Title: The Intellipedians: The social software movement within the
1The Intellipedians The social software movement
within the US Intelligence Community Chris
Rasmussen Knowledge Management with social
software Intellipedia, tagconnect, blogs,
mashups, etc. Summarized in Federal Computer
2Information Stocks and Flows
- Remember list servers?
- When you only know how to use a hammer all
problems are a nail - Kicking the email and PowerPoint addiction
(point-to-point communications) - Email is So Five Minutes Ago Business Week,
November 2005 - Just say stop out loud!
3Edit Before/After Publish
- Edit before publish systems
- Most production systems model a paper-based world
- Edit after publish systems
- Something thats 80 accurate, on time, and
sharable is better than something that is too
much, perfectly formatted, too late, and
4Knowledge Management is not IT
- IT is the plumbing
- Wikis, social bookmarks, blogs (generate,
categorize, and integrate the data externally) - to manage the noise internally but
external tool are preferable - hybrid services - RSS notification
- Intelink RSS search output (short index time)
5Issue Dominance, Agency Transparency
- Why Web 2.0 tools do not belong in the footprint
of an agency (DTO ICES) - No one person or organization owns ANY iPed page
(Trogdor) - How to limit corporate brand, ownership behavior
and the circulation and/or replication of
finished intelligence - 50,000 reports per year many lengthy and
redundant - We want your knowledge not your agency seal
6Information Access, Synchronization
- How to integrate legacy product into iPed (use
ltrssgt sparingly) - How to integrate time-dominant and one-off
production into iPed (use ltrssgt sparingly) - Ever get an MRI at the Mall? There is no such
thing as one-stop shopping - Dont think in terms of Web 1.0
- The old Web was about website, clicks, and hits.
The new web is about communities, participation,
and peering Tapscott Williams, Wikinomics
7How to keep track of changes and issues
- our customer is _____ (fill in the agency) - name
10 people? - Watch this page and my watch list
- What links here
- Get to know the people speaking your tag language
- Tag and NGA product idea did not come from
NGA - Many blog about iPed updates, projects, and ideas
- Intelink Instant Messaging (groups)
- Organizational, issue, discipline, and language
templates group people together - Infobox IC Resource Catalog
8(No Transcript)
9Tracking templates and contribution portals help
gauge knowledge contributions vs. counting the
number of reports (publish or perish
metrics) Everything does not have to be an
essay Moving beyond office pages Swarm on the
issue not the office page
10Please feel free to add yourself to this tracker
11This is for everyone
- Leadership gap
- What is the J-curve?
- Training, training, and more training
- Turn the evangelists into trainers
- NGA Social Software 101 CIA Intellipedia
Sabbatical - Youre either green and growin or dead and
dying - Posters, handbills, grassroots, gimmicks (iPed
shovel) and decrees - Write social software contributions into
performance plans
13Questions 202-284-5349 nssckras_at_yahoo.com Christ
ian.k.Rasmussen_at_nga.mil All press inquires must
be cleared through NGA Public Affairs This is
not a hassle and is not censorship Federal
Computer Week Wired Magazine New York
Times Press-Enterprise