Title: Answering Services Companies
1Answering Services
- Who needs answering services and do they make
sense to outsource during the present day for
your wallet?
2Answering Services are a necessary function for
MOST businesses and professionals during the
present day.
3An answering service can be aptly compared to a
Contact Center because it keeps a point of
contact open.
4Without Answering Services, many professionals
would disenfranchise their clients.
5Who Needs Answering Services?
6 -Legal professionals-Medical
professionals-Business owners/CEOs-Entrepreneurs
7The biggest factor for most people is the COST of
answering services but you can reduce this cost
without compromising quality.
8How to reduce the COST of answering services?
9Outsourcing Your Answering Service can Make
Sense but why?
10-A trusted outsourcing partner can handle your
Answering Service.-Dedicated reps field calls
and take messages, affording you constant
contact.-Reliable software and tools ensures
accuracy.-Expertly trained personnel deliver
your message to you or your inbox. -No important
phone call goes unanswered when you are not in
the office.
11Why Choose InSO for your Answering Services
12-10 years of excellence-Hybrid billing
plans-Dedicated reps-Affordable outsourcing
service-State of the art technology-200
campaigns served to-date
13We invite you to call us today toll free to
discuss how we can meet your Answering Services
needs at (800) 788-8299.Or Visit