Introduction to chromatography tecniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to chromatography tecniques


Introduction to chromatography tecniques – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to chromatography tecniques

Instrumental Analysis I
Chem. 2051
Million M. 2016
Analytical separation techniques and classical
method of analysis
  • Definition of Analytical chemistry deals with
    the methods used to determine the chemical
    composition of a sample of matter.
  • Chemical composition is determined
  • qualitatively answers what is present? and
  • quantitatively answers how much each
    component is present?
  • Analytical methods of analysis
  • A. Classical(wet-chemical methods)
  • Separation of analytes - extraction,
    distillation, precipitation (precipitation),
    filtration (filtering), etc..
  • Qualitative Analysis - boiling point, freezing
    point, color, odor, density, reactivity,
    refractive index, etc..

  • 3. Quantitative Analysis - gravimetric and
    volumetric analysis
  • B. Instrumental Methods of Analysisexploit the
    physical properties of an analyte to obtain
    information, both qualitative and quantitative.
  • 1. Separation of analytes- Can be done in 2
    waysa. Physical separation -
    Chromatography - Electrophoresisb.
    Spectroscopic separation isolate the signal
    that appears in spectroscopy

  • 2. Qualitative Analysis
  • X-Ray Spectroscopy
  • Infrared Spectroscopy (IR)
  • mass spectroscopy (MS)
  • nuclear magnetic spectroscopy (NMR)
  • 3. Quantitative Analysis
  • UV-Vis Spectroscopy
  •  Atomic absorption emission spectroscopy
    (AAS and AES)
  • mass spectroscopy (MS)

Classifying Separation Techniques
General Theory of Separation Efficiency
  • The goal of an analytical separation is to remove
    either the analyte or the interferent from the
    sample matrix.
  • To achieve a separation there must be at least
    one significant difference between the chemical
    or physical properties of the analyte and
  • Here selectivity is also very important
  • A separations efficiency is influenced both by
    the failure to recover all the analyte and the
    failure to remove all the interferent.
  • We define the analytes recovery, RA, as

  • where CA is the concentration of analyte
    remaining after the separation,
  • and (CA)o is the
    analytes initial concentration.
  • A recovery of 1.00 means that none of the analyte
    is lost during the separation.
  • The recovery of the interferent, RI, is defined
    in the same manner
  • where CI is the concentration of interferent
    remaining after the separation, and
  • (CI)o is the interferents initial concentration.

  • The degree of separation is given by a separation
    factor, SI,A, which is the change in the ratio of
    interferent to analyte caused by the separation
  • In an ideal separation RA 1, RI 0, and SI,A
  • In general, the separation factor should be
    approximately 107 for the quantitative analysis
    of a trace analyte in the presence of a macro
  • and 103 when the analyte and interferent are
    present in approximately equal amounts.

Introduction to Chromatographic Separation
What is chromatography?
Historical background of chromatography
Mikhail Tswett invented chromatography in 1906
during his research on plant pigments. He used
the technique to separate various plant pigments
such as chlorophylls, xanthophylls and
Mikhail Tswett Russian Botanist (1872-1919)
Original Chromatography Experiment
End A series of colored bands is seen to form,
corresponding to the different pigments in the
original plant extract. These bands were later
determined to be chlorophylls, xanthophylls and
Start A glass column is filled with powdered
limestone (CaCO3).
An EtOH extract of leaf pigments is applied to
the top of the column. EtOH is used to flush
the pigments down the column.
  • Chromatography is a Greek word
  • chroma meanscolor and graphein is writing
    color writing
  • Tswett named this new technique chromatography
    based on the fact that it separated the
    components of a solution by color

Introduction to chromatographic separation
What is Chromatography? Chrom
atography is a technique for separating mixtures
into their components in order to analyze,
identify, purify, and/or quantify the mixture or
  • Analyze
  • Identify
  • Purify
  • Quantify

  • The separation of a mixture is by distribution of
    its components between a mobile and stationary
    phase over time
  • mobile phase solvent (gas or liquid that
    carries the components)
  • stationary phase column packing material (part
    of the apparatus that does not move with the
  • All methods of chromatography have a stationary
    phase and a moving, or mobile phase
  • Chromatography is used by scientists to
  • Analyze examine a mixture, its components, and
    their relations to one another
  • Identify determine the identity of a mixture
    or components
  • Purify separate components in order to isolate
    one of interest for further study
  • Quantify determine the amount of a mixture
    and/or the components present in the sample

Classification of Chromatographic Methods
  • Chromatography can be classified on the basis of
  • The shape of the solid support
  • The nature of the mobile phase
  • The mechanism responsible for separation
  • Three general categories of chromatography based
    on mobile phase
  • liquid chromatography,
  • gas chromatography, and
  • supercritical-fluid chromatography.
  • The mobile phases in the three techniques are
    liquids, gases, and supercritical fluids

Classifications based on the physical means by
which the mobile phase and the stationary phase
are brought in to contact ( based on the solid
support material)
  • Planar (two dimensional) Chromatography the
    stationary phase is supported on a flat plate or
    in the fibres of a paper.
  • Here the mobile phase moves through the
    stationary phase by capillary action or by
  • includes
  • Paper chromatography
  • Thin layer chromatography
  • Characteristics
  • Quick, easy, qualitative and
  • two dimensional chromatography is operated using
  • only as a mobile phase.

  • 2. Column chromatography is a chromatographic
    technique in which the stationary phase is packed
    (coated) in a glass /metal column.
  • Characteristics
  • Capable of resolving complex mixtures
  • Provides quantitative and qualitative analytical
  • All other chromatographs are categorized under
    column chromatography

N.B Only LC can be performed on planar and
column techniques
Classification according to the force of
separation (mechanism of separation)
  • 1- Adsorption chromatography
  • SP- solid MP- liquid or gaseous
  • Solute is adsorbed on the surface of the solid
    particles. The more strongly a solute is
    adsorbed, the slower it travels through the

2- Partition chromatography
  • A liquid stationary phase is bonded to a solid
    surface, which is typically the inside of the
    silica (SiO2) chromatography column in gas
  • Solute equilibrates between the stationary liquid
    and the mobile phase, which is a flowing gas in
    gas chromatography.

3- Ion exchange chromatography
  • SP ion exchange resin MB liquid
    containing the sample
  • Solute ions of the opposite charge are attracted
    to the stationary phase

4- Gel filtration(size exclusion) chromatography
  • SP Porous polymeric matrix formed of spongy
    particles, with pores completely filled with the
    liquid mobile phase (gel).
  • This technique separates molecules by size, with
    the larger solutes passing through most quickly.

No attractive interaction between the SP and the
  • 5- Affinity chromatography
  • most selective kind of chromatography employs
    specific interactions between one kind of solute
    molecule and a second molecule that is covalently
    attached (immobilized) to the stationary phase.
  • SP Support with immobilized ligand

When a mixture containing a thousand proteins is
passed through the column, only the one protein
that reacts with the antibody binds to the
column. After all other solutes have been washed
from the column, the desired protein is dislodged
by changing the pH or ionic strength.
How Does Chromatography Work?
  • In all chromatographic separations, the sample is
    transported in a mobile Phase
  • The mobile phase is then forced through a
    stationary phase (SP) held in a column or on a
    solid surface.
  • Therefore, separation of sample in to their
    components is based on the d/ce in the migration
  • Samples that interact greatly with SP, then
    appear to move more slowly.
  • Samples that interact weakly, then appear to move
    more quickly. Consequence separate bands, or
    zones are obtained (use full for qualitative and
    quantitative purpose)

Paper Chromatography(PC)
  • Principle
  • PC is a planar chromatography
  • The technique of PC consists of a sheet of
    cellulose filter paper which serves as a
    stationary phase or separation medium
  • A small amount of solute is placed in a small
    area near the end of strip
  • A solvent is allowed to move from the end of the
    paper by capillary action
  • and after equilibration for some fixed period,
    the solute migrates from its initial point of

  • The components of mixture are separated
    completely or partially in distinct coloured
  • The separation is also based on polarity
  • On PC the cellulose filter paper acts as polar
    since it contains hydroxyl groups and adsorbed
    water molecules
  • Therefore the non polar analyte move fast and the
    polar analyte move slow.
  • Mobile phase/solvent pure of solvent may be used
    but a mixture of solvents is preferred

Interpreting pc chromatogram
  • From the out put of the chromatogram
  • Identification can be carried out by running
    standards(known substance) on the same plate
    comparing and their Rf values
  • Checking of purity can be done by counting
    /observing on the number of spots developed
  • The Rf (retardation factor)value of the sample
    is given by
  • where, ds and dm are linear distances measured
    from the line of origin

  • By definition, Rf value cannot exceed 1.0.
  • Ideally, Rf values must be in the range of 0.1 to
    0.9 with a minimum separation of 0.05
  • The Rf values are influenced by the impurities in
    the paper and solvent, temperature , saturation
    of the atmosphere and development time

Criteria may be adopted for the choice of solvent
on PC
  • The solvent should not react chemically with any
    the components of the sample
  • The composition of solvent mixture should not
    change with time
  • The solvent should not interfere with the
    detection of spots
  • The distribution ratio should be independent of
    solute concentration

Techniques of development with various flow
Ascending development
Radial development
Descending development
Fast development
  • Example
  • In a paper chromatographic separation of cations-
    Ag, Pb and Hg, the solvent front rises to 18.4
    cm while cationic spots were observed at 15.8,
    12.1 and 5.9 cm, respectively. Calculate Rf
    values of the metal ions.
  • solution Rf value for Ag 15.8/18.4 0.86
  • Rf value for Pb 12.1/18.4
  • Rf value for Hg 5.9 /18.4

Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
  • Is a planar chromatography in which the SP is
    rigidly fixed on a flat supporting media.
  • Is a method used for separating mixtures,
    identifying substances and testing the purity of
  • Separations in TLC involve distributing a mixture
    of two or more substances between stationary
    phase and mobile phases

  • The stationary phase is a thin layer of
    adsorbent (usually silica gel or alumina or
    powdered cellulose) coated on a plate.
  • Some of the supporting mediums are calcium foil,
    plastic sheet and glass
  • The mobile phase is a developing liquid which
    travels up the stationary phase, carrying the
    samples with it.

  • Components of the samples will separate on the
    stationary phase according to how much they
    adsorb on the stationary phase versus how much
    they dissolve in the mobile phase.
  • Choice of solvents

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Identifying the Spots (visualization)
  • If the spots can be seen, outline them with a
  • If no spots are observed, the most common
    visualization technique is to hold the plate
    under a UV lamp.
  • Many organic compounds can be visualized by using
    this technique, and many commercially made plates
    often contain a substance which aids in the
    visualization of compounds.

Visualizing Agents
Interpreting the Data
  • The interpretation of TLC chromatogram is similar
    to PC
  • For identification the Rf values the
    known(standard substance ) is compared to those
    of unknown substances
  • For checking of the purity, observe on the
    number of spots developed
  • i.e. an impure sample will often develop as two
    or more spots, while a pure sample will show only
    one spot

  • Note Rf values often depend on the temperature
    and the solvent used in the TLC experiment.
  • Therefore the most effective way to identify
    unknown compound is to spot known substances
    authentic - next to unknown substances on the
    same plate.
  • some of the ways to carry out quantitative
    analysis using TLC
  • i) quantitative analysis can be carried out by
    constructing a calibration curves using the area
    of the sample spot and the area of standard with
    known concentration
  • ii) scrap, dissolve and use chemicals/physical
    method to determine the quantity

  • Generally in TLC there are two modes of
  • Ascending and Horizontal
  • Typical developing chambers used for (a)
    ascending and (b) horizontal thin layer
  • In the later case, the sample is placed on both
    the sides of the plate and developed towards the

Paper vs Thin Layer Chromatography
Paper Chromatography Thin-Layer Chromatography
Takes more time Faster and better separation
Little preparation Detects smaller amounts
Cellulose filter paper is act as SP. Sp. is an adsorbent martial coated on to a glass or metal/plastic sheets
Ascending, descending and circular modes are there Ascending and horizontal modes are there
Choice of SP. is limited A wide range of stationary phases are available
General Theory of Column Chromatography
  • In Column chromatography stationary phase is held
    in a narrow tube through which the mobile phase
    is forced under pressure or under the effect of
    gravity to pass through
  • This section focuses mainly on general theory
    which can be applied to any form of column
  • With appropriate modifications, this theory also
    can be applied to planar chromatography.

  • The sample is introduced at the top of the column
    as a narrow band
  • As the sample moves down the column the solutes
    begin to separate, and the individual solute
    bands begin to broaden and develop a Gaussian
  • If the strength of each solutes interaction with
    the stationary phase is sufficiently different,
    then the solutes separate into individual bands

  • This pic. Shows an example of a simple column

Elution on Column Chromatography
  • Elution involves washing a species through a
    column by continuous addition of fresh mobile
  • The sample is introduced at the head of a column,
    where upon the components of the sample
    distribute themselves between the two phases.
  • Introduction of additional mobile phase (the
    eluent) forces the solvent containing a part of
    the sample move down through the column

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  • The progress of a chromatographic separation is
    monitored with a suitable detector situated at
    the end of the column.
  • A plot of the detectors signal as a function of
    time or volume of eluted mobile phase is known as
    a chromatogram
  • and consists of a peak for each of the separated
    solute bands.
  • A chromatographic peak may be characterized in
    many ways, two of which are shown below

  • Retention Time/ Retention volume
  • The time it takes after sample injection for the
    analyte peak to reach the detector is called the
    retention time ( tR )
  • Or Retention volume The volume of mobile phase
    needed to move a solute from its point of
    injection to the detector (Vr).
  • The small peak in the left is for a species that
    is not retained by the column, often the sample
    or the mobile phase will contain unretained
  • The time or volume of mobile phase required to
    elute a non-retained components is called the
    columns void time, tM, or void volume or dead
    time /dead volume.

  • The time tM for the unretained species to reach
    the detector is called the dead time
  • The second important parameter is the
    chromatographic peaks width at the baseline, w.
  • Baseline width is measured in units of time or
    volume, depending on whether the retention time
    or retention volume is of interest

tM retention time of mobile phase (dead
time) tR retention time of analyte (solute) tS
time spent in stationary phase (adjusted
retention time or tr)
  • Migration rates of solutes
  • The effectiveness of a chromatographic column in
    separating two solutes depends in part upon the
    relative rates at which the two species are
  • The average linear rate of solute migration ? is
  • ? L/tR
  • where, L is the length of the column packing
  • The rate of migration of the unretained species
    is the same as the average rate of motion of the
    mobile phase molecules.
  • The average linear rate of movement u of the
    molecules of the mobile phase is
  • u L/tM Where tM, the dead time.
  • These rates are determined by the magnitude of
    the equilibrium constants (distribution constant)

  • Distribution Constants
  • The distribution equilibria involved in
    chromatography involve the transfer of an analyte
    between the mobile and stationary phases.
  • Amobile Astationary
  • The equilibrium constant K for this reaction is
    called the distribution constant, the partition
    ratio, or the partition coefficient,
  • K cS/cM
  • where cs is the molar concentration of the
    solute in the stationary phase and cM is its
    molar concentration in the mobile phase.
  • K is constant over a wide range of solute

  • The Rate of Solute Migration The Retention
  • The retention factor, or capacity factor (k ),
    is an important parameter to describe the
    migration rates of solutes on columns.
  • is measure of how strongly a solute is retained
    by the stationary phase
  • For a solute A, the retention factor kA or
    capacity factor is defined as
  • kA KAVS/VM where KA is the distribution
    constant for the species A.
  • kA (tRA - tM )/tM tR and tM are readily
    obtained from a chromatogram.
  • where tr is known as the adjusted retention
  • When the retention factor for a solute is lt 1,
    elution occurs so rapidly that accurate
    determination of the retention times is

  • When the retention factor is larger gt 20, elution
    times become inordinately long.
  • Ideally, separations are performed under
    conditions in which the retention factors for the
    solutes in a mixture lie in the range between 1
    and 5.
  • Example In a chromatographic analysis of
    low-molecular-weight acids, butyric acid elutes
    with a retention time of 7.63 min. The columns
    void time is 0.31 min. Calculate the capacity
    factor for butyric acid
  • Solution

  • Relative Migration Rates The selectivity
  • The selectivity factor (separation factor) ? of a
    column for the two species A and B is defined as
  • ? KB/KA
  • where KB is the distribution constant for the
    more strongly retained species B and KA is the
    distribution constant for species A. ? is always
    greater than unity.
  • A relationship between the selectivity factor
    and retention factors
  • ? kB/kA
  • Where kB and kA are the retention
    factors/capacity factors. An expression for the
    determination of ? from an experimental

  • In the same chromatographic analysis for
    low-molecular-weight acids considered in the
    above example the retention time for isobutyric
    acid is 5.98 min. What is the selectivity factor
    for isobutyric acid and butyric acid?
  • Solution First we must calculate the capacity
    factor /retention factor for isobutyric acid
  • And from the above example
  • The selectivity factor, therefore is

  • Column efficiency
  • The plate and rate theories of chromatography
  • Plate theory
  • A chromatographic column is made up of numerous
    discrete but contiguous narrow layers called
    theoretical plates.
  • At each plate, equilibration of the solute
    between the mobile and stationary phase was
    assumed to take place
  • Movement of the solute down the column was then
    treated as a stepwise transfer of equilibrated
    mobile phase from one plate to the next.

Chromatographic column with N theoretical plates
  • Plate height (H) height equivalent of a
    theoretical plate (HETP)
  • 2. Plate count (N)/plate number
  • The two are related by the equation
  • N L/H
  • where L is the length (usually in centimeters)
    of the column packing
  • These two related terms are widely used as
    quantitative measures of chromatographic column
  • Columns efficiency improves with an increase in
    the number of theoretical plates or a decrease in
    the height of a theoretical plate.
  • Limitation of plate theory doesnt describe
    /explain the effect of variables that affect band
  • Band broadening The increase in a solutes
    baseline width as it moves from the point of
    injection to the detector.

L length of column packing
s ? standard deviation s2/L? variance per unit
Relation between column distance and retention
Relation between column distance and retention
96 ? 2?
Tangent at Inflection point
Determining the Number of Theoretical Plates
  • A chromatographic analysis for the chlorinated
    pesticide Dieldrin gives a peak with a retention
    time of 8.68 min and a baseline width of 0.29
    min. How many theoretical plates are involved in
    this separation? Given that the column used in
    this analysis is 2.0 meters long, what is the
    height of a theoretical plate?
  • Solution

Peak Capacity
  • Is the maximum number of solutes that can be
    resolved on a particular column (nc)
  • where Vmin and Vmax are the smallest and largest
    volumes of mobile phase in which a solute can be
    eluted and detected.
  • A column with 10,000 theoretical plates, for
    example, can resolve no more than
  • i.e. if the minimum and maximum volumes of mobile
    phase in which the solutes can elute are 1 mL and
    30 mL
  • This estimate provides an upper bound on the
    number of solutes that might be separated and may
    help to exclude from consideration columns that
    do not have enough theoretical plates to separate
    a complex mixture.

  • Example In a 25.0 cm long column, the solvent
    took 2.35min. to run through whereas two
    compounds X and Y took 9.87min and 10.63min with
    peak half width 45.6sec. and 53.4 sec.,
  • Calculate
  • a) Capacity factor for X and Y.
  • b) Separation factor .
  • c) Average number of plates and plate
  • d) Resolution.

  • Solution

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  • Rate theory of chromatography
  • Gives an explanation for the factors that affect
    band/ zone broadening
  • The magnitude of kinetic effects on column
    efficiency depends upon the length of time the
    mobile phase is in contact with the stationary
    phase, which in turn depends upon the flow rate
    of the mobile phase.
  • Efficiency studies have generally been carried
    out by determining H as a function of
    mobile-phase velocity u.

  • Relationship between Plate Height and Column
    Variables (Effects of 3 factors on H)
  • The van Deemter equation can be written in the
  • H A B/u Cu
  • A B/u (Cs CM)u
  • where H is the plate height in centimeters, u is
    the linear velocity of the mobile phase in
    centimeters per second,
  • And the quantities A, B, and C are coefficients
    related to the phenomena of multiple flow paths,
    longitudinal diffusion, and mass transfer between
    phases, respectively.

  • The C coefficient can be broken into two
    coefficients, one related to the stationary phase
    (Cs) and one related to the mobile phase (CM).
  • The van Deemter equation contains terms linearly
    and inversely proportional to, as well as
    independent of the mobile phase velocity.

  • A. The Multipath Term(A) ( Eddy Diffusion)
  • Zone broadening arises in part from the multiple
    of pathways
  • Solute molecules passing through a
    chromatographic column travel separate paths that
    may differ in length.
  • Because of these differences in path length,
    solute molecules injected simultaneously elute at
    different times.
  • The principal factor contributing to this
    variation in path length is
  • a nonhomogeneous packing of the stationary phase
    in the column and
  • differences in particle size and packing
    consistency cause solute molecules to travel
    paths of different length

Multiple Pathways
  • The Eddy Diffusion is
  • Directly proportional to the diameters of packing
  • Not significant at low velocities
  • where ordinary diffusion
  • effectively averages effects of
  • eddy diffusion
  • In unpacked (capillary)
    columns, A is zero.
  • Some solute molecules follow relatively straight
    paths through the column, but others follow a
    longer, more tortuous (full of twists and

  • A will depend on irregularity of packing and
    diameter of the particles, i.e.

  • The Longitudinal Diffusion Term (B/u)
  • Longitudinal diffusion in column chromatography
    is a band broadening process in which solutes
    diffuse from the concentrated center of a zone to
    the more dilute regions ahead of and behind the
    zone center.
  • The contribution of longitudinal diffusion is to
    be inversely proportional to the mobile phase
  • B is directly proportional to the solute
    diffusion coefficient in the mobile phase, DM.
  • The higher the u, the smaller the H
  • Longitudinal diffusion is much smaller in LC than
    in GC

  • This

  • Mass-transfer Coefficients (Cs and CM)
  • The need for the two mass-transfer coefficients
    Cs and CM arises because the equilibrium between
    the mobile and the stationary phase is
    established so slowly that a chromatographic
    column always operates under nonequilibrium
  • The mass-transfer effect on H is directly
    proportional to u because
  • the solute residence time is longer at low u, the
    deviation from equilibrium is less, and zone
    broadening or H is smaller
  • (Reading assignments about the details of
    mass-transfer coefficients)

Longitude vs. Mass Transfer
  • Both longitudinal broadening and mass transfer
    broadening depend upon the velocity of the
    carrier gas
  • Longitudinal diffusion
  • the direction of movement of solute molecules
    tend to be parallel to the flow of the gas(mp)
  • Mass Transfer
  • Diffusion tends to be right angles to the flow
  • The faster the mobile phase moves, the larger the
    band broadening

Van Deemter plot and zone broadening
  • From the van Deemter plot depicting the effect of
    carrier gas velocity on the factors affecting the
    plate height,
  • it is clear that A is not affected, B decreases
  • C increases with the carrier gas velocity. The
    combined effect on the
  • plate height gives a minimum at a certain value
    of carrier gas velocity. The velocity at which
    HETP (H)min is obtained is known as optimum
    carrier gas velocity (Uopt.).
  • This is known as van Deemter plot

  • Methods for Reducing Zone Broadening
  • Two important controllable variables that affect
    column efficiency are the diameter of the
    particles making up the packing and the diameter
    of the column. Therefore
  • This the column diameter should be narrow.
  • The column should be packed with smaller
    particles. The packing should be compact.
  • The thickness of the liquid layer in the column
    should be minimized

  • With gaseous mobile phases, the rate of
    longitudinal diffusion can be reduced appreciable
    by lowering the temperature and thus the
    diffusion coefficient DM.
  • The consequence is significantly smaller plate
    heights at low temperatures
  • And for gas mobile phase using high molecular
    weight of carrier gases

  • Column Resolution
  • The resolution Rs of a column is a measure of its
    ability to separate two analytes. Column
    resolution is defines as
  • It is evident from the fig. below that a
    resolution of 1.5 gives an essentially complete
    separation of the two components, whereas a
    resolution of 0.75 does not.
  • At a resolution of 1.0, zone A contains about 4
    B and zone B contains a similar amount of A.
  • At a resolution for 1.5, the overlap is about
    0.3 and is enough for quantitative analysis
  • The resolution for a given stationary phase can
    be improved by lengthening the column, thus
    increasing the number of plates.

(No Transcript)
  • In a chromatographic analysis of lemon oil a peak
    for limonene has a retention time of 8.36 min
    with a baseline width of 0.96 min. g-Terpinene
    elutes at 9.54 min, with a baseline width of 0.64
    min. What is the resolution between the two
  • Solution

  • Optimizing Chromatographic Separations
  • Relationship between the resolution of a column
    and the retention factors kA and kB for two
    solutes, the selectivity factor , and the number
    of plates
  • Since we are only interested in the resolution
    between solutes eluting with similar retention
    times, it is safe to assume that the peak widths
    for the two solutes are approximately the same
  • After some rearranging of the previous equations
    the resolution between the chromatographic peaks
    for solutes A and B is given by
  • where kB is the retention factor of the
    slower-moving species

  • The above equation can be rearranged to give the
    number of plates needed to realize a given
  • The time (tR)B required to elute the two species
    in with a resolution of Rs is given by
  • where u is the linear velocity of the mobile

  • To improve resolution
  • increase N
  • increase ?
  • 2 lt k lt 5 is best (for complex mixtures, 1 lt k
    lt 20)
  • See the following table to observe their relation
  • Reading Assignments
  • Using the Capacity Factor to Optimize Resolution
  • Using Column Selectivity to Optimize Resolution
  • Using Column Efficiency to Optimize Resolution

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  • Example
  • Substances A and B have retention times of 16.40
    and 17.63 min, respectively, on a 30.0-cm column.
    An unretained species passes through the column
    in 1.30 min. The peak widths (at base) for A and
    B are 1.11 and 1.21 min, respectively.
  • Calculate (a) the column resolution, (b) the
    average number of plates in the column, (c) the
    plate height, (d) the length of column required
    to achieve a resolution of 1.5, and (e) the time
    required to elute substance B on the column that
    gives an Rs value of 1.5.

  • Example a)
  • b)

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  • Chromatography has grown to be the premiere
    method for separating closely related chemical
  • In addition, it can be employed for qualitative
    identification and quantitative determination of
    separated species.

  • Qualitative Analysis
  • A chromatogram provides only a single piece of
    qualitative information about each species in a
    sample, namely, its retention time.
  • It is a widely used tool for recognizing the
    presence or absence of components of mixtures
    containing a limited number of possible species
    whose identities are known.
  • Positive spectroscopic identification would be
    impossible without a preliminary chromatographic
    separation on a complex sample.

  • Quantitative Analysis
  • Chromatography can provide useful quantitative
    information about the separated species.
  • In a quantitative analysis, the height or area of
    an analytes chromatographic peak is used to
    determine its concentration
  • Most modern chromatographic instruments are
    equipped with digital electronic integrators that
    permit precise estimation of peak areas.
  • If such equipment is not available, manual
    estimate must be made.
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