Title: Department of the Navy Equal Employment Opportunity Program
1Department of the NavyEqual Employment
Opportunity Program
- Judy Scott, Program Director
- Office of EEO and Diversity Management
- Program Mission
- Program Structure/Roles
- Program Goals
- Status
- Challenges
- Ongoing Initiatives
329 CFR 1614.101
- It is the policy of the Government of the United
States to - Provide equal opportunity in employment for all
persons - To prohibit discrimination in employment because
of race, color, religion, sex, national origin,
age or handicap and - To promote the full realization of equal
employment opportunity through a continuing
affirmative program in each agency.
4EEO Program Mission
- To provide the infrastructure to achieve a
discrimination free work environment - Characterized by
- Atmosphere of inclusion
- Free and open competition for employment
5EEOC Management Directive 715
- Essential elements of a model program
- Demonstrated commitment from agency leadership
- Integration of EEO into the agencys strategic
mission - Management and program accountability
- Proactive prevention of unlawful discrimination
- Efficiency and
- Responsiveness and legal compliance.
6ASN (MRA) Responsibilities
- EEO Director
- Policy and program development and implementation
- Reporting to EEOC
- Annual EEO Program Status Report (MD 715)
- Annual Federal EEO Statistical Report of
Discrimination Complaints (EEOC Form 462) - Addressing DON findings of discrimination
7EEO Program Responsibilities
- DON Office of EEO and Diversity Management
- Develop and implement DON policy
- Provide direction and guidance to major commands
- Ensure accountability
- Major Commands
- CO is EEO Officer Command Deputy EEO Officer
- Implement DON policy
- Provide direction/guidance to subordinate
activities - Ensure accountability
- Servicing EEO Offices
- Provide advice, guidance, operational services to
customers - Leadership/managers/supervisors
- Ensure equality of opportunity for all
employees/applicants - Provide an inclusive work environment
- Review employment practices, policies and
procedures for potential barriers to equality of
8Office of EEO and Diversity Management
Program Director Judy Scott
Deputy Program Director Jamie Kajouras
EEO Assistants Donna Ellenson Joyce Moore
EEO Programs Branch
Naval Office of EEO Complaints Management
Adjudication Camellia Curtis, team leader Sheryl
Clapp Robert Fabii Tyrone Harris
People with Disabilities Program Ed Castellon
Assessment Program/Workforce Analysis Arlene Black
Workforce Analysis Systems/Awards Sonya Long
Complaints Appeals Compliance/ Assessment
Workforce Analysis Judy Caniban
Complaints Policy/Systems (vacant)
9Office of EEO and Diversity Management
- Program Accountability/Alignment
- Assessment Program
- People with Disabilities Program
- Complaints Management
- HR Career Management Program - CDEEOO/DEEOO
positions - Policy Guidance/Direction
- Instructions/CHRMS
- Monthly CDEEOO meetings on-site sessions annual
conference - Training - Process, technology, content
- DON Tools (Systems)
- iComplaints complaints management
- eVersity MD 715/data tables
- Reasonable accommodations tracker
10FY 2009 Program Successes
- New DON policies focus on program alignment
- Major Command scorecards
- Validation visits
- New DON Disabilities Program Manager
- EEOC Assistance Visit (June 2009)
- DON 1 in issuance of final agency decisions
- DoD 2009 award - Best Affirmative Action Program
for People with Disabilities Military Component - Technical competence training deployed
- New/enhanced automated tools
- Improved pre-complaint processing timeliness
11DON Goals
- Ensure equality of opportunity which will yield a
civilian workforce that is reflective of the
Nations available talent pool (RCLF) - An aligned DON Program
- 2 employment rate of people with targeted
disabilities - Deafness, blindness, missing limb, paralysis,
convulsive disorder, mental retardation/illness,
distortion of limb/spine
12FY 2010 Objectives
- Barrier analysis Participation rates in high
grades - Command Hispanic Employment Program
- People with Disabilities Program
- Technical competency
- In-depth barrier analysis
- including supervisors/managers in barrier
analysis efforts - Processing formal complaints
13 Civilian Workforce (9/30/09)
Male Female
National Civilian Labor Force (NCLF)
14Low Participation Rates in Major Occupations
15 Grades/Pay Bands
- Analysis complicated by multiple pay systems,
each with unique differences - Lowest participation rates in high grades/pay
band levels - Hispanic males/females
- Black males/females
- Asian males/females
- Native Hawaiian males/females
- Asian males/females have high DON rate and good
pipeline in next lower levels, yet not in high
16Senior Executive Service 2009
Relevant Civilian Labor Force (DON GS 14/15 or
equivalent population)
Male Female
17 Targeted Disabilities FY 2009
EEOC/DoD 2 Goal
DON Total 0.70?
Change from FY2008
18Assessment Program
- Annual assessment
- DON report (DoD, EEOC, Congress)
- DON-specific templates
- Feedback to commands
- Program scorecards
- Validation visits 3-year cycle
- Ongoing workforce, barrier and trends analysis
- Coordination with Navy IG
- Human Capital Management collaboration
19Analysis of Complaint Activity FY 09
- Total DON Civilian Workforce 241,081
- Complaints Filed FY 09 643
- Individuals filing complaints 621
- Workforce filing complaints 0.24
- Pre-Complaint Resolution Rate 54.5
- Average age pending cases 344
- Average age of closed cases 322
Total workforce includes, Appropriated Fund,
Non-Appropriated and Civilian Mariners.
20Predominant Bases/Issues
- DON FY 08 Totals
- Bases
- Reprisal
- Race - Black
- Age
- Sex - Female
- Disability Physical
- Issues
- Non-sexual Harassment
- Promotion/Non-Selection
- Disciplinary Action
- Assignment of Duties
- Termination
- DON FY 09 Totals
- Bases
- Reprisal
- Age
- Race - Black
- Sex Female
- Disability Physical
- Issues
- Non-sexual Harassment
- Promotion/Non-Selection
- Disciplinary Action
- Termination
- Assignment of Duties
21FY Data Comparison
Total closed includes withdrawals,
settlements, SECNAV FADS, Dismissals, and AJ
Final Orders
22Timely Processing Metrics(As reported to
Congress by EEOC)
The EEOC annual report to congress measures
agencies on these four metrics
23FY Cost Comparison (Corrective Actions)
- Total number of complaints closed with monetary
corrective action in FY 09 - Pre-Complaint 32 (Total 144,891)
- Formal 176 (Total 2,109,437)
- The figures above represent monetary corrective
action for settlements as well as findings - of discrimination.
- There were 10 Findings of Discrimination in FY
09 AJ (3), SECNAV (7) - Total corrective actions paid for findings to
date - 226,030 - 6 findings still pending final determination of
monetary corrective actions
24Progress to Date
- Institutionalizing accountability
- EEO is becoming a thread in HR execution
- DON EEO Program is viewed as value-added
externally as well as internally - DON EEO Program has a better defined structure
- Detailed written guidance is available
- DON-specific training
- Automated tools
25Ongoing Initiatives
- Accountability
- Scorecards
- Validation visits
- Barrier Analysis
- Focus on the why behind the numbers
- People with Disabilities Program
- 2 participation rate
- Reasonable accommodation
- Developing skills and competencies
- Judy Scott
- judith.scott_at_navy.mil
- 202-685-6466