Title: Respiratory Diseases
1 Respiratory Diseases
- Lin Guangyu
- Department of Pediatrics, The Second Affiliated
Hospital to Medical College, Shantou University
2General Introduction
- Respiratory diseases that include inflammation of
upper and lower respiratory tract, allergic
diseases, pleura diseases, foreign body,
pulmonary tumors and congenital disorders is a
significant cause of death and chronic illness in
children. - Pediatric pulmonary diseases account for almost
50 of deaths in children under age 1 year and
about 20 of all hospitalization of children
under age 15 years. -
3General Introduction
- Respiratory infections are the most frequently
occurring illness in childhood. - Pneumonia accounts for almost 28 of deaths in
children under age 5 years. - Approximately 7 of children have some sort of
chronic disorder of the lower respiratory system
4 5Classification
- Classified by anatomy
- Lobar Pneumonia
- Bronchopneumonia
- Interstitial Pneumonia
- Bronchiolitis
- Classified by etiology
- Viral Pneumonia
- Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV )
- Adenovirus
- Rhinoviruses
- Parainfluenza or influenza viruses
- Enteroviruses
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Measles virus
7- Human metapneumovirus
- Human bocavirus
- SARS coronavirus
8About Human Metapneumovirus
- It is classified by paramyxovirus.
- It is about over 10 of all children with
- respiratory infection in winter.
- It is nearly not covert infection at all.
- It is one of the most important pathogens that
cause the wheeze. - It is mainly cause bronchopneumonia and
9About Human Bocavirus
- It is classified by parvoviridae.
- It is about 1.511.3 of all children with
- respiratory infection.
- It is one of the most important pathogens that
cause the wheeze. - It is mainly cause bronchopneumonia and
bronchiolitis. - Is it a pathogen?
10About coronavirus
- Type 1 Mammal
- Type 2 Mammal
- Type 3 Aves
- Type 4 SARS Coronaviruses
- Bacterial Pneumonia
- Gram-positive coccus
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae
- Staphylococcus aureus ,CNS!
- Gram-negative bacillus
- Pneumobacillus
- Escherichia coli
- Pseudomonas
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Klebsiella
- Legionella pneumophila
- Anaerobe
- Mycoplasmal pneumonia
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Chlamydial pneumonia
- Chlamydia
- Fungal Pneumonia
- Cryptococcus
- Candida
- Coccidioides
- Histoplasma
- Protozoal pneumonia
- Pneumocystis Carinii
- Noninfectious pneumonia
- Inhalation Pneumonia
- Eosinophilic pneumonia
- Classified by course
- Acute Pneumonia lt1 month
- Deferred Pneumonia 13 months
- Chronic Pneumonia gt3 months
- Classified by patients condition
- Mild pneumonia
- Severe pneumonia
- Others
- Typical pneumonia
- Atypical pneumonia
- Pneumonia caused by SARS coronavirus
- Community acquired pneumonia (CAP)
- Hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP)
17 18Introduction
- Bronchopneumonia, accounting for 24.556.2 of
all hospitalizatons of children, is the most
frequently occurring illness in childhood. - The incidence is higher in early childhood than
in any other period of life. - There are significant difference in the incidence
of bronchopneumonia by season and geographic
- Most pneumonia in children are caused by viruses
and bacteria. - Viruses
- Parainfluenza viruses (1, 2 and 3)
- Influenza viruses (A and B)
- Adenovirus
- RSV, parainfluenza and influenza are responsible
for more than 75 of cases.
- Bacteritic
- Streptococcus Pneumoniae (the most common cause
of bacterial infection) - Staphylococcus aureus ,CNS
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Klebsiella
- Pneumobacillus
- Escherichia coli
- Pseudomonas
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
21 Different organisms affect different
age groups Age Bacterium
others 1d-20d Group B H
Streptococcus Cytomegalovirus
Gram-negative bacilli(E.coli)
3w-3m Streptococcus pneumoniae
RSV Chlamydia
trachomatis Bordetella
pertusssis Parainfluenza virus
Staphylococcay aureus 4m-4y
Streptococcus pneumoniae RSV
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Haemophilus influenzae
Parainfluenza virus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Influenze virus
Rhinoviruses 5y-15y Streptococcus
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Other causes
- Age
- Season of the year
- Immune status of the host
- Environmental factors
- Inflammatory cell infiltration, exudate, edema
and localized hemorrhage of bronchiolar
submucosa, Interstitium, alveoli, Interalveolar
septa and lymphatic vessels - Necrosis of bronchiolar and alveolar epithelium
- Hyperinflation or collapse of the distal lung
- Lesions of viral or bacterial infection result
in tracheitis, bronchitis, interstitial pneumonia
and lobuli pneumonia. - Interstitial involvement is relatively common in
viral pneumonia. - Bacterial pneumonia is characterized by the
presence of damages of lung tissue.
25 Pathophysiology
- Respiratory disorder (acute respiratory failure)
- Ventilation and /or perfusion disorder (V/Q
mismatch) - Diffusion defects
- Intrapulmonary shunt
- Circulatory disorders
- Viral and/or toxipathic myocarditis
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Heart failure
- Circulatory failure ( shock)
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
- Anomalies of central nervous system
- Cerebral edema (toxic encephalopathy)
- Hypoxemia
- Hypercapnia
- Metabolic Acidemia
- Energy metabolism disorder
- Toxin
- Anomalies of Alimentary system
- Toxic enteroparalysis
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Hypoxemia and hypercapnia
- Abnormalities of electrolyte balance
- Toxaemia
- shock
- Acute stress ulcer
- Hepatic injury
- Acute renal failure
- Adrenal crisis (insufficiency)
- Abnormalities of water, electrolyte and pH
balance - SIRS?MODS?MOF
30Bronchia mucosa edema
Alveolus edema
air exchange
air entry
Respiratory failure
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory acidosis
toxic encephalopathy
Gastrointestinal breeding
Heart failure
Toxic enteroparalysis
31Clinical Manifestations
- Symptoms and sings
- General symptoms and sings
- Fever
- Body temperature is higher in bacterial infection
than viral infection - Hypothermia (infant)
- symptoms and sings of generalized toxicity
- Myalgia, Malaise and headache
32Clinical Manifestations
- Symptoms of respiratory system
- Cough
- Dry cough
- Productive cough
- Tachypnea
- Dyspnea
- Rapid, shallow respirations( 4080/ min)
- Nasal flaring
- Intercostal, subcostal, and suprasternal
retraction - Cyanosis
- Respiratory fatigue
33Clinical Manifestations
- Signs of respiratory system
- Widespread moist rales and wheezing
- Signs of substantial variations
- Decreased breath sounds
- Dullness to percussion
- diminished tactile or vocal fremitus
- Bronchial breath sounds
34Clinical Manifestations
- Severe Pneumonia
- Circulatory system
- Rival or toxic myocarditis
- Heart failure
35Heart failure
- Rapid, shallow respirations60/min
- Rapid heart rates 180/min
- Dyspnea with intercostal and subcostal
retractions, cyanosis, pale and gray of face ,
irritability, and peripheral pallor - Muffled and distant heart sounds, and a gallop
rhythm - Liver enlargement
- Edema of the face and extremities,oliguria or
36Clinical Manifestations
- Nervous system
- Toxic encephalopathy
- Alimentary system
- Toxic enteroparalysis
- Gastrointestinal bleeding
- Empyema
- Pneumothorax
- tension pneumothorax
- Pyopneumothorax
- Pneumatocele
38Laboratory Test
- Tests for etiologic agent
- Bacterial culture
- Blood culture
- Culture of material from the respiratory tract
secretion - Culture of Pleural effusion
- Other culture
39Laboratory Test
- Laboratory diagnosis of viral infections
- Antigen or nucleic acid detection
- Isolation of viruses by culture of the
respiratory tract secretions - Use of special antibodies
40Laboratory Test
- Isolation and culture of other etiologic agent
- Mycoplasma pneumoniae
- Chlamydia
- Fungi
- Specific antibody detection on the pathogens
- Tests of molecular biology
- DNA probs
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
41Laboratory Test
- Blood test
- White blood cell counts
- Bacterial pneumonia ??
- Rival pneumonia?
- NBT test
- NBT-positive cellsgt10
- C-reactive protein (CRP)
- CRP 15µg/ml
- Blood gas analysis
42Chest X-ray Findings
- Perihilar streaking
- Increased interstitial markings
- Peribronchial cuffing
- Patchy infiltrates in the lung
- Development of pneumatoceles
- Hyperinflation of the lung
- Atelectasis
- Lobar consolidation (as in bacterial pnuemonia)
- Radiographic findings of pleural effusion
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46Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
- Diagnosis
- According to symptoms, signs, and Radiographic
findings, bronchopneumonia are easily diagnosed. - A key decision in evaluating children with
bronchopneumonia is to determine whether the
illness is mild or severe, or whether a secondary
infection or complication is present
47Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis
- Differential Diagnosis
- Acute bronchitis
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- ?Acute miliary tuberculosis of the lungs
- Foreign body in bronchus
48Acute bronchitis
49Acute miliary tuberculosis of the lungs
50Acute miliary tuberculosis of the lungs
51Foreign body in bronchus
- General treatment
- Humidification of inspired gases
- Hydration and electrolyte supplementation
- Oral hygiene
- Nutrition
- Etiological treatment
- Antibiotic therapy
- It is not possible to differential reliably
between bacterial or viral pneumonia on clinical
or radiological grounds ,so all children
diagnosed having pneumonia should be giving
antibiotics as the pathogen is rarely known when
treatment is started.
- Before the pathogen is identified, therapy of
patients is determined by the pattern of disease
and the organisms that are common for age of the
children . - Community-acquired bacterial infection
- Nosocomial infection acquired in the hospital
55 The choice of antibiotic is determined
by ages Age Out-patients
(oral) Less severe
Severe 1-20d
AmpicillinCefotaxime 3w-3m Erythromycin
Cefotaxime Azithromycin
Erythromycin Cefotaxime 4m-4y
Amoxicillin Ampicillin
Ceforoxime 5y-15y Erythromycin
Erythromycin Cefotaxime
Azithromycin Cefuroxime
ErythromycinAmpicillin CefotaximeAzithrom
Azithromycin Ampicillin
- Oral antibiotics (e.g. co-amoxiclav or a
second-generation cephalosporin such as cefaclor)
can given for less severe pneumonia.
- If intravenous therapy is requried,activity
against pneumococci, H.influenzae and Staph
aureus can be achieved with a cephalosporin(e.g.ce
fotaxime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, cefazidime )
- Therapy for most patients should be continued for
a total of 57 days after body temperature is
normal, or at least 3 days after clinical
symptoms has disappeared. - The course of treatment for staphylococcus aureus
is usually for 6 weeks - Treatment for Mycoplasmal pneumonia is usually
for 23 weeks.
- Once the pathogen has been identified
and the antibiotic sensitivities determined, the
most appropriate drugs should selected.
60 The choice of antibiotic is determined by
organisms(1) Organisms
First choice
Second choiceStrept pneumoniae
Pnicillin G
(1st or 2nd generation)
Vancomycin H. influenzae
AmoxicillinClav Acid
Amoxicillin Sulbactam
(1st or 2nd generation)
(New generation)Staphylococeus MSSA
MSSE Oxacillin
(1st or 2nd generation)
MRSA MRSE Vancomycin
AmoxicillinClav Acid Macrolides
(New generation)
(1st or 2nd
61 The choice of antibiotics is determined by
organisms(2) Organisms
First choice Second
choiceEnteric bacilli Ceftriaxone
c Acid
(Amikacin) Azfreonam
4th generatim Cephlosporins
P.aeruginose TicarcillinClav.Acid
Penicillin G(LD)
- If staphytococcal aureas or CNS
pneumonia is suspected, Penicillin, Clindamycin,
Vacomycin (one of them ) is given.
- If M.pneumoniae or
- Ch.trachomatis pneumonia is suspected,
erythromycin is given.
- Anti-viral therapy
- Ribavirin
- Interferons
- Poly IC
- Heteropathy
- Oxygen therapy
- Maintaining free airway
- Treatments for heart failure
- Treatments for toxic enteroparalysis
- Treatments for respiratory failure
- Treatments for shock
- Treatments for toxic encephalopathy
- Treatments for heart failure
- Oxygen inhale
- Sedation
- Cardiotonic
- Diureses
- Drugs of dilating blood vessel
67 Treatment
- Treatments of toxic encephalopathy
- Oxygen inhale
- sedation
- Pyretolysis
- Subhibernation
- Anhydration
- 20Mannitol 1.55ml/kg /does q6h
- Application of cortical hormone
- Indication
- Severe pneumonia
- Superhigh fever
- Severe toxic symptoms
- Wheezing
- Shock, toxic encephalopathy, Cerebral edema, and
respiratory failuer - pleural effusion
- Treatments for complications
- Repeat pleural taps for remove of pleural fluid
70Clinical Teafures of Pneumonia due to Some
- Rspiratory syncytial virus pneumonia
- Adenovirus pneumonia
- Staphylococal aureus pneumonia
- Gram-negative bacillary pneumonia
- Mycoplasma pneumonia
- Chlamydial pneumonia
71Respiratory snycytial virus pneumonia
- Diffuse wheezing and tachypnea following upper
respiratory symptoms in an infant (age ltone
year). - Epidemics in late fall to early spring .
- Hyperinflation on chest X-ray.
- RSV antigen detected in nasal secretions.
- 30-40 of patients hospitalized with this
infection will wheeze later in childhood.
72Adenovirus pneumonia
- Severe pneumonia may occur at all ages. It is
especially common in young chillren
(agelt6months2years). - Chest X-rays show bilateral peribronchial and
interstitial infiltrates. - Symptoms include high fever, respiratory
symptoms, diarrhea, encephalitis, hepatitis and
myocarditis may persist for 2-3weeks. - Can be necrotizing and cause permanent lung
damage, especially bronchiectasis.
73Staphytococcal aureus pneumonia
- This pneumonia is characterized by abdominal
distention, high fever, respiratory distress, and
toxemia. - It often occurs without predispossing for factors
or after minor skin infections. - Pneumotoceles, pyopneumothora, and empyema are
frequently encountered. - Rapid progression of disease is characteristic.
- Frequent chest X-rays to monitor the progress of
disease are indicated. - WBC??
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75Myeoplasma pneumoniae pneumoia
- Essentials of diagnosis typical festures
- Fever
- Cough
- Appropriate ageover5year
- Endemic and epidemic infection can occur.
- The incubation period is long(2-3weeks).and the
onset of symptoms is slow. - Extrapnlmonary complications sometimes occur.
- Chest X-rays usually demonstrate interstitial or
bronchopneumonia infiltrates, frequently in the
middle or lower lobes.
76Chlamydial pneumonia
- Cough, tachypneu, rales, few, wheezes, and no
fever. - Appropriate age212weeks.
- Inclusion conjunctivitis, eosinophilia, and
elevated immunoglobulins can be seen. - Chest X-rays may reveal diffuse interstitial
thickening, or focal consolidation.
77Avian influenza in human beings
- Due to the infection of HPAI virus ( highly
pathogenic avian influenza ,type H5N1). - Characteristic syndrome of sudden onset of high
fever,severe myalgia, headache and chills. - Diarrhea, vomiting, and MOF, DIC are common.
- High case fatality rate (over 3067)
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87- How to diagnose pneumonia in children?
88- What is severe pneumonia in children?
89- How to consider the etiology of pneumonia
in children?
90- What is your opinion about pneumonia
complicate with heart failure in children?
91Heart failure
- Rapid, shallow respirations60/min
- Rapid heart rates 180/min
- Dyspnea with intercostal and subcostal
retractions, cyanosis, pale and gray of face ,
irritability, and peripheral pallor - Muffled and distant heart sounds, and a gallop
rhythm - Liver enlargement
- Edema of the face and extremities,oliguria or
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