Title: Every 4 years, we have a Leap Year
1Every 4 years, we have a Leap Year A solar year
is 6 hours longer than 365 days 1700, 1800 and
1900 were notdivisible by 100 and NOT divisible
by 400 Gregorian calendar meant to keep March 21
near the vernal equinox (spring) September, 1752
Tuesday, 2nd-Wednesday 14th Well still lose 1
day for every 8,000 years Women are encouraged to
propose on this date Greeks avoid marriage in
leap years
Happy Leap Year!
Ironic that Wilson, a lover of peace, led the
nation into war. Germany used unrestricted
warfare on the high seas and hoped to knock out
3War by...
Zimmerman, the German foreign secretary, proposed
a secret alliance with Mexico that infuriated the
American public A revolution in Russia toppled
cruel tsars The gamble to pursue profit from
distant warfare had failed
Wanted to end all war (forever) and crusade to
make the world safe for democracy 6 Senators
50 Representatives, including the first woman in
Congress, voted against
5Wilson's 14
1-end secret treaties 2-freedom of the
seas 3-remove economic barriers in the
world 4-reduce armaments 5-adjust colonial claims
Committee on Public Information 4 minute speeches
to promote patriotic pep Posters, pamphlets,
movies, songs American effort based on passionate
volunteers, not laws
Espionage Act Sedition Act Debs convicted under
(E) Act and sent to prison for 10 years Critics
silenced Schenck ruled that free speech posed a
clear present danger
8The nations
Our army ranked 15th We were ignorant of the need
for steel, explosives AND our ability to
produce Bernard Baruch headed the War Industries
Labor driven by work or fight initiative Unions
generally supported the war effort 1919-25 of
steel workers walked off the job violence,
entrance of black workers immigrants (dangerous
nativism sparked)
Women flooded the workplace War mobilization
aided the cause of suffrage (getting the vote)
Herbert Hoover headed the Food Administration Whea
tless Wednesdays, meatless Tuesdays, victory
gardens Movement against alcohol picked
up Heatless Mondays, lightless nights, gasless
Sundays Govt. took over nations railroads
Citizens thought a navy alone could do
it Conscription (a draft) was the only
answer Males 18-45 had to register Army grew to 4
million in months 6 months of US training was to
be followed by 2 more in Europe didnt happen
The Russian exit freed up German troops for the
fight in Europe American soldiers slowly showed
up in quiet sectors all over the place US fought
in Russia to prevent weapons from flowing there
to Europe US saved Czech troops stopped Japan
from getting Siberia
14America helps...
American soldiers arrived just as Germany neared
Paris 1st US fight ? Chateau-Thierry German
advances stopped and were reversed with the 2nd
Battle of the Marne Alvin York gained fame
(killed 20, took 132)
15The 14 Pts...
Germany ready to quit on terms of 14 Points War
ends on 11th hour, day, month 1918 US
contributed heavily in material, not battlefield
16Wilson steps...
The globe held him high as its moral
leader Wilson personally attended peace
meetings Snubbed the Senate by NOT taking any
17An Idealist...
European crowds welcome Wilson joyously The Big
Four (US, Italy, Britain, France) Wilson wanted
peace they want revenge
Wilson due back in US to face problems France
jumps in to grab the Rhine US Senate poised
(positioned) to reject treaty
19Peace treaty...
Only about 4 of 23 suggestions went into peace
20Domestic Parade... Wilson's Tour...
Henry Cabot Lodge wanted to Americanize
treaty Wilson went on speaking tour to stir up
support Wilson not welcomed Midwest happily
welcomed to West suffered a stroke
Lodge in control of the process Senate bothered
by Article X (US morally bound to help)
Harding of Ohio ran with Coolidge Cox of Ohio
ran with FDR of NY US public tired of
far-reaching ideals Candidates pandered to women
(1st vote)
US threw away chance at peace Europe set the
stage for what would become WW2 The Treaty of
Versailles failed for its complexity and the lack
of US involvement
Wilson wanted US to stop its isolation, bring
ideals to the world and steer world away from
rivalry Kennan Kissinger claim Wilson was
naïve Link claims Wilson a realist the world
wasnt ready for Appleman calls Wilson a cloaked
imperialist looking for new markets