Title: Media Literacy
1Media Literacy
2End products for curricular units
- Think about the end products you use for a
language arts or social studies unit. - Lets brainstorm a list of products.
3What do our students do when they go home?
How does that correlate to their school day?
4Strategies for Media Education
- All media messages are constructed. (made by
someone) - Media messages are constructed using a creative
language with its own rules. - Different people experience the same media
message differently. - Media are primarily businesses driven by a profit
motive. - Media have embedded values and points of view.
(bias) - Adapted from Toman, Elizabeth.http//www.mediali
5The principles of media literacy
- Who?
- Says what?
- To Whom?
- In what way?
- With what effect?
- Why?
6Visual Devices
- Posture
- (body language gestures,facial expression,
posture) - Point of view
- (camera angle)
- Position
- (location of a person or object in a picture)
- Prop
- (a physical object used as a symbol)
7Point of view(camera angle)
- Whats happening in this picture?
- How does the camera angle affect this image?
8Inform Entertain Persuade
9Endangered Ecosystems
Inform, Persuade or entertain?
10Inform, persuade or entertain?
11Inform, persuade or entertain?
13Body chopping
This is Martha Stewarts head but not her body.
A model was used for the body and the photo was
digitally altered.
14What is product placement?
- PRODUCT PLACEMENT is the process which
integrates an advertiser's product into movies
and TV shows for clear, on-screen visibility. It
is part of the rapidly expanding entertainment
industry reaching millions of people daily
through movies, television, and video. (SourceÂ
MMI Product Placement)With the advent of new
technologies, which allow home TV viewers, to zap
(erase) commercials, advertisers have invented
new ways of integrating their product into the
plot of programs.Product placement is a big
business. Although it is rumored that product
placement began in 1982 with Reese's Pieces in
E.T., the truth is that it had been a growing
practice decades before. The film ET with all its
product placements, almost 2 dozen different
brands in all, helped bring awareness and
discussion of the practice to the public. There
are many companies whose sole responsibility it
is to link products with TV and films.
15Product Placement
- What product do you notice?
- This product was not in the original show. It was
digitally placed for reruns.
16Product placement
- What product could ET phone home about?
Lets brainstorm
17Product placement
18Celebrity Endorsements
19Virtual ads
- This is what people see in the ballpark
- This is what people see on TV
Whats the difference?
20Emotional Advertising
- Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is
associated with energy, war, danger, strength,
power, determination as well as passion, desire,
and love.
22 Â Â Orange
- Orange combines the energy of red and the
happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy,
sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents
enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity,
determination, attraction, success,
encouragement, and stimulation.
- Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated
with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
24Â Â Green
- Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes
growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green
has strong emotional correspondence with safety.
Dark green is also commonly associated with money.
25 Â Â Blue
- Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often
associated with depth and stability. It
symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence,
intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
- Â Â
- Purple combines the stability of blue and the
energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty.
It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and
ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance.
Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity,
independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.
27 Â Â White
- White is associated with light, goodness,
innocence, purity, and virginity. It is
considered to be the color of perfection.
28 Â Â Black
- Black is associated with power, elegance,
formality, death, evil, and mystery.
29Digital Enhancement
These are changes that the photographer must make
graphically (on the computer) before the photo is
used on a magazine cover
30Humor in Advertising
31What is this an ad for?
This is an ad that looks like another form of
media. It looks like a movie poster.
32Ducks in Boone
33Advertising from the 1950s