Title: Prokaryotes
The Origins of Metabolic Diversity
Lightning Strike
2The World of Prokaryotes
- Prokaryotes were the earliest organisms
- They are not only the most numerous organisms,
but also the most pervasive - Prokaryotes are microscopic and perform vital
functions - Prokaryotes often live in symbiotic relationships
p. 502 - 503
Tornado on the road
3p. 503
Point of reference
4An Explosion of Diversity
- Modern prokaryotes are diverse in structure and
physiology - About 5000 species are known
- Estimated range 400,000 4 million
- A true sense of biodiversity requires a
downward adjustment of scale
p. 503
Hydrogen Explosion
5Bacteria and Archaea
- The two main branches of prokaryotic evolution
- Archaeabacteria are much closer to eukaryotes
than they are to eubacteria - Archaea inhabit extreme environments (hot
springs, salt ponds, thermal vents)
A thermal vent ?
p. 503
Cool Harvard Cell Video
6Prokaryotic Structure
- Most prokaryotes are unicellular
- Some species tend to form aggregates
- Others form true colonies while few exhibit
multicellular characteristics - Nearly all prokaryotes have cell walls external
to their plasma membranes - Bacterial walls consist of peptidoglycan (polymer
of modified sugars cross-linked with short
polypeptides) archaea lack peptidoglycan
p. 504
Cool Harvard Cell Video
7Average prokaryote diameter 1 5 µm Average
eukaryotic diameter 10 100 µm The largest
prokaryote Bacilli measuring ½ mm
p. 504
Among pathogens, gram-negative are more
threatening because they are more resistant to
antibiotics (i.e. penicillin) that degrade
peptidoglycan Capsule sticky protective
secretion on prokaryotes that provides protection
Gram stains Gram-positive simpler walls and
abundant peptidoglycan Gram-negative complex
with low peptidoglycan outer membrane contains
lipopolysaccharides (carbohydrate bonded to lipid)
- About half of prokaryotes are motile
- Many move through solutions of water, ions, and
other solutes - Many motile prokaryotes can move about 50 µm/sec
- Flagellar movement
- Spirochete movement
- Most are capable of taxis (movement toward/away
from a stimulus - Magnetic particles establish up and down
- Photosynthetic bacteria show positive phototaxis
p. 506
Eubacteria Archaeabacteria
9Cellular and Genomic Organization
- Prokaryotes lack the extensive eukaryotic
compartmentalization - Bacteria have smaller, simpler genomes
- Genophore prokaryotic chromosome
- DNA is concentrated in a snarl of fibers in a
nucleoid region - Plasmids may also be present
- The prokaryotic ribosome is smaller
p. 506
Black Hole in Space
10Reproduction and Variation
- Binary fission continuous DNA synthesis and
indefinite asexual multiplication - Three methods of genetic recombination
- Transformation genetic material taken from the
environment - Conjugation genes transferred directly between
prokaryotes via sex pilius - Transduction genes transferred between
prokaryotes and viruses - Mutation remains the largest source of variation
- Populations of prokaryotes grow and adapt rapidly
- Growth in prokaryotes refers to population size
more than individual cell enlargement - Some bacteria form resilient cells called
endospores around their DNA, encasing it against
most degrading elements
Variations in endospore morphology (1, 4)
Central endospore (2, 3, 5)
Terminal endospore (6) Lateral
p. 507
Binary Fission
11Nutritional and Metabolic Diversity
- Photoautotroph Organisms that harness light
energy to drive photosynthesis with CO2
(cyanobacteria) - Chemoautotroph Organisms that need only CO2 to
oxidize inorganic substances with chemical energy
from hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ammonia (NH3), and
ferrous ions (Fe2) or other molecules - Photoheterotroph Organisms that use light to
generate ATP, but obtain carbon in organic form - Chemoheterotroph Organisms that consume organic
molecules for both energy and carbon
p. 508
The Toba Eruption
12p. 508 509
13Nutritional Diversity Among Chemoheterotrophs
- Saprobes Decomposers that absorb their nutrients
from dead organic matter - Parasites Organisms that absorb their nutrients
from body fluids of living hosts - Nitrogen Metabolism
- Nitrogen fixation p. 1141
p. 508 509
Supernova Explosion
14Metabolic Relationships to Oxygen
- Obligate aerobes use O2 for cellular respiration
and cannot grow without it - Obligate anaerobes are poisoned by O2 which live
either exclusively on fermentation or extract
chemical energy through anaerobic respiration - Facultative anaerobes will use O2 is it is
present but can also undergo fermentation
p. 509
15The Bacteria Song!!!
- Before we move to some facts
16Fun Facts
- Prokaryotes have a higher metabolic rate than
eukaryotes due to their large surface area to
volume ratio - Cyanobacteria often live in differentiated
colonies, showing small signs of specialization - We are made of dead star meterial
- Black holes are gravitys revenge on mass
Neptunes Great Dark Spot
17Thank you! Thank you very much!