Title: From Gothic to Renaissance : The Fourteenth Century in Italy
1From Gothic to Renaissance The Fourteenth
Century in Italy
- Chapter 19
- Gardners 11th edition
- Economic advantages
- Trade
- Capitalism
- Industrial production
- Catholic Church
- Political situation
- Somewhat unstable
- Some were despotic
- Republics tended to be oligarchies
3Disruption and Change
- The Black Death
- Stimulated religious bequests
- Encouraged commissioning of devotional images
- Increasing hospital construction
- The Great Schism
- Religious questioning began
- A Code of Civil Conduct
- Self-sacrificing service to state
- Participation in government
- Defense of state institutions especially justice
- A Theory of Education
- Study the classics
- Study great people
- A scholarly discipline
- Petrarch and Boccoccio
5Italian Art
- Influenced by Byzantine style art
- Wall painting and painting on wood panels becomes
popular - Altarpieces - on main alters and secondary altars
in cathedrals, in parish churches and private
chapels - Italo-Byzantine style, maniera greca shown in St.
Francis Altarpiece by Berlinghieri
6St. Francis Altarpiece - 1235by Bonaventura
7Pulpit of the Pisa Cathedral baptistery Nicola
Pisano1259 -1260
8The Annunciation and the Nativity Nicola Pisano
9The Annunciation and the Nativity Giovanni Pisano
10Nicola vs. Giovanni
- Nicola Pisano
- Shows much classical influence
- Deeply cut
- Full-bodied
- Heavy, placid, faces
- Calm, static figures
- Focus is on Mary
- Giovanni Pisano
- Arranged loosely and dynamically
- Activeness emphasized by space
- Mary shrinks from Gabriel with alarm and humility
- People seem nervous, emotional
11Seated Apostles from the Last Judgment - Pierre
12Leading towards the Renaissance
- Two very important changes in sculpture and art
- A new contact with classical antiques
- A new adaptation to Gothic naturalism
- Independent
- Severed bonds with the church, kings, and feudal
lords - A champion of the genius of the Roman republic
- Saw itself as a defender off popular liberty
14Siena vs. Florence
- Two important schools of Italian Gothic painting
emerge - The rivalry that already existed is continued
through art - Sienas foremost painter is Duccio Buoninsegna
- Florences foremost painter is Giotto di Bondone
15Painting in Florence
16Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets
17Giotto di Bondone
- Considered Father of Western pictorial art
- Synthesized various styles but his true teacher
was nature - the world of visible things - Returned to naturalistic approach of the ancients
- Visual world must be observed to be understood
analyzed - Giotto reveals nature in the process of observing
18Madonna EnthronedGiotto di Bondone1310
19Arena Chapel - Padua Giotto 1305-6
- Intended for private use of Scrovegni family
- 38 scenes - Life of Christ and the Virgin
- Lives of Virgin and parents (top)
- Life and mission of Christ (middle)
- Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection (bottom)
- Vices and Virtues (base)
- Grisaille
20The Last JudgmentGiotto 1305-6
- Ceiling is blue with gold stars and medallions
bearing the images of Christ, Mary, and various
prophets - Blue in background of panels ties it together
- Complex narrative
- Great use of color
- Conveys a sense of depth
21The Lamentation Giotto 1305-6
22The Meeting of Joachim and Anna Giotto - 1305
- Dramatic narrative used by Franciscans to educate
the faithful - He created a dramatic narrative and holy lesson
that was a truthful demonstration of human
24Death of St. Francis - Santa Croce Giotto - 1320
25Meeting of Joachim and Anna Taddeo Gaddi - 1338
26Cappella Baroncelli, Santa CroceTaddeo
27Florence Cathedral Arnolfo di Cambio and others
begun 1296
28Florence Cathedral Arnolfo di Cambio and others
begun 1296
29Nave of Florence Cathedral begun 1296
30Nave of Santa Maria Novella 1246-1470
31Or San Michele tabernacleAndrea Orcagna begun
1349Madonna and Child with Saints Bernado Daddi
32Madonna and Child with SaintsBernardo Daddi
33Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saintsfrom the
Maesta altarpieceDuccio di Buoninsegna
34Features of the Maesta Altarpiece
- Byzantine
- Formality
- Symmetry
- Figures
- Facial types
- Northern Gothic
- Figures turned to converse with each other
- Body outlines are softened
- Drapery is softer
- 4 saints in front especially not stiff
35Back of La Maesta
36Betrayal of Jesus Duccio di Buoninsegna 1309-1344
37Annunciation Simone Martini - 1333
38Hail, favored one. The Lord is with you.
- Gabriel holding olive branch and scepter
- Emblems of triumph and peace
- Marys throne-like seat
- Allusion to future as Queen of Heavens
- Vase with white lilies
- Symbol of purity
40Martinis style
- Marys face is Byzantine style
- Elegance of body and clothing are Italian Gothic
- Martini went to France - became head of papal
court at Avignon - Sienese and French Gothic develops into
International Gothic at turn of century
41The Birth of the Virgin Pietro Lorenzetti - 1342
42Palazzo Pubblico 1288-1309
43Ambrogio LorenzettiPeaceful City 1338-1339
44Peaceful Country Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1338-1339