Title: Astronaut Catcher - Physics Space Game for Kindle
1Astronaut Catcher - Physics Spaace Game for
Email mary_at_rvappstudios.com
Publisher RV AppStudios
Summary Description Astronaut Catcher is an extremely fun physics based space game for adults kids!Astronaut Catcher requires lots of skill and planning to master all the levels. All you have to do is tap to create whirlpool suck the astronauts in before the whirlpool closes. However, you can suck in only same colored astronauts so be careful!
Size (MB) 7.5MB
Version 1.0
Itunes Genre/Category Games
App/Game (URL) http//www.amazon.com/RV-AppStudios-Astronaut-Catcher/dp/B00BUQJUAE
Price Free
2Language English
Release Date 18/03/2013
Full Description Play the coolest astronaut game on this side of the space galaxy. Astronaut Catcher is an extremely fun physics based space game for adults kids! Astronaut Catcher requires lots of skill and planning to master all the levels. All you have to do is tap to create whirlpool suck the astronauts in before the whirlpool closes. However, you can suck in only same colored astronauts so be careful! Use your wit and skills to lead you through all the levels. The main objective of the game is to suck in similar color astronauts into the whirlpool, however, you will have a target and time limit so you have to be quick! Just be careful not to suck in different colored astronauts into your whirlpool. The game is fully packed with colorful astronauts, coins, goals, difficult levels and power-ups! The game includes lots of boosts and power to help you along the way so collect the coins while you collect the astronauts. Be the ultimate astronaut hero by skillfully collecting coins and completing all the levels! 3 Extremely Fun Game Modes To Play - Classic (Most Popular) - Zen - Time
3Full Discreption FEATURES - Controlled reaction system - Eye-catching planetary visuals - Colorful graphics - Interesting sounds - Share scores through Facebook, Twitter or Email!
Screen Shorts