    tied to surface supplies. Groundwater is the
    largest potential source of freshwater in the
    hydrologic cyclelarger than all surface
    reservoirs, lakes, rivers, and streams combined.
    Between Earth's surface and a depth of 3 km
    (10,000 ft) worldwide, some 8,340,000 km3
    (2,000,000 mi3) of water resides. (See next

Fig. 9.15 Groundwater resource potential for the
United States and Canada. Highlighted areas of
the United states are underlain by productive
aquifers capable of yielding freshwater to wells
at 0.2 m3/per minute or more- for Canada the
figure is 0.4 liters per second.
At what point does groundwater utilization become
groundwater mining?
  • Aquifers frequently are pumped beyond their flow
    and recharge capacities groundwater mining
    refers to this overutilization of groundwater
    resources. Large tracts of the Midwest, West,
    lower Mississippi Valley, and Florida experience
    chronic groundwater overdrafts. In many places
    the water table or artesian water level has
    declined more than 12 m (40 ft). Groundwater
    mining is of special concern today in the High
    Plains aquifer.

What is the nature of groundwater pollution? Can
contaminated groundwater be cleaned up easily?
  • When surface water is polluted, groundwater also
    becomes contaminated because it is fed and
    recharged from surface water supplies.
    Groundwater migrates very slowly compared with
    surface water. Surface water flows rapidly and
    flushes pollution downstream, but sluggish
    groundwater, once contaminated, remains polluted
    virtually forever. Pollution can enter
    groundwater from industrial injection wells,
    septic tank outflows, seepage from
    hazardous-waste disposal sites, industrial
    toxic-waste dumps, residues of agricultural
    pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, and
    residential and urban wastes in landfills. Thus,
    pollution can come either from a point source or
    from a large general area (a non-point source),
    and it can spread over a great distance. Because
    surface water flows rapidly, it can flush
    pollution downstream. Yet, if groundwater is
    polluted, because it is slow moving, once its
    contaminated, it will remain polluted virtually

Water Scarcity
  • Water Sustainability Issues

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World Water Day, March 22, 2003
Water Consumption
  • 1.3 gallons/day needed to survive, on average
  • 13 gallons/day needed for drinking, cooking,
    bathing, and sanitation
  • U.S. 65-78 gallons/day for drinking, cooking,
    bathing and lawn watering
  • Somalia 2.3 gallons/day

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Summary Why the interest?
  • 1.2 billion people lack clean drinking water
  • 250 million cases of water-related disease/year,
    with 5 10 million deaths
  • Over last 100 years, nearly ½ of all wetlands
  • Water pollution growing problem (50 people in
    developing countries have polluted water sources)

End of Chapter 9
Geosystems 5e An Introduction to Physical

Robert W. Christopherson Charlie Thomsen
  • Groundwater Approximately three-quarters of
    Earths surface is covered by water. But most
    fresh water comes from underground. Topics of
    this program include aquifers, rock porosity and
    permeability, artesian wells, the water table,
    cave formation, sinkholes, and how groundwater
    may become contaminated.
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