Title: Precambrian Earth and Life History—The Archean Eon
1Chapter 8
Precambrian Earth and Life HistoryThe Archean Eon
2Archean Rocks
- The Twin Lakes
- in Beartooth Plateau, MT and WY
- is called one of the most scenic in the U.S.
- Most of the rocks are Archean-aged gneiss.
- The Precambrian lasted for more than 4 billion
years! - This large time span is difficult for humans to
comprehend - Suppose that a 24-hour clock represented
- all 4.6 billion years of geologic time
- then the Precambrian would be
- slightly more than 21 hours long,
- constituting about 88 of all geologic time
4Precambrian Time Span
- The term Precambrian is informal
- but widely used, referring to both time and rocks
- The Precambrian includes
- time from Earths origin 4.6 billion years ago
- to the beginning of the Phanerozoic Eon
- 542 million years ago
- It encompasses
- all rocks older than Cambrian-age rocks
- No rocks are known for the first
- 640 million years of geologic time
- The oldest known rocks on Earth
- are 3.96 billion years old
6Rocks Difficult to Interpret
- The earliest record of geologic time
- preserved in rocks is difficult to interpret
- because many Precambrian rocks have been
- altered by metamorphism
- complexly deformed
- buried deep beneath younger rocks
- fossils are rare, and
- the few fossils present are of little use in
stratigraphy - Subdivisions of the Precambrian
- have been difficult to establish
- Two eons for the Precambrian
- are the Archean and Proterozoic
7Eons of the Precambrian
- The onset of the Archean Eon coincides
- with the age of Earths oldest known rocks
- approximately 4 billion years old
- and lasted until 2.5 billion years ago
- the beginning of the Proterozoic Eon
- Eoarchean refers to all time
- from Earths origin to the Archean
- Precambrian eons have no stratotypes
- unlike the Cambrian Period, for example,
- which is based on the Cambrian System,
- a time-stratigraphic unit with a stratotype in
Wales - Precambrian eons are strictly terms denoting time
8What Happened During the Eoarchean?
- Although no rocks of Eoarchean age are present on
Earth, - except for meteorites,
- we do know some events that took place then
- Earth accreted from planetesimals
- and differentiated into a core and mantle
- and at least some crust was present
- Earth was bombarded by comets and meteorites
- Volcanic activity was ubiquitous
- An atmosphere formed, quite different from
todays - Oceans began to accumulate
9Hot, Barren, Waterless Early Earth
- about 4.6 billion years ago
- Shortly after accretion, Earth was
- a rapidly rotating, hot, barren, waterless planet
- bombarded by comets and meteorites
- with no continents, intense cosmic radiation
- and widespread volcanism
10Oldest Rocks
- Judging from the oldest known rocks on Earth,
- the 3.96-billion-year-old Acasta Gneiss in Canada
and other rocks in Montana and Greenland - some continental crust had evolved by Eoarchean
time - Sedimentary rocks in Australia contain detrital
zircons (ZrSiO4) dated at 4.4 billion years old - so source rocks at least that old existed
- These rocks indicted that some kind
- of Eoarchean crust was certainly present,
- but its distribution is unknown
11Eoarchean Crust
- Early Eoarchean crust was probably thin
- and made up of ultramafic rock
- igneous rock with less than 45 silica
- This ultramafic crust was disrupted
- by upwelling mafic magma at ridges,
- and the first island arcs formed at subduction
zones - Eoarchean continental crust may have formed
- by collisions between island arcs
- as silica-rich materials were metamorphosed.
- Larger groups of merged island arcs
- protocontinents
- grew faster by accretion along their margins
12Origin of Continental Crust
- Andesitic island arcs
- form by subduction
- and partial melting of oceanic crust
- The island arc collides with another
13Dynamic Processes
- During the Eoarchean, various dynamic systems
- similar to ones we see today,
- became operative,
- but not all at the same time nor in their present
forms - Once Earth differentiated
- into core, mantle and crust,
- million of years after it formed,
- internal heat caused interactions among plates
- as they diverged, converged
- and slid past each other in transform motion
- Continents began to grow by
- accretion along convergent plate boundaries
14Continental Foundations
- Continents consist of rocks
- with composition similar to that of granite
- Continental crust is thicker
- and less dense than oceanic crust
- which is made up of basalt and gabbro
- Precambrian shields
- consist of vast areas of exposed ancient rocks
- and are found on all continents
- Outward from the shields are broad platforms
- of buried Precambrian rocks
- that underlie much of each continent
- A shield and platform make up a craton,
- a continents ancient nucleus
- Along the margins of cratons,
- more continental crust was added
- as the continents took their present sizes and
shapes - Both Archean and Proterozoic rocks
- are present in cratons and show evidence of
- episodes of deformation accompanied by
- metamorphism, igneous activity,
- and mountain building
- Cratons have experienced little deformation
- since the Precambrian
16Distribution of Precambrian Rocks
- Areas of exposed
- Precam-brian rocks
- constitute the shields
- Platforms consist of
- buried Pre-cambrian rocks
- Shields and adjoining platforms make up cratons
17Canadian Shield
- The exposed part of the craton in North America
is the Canadian shield - which occupies most of northeastern Canada
- a large part of Greenland
- parts of the Lake Superior region
- in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan
- and the Adirondack Mountains of New York
- Its topography is subdued,
- with numerous lakes and exposed Archean
- and Proterozoic rocks thinly covered
- in places by Pleistocene glacial deposits
18Canadian Shield Rocks
- Outcrop of Archean gneiss in the Canadian Shield
in Ontario, Canada
19Canadian Shield Rocks
- Basalt (dark, volcanic) and granite (light,
plutonic) on the Chippewa River, Ontario
20Amalgamated Cratons
- Actually the Canadian shield and adjacent
platform - are made up of numerous units or smaller cratons
- that amalgamated along deformation belts
- during the Paleoproterozoic
- Absolute ages and structural trends
- help geologists differentiate
- among these various smaller cratons
- Drilling and geophysical evidence indicate
- that Precambrian rocks underlie much
- of North America,
- exposed only in places by deep erosion or uplift
21Archean Rocks Beyond the Shield
- Archean rocks found
- in areas of uplift in the Teton Range, WY
22Archean Rocks Beyond the Shield
- Archean Brahma Schist in the deeply eroded parts
of the Grand Canyon, Arizona
23Archean Rocks
- The most common Archean Rock associations
- are granite-gneiss complexes
- Other rocks range from peridotite
- to various sedimentary rocks
- all of which have been metamorphosed
- Greenstone belts are subordinate in quantity
- but are important in unraveling Archean tectonic
24Greenstone Belts
- An ideal greenstone belt has 3 major rock units
- volcanic rocks are most common
- in the lower and middle units
- the upper units are mostly sedimentary
- The belts typically have synclinal structure
- Most were intruded by granitic magma
- and cut by thrust faults
- Low-grade metamorphism
- makes many of the igneous rocks
- green (chlorite, actinolite, epidote)
25Greenstone Belt Volcanics
- Pillow lavas in greenstone belts
- indicate that much of the volcanism was
- subaqueous
- Pyroclastic materials probably erupted
- where large volcanic centers built above sea
Pillow lavas in Ispheming greenstone belt at
Marquette, Michigan
26Ultramafic Lava Flows
- The most interesting rocks
- in greenstone belts are komatiites,
- cooled from ultramafic lava flows
- Ultramafic magma (lt 45 silica)
- requires near surface magma temperatures
- of more than 1600C
- 250C hotter than any recent flows
- During Earths early history,
- radiogenic heating was greater
- and the mantle was as much as 300 C hotter
- than it is now
- This allowed ultramafic magma
- to reach the surface
27Ultramafic Lava Flows
- As Earths production
- of radiogenic heat decreased,
- the mantle cooled
- and ultramafic flows no longer occurred
- They are rare in rocks younger
- than Archean and none occur now
28Sedimentary Rocks of Greenstone Belts
- Sedimentary rocks are found
- throughout the greenstone belts
- although they predominate
- in the upper unit
- Many of these rocks are successions of
- graywacke
- sandstone with abundant clay and rock fragments
- and argillite
- slightly metamorphosed mudrock
29Sedimentary Rocks of Greenstone Belts
- Small-scale cross-bedding and
- graded bedding indicate an origin
- as turbidity current deposits
- Quartz sandstone and shale,
- indicate delta, tidal-flat,
- barrier-island and shallow marine deposition
30Relationship of Greenstone Belts to
Granite-Gneiss Complexes
- Two adjacent greenstone belts showing synclinal
- They are underlain by granite-gneiss complexes
31Canadian Greenstone Belts
- In North America,
- most greenstone belts
- (dark green)
- occur in the Superior and Slave cratons
- of the Canadian shield
32Evolution of Greenstone Belts
- Models for the formation of greenstone belts
- involve Archean plate movement
- In one model, plates formed volcanic arcs
- by subduction
- and the greenstone belts formed
- in back-arc marginal basins
33Evolution of Greenstone Belts
- According to this model,
- volcanism and sediment deposition
- took place as the basins opened
34Evolution of Greenstone Belts
- Then during closure,
- the rocks were compressed,
- metamorphosed,
- and intruded by granitic magma
- The Sea of Japan
- is a modern example
- of a back-arc basin
35Another Model
- In another model
- although not nearly as widely accepted,
- greenstone belts formed
- over rising mantle plumes in intracontinental
rifts - The plume serves as the source
- of the volcanic rocks in the lower and middle
units - of the developing greenstone belt
- and erosion of volcanic rocks and flanks for the
rift - supply the sediment to the upper unit
- An episode of subsidence, deformation,
- metamorphism and plutonism followed
36Greenstone BeltsIntracontinental Rift Model
- Ascending mantle plume
- causes rifting
- and volcanism
37Greenstone BeltsIntracontinental Rift Model
- Erosion of the rift flanks
- accounts for sediments
38Greenstone BeltsIntracontinental Rift Model
- Closure of rift
- causes compression
- and deformation
39Archean Plate Tectonics
- Plate tectonic activity has operated
- since the Paleoproterozoic or earlier
- Most geologists are convinced
- that some kind of plate tectonic activity
- took place during the Archean as well
- but it differed in detail from today
- Plates must have moved faster
- with more residual heat from Earths origin
- and more radiogenic heat,
- and magma was generated more rapidly
40Archean Plate Tectonics
- As a result of the rapid movement of plates,
- continents grew more rapidly along their margins
- a process called continental accretion
- as plates collided with island arcs and other
plates - Also, ultramafic extrusive igneous rocks,
- komitiites,
- were more common
41Archean World Differences
- The Archean world was markedly different than
- but associations of passive continental margin
sediments - are widespread in Proterozoic terrains
- We have little evidence of Archean rocks
- deposited on broad, passive continental margins
- but the ophiolites so typical of younger
convergent plate boundaries are rare, - although Neoarchean ophiolites are known
- Deformation belts between colliding cratons
- indicate that Archean plate tectonics was active
42The Origin of Cratons
- Certainly several small cratons
- existed during the Archean
- and grew by periodic continental accretion
- during the rest of that eon
- They amalgamated into a larger unit
- during the Proterozoic
- By the end of the Archean,
- 30-40 of the present volume
- of continental crust existed
- Archean crust probably evolved similarly
- to the evolution of the southern Superior craton
of Canada
43Southern Superior Craton Evolution
- Greenstone belts (dark green)
- Granite-gneiss complexes (light green
- Plate tectonic model for evolution of the
southern Superior craton - North-south cross section
44Canadian Shield
- Deformation of the southern Superior craton
- was part of a more extensive orogenic episode
- that formed the Superior and Slave cratons
- and some Archean rocks in Wyoming, Montana,
- and the Mississippi River Valley
- This deformation was
- the last major Archean event in North America
- and resulted in the formation of several sizable
cratons - now in the older parts of the Canadian shield
45Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
- Earths early atmosphere and hydrosphere
- were quite different than they are now
- They also played an important role
- in the development of the biosphere
- Todays atmosphere is mostly
- nitrogen (N2)
- abundant free oxygen (O2),
- or oxygen not combined with other elements
- such as in carbon dioxide (CO2)
- water vapor (H2O)
- small amounts of other gases, like ozone (O3)
- which is common enough in the upper atmosphere
- to block most of the Suns ultraviolet radiation
46Present-day Atmosphere Composition
- Nonvariable gases
- Nitrogen N2 78.08
- Oxygen O2 20.95
- Argon Ar 0.93
- Neon Ne 0.002
- Others 0.001
- in percentage by volume
- Variable gases
- Water vapor H2O 0.1 to 4.0
- Carbon dioxide CO2 0.038
- Ozone O3 0.000006
- Other gases Trace
- Particulates normally trace
47Earths Very Early Atmosphere
- Earths very early atmosphere was probably
composed of - hydrogen and helium,
- the most abundant gases in the universe
- If so, it would have quickly been lost into space
- because Earths gravity is insufficient to retain
them - because Earth had no magnetic field until its
core formed (magnetosphere) - Without a magnetic field,
- the solar wind would have swept away
- any atmospheric gases
- Once a magnetosphere was present
- Atmosphere began accumulating as a result of
outgassing - released during volcanism
- Water vapor
- is the most common volcanic gas today
- but volcanoes also emit
- carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide,
- carbon monoxide, sulfur,
- hydrogen, chlorine, and nitrogen
49Archean Atmosphere
- Archean volcanoes probably
- emitted the same gases,
- and thus an atmosphere developed
- but one lacking free oxygen and an ozone layer
- It was rich in carbon dioxide,
- and gases reacting in this early atmosphere
- probably formed
- ammonia (NH3)
- methane (CH4)
- This early atmosphere persisted
- throughout the Archean
50Evidence for an Oxygen-Free Atmosphere
- The atmosphere was chemically reducing
- rather than an oxidizing one
- Some of the evidence for this conclusion
- comes from detrital deposits
- containing minerals that oxidize rapidly
- in the presence of oxygen
- pyrite (FeS2)
- uraninite (UO2)
- But oxidized iron becomes
- increasingly common in Proterozoic rocks
- indicating that at least some free oxygen
- was present then
51Introduction of Free Oxygen
- Two processes account for
- introducing free oxygen into the atmosphere,
- one or both of which began during the Eoarchean.
- 1. Photochemical dissociation involves
ultraviolet radiation in the upper atmosphere - The radiation disrupts water molecules and
releases their oxygen and hydrogen - This could account for 2 of present-day oxygen
- but with 2 oxygen, ozone forms, creating a
barrier against ultraviolet radiation - 2. More important were the activities of
organisms that practiced photosynthesis
- Photosynthesis is a metabolic process
- in which carbon dioxide and water
- combine into organic molecules
- and oxygen is released as a waste product
- CO2 H2O gt organic compounds O2
- Even with photochemical dissociation
- and photosynthesis,
- probably no more than 1 of the free oxygen level
- of today was present by the end of the Archean
53Oxygen Forming Processes
- Photochemical dissociation and photosynthesis
- added free oxygen to the atmosphere
- Once free oxygen was present
- an ozone layer formed
- and blocked incoming ultraviolet radiation
54Earths Surface Waters
- Outgassing was responsible
- for the early atmosphere
- and also for Earths surface water
- the hydrosphere
- most of which is in the oceans
- more than 97
- However, somebut probably not much
- of our surface water was derived from icy comets
- Once Earth had cooled sufficiently,
- the abundant volcanic water vapor
- condensed and began to accumulate in oceans
- Oceans were present during Eoarchean times
55Ocean water
- The volume and geographic extent
- of the Eoarchean oceans cannot be determined
- Nevertheless, we can envision an early Earth
- with considerable volcanism
- and a rapid accumulation of surface waters
- Volcanoes still erupt and release water vapor
- Is the volume of ocean water still increasing?
- Perhaps it is, but if so, the rate
- has decreased considerably
- because the amount of heat needed
- to generate magma has diminished
- Much of volcanic water vapor today
- is recycled surface water
56Decreasing Heat
- Ratio of radiogenic heat production in the past
to the present
- The width of the colored band indicates
variations in ratios from different models
- Heat production 4 billion years ago was 3 to 6
times as great as it is now
- With less heat outgassing decreased
57First Organisms
- Today, Earths biosphere consists
- of millions of species of monera, fungi,
- protistans, plants, and animals,
- whereas only bacteria and archea are found in
Archean rocks - We have fossils from Archean rocks
- 3.3 to 3.5 billion years old
- Chemical evidence in rocks in Greenland
- that are 3.85 billion years old
- convince some investigators that organisms were
present then
58What Is Life?
- Minimally, a living organism must reproduce
- and practice some kind of metabolism
- Reproduction ensures
- the long-term survival of a group of organisms
- whereas metabolism
- such as photosynthesis, for instance
- ensures the short-term survival of an individual
- The distinction between
- living and nonliving things is not always easy
- Are viruses living?
- When in a host cell they behave like living
organisms - but outside they neither reproduce nor metabolize
59What Is Life?
- Comparatively simple organic (carbon based)
molecules known as microspheres
- form spontaneously
- can even grow and divide in a somewhat
organism-like fashion - but their processes are more like random chemical
reactions, so they are not living
60How Did Life First Originate?
- To originate by natural processes,
- from non-living matter (abiogenesis), life must
have passed through a prebiotic stages - in which it showed signs of living organisms
- but was not truly living
- The origin of life has 2 requirements
- a source of appropriate elements for organic
molecules - energy sources to promote chemical reactions
61Elements of Life
- All organisms are composed mostly of
- carbon (C)
- hydrogen (H)
- nitrogen (N)
- oxygen (O)
- all of which were present in Earths early
atmosphere as - carbon dioxide (CO2)
- water vapor (H2O)
- nitrogen (N2)
- and possibly methane (CH4)
- and ammonia (NH3)
62Basic Building Blocks of Life
- Energy from
- lightning
- and ultraviolet radiation
- probably promoted chemical reactions
- during which C, H, N, and O combined
- to form monomers
- comparatively simple organic molecules
- such as amino acids
- Monomers are the basic building blocks
- of more complex organic molecules
63Experiment on the Origin of Life
- Is it plausible that monomers
- originated in the manner postulated?
- Experimental evidence indicates that it is
- During the late 1950s
- Stanley Miller
- synthesized several amino acids
- by circulating gases approximating
- the early atmosphere
- in a closed glass vessel
64Experiment on the Origin of Life
- This mixture was subjected to an electric spark
- to simulate lightning
- In a few days
- it became cloudy
- Analysis showed that
- several amino acids
- typical of organisms
- had formed
- Since then,
- scientists have synthesized
- all 20 amino acids
- found in organisms
- The molecules of organisms are polymers
- such as proteins
- and nucleic acids
- RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic
acid) - consisting of monomers linked together in a
specific sequence - How did polymerization take place?
- Water usually causes depolymerization,
- however, researchers synthesized molecules
- known as proteinoids
- some of which consist of
- more than 200 linked amino acids
- when heating dehydrated concentrated amino acids
- These concentrated amino acids
- spontaneously polymerized
- to form proteinoids
- Perhaps similar conditions
- for polymerization existed on early Earth,
- but the proteinoids needed to be protected
- by an outer membrane or they would break down
- Experiments show that proteinoids
- spontaneously aggregate into microspheres
- which are bounded by cell-like membranes
- and grow and divide much as bacteria do
67Proteinoid Microspheres
- Proteinoid microspheres produced in experiments
- Proteinoids grow and divide much as bacteria do
- These proteinoid molecules can be referred to as
protobionts - that are intermediate between
- inorganic chemical compounds
- and living organisms
69Monomer and Proteinoid Soup
- The origin-of-life experiments are interesting,
- but what is their relationship to early Earth?
- Monomers likely formed continuously and by the
billions - and accumulated in the early oceans into a hot,
dilute soup - The amino acids in the soup
- might have washed up onto a beach or perhaps
cinder cones - where they were concentrated by evaporation
- and polymerized by heat
- The polymers then washed back into the ocean
- where they reacted further
70Next Critical Step
- Not much is known about the next critical step
- in the origin of life
- the development of a reproductive mechanism
- The microspheres divide
- and may represent a protoliving system
- but in todays cells, nucleic acids,
- either RNA or DNA
- are necessary for reproduction
- The problem is that nucleic acids
- cannot replicate without protein enzymes,
- and the appropriate enzymes
- cannot be made without nucleic acids,
- or so it seemed until fairly recently
71RNA World?
- Now we know that small RNA molecules
- can replicate without the aid of protein enzymes
- Thus, the first replicating systems
- may have been RNA molecules
- Some researchers propose
- an early RNA world
- in which these molecules were intermediate
between - inorganic chemical compounds
- and the DNA-based molecules of organisms
- How RNA was naturally synthesized
- remains an unsolved problem
72Much Remains to Be Learned
- The origin of life has not been fully solved
- but considering the complexity of the problem
- remarkable progress has been made
- Scientists agree on some basic requirements
- for the origin of life,
- but the exact steps involved
- and significance of results are debated
- Many researchers believe that
- the earliest organic molecules were synthesized
from atmospheric gases - but some scientist suggest that life arose
instead - near hydrothermal vents on the seafloor
73Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
- Seawater seeps into the crust near spreading
ridges, becomes heated, rises and discharges - Black smokers
- Discharge water saturated with dissolved minerals
- Life may have formed near these in the past
74Oldest Known Organisms
- The first organisms were members
- of the kingdom Monera
- consisting of bacteria and archaea,
- both of which consist of prokaryotic cells,
- cells that lack an internal, membrane-bounded
nucleus and other structures - Prior to the 1950s, scientists assumed that life
- must have had a long early history
- but the fossil record offered little to support
this idea - The Precambrian, once called Azoic
- (without life), seemed devoid of life
75Oldest Know Organisms
- Charles Walcott (early 1900s) described
structures - from the Paleoproterozoic Gunflint Iron Formation
of Ontario, Canada - that he proposed represented reefs constructed by
- Now called stromatolites,
- not until 1954 were they shown
- to be products of organic activity
Present-day stromatolites (Shark Bay, Australia)
- Different types of stromatolites include
- irregular mats, columns, and columns linked by
- Present-day stromatolites form and grow
- as sediment grains are trapped
- on sticky mats
- of photosynthesizing cyanobacteria
- although now they are restricted
- to environments where snails cannot live
- The oldest known undisputed stromatolites
- are found in rocks in South Africa
- that are 3.0 billion years old
- but probable ones are also known
- from the Warrawoona Group in Australia
- which is 3.3 to 3.5 billion years old
78Other Evidence of Early Life
- Chemical evidence in rocks 3.85 billion years old
- in Greenland indicate life was perhaps present
then - The oldest known cyanobacteria
- were photosynthesizing organisms
- but photosynthesis is a complex metabolic process
- A simpler type of metabolism
- must have preceded it
- No fossils are known of these earliest organisms
79Earliest Organisms
- The earliest organisms must have resembled
- tiny anaerobic bacteria
- meaning they required no oxygen
- They must have totally depended
- on an external source of nutrients
- that is, they were heterotrophic
- as opposed to autotrophic organisms
- that make their own nutrients, as in
photosynthesis - They all had prokaryotic cells
80Earliest Organisms
- The earliest organisms, then,
- were anaerobic, heterotrophic prokaryotes
- Their nutrient source was most likely
- adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
- from their environment
- which was used to drive
- the energy-requiring reactions in cells
- ATP can easily be synthesized
- from simple gases and phosphate
- so it was available
- in the early Earth environment
- Obtaining ATP from the surroundings
- could not have persisted for long
- because more and more cells competed
- for the same resources
- The first organisms to develop
- a more sophisticated metabolism
- probably used fermentation
- to meet their energy needs
- Fermentation is an anaerobic process
- in which molecules such as sugars are split
- releasing carbon dioxide, alcohol, and energy
- A very important biological event
- occurring in the Archean
- was the development of
- the autotrophic process of photosynthesis
- This may have happened
- as much as 3.5 billion years ago
- These prokaryotic cells were still anaerobic,
- but as autotrophs they were no longer dependent
- on preformed organic molecules
- as a source of nutrients
- These anaerobic, autotrophic prokaryotes
- belong to the Kingdom Monera,
- represented today by bacteria, cyanobacteria, and
83Fossil Prokaryotes
- Photomicrographs from western Australias
- 3.3- to 3.5-billion-year-old Warrawoona Group,
- with schematic restoration shown at the right of
84Archean Mineral Resources
- A variety of mineral deposits are of Archean-age
- but gold is the most commonly associated,
- although it is also found
- in Proterozoic and Phanerozoic rocks
- This soft yellow metal is prized for jewelry,
- but it is or has been used as a monetary
standard, - in glass making, electric circuitry, and chemical
industry - About half the worlds gold since 1886
- has come from Archean and Proterozoic rocks
- in South Africa
- Gold mines also exist in Archean rocks
- of the Superior craton in Canada
85Archean Sulfide Deposits
- Archean sulfide deposits of
- zinc,
- copper
- and nickel
- occur in Australia, Zimbabwe,
- and in the Abitibi greenstone belt
- in Ontario, Canada
- Some, at least, formed as mineral deposits
- next to hydrothermal vents on the seafloor,
- much as they do now around black smokers
- About 1/4 of Earths chrome reserves
- are in Archean rocks, especially in Zimbabwe
- These ore deposits are found in
- the volcanic units of greenstone belts
- where they appear to have formed
- when crystals settled and became concentrated
- in the lower parts of plutons
- such as mafic and ultramafic sills
- Chrome is needed in the steel industry
- The United States has very few chrome deposits
- so must import most of what it uses
87Chrome and Platinum
- One chrome deposit in the United States
- is in the Stillwater Complex in Montana
- Low-grade ores were mined there during war times,
- but they were simply stockpiled
- and never refined for chrome
- These rocks also contain platinum,
- a precious metal, that is used
- in the automotive industry in catalytic
converters - in the chemical industry
- for cancer chemotherapy
- Banded Iron formations are sedimentary rocks
- consisting of alternating layers
- of silica (chert) and iron minerals
- About 6 of the worlds
- banded iron formations were deposited
- during the Archean Eon
- Although Archean iron ores
- are mined in some areas
- they are neither as thick
- nor as extensive as those of the Proterozoic Eon,
- which constitute the worlds major source of iron
- Pegmatites are very coarsely crystalline igneous
rocks, - commonly associated with granite plutons
- Some Archean pegmatites,
- such in the Herb Lake district in Manitoba,
Canada, - and Rhodesian Province in Africa,
- contain valuable minerals
- In addition to minerals of gem quality,
- Archean pegmatites contain minerals mined
- for lithium, beryllium, rubidium, and cesium
- Precambrian encompasses all geologic time
- from Earths origin
- to the beginning of the Phanerozoic Eon
- The term also refers to all rocks
- that lie stratigraphically below Cambrian rocks
- The Precambrian is divided into two eons
- the Archean and the Proterozoic,
- which are further subdivided
- Rocks from the latter part of the Eoarchean
indicate crust must have existed, - but very little of it has been preserved
- By the beginning of the Archean Eon,
- several small continental nuclei were present
- All continents have an ancient stable nucleus
- or craton made up of
- an exposed shield
- and a buried platform
- The exposed part of the North American craton
- is the Canadian shield,
- and is make up of smaller units
- delineated by their ages and structural trends
- Archean greenstone belts are linear,
- syncline-like bodies found within
- much more extensive granite-gneiss complexes
- Greenstone belts typically consist of
- two lower units dominated by igneous rocks
- and an upper unit of mostly sedimentary rocks
- They probably formed in back-arc basins
- and in intracontinental rifts
- Many geologists are convinced
- some type of Archean plate tectonics occurred,
- but plates probably moved faster
- and igneous activity was more common
- because Earth had more radiogenic heat
- The early atmosphere and hydrosphere
- formed as a result of outgassing,
- but this atmosphere lacked free oxygen and
- contained abundant water vapor and carbon dioxide
- Models for the origin of life by natural
processes require - an oxygen deficient atmosphere,
- the appropriate elements for organic molecules,
- and energy to promote the synthesis
- of organic molecules
- The first naturally formed organic molecules
- were probably monomers,
- such as amino acids,
- that linked together to form
- more complex polymers such as proteins
- RNA molecules may have been
- the first molecules capable of self-replication
- However, how a reproductive mechanism evolved is
not known
- The only known Archean fossils
- are of single-celled, prokaryotic bacteria or
cyanobacteria - but other chemical evidence may indicate presence
of archaea - Stromatolites formed by photosynthesizing
bacteria - are found in rocks as much as 3.5 billion years
old - Archean mineral resources include gold, chrome,
zinc, copper, and nickel