Title: Annual Wellness Exam EPSDT Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis Treatment
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2Annual Wellness ExamEPSDTEarly Periodic
Screening Diagnosis Treatment
- Paula LeSueur MSN, CFNP
- Quality Improvement Consultant
- Presented for the SBHC-Quality Improvement
3EPSDT - Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and
- Objectives
- Participants will be able to describe the main
elements of the EPSDT exam. - What are the Medicaid requirements for the EPSDT?
- How do you document all the elements?
- Participants will become more familiar with the
use of the SHQ to assess behavioral and physical
health risks. - What role does the Student Health Questionnaire
play in screening? - Provision of Preventive health care is a quality
marker for SBHC.
- Early starting before problems worsen
- Periodic at regular intervals as needed
- Screening comprehensive well child exam
- Diagnosis as appropriate
- Treatment all medically necessary services for
the patients condition, including referrals
5Components of Complete EPSDT Screen
- A comprehensive health and developmental history,
including an assessment of both physical and
mental health development - A comprehensive unclothed physical exam
- Appropriate immunizations, according to age and
health history, unless medically contraindicated
at the time - Laboratory tests, UA and Hgb, including an
appropriate lead blood level assessment (at 1 and
2 yrs of age) - Health education, including anticipatory guidance
6Health and Developmental/ Behavioral Health
- The OSAH Student Health Questionnaire (SHQ) is
based on the Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive
Services. - It is a comprehensive screening tool to
assess/determine developmental, psycho-social and
behavioral health risk and resiliency factors. - Use the appropriate SHQ for elementary, middle or
high school.
7 Health and Developmental/Behavioral Health
- The OSAH Student Health Questionnaire provides
the required information. Use appropriate SHQ
for Elementary School, Middle School or High
- Risk factors for each domain (section) of the SHQ
need to be rated. - Use rating scale of low, medium, high.
- Significant risks need to be listed on the Health
Maintenance Record. - The medical or behavioral health provider at the
SBHC must review the SHQ with the student.
9Sensory Screening
- VisionSnellen eye chart
- at age 3 through age 12,15 18.
- Hearing/speech
- at age 4 through age 12, 15 18.
- use audiometer, under earphones, at 1000, 2000
and 4000 Hertz at 20 decibels.
10Preventive Health Guidelines for Children and
- EPSDT recommended every year from birth through
age 20 - Physical exam and developmental/behavioral health
assessment - Nutrition screening
- Measurements include ht, wt, BMI percentile, and
blood pressure (from age 2 to 20) - Dental screen- recommend routine visit every 6
months, patient education and direct dental
referral must be documented.
11Sensory Screening
- VisionSnellen eye chart
- at age 3 through age 12, 15 18.
- Hearing/speech
- at age 4 through age 12, 15 18
- use audiometer, under earphones, at 1000, 2000
and 4000 Hertz at 20 decibels.
12Physical Exam includes
- Complete unclothed physical exam
- External genital exam and Tanner staging is
required. Document in chart if student declines
the exam e.g., (deferred at patient request).
Tanner staging may be done by self report. - Provide education re testicular and breast
self-exam as appropriate.
13Lab Screenings
- Urinalysis to be performed preferably at age 5
and 15 may be done between ages 10-20. May use
Chemstrip 9 for testing. - Hematocrit/hemoglobin - to be preformed
preferably at 9 months and age 13 may be done
between ages 10-20. - If indicated, may repeat after menarche in
14High Risk Factor Screenings
- Pelvic exam -
- Medicaid regulations state that a pelvic exam is
to be done with all sexually active females, with
their consent, or initially at age 18-21. - DOH Family Planning Division (Title X) recommends
following National Guidelines (e.g., AAP, ACOG)
which state for women younger than 21 years who
have never been sexually active, no routine
pelvic exam, PAP or STI test is needed. If the
woman has ever been sexually active a PAP test
should be performed 3 years after onset and
yearly after that. - May take 2 visits to complete the GYN exam and
15 High Risk Factor Screenings
- Tuberculin Test -
- Screen for high-risk factors.
- Risk factors include immigration or travel to
areas of high prevalence, IV drug use,
incarceration, homelessness, HIV infection or
living with person with HIV, working or
volunteering in health care setting.
16High Risk Factor Screenings
- STI Screen all sexually active youth
- Urine chlamydia/gonorrhea
- HIV test if high risk- positive contact with
known partner at risk, past STIs, multiple
partners, IV drug use or sex in exchange for
money or drugs - For males sex with other males
- For syphilis only test if reside in areas of
prevalence. NM is not in an area of prevalence.
17High Risk Factor Screenings
- Cholesterol -
- Perform or refer for the test if high risk
- Testing is based on individual risk,
- i.e. familial hyperlipidemia, family history of
early onset of cardiovascular disease in parents
or grandparents at age 55 or less, obesity,
diabetes, high blood pressure or cigarette smoker.
- Tetanus Booster - Tdap done between ages 12-15.
Required for 7th grade entry for 2007-08. - MMR, varicella and HepA - assess, give if
indicated and not previously given. - HepB - series should be completed in early
childhood or by 7th grade. - Influenza for all, unless contraindication
- HPV (3 doses).
- Immunizations should be given according to the
most current Advisory Committee of Immunization
Practice (ACIP) schedule. (www.cdc.gov/nip)
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20Medical Chart Documentation
- No required state forms, but documentation must
be an auditable form (a single sheet) in the
medical chart - Recommend use of Office of School and Adolescent
Health Progress notes for elementary, middle or
high school students.
21Encounter Form/ Billing Form
22Documentation to Support Billing
- ICD-9 code is V20.2 for youth to age 17
- ICD-9 code is V70.0 for youth 18 or older
- Use of Modifier 25 -
- When the principal reason for the visit is an
EPSDT and during the visit another separate
identifiable health condition requires additional
evaluation and management above and beyond the
other service, then a 25 modifier can be attached
to the secondary CPT.
23Diagnosis and Treatment
- When there is indication for further evaluation
of the patients health, diagnostic studies must
be provided. - Referrals for further diagnosis must occur.
- Follow-up is required to make sure the pt.
receives a complete diagnostic evaluation. - (Ref. US Department of Health and Human
Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services, Region VI, Final Report NM Medicaid
Review, Sept. 2009)
24Additional Diagnoses/Risks
- Include all diagnoses
- For example obesity (weight category dx),
acanthosis, asthma, acne, adjustment disorder,
substance use, depression - Risk factors
- Refer to findings from the Student Health
Questionnaire (SHQ), particularly high risk
conditions. - For example family disruption, poor academic
performance, alcohol/drug use, pregnancy/STI
risk, etc
25Medically Necessary Services
- Required by States Medicaid Provider Policies,
as follows - Clinical and rehabilitative physical or
behavioral health services that prevent, diagnose
or treat medical conditions or are essential to
enable an eligible recipient to attain, maintain,
or regain functional capacity with reasonable
standards of service delivery and timeliness.
(Ref. US Dept. of Health and Human Services,
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Region
VI, Final Report for NM Sept. 2009)
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- Inform parents of results of the exam, including
any screening tests or lab results, except
confidential information. Present results per
phone or written report. - Notify Primary Care Provider that Annual
Exam/EPSDT was performed by use of the New Mexico
SBHC Services Notification Form. Include any
pertinent findings. - Schedule follow-up appointments for confidential,
behavioral health or other health care services.
28Thank you
- Eliminating the gap between what is and what can
be in health care for all children
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