Renal Structure and Function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Renal Structure and Function


Renal Structure and Function Introduction Main function of kidney is excretion of waste products (urea, uric acid, creatinine, etc). Other excretory organs are ? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Renal Structure and Function

Renal Structure and Function
  • Main function of kidney is excretion of waste
    products (urea, uric acid, creatinine, etc).
    Other excretory organs are ?
  • As above function is fulfilled, kidney also
    extremely important in maintaining
  • fluid and electrolyte homeostasis
  • volume of the extra-cellular fluid volume
  • Acid-base balance
  • Blood pressure

Functional Background
  • Kidneys receive ¼ of total cardiac output even
    though small ? lots of capillaries
  • Filter about 11X the extracellular fluid
    volume/d. from plasma
  • Produce 180 liters/d. of filtrate
  • Filtrate very similar to plasma except very
    little protein (protein in urine serious
  • 99 reabsorbed as pass through renal tubule
  • Some substances secreted into renal tubule
  • Approximately 1.5 liters/d. of filtrate is voided
    as urine

Gross Anatomy of the Kidney
  • Each kidney consists of
  • an outer cortex
  • Inner medulla
  • Hollow pelvis ? empties into ureter
  • Functional unit of the kidney is the nephron (
    1,300,000 nephrons per kidney)

Structure of the Nephron
  • Nephron
  • Glomerulus
  • Bowmans capsule, Bowmans space
  • Proximal convoluted tubule
  • Loop of Henle
  • Descending limb
  • Ascending limb
  • Distal convoluted tubule
  • Collecting duct

Diagram of nephron structure
Flow of filtrate
Function of the Nephron Glomerulus
  • Site of filtration
  • Each glomerulus consists of a capillary network
    surrounded membrane called Bowman's capsule.
  • Afferent arteriole carries blood from renal
    artery into glomerulular capillaries
  • At distal end of glomerulus, capillaries form the
    efferent arteriole through which blood leaves the

Glomerular Filtration
  • Fluid driven from the glomerular capillaries into
    Bowmans capsule by hydrodynamic force (blood
  • Note as blood pressure increases, volume of
    filtrate increases ? more filtrate formed less
    blood volume lowered blood pressure
  • Fluid crosses three layers that excludes large
    molecules (especially proteins)
  • Blood which passes on through to efferent
    arteriole is thus high in protein plasma and thus
    a higher oncotic pressure than normal
  • Note oncotic pressure osmotic pressure
    contributed by large molecules such as plasma

Function of the Nephron Proximal Convoluted
  • Epithelium is leaky ? allows passive movement
    of some ions (Na, Cl-, glucose, amino acids,
    HCO3-) and water out of tubule
  • 60-70 of filtered load reabsorbed in proximal
  • Transport mechanisms (Na/H exchanger moves Na
    out of proximal tubule, water follows some Na
    is coupled to other solutes (glucose, amino
  • Remaining 30-40 of filtrate, which is still
    isosmotic with plasma, passes on to the loop of

Function of the Nephron loop of Henle
  • Consists of a descending and ascending portion
    (which has both thin and thick segments)
  • Descending portion ? high permeability to water
    allows leakage into tubular interstitium
  • Increased oncotic pressure in peritubular
    capillaries (coming from efferent arteriole)
    helps move water from tubular interstitium back
    into capillaries ? filtrate becomes concentrated
  • Ascending portion ? active reabsorption of NaCl,
    absorbs 20-30 of the Na in the tubule
  • Reabsorption occurs by transport mechanism driven
    catalyzed by Na/K-ATPase
  • Volume of filtrate reduced by additional 5
  • Because NaCl is reabsorped filtrate becomes
    hypotonic to plasma as enters distal convoluted

Water and NaCl reabsorption in the loop of Henle
Function of the Nephron Distal Convoluted Tubule
  • Active NaCl out of filtrate continues
  • Active secretion of K (depending on blood
    levels) and H (depending on pH) into filtrate,
    driven by a Na/K pump
  • Regulation of Ca occurs here
  • As filtrate leaves DCT it is isoosmotic with
  • Enters collecting tubule/collecting duct

Function of the Nephron Collecting Tubule and
Collecting Duct
  • Several distal tubules empty into each collecting
    tubule they join to form the collecting duct
  • Collecting duct NaCl, K and water reabsorption
  • NaCl reabsorption, K secretion under control of
  • Water under control of ADH
  • Some H secretion occurs
  • End result ? highly concentrated urine (mammals
    and birds only animals able to do so) elimnates
    waste using as little water as possible

  • Has a threefold action on Na reabsorption
  • Rapid effect by stimulation of an Na/H
    exchanger containing an aldosterone receptor
  • Delayed effect by binding to intracellular
    receptors that direct synthesis of a mediator
    protein that activates sodium channels
  • Long-term effect by increasing the number of
    basolateral Na pumps

Review of reabsorption and secretion in the
Natriuretic peptides
  • Involved with regulation of Na excretion in
    distal tubule
  • Release from heart atria when arterial pressure
    is too high
  • Causes water and salt diuresis by kidney,
    reducing blood volume and eventually atrial

Acid-Base Balance
  • Kidneys help regulate H and bicarbonate
  • Urine can be basic or acidic depending on need
  • Usually acidic to compensate for tendency of
    blood pH to drop due to presence of CO2 (which
    forms carbonic acid via carbonic
    anhydrase-catalyzed reactions)
  • Compensating mechanism is secretion of H into
    tubular fluid and reabsorption of bicarbonate

Potassium Balance
  • Rapidly and narrowly regulated by kidney
  • Regulation important because small changes in K
    levels can affect function of many excitable
    tissues (heart, brain, skeletal muscle
  • Most filtered K is reabsorbed in proximal tubule
    and loop of Henle
  • Most secretion of excess K occurs in collecting

The End
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