Title: Loyalty in Financial Services - UK - September 2012
1Loyalty in Financial Services - UK - September
- Bharat Book Bureauwww.bharatbook.com
- Some questions answered in the 'Loyalty in
Financial Services' report include - Who is most likely to have switched accounts?
- How cynical are people about banks claims to
reward loyal customers? - Do people think that loyalty has a non-financial
payoff? - How can financial services firms sidestep the
price wars? - How can banks give people an excuse to stay put?
- In the financial services industry, loyalty is a
huge issue. Motor insurance has long struggled to
cope with the growing commoditisation of the
product, and the expansion of price comparison
sites has exacerbated the problem. Other general
insurance markets are following suit. A sizeable
group of consumers are taking a similar approach
to savings products, particularly in the cash ISA
market. They keep careful tabs on the best-buy
tables and the price comparison sites, and show
little hesitation in changing accounts if they
can get a better deal elsewhere.
3Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- Financial services in context Financial services
firms are seen as being particularly bad at
rewarding loyal customers - Figure 1 Consumer perceptions of how well
different industries reward their loyal
customers, May 2012 - Some variation across bank brands Nine in ten
belong to at least one kind of loyalty scheme - Figure 2 Loyalty scheme membership, May 2012
- Financial account switching A third of people
have stuck with their main bank for more than 20
years - Figure 3 Account switching in financial
services, May 2012 - Frequency of switching is highest in the motor
insurance market - Figure 4 Financial account switching, May 2012
- Reasons for switching accounts Price is the
biggest reason for switching in all but the
current account market
4For more information
- Kindly click on
- http//www.bharatbook.com/market-research-repor
cial-services-uk-september-2012.html - Or visit
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