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cerebralvascular disease dr. lu, qinchi department of neurology ren ji hospital shanghai jiao tong university school of medicine tel: 58752345-3094 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Dr. LU, QINCHI
  • Tel 58752345-3094
  • Email qinchilu_at_hotmail.com

Cerebral vascular Disease
  • Definition of term
  • The term cerebrovascular disease designates any
    abnormality of the brain resulting from a
    pathologic process of the blood vessels. Sudden
    loss of neurological function is the hallmark of
    cerebrovascular disease.
  • Cerebrovascular disease is the third most common
    cause of death and the most common disabling
    neurologic disorder in western civilized
    countries where an increasing proportion of
    people survive to old age. Shanghai is entering
    the aging society
  • Its incidence increases with age and is somewhat
    higher in men than in women.

Risk factors for stroke
  • Systolic or diastolic hypertension
  • Diabetics
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Heart disease (afib)
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • High homocystine
  • Oral contraceptive use

The major types of cerebrovascular disease
  • Cerebral ischaemia and infarction
  • Transient Ischemic Attacks
  • Atherosclerotic thrombosis
  • Lacunes
  • Embolism
  • Hemorrhage
  • Hypertensive hemorrhage
  • Ruptured aneurysms and vascular malformations
  • Other

I?Cerebral ischaemia and infarction
  • Anatomy and pathology
  • The principal pathological process under
    consideration here is the occlusion of arteries
    supplying the brain. The two internal carotid
    arteries and the basilar artery form the Circle
    of Willis at the base of the brain, which acts as
    an efficient anatomotic device in the event of
    occlusion of arteries proximal to it.

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  • Anatomy and pathology
  • Occlusion leads to sudden severe ischaemia in the
    area of brain tissue supplied by the occluded
    artery, and recovery depends upon rapid lysis or
    fragmentation of the occluding materialReversal
    of neurological function within minutes or hours
    gives rise to the clinical picture of a
    transient ischaemic attack.

  • Anatomy and pathology
  • When the neurological deficit lasts longer than
    24 hours, it may be called a reversible ischaemic
    neurological deficit ( RIND ) if it recovers
    completely in a few days,or a completed stroke
    if there is a persistent deficit.Sometimes
    recovery is very slow and incomplete.

Neurological symptoms and signs
  • The loss of function that the patient notices,
    and which may be apparent on examination,
    entirely depends on the area of brain tissue
    involved in the ischaemic process.

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Neurological symptoms and signs
  • The following suggest middle cerebral territory
  • DysphasiaDyslexia, dysgraphia,
    dyscalculiaLoss of use of contralateral face
    and armLoss of feeling in contralateral face
    and arm.

Neurological symptoms and signs
  • The following suggests anterior cerebral
    territoryLoss of use and/ or feeling in the
    contralateral leg.
  • The following suggests posterior cerebral
    territoryDevelopment of a contralateral
    homonymous hemianopia.

Neurological symptoms and signs
  • The following suggests a deep-seated lesion
    affecting the internal capsule which is supplied
    by small perforating branches of the middle and
    posterior cerebral arteries close to their
    originsComplete loss of motor and sensory
    function throughout the whole of the
    contralateral side of the body with a homonymous

Neurological symptoms and signs
  • The following suggests ophthalmic artery
    territory (the ophthalmic artery arises from the
    internal carotid artery just below the Circle of
    Willis)Monocular loss of vision.

Neurological symptoms and signs
  • The following suggest vertebro-basilar
    territorydouble vision( 3,4,6)facial
    numbness(5)facial weakness(7)vertigo
    (8)dysphagia (9, 10)dysarthria ( 9, 10,
    12)ataxiadrop attacksmotor or sensory loss
    in both arms or legs.

1. Transient Ischemic Attacks(TIA)
  • Definition of term
  • Current opinion holds that TIAs are brief,
    reversible episodes of focal, nonconvulsive
    ischaemic neurologic disturbance, Consensus has
    been that their duration should be less than 24

Clinical picture
  • Transient Ischaemic Attacks can reflect the
    involvement of any cerebral artery. The loss of
    function entirely depends on the influenced
    artery.It may last a few seconds or up to 12
    to 24 h, Most of them last 2 to 15 min.There are
    only a few attacks or several hundred.Between
    attacks, the neurologic examination may disclose
    no abnormalities.A stroke may occur after
    numerous attacks have occurred over a period of
    weeks or months.

Differential diagnosis of TIAs
  • Transient episodes, indistinguishable from TIAs,
    are known to occur in patients with
    Seizure,Migraine,Transient global amnesia,and
    occasionally in patients with multiple sclerosis,
    meningioma, glioblastoma ,metastatic brain tumors
    situated in or near the cortex ,and even with
    subdural hematoma.

2. Cerebral thrombosis
  • Most cerebrovascular disease can be attributed to
    atheroscleroses and chronic hypertension until
    ways are found to prevent or control them,
    vascular disease of the brain will continue to be
    a major cause of morbidity.

  • Pathogenesis of Ischemic neuronal death
  • Ischemia
  • ?
  • Excitatory amino acid receptors
  • ?
  • Borderzone or penumbra ?
  • Programmed cell death

Clinical picture
  • In general, evolution of the clinical phenomena
    in relation to cerebral thrombosis is more
    variable than that of embolism and hemorrhage.
    The loss of function that the patient notices,
    and which may be apparent on examination,
    entirely depends on the area of brain tissue
    involved in the ischaemic process.(above)

Clinical picture
  • In more than half of patients, the main part of
    the stroke is preceded by minor signs or one or
    more transient attacks of focal neurologic
    dysfunction. The final stroke may be preceded by
    one or two attacks or a hundred or more brief
    TIAs, and stroke may follow the onset of the
    attacks by hours, weeks, or, rarely, months.
  • The most occurrence of the thrombotic stroke is
    during sleep.The patient awakens paralyzed.
    Either during the night or in the morning.
  • Unaware of any difficulty, he may arise and fall
    helplessly to the floor with the first step.

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Clinical picture
  • Associated symptoms
  • Seizures accompany the onset of stroke in a small
    number of cases (10-50) in other instances,
    they follow the stroke by weeks to years. The
    presence of seizures does not definitively
    distinguish embolic from thrombotic strokes, but
    seizure at the onset of stroke may be more
    common with embolus.

Clinical picture
  • Associated symptoms
  • Headache occurs in about 25 of patients with
    ischaemic stroke, possibly because of the acute
    dilation of collateral vessels.

Laboratory Findings
  • CT Scan or MRI A CT scan or MRI should be
    obtained routinely to distinguish between
    infarction and hemorrhage as the cause of stroke,
    to exclude other lesions (eg, tumor, abscess)
    that can mimic stroke, and to localize the
    lesion. CT is usually preferred for initial
    diagnosis because it is widely available and
    rapid and can readily make the critical
    distinction between ischaemia and hemorrhage.
  • Lumbar Puncture This should be performed in
    selected cases to exclude subarachnoid

Laboratory Findings
  • Cerebral Angiography Intra-arterial angiography
    is used to identify operable extracranial carotid
    lesions in patients with anterior circulation
    TIAs who are good surgical candidates. It also
    can be used for intra-arterial thrombolysis (
  • Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) may detect
    stenosis of large cerebral arteries, aneurysms,
    and other vascular lesion, but its sensitivity is
    generally inferior to that of conventional

Differential Diagnosis
  • Vascular disorders are mistaken for ischaemic
    stroke include intracerebral hemorrhage, subdural
    or epidural hematoma , and subarachnoid
    hemorrhage from rupture of an aneurysm or
    vascular malformation. These condition can often
    be distinguished by a history of trauma or of
    excruciating headache at onset, a more marked
    depression of consciousness, or by the presence
    of neck stiffness on examination. They can be
    excluded by CT scan or MRI.

Differential Diagnosis
  • Differential Diagnosis Other structural brain
    lesion such as tumor or abscess can also produce
    focal cerebral symptoms of acute onset. Brain
    abscess is suggested by concurrent fever, and
    both abscess and tumor can usually be diagnosed
    by CT scan or MRI. Metabolic disturbances,
    particularly hypoglycemia and hyperosmolar
    nonketotic hyperglycemia, may present in stroke
    like fashion. The serum glucose level should
    therefore be determined in all patients with
    apparent stroke.

Treatment of Cerebral Thrombosis and Transient
Ischemic Attacks
  • The current treatment of it may be divided into
    four parts
  • Management in the acute phase
  • Measures to restore the circulation and arrest
    the pathologic process
  • 1. Thrombolytic agents ( t-PA only for
    completed stroke,w/in 36hrs ) 2.Anticoagulant
    drugs ( Heparin, LMWH warfarin)
  • 3. Antiplatelet drugs ( Aspirin or
    Clopidogrel, Dipyridamole or Ticlopidine )
  • 4.Difibrase
  • 5. Neuroprotective agents barbiturates,
    opioid antagonist naloxone,Manitol

  • Treatment of cerebral edema and raised
    intracranial pressure
  • Acute surgical revascularization
  • Surgery for symptomatic carotid stenosis
  • Carotid endarterectomy, intralumenal stents,
    extracranial-intracranial bypass
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation
  • Measures to prevent further strokes and
    progression of vascular disease.

  • Since the primary objective in the treatment of
    atherothrombotic disease is prevention ,
    efforts to control the risk factors must
  • Aspirin
  • Hypotensive agents
  • Oversedation should be avoided
  • Systemic hypotension, severe anemia should be
    treated promptly
  • Particular care should be taken to maintain the
    systemic blood pressure, oxygenation and
    intracranial blood flow during surgical
    procedures, especially in elderly patient.

Course and Prognosis
  • When the patient is seen early in the cerebral
    thrombosis, it is difficult to give an accurate
  • As for the eventual or long-term prognosis of the
    neurologic deficit , there are many
  • It must be mentioned that having had one
    thrombotic stroke, the patient is at risk in the
    ensuing months and years of having a stroke at
    the same or another site, especially if there is
    hypertension or diabetes mellitus.

3.Embolic infarction
  • This is one of the most common cause of stroke.
    In most cases of cerebral embolism, the embolic
    material consists of a fragment that has broken
    away from a thrombus within the heart. Embolism
    due to fat, tumor cells, fibrocartilage, amniotic
    fluid, or air is a rare occurrence and seldom
    enters into the differential diagnosis of

Clinical Picture
  • Of all strokes, those due to cerebral embolism
    develop most rapidly.The embolus strikes at any
    time of the day or night. Getting up to go to the
    bathroom is a time of danger.The neurologic
    picture will depend on the artery involved and
    the site of obstruction.

Clinical Picture
  • It is important to repeat that an embolus may
    produce a severe neurologic deficit that is only
    temporary symptoms disappear as the embolus
    fragments. In other words , embolism is a common
    cause of a single evanescent stroke that may
    reasonably be called a prolonged TIA. Also as
    already pointed out, several emboli can give rise
    to two or three transient attacks of differing
    pattern or , rarely , of almost identical

Causes of cerebral embolism
  • Cardiac originNoncardiac originUndetermined

Laboratory Findings
  • Not infrequently the first sign of myocardial
    infarction is the occurrence of embolism
    therefore it is advisable that an ECG and
    echocardiogram be obtained in all patients with
    stroke of uncertain origin.Prolonged study of
    heart rhythm with Holter monitoring should be

Laboratory Findings
  • In some 30 percent of cases, cerebral embolism
    produces a hemorrhagic infarction. CT scanning or
    MRI may be helpful in showing the more intense
    hemorrhagic infarcts, particularly if the scan is
    repeated on the second or third day.

Course and prognosis
  • Most patients survive the initial insult, and in
    many the neurologic deficit may recede relatively
    rapidly, as indicated above. The eventual
    prognosis is determined by the occurrence of
    further emboli and the gravity of the underlying
    illness- cardiac failure myocardial infarction,
    bacterial endocarditis and so on.

Treatment and prevention
  • Three phases of therapy General medical
    management in the acute phase,Measures directed
    to restoring the circulationPhysical therapy and
    rehabilitationThese are much the same as
    described above the prevention of
    atherothrombotic infarction.

4. Lacunar infarct
  • As one might surmise, small penetrating branches
    of the cerebral arteries may become occluded, and
    the resulting infarcts may be so small or so
    situated as to cause no symptoms whatever. As the
    softened tissue is removed, it leaves a small
    cavity, or lacune.

Lacunar infarct
  • In our clinical and pathologic material, there
    has always been a strong correlation of the
    lacunar state with a combination of hypertension
    and atherosclerosis and, to a lesser degree, with
    diabetes.In all the cases of lacunar infarction,
    the diagnosis depends essentially on the
    occurrence of the certain unique stroke syndromes
    of limited proportions.

Lacunar infarct
  • As mentioned above, CT scanning is less reliable
    than MRI in demonstrating the lacunes. The EEG
    may be helpful in a negative sense in the case
    of lacunes in the pons or the internal capsule,
    there is a notable discrepancy between the
    unilateral paralysis or sensory loss and the
    negligible electrical changes over the affected

Lacunar infarct
  • Recognition of lacunar stroke is important
  • Future lacunar stroke can be reduced by
  • treating HTN
  • Anticoagulation is not indicated ( No
  • Aspirin is also of uncertanty

II. Intracranial Hemorrhage
  • This is the common, well-known spontaneous
    brain hemorrhage. It is due predominantly to
    chronic hypertension and degenerative changes in
    cerebral arteries.Hemorrhage may interfere with
    cerebral function through a variety of
    mechanisms, including destruction or compression
    of brain tissue and compression of vascular
    structures, leading to secondary ischaemia and

Intracranial Hemorrhage
  • Intracranial hemorrhage is classified by its
    location as intracerebral, subarachnoid,
    subdural, or epidural, all of which- except
    subdural hemorrhage- are usually caused by
    arterial bleeding.

Intracranial Hemorrhage
  • The bleeding occurs within brain tissue, and
    rupture of arteries lying in the subarachnoid
    space is practically unknown apart from
    aneurysms. The extravasation forms a roughly
    circular or oval mass that disrupts the tissue
    and grows in volume as the bleeding continues .
    Adjacent brain tissue is distorted and
    compressed. If the hemorrhage is large, midline
    structures are displaced to the opposite side and
    reticular activating and respiratory centers are
    compromised, leading to coma and death.

1. Intracerebral HemorrhageOf all the
cerebrovascular diseases, brain hemorrhage is the
most dramatic.It has been given its own name,
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Clinical Picture
  • With smaller hemorrhages, the clinical picture
    conforms more closely to the usual temporal
    profile of a stroke, i.e, an abrupt onset of
    symptoms that evolve gradually and steadily over
    minutes, hours, or a day or two, depending on the
    size of the ruptured artery and the speed of
  • Headache and vomiting are cardinal features.Very
    small hemorrhages in silent regions of the
    brain may escape clinical detection.

Clinical Picture
  • Clinical features vary with the site of
  • Deep cerebral hemorrhage The two most common
    sites of hypertensive hemorrhage are the putamen
    and the thalamus, which are separated by the
    posterior limb of the internal capsule. This
    segment of the internal capsule is traversed by
    descending motor fibers and ascending sensory
    fibers, including the optic radiations.

Clinical Picture
  • Lobar hemorrhage Hypertensive hemorrhages also
    occur in subcortical white matter underlying the
    frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes.
    Symptoms and signs vary according to the

Clinical Picture
  • Pontine hemorrhage With bleeding into the pons,
    coma occurs within seconds to minutes and usually
    leads to death within 48 hours. Ocular findings
    typically include pinpoint pupils. Horizontal eye
    movements are absent or impaired, but vertical
    eye movements may be preserved.
  • Cerebellar hemorrhage The distinctive symptoms
    of cerebellar hemorrhage (headache, dizziness,
    vomiting, and the inability to stand or walk)
    begin suddenly, within minutes after onset of

Laboratory Findings
  • Among laboratory methods for the diagnosis of
    intracerebral hemorrhage, the CT scan occupies
    the foremost position. In CT scans, fresh blood
    is visualized as a white mass as soon as it is
    shed. The mass effect and the surrounding
    extruded serum and edema are hypodense.
  • By MRI, either in T1-or-T2 weighted images, the
    hemorrhage is not easily visible in the 2 or 3
    days after bleeding.

Laboratory Findings
  • In general, lumbar puncture is ill advised, for
    it may precipitate or aggravate an impending
    shift of central structures and herniation. The
    white cell count in the peripheral blood may rise
    transiently to 15,000 per cubic millimeter, a
    higher figure than in thrombosis.

Differential Diagnosis
  • Putaminal, thalamic, and lobar hypertensive
    hemorrhages may be difficult to distinguish from
    cerebral infarctions. To some extent, the
    presence of severe headache, nausea and vomiting,
    and impairment of consciousness are useful clues
    that a hemorrhage may have occurred the CT scan
    identifies the underlying disorder definitively.
  • CT scan or MRI is the most useful diagnostic
    procedure, since hematomas can be quickly and
    accurately localized.

  • The management of patients with large
    intracerebral hemorrhages and coma includes the
    maintenance of adequate ventilation, use of
    controlled hyperventilation to a Pco2 of 25 to 30
    mmHg, monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP)
    in some cases and its control by the use of
    tissue-dehydrating agents such as mannitol
    (osmolality kept at 295 to 305 mosmol/L and Na at
    145 to 150 meq), and limiting intravenous
    infusions to normal saline.

  • Rapid reduction in blood pressure, in the hope of
    reducing further bleeding , is not recommended,
    since it risks compromising cerebral perfusion in
    cases of raised intracranial pressure. On the
    other hand, sustained mean blood pressure of
    greater than 110mmHg may exaggerate cerebral
    edema and risk extension of the clot. It is at
    approximately this level of acute hypertension
    that the use of beta-blocking drugs(esmolol,
    labetalol) or angiotensin-converting enzyme
    inhibitory drugs is recommended.

  • In contrast to cerebral hemorrhage, the surgical
    evacuation of cerebellar hematomas is a generally
    accepted treatment and is a more urgent matter
    because of the proximity of the mass to brainstem
    and the risk of abrupt progression to coma and
    respiratory failure.

Course and Prognosis
  • The immediate prognosis for large and medium-size
    cerebral clots is grave some 30 to 35 percent of
    patients die in 1 to 30 days.
  • Either the hemorrhage extends into the
    ventricular system or intracranial pressure is
    elevated to levels that preclude normal perfusion
    of the brain.
  • Sometimes the hemorrhage itself seeps into vital
    centers such as the hypothalamus or midbrain.

Course and Prognosis
  • A volume of 30 ml or less, calculated from the CT
    scan, predicted a generally favorable outcome.
  • In patients with clots of 60 ml or larger and an
    initial Glasgow Coma Scale score of 8 or less,
    the mortality was 90 percent. As remarked
    earlier, it is the location of the clinical

2.Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
  • This is the fourth most frequent cerebrovascular
    disorder following atherothrombosis, embolism,
    and primary intracerebral hemorrhage. Saccular
    aneurysms are also called berry aneurysms
    actually they take the form of small, thin-walled
    blisters protruding from arteries of the circle
    of Willis or its major branches. Their rupture
    causes a flooding of the subarachnoid space with
    blood under high pressure.
  • Aneurysms are multiple in 20 percent of patients

Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
  • In childhood , rupture of saccular aneurysms is
    rare, and they are seldom found at routine
    postmortem examination beyond childhood, they
    gradually increase in frequency to reach their
    peak incidence between 35 and 65 years of age.
  • Approximately 90 to 95 percent of saccular
    aneurysms lie on the anterior part of the circle
    of Willis.

Clinical picture
  • Prior to rupture, saccular aneurysms are usually
    asymptomatic. Exceptionally, if sufficiently
    large to compress pain-sensitive structures, they
    may cause localized cranial pain.
  • The presence of a partial oculomotor palsy with
    dilated pupil may be indicative of an aneurysm of
    the posterior communicating-- internal carotid
  • With rupture of the aneurysm, blood under high
    pressure is forced into the subarachnoid
    space(where the circle of Willis lies).

Clinical picture
  • Rupture of the aneurysm usually occurs while the
    patient is active rather than during sleep , and
    in some instances sexual intercourse, straining
    at stool, lifting heavy objects, or other
    sustaining exertion precipitates the ictus. In
    patients who survive the initial rupture, the
    most feared complication is rerupture, an event
    that may occur at any time from minutes up to 2
    or 3 weeks later.
  • In less severe cases, consciousness, if lost ,
    may be regained within a few minutes or hours,
    but a residual of drowsiness, confusion, and
    amnesia accompanied by severe headache and stiff
    neck persists for several days.

Clinical picture
  • Since the hemorrhage is confined to the
    subarachnoid space, there are few or no focal
    neurologic signs.
  • AVM is another most common cause for SAH
  • Convulsive seizures, usually brief and

Clinical picture
  • Vasospasm Delayed hemiplegia or other focal
    deficit usually appears 3 to 12 days after
    rupture and rarely before or after this period.
    These delayed accidents and the focal narrowing
    of a large artery or arteries, seen on
    angiography, are refered to as vasospasm.
  • Hydrocephalus If a large amount of blood
    ruptures into the ventricular system or floods
    the basal subarachnoid space, The patient then
    may become confused or unconscious as a result of
    acute hydrocephalus. A subacute hydrocephalus due
    to blockage of the CSF pathways by blood may
    appear after 2 to 4 weeks.

Laboratory Findings
  • A CT scan will detect blood locally or diffusely
    in the subarachnoid spaces or within the brain or
    ventricular system in more than 90 percent of
    cases and in practically all cases in which the
    hemorrhage has been severe enough to cause
    momentary or persistent loss of consciousness.
  • In all other cases a lumbar puncture should be
    undertaken when the clinical features suggest a
    subarachnoid hemorrhage. Usually the CSF is
    grossly bloody within 30 min of the hemorrhage,
    with RBC counts up to 1 million per cubic
    millimeter or even higher.

Laboratory Findings
  • Carotid and vertebral angiography is the only
    certain means of demonstrating an aneurysm and
    does so in some 85 percent of patients in whom
    the correct diagnosis of spontaneous subarachnoid
    hemorrhage is made on clinical grounds.
  • MRI and MRA detect most aneurysms of the basal
    vessels but are as yet of insufficient
    sensitivity to replace conventional angiography.
    Even when MRA or CT angiography demonstrates
    the aneurysm, the surgeon usually requires the
    kind of anatomic definition that can only be
    obtained by conventional angiography.

Establish the diagnosis
  • If there is a typical history, marked neck
    stiffness and no focal neurological deficit,
    lumbar puncture is still the best way to make the
    diagnosis, revealing uniformly blood-stained CSF.

Establish the diagnosis
  • If the history is typical with marked neck
    stiffness, but the patient remains in coma or
    shows a marked focal neurological deficit, a CT
    scan is a safer way to establish the diagnosis
    (revealing blood in the subarachnoid space),since
    lumbar puncture may lead to worse condition in
    this group of patients (whose coma or focal
    neurological deficit may indicate the presence of
    an associated intracerebral blood clot).

  • This is influenced by the neurologic and general
    medical state of the patient as well as by the
    location and morphology of the aneurysm.
  • The general medical management in the acute stage
    includes the following , in all or part
  • bed rest
  • fluid administration to maintain above-normal
    circulating volume and central venous pressure
  • use of elastic stockings and stool softeners
  • administration of beta-blockers
  • calcium channel blockers

  • intravenous nitroprusside
  • or other medication to reduce greatly elevated
    blood pressure and then maintain systolic blood
    pressure at 150 mmHg or less
  • and pain-relieving medication for headache ( this
    alone will often reduce the hypertension ).
  • The prevention of systemic venous thrombosis is
    critical, usually accomplished by the use of
    cyclically inflated whole-leg compression boots.

  • The use of anticonvulsants is controversial many
    neurosurgeons administer them early, with a view
    of preventing a seizure-induced risk of
  • Calcium channel blockers are being used
    extensively to reduce the incidence of stroke
    from vasospasm. Nimodipine 50 mg, administered
    intravenus, is currently favored.

  • Notable advances in the techniques for the
    obliteration of aneurysms, particularly the
    operating microscope, and the management of
    circulatory volume have significantly improved
    the outcome of patients with ruptured aneurysms.
  • Both the risk of rerupture of the aneurysm and
    some of the secondary problems that arise because
    of the massive amount of blood in the
    subarachnoid space can be obviated by early
    obliteration of the aneurysm.

  • lumbar puncture is carried out for diagnostic
    purposes if the CT scan is inconclusive
    thereafter this procedure is performed only for
    the relief of intractable headache, to detect
    recurrence of bleeding, or to measure the
    intracranial pressure prior to surgery.

  • Advice from specialist neurosurgical units should
    be sought. Patients who have withstood their
    first bleed well are submitted to carotid and
    vertebral angiography within a few days to
    establish whether or not an operable aneurysm is
    present. Patients who do not recover from their
    first bleed well, patients with inoperable
    aneurysms should be nursed in bed for a few weeks
    and then mobilized over a further few weeks,
    being encouraged to return to full normal
    activities at about 3-4 months.
  • Prevent re-bleeding

  • Since the incidence of significant damage to the
    brain is high in patients surviving subarachnoid
    haemorrhage, many will not be able to return to
    normal activities.
  • They will need support from relatives, nurses,
    physiotherapists, speech therapists, occupational
    therapists, social workers and specialist units
    in rehabilitation.

Course and prognosis
  • Patients with the typical clinical picture of
    spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage in whom an
    aneurysm or arteriorvenous malformation cannot be
    demonstrated angiographically have a distinctly
    better prognosis than those in whom the lesion
    is visualized.
  • Vasospasm and rebleeding were the leasing
    causes of morbidity and mortality in addition to
    the initial bleed. In respect to rebleeding ,
    Aoyagi and Hayakawa found that this occurred
    within 2 weeks in 20 percent of patients, with a
    peak incidence in the 24 h after the initial

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