What is Chromatography? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is Chromatography?


What is Chromatography? Chromatography is a physico chemical process that belongs to fractionation methods same as distillation, crystallization or fractionated ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: What is Chromatography?

What is Chromatography?
  • Chromatography is a physico-chemical process that
    belongs to fractionation methods same as
    distillation, crystallization or fractionated
  • It is believed that the separation method in its
    modern form originated at the turn of the century
    from the work of Tswett to whom we attribute the
    terms chromatography and chromatogram
  • The method was used for preparation and
    purification purposes until the development of
    sensitive detectors
  • The detector signal, which is registered in
    continuum, leads to a chromatogram that indicates
    the variation of the composition of the eluting
    phase with time.

Chromatographic separations
  • Sample is dissolved in a mobile phase (a gas, a
  • liquid or a supercritical fluid)
  • The mobile phase is forced through an
  • immiscible stationary phase which is fixed in
  • place in a column or on a solid surface.
  • The two phases are chosen so that the
  • components of the sample distribute
  • themselves between the mobile and stationary
  • phase to a varying degree.

  1. Diagram showing the separation of a mixture of
    components A and B by column elution
  2. The output of the signal detector at the various
    stages of elution shown in (a).

Classification of chromatographic techniques
  • Chromatographic techniques can be classified into
    three categories depending on
  • the physical nature of the phases,
  • the process used,
  • or the physico-chemical phenomenon, which is at
    the basis of the Nernst distribution coefficient
    K, also defined as
  • We will take here the classification based on
  • nature of the phase present

1. Liquid-solid chromatography
  • The mobile phase is a liquid and the stationary
    phase is a solid.
  • This category, which is widely used, can be
    subdivided depending on the retention phenomenon
  • Adsorption chromatography
  • Ion chromatography
  • Molecular exclusion chromatography

a. Adsorption chromatography
  • The separation of organic compounds on a thin
    layer of silica gel or alumina with solvent as a
    mobile phase
  • Solutes bond to the stationary phase because of
    physisorption or chemisorption interactions.
  • The physico-chemical parameter involved is the
    coefficient of adsorption.

b. Ion chromatography
  • The mobile phase in this type of chromatograph
    is a buffered solution and the stationary phase
    consists of spherical ?m diameter particles of a
  • The surface of the particles is modified
    chemically in order to generate ionic sites.
  • These phases allow the exchange of their mobile
    counter ion, with ions of the same charge present
    in the sample.
  • This separation relies on the coefficient of
  • distribution

c. Molecular exclusion chromatography
  • The stationary phase is a material containing
    pores, the dimensions of which are chosen to
    separate the solutes present in the sample based
    on their molecular size.
  • This can be considered as a molecular sieve
    allowing selective permeation.
  • This technique is known as gel filtration or gel
    permeation, depending on the nature of th mobile
    phase, which is either aqueous or organic.
  • The distribution coefficient in this technique is
    called the coefficient of diffusion.

2. Liquid-liquid chromatography (LLC)
  • Stationary phase is a liquid immobilized in the
  • It is important to distinguish between the inert
    support which only has a mechanical role and the
    stationary phase immobilized on the support
  • Impregnation of a porous material with a liquid
    phase was used earlier but had the problem of
  • In order to immobilize the stationary phase, it
    is preferable to fix it to a mechanical support
    using covalent bonds.
  • The stationary phase still acts as a liquid and
    the separation process is based on the partition
    of the analyte between the two phases at their
  • The parameter involved in the separation
    mechanism is called the partition coefficient.

3. Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC)
  • The mobile phase is a gas and the stationary
    phase is a liquid.
  • The liquid can be immobilized by impregnation or
    bonded to a support,
  • The partition coefficient K is also involved

4. Gas-solid chromatography (GSC)
  • Stationary phase is a porous solid (such as
    graphite or
  • silica gel) and the mobile phase is a gas.
  • This type demonstrates very high performance
    in the
  • analysis of gas mixtures or components that
    have a
  • very low boiling point.

5. Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)
  • The mobile phase is a fluid in its
  • supercritical state, such as carbon dioxide at
    about 50 C and at more than 150 bars (15 MPa).
  • The stationary phase can be a liquid or a solid.
  • This approach combines the advantages of the LLC
    and GLC techniques

The Chromatogram
  • It reveals, as a function of time, a parameter
    the depends on the instantaneous concentration of
    the solute as it exits the column
  • The components entering the detector will be
    shown as a series of peaks that would be more or
    less resolved from one another as they rise from
    the baseline
  • obtained in the absence of analyte.
  • If the detector signal varies linearly with the
    concentration of analyte, the same variation will
    occur for the area under the peak in the
  • A constituent is characterized by its retention
    time, tR,
  • Retention time is defined by the time taken
    between the moment of injection into the
    chromatograph and the peak maximum recorded on
    the chromatogram.

  • In an ideal case, the retention time tR is
    independent of the quantity injected.
  • A compound not retained will elute out of the
    column at time tM, called the void time or the
    dead time (sometimes designated by to ).
  • The separation is complete when as many peaks are
    seen returning to the baseline as there are
    components in the mixture.
  • In quantitative analysis, it suffices to
    separate only the components that need to be
  • Identification by chromatography is arbitrary.
    For a better confirmation, another identification
    method has to go along with thechromatography
  • When tM tR there would be no separation,
  • All components will move st the same rate through
    the colum

a. Retention time b. Distribution of the
peak c. Significance of the three basic
parameters and features of a
Gaussian distribution d. Example of a
real chromatogram
Definition of plate height H
The Theoretical Plate Model
  • Many theories have been suggested to explain the
    mechanism of migration and separation of analytes
    in the column.
  • The oldest one, called the theoretical plate
    model, corresponds to an approach now considered
    obsolete but which nevertheless leads to
    relations and definitions that are universal in
    their use and are still employed today.
  • In this model, each analyte is considered to be
    moving progressively through the column in a
    sequence of distinct steps, although the process
    of chromatography is a dynamic and continuous
  • Each step corresponds to a new equilibrium of the
    entire column.
  • In liquid-solid chromatography, for example, the
    elementary process is described as a cycle of

Column Efficiency
  • As the analyte migrates through the column, it
    occupies an increasing area
  • This linear dispersion ?L, measured by the
    variance ?L
  • increases with the distance of migration.
  • When this distance is equal to L, the column
    length, the variance will be ? 2L HxL
  • where H is the same as the value for the
    height equivalent to one theoretical plate
  • Since N L/H
  • N L2/ ? 2L
  • N here is called theoretical efficiency of the
  • Thus, N t2R/ ? 2
  • The more appropriate equation for N is
  • N 5.54 t2R/w21/2

Dispersion of a solute in a column and its
translation into a chromatogram
On the chromatogram, ? Represents the peak
width At 60.6 of the height
Isochronic image of the concentration of an
eluted compound at a particular instant.
Variation of the concentration at the outlet of
the column as a function of time.
Effective plate number
  • If the performance of different columns has to be
    compared for a given compound, more realistic
    values are obtained by replacing the total
    retention times tR, by the adjusted retention
    times tR
  • tR does not take into account the void time tM
    spent by the compound in the mobile phase.
  • The mathematical relationships

Retention parameters
  • In chromatography, three volumes are usually
  • Volume of the mobile phase in the column (dead
  • The volume of the mobile phase in the column
    (called the dead volume) VM corresponds to the
    accessible interstitial volume. It can be
    determined from the chromatogram provided a
    solute not retained by the stationary phase is
  • VM can be expressed as a function of tM and flow
    rate F
  • VM tM x F

  • 2. Volume of the stationary phase, Vs
  • . This volume does not appear on the
  • Vs can be determined by subtracting the volume of
    the mobile phase from the total volume inside the
  • 3. Retention volume, VR
  • The retention volume VR of each analyte
    represents the volume of mobile phase necessary
    to cause its migration throughout the column.
  • On the chromatogram, the retention volume
    corresponds to the volume of mobile phase that
    has passed through the column from the time of
    injection to the peak maximum.
  • VR tR x F

Retention factor k (historically called capacity
factor, K)
  • When a compound is injected onto a column, its
    total mass mT is divided in two quantities
  • mM, the mass in the mobile phase and ms, the mass
    in the stationary phase.
  • The values of these quantities are dependent on
    MT and K but their ratio, the retention factor,
    is constant
  • The factor k, which is independent of the flow
    rate and length of
  • the column, can vary with experimental
  • k is the most important parameter in
    chromatography for
  • determining the behavior of columns.
  • The value of k should not be too high
    otherwise the time of
  • analysis is unduly elongated.

Experimental determination of the retention
factor, k
  • The mobile phase progressively transports the
    analyte towards the end of the column
  • It is assumed that the ratio of the retention
    volume VR to the dead volume VM is identical to
    the ratio which exists between the total mass of
    the compound and the mass dissolved in the dead
    volume. Consequently

  • Using the equations VM tM x F
  • and VR tR
    x F
  • Then,
  • tR tM ( 1 k)
  • Therefore, the value of k is accessible from the
    chromatogram and can be obtained using the
    following equation

Separation factor between two solutes
  • The separation factor, ?, allows the comparison
    of two adjacent solutes 1 and 2 present in the
    same chromatogram

Thus, the separation factor is given by the
Resolution factor between two peaks
  • To quantify the separation between two peaks, the
    resolution factor R is used and can be obtained
    from the chromatogram

The van Deemter equation in gas chromatography
  • When the characteristics of a separation were
    expressed previously, the speed of the mobile
    phase in the column did not appear.
  • However, the speed has to affect the progression
    of the solutes, hence their dispersion within the
    column, and must have an effect on the quality of
    the analysis.
  • These kinetic considerations are collected in a
    famous equation proposed by van Deemter.
  • The simplified form of this equation is given

Van Deemter Equation
  • The three experimental parameters A, B and C
  • related to column parameters and also to
  • conditions.
  • If H is expressed in cm, A will be expressed
    in cm, B in
  • cm cm2/s and C in s (where velocity is
    measured in
  • cm/s). The function is a hyperbolic function
    that goes
  • through a minimum (Hmin) when

  • Van Deemter plot for gas phase chromatography
  • showing domains for A, B and C.

  • Van Deemter equation which has been expanded to
    cover both gas and liquid chromqtography
  • The equation shows that there is an optimum flow
    rate for each separation and that this does
    indeed correspond to the minimum on the curve
    represented by equation
  • The loss in efficiency that occurs when the
    velocity is increased represents what occurs when
    trying to rush the chromatographic separation by
    increasing the flow rate of the mobile phase.
  • However, it is hard to predict the loss in
    efficiency that occurs when the flow is too slow.

Term A, packing term (Eddy diffusion)
  • The term A is related to the flow profile of the
    mobile phase as it traverses the stationary
  • The size of the stationary phase particles, their
    dimensional distribution, and the uniformity of
    the packing are responsible for a preferential
    path and add mainly to the improper exchange of
    solute between the two phases.
  • This phenomenon is the result of Eddy diffusion
    or turbulent diffusion, considered to be
    non-important in liquid chromatography or absent
    by definition in capillary columns, and WCOT
    (wall coated open tubular) in gas phase

Term B, diffusion coefficient in the mobile phase
  • The term B is related to the longitudinal
    molecular diffusion in the column.
  • It is especially important when the mobile phase
    is a gas.
  • This term is a consequence of entropy, telling us
    that a system will tend towards the maximum
    degrees of freedom as demonstrated by a drop of
    ink that diffuses after falling into a glass of
  • Hence, if the flow rate is too slow, compounds
    being separated will mix faster than they will
  • This is why one must never interrupt the
    separation process, even momentarily.

Term C, mass transfer coefficient
  • The coefficient C is related to the resistance to
    mass transfer between the two phases
  • It becomes important when the flow rate is too
    high for equilibrium to be obtained.
  • Local turbulence within the mobile phase and
    concentration gradients slow down the equilibrium
    process (Cs Cm).
  • The diffusion of solute between the phases is not
    instantaneous, hence the solute will be in a
    non-equilibrium process.

Optimization of a chromatographic analysis
  • Because analytical chromatography is used
    inherently in quantitative analysis, it becomes
    crucial to precisely measure the areas of the
  • Therefore, the substances to be determined must
    be well separated.
  • In order to achieve this, the analysis has to be
    optimized using all the resources of the
    instrumentation and, when possible, software that
    can simulate the results of temperature
    modifications, phases and other physical
  • This optimization process requires that the
    chromatographic process is well understood.
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