LIFESKILLS TRAINING - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Facilitators Guide
This Icon Represents helpful training Tips to use
This Icon Represents when to Say, Discuss,
Review or to Explain something.
This Icon Represents when to Show a Slide.
This Icon Represents when to use the Flip Chart.
This Icon Represents when there is to be a Group
This Icon Represents when to Ask Questions.
Ask Questions (in bold type)
This Icon Represents when to stress a Key
This Icon Represents when to Pass out/Refer to
Workshop Agenda
  • MODULE 1 Introduction Ice Breaker
  • (30 min.)
  • MODULE 2 Protective Family Factors
  • (45 min.)
  • Five Key Family Management Skills
  • MODULE 3 Why Do Kids Use?
  • (20 min.)
  • MODULE 4 What Do Kids Need?
  • (30 min.)
  • (15 min.)
  • Wrap-Up

Module 1
INTRODUCTION I am (Share something about
yourself with the parents) COURSE
OBJECTIVES This workshop is designed to give you
the knowledge and skills you need to help your
child make healthy choice and prevent your child
from using drugs.
Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 1
Course Description
  • In this workshop you will learn the basic issues
    related to adolescent drug abuse, such as the
    causes of drug use and how parents can help
    prevent their kids from using drugs and making
    other unhealthy choices.
  • You will learn
  • Protective Family Factors and Key Family
    Management Skills.
  • Key issues related to why kids use.
  • Key issues related to what kids need to develop
    the personal-management and social skills to
    make healthy decisions.

Say, Discuss, Explain
General Guidelines and Housekeekping
Module 1
  • As we progress through the workshop, please
  • Questions are allowed and encouraged for
  • The workshop is designed to be interactive and
    engaging. You will be asked to participate and
    contribute rather than to just sit back and
  • Please turn off all cell phones.
  • Point out logistics (Restrooms, etc.)
  • Breaks will be taken at logical intervals.
  • Parents will be asked to fill out an
    Evaluation Form at the end of the Workshop.

Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 1
Me At 12
Group Activity
Trainer asks each participant to think back to
their life at 12 and remember what it was like,
how they were feeling, how they felt about
themselves. Each person draws a picture that
describes them at age 12. Each person posts this
at the front of the room and introduces
themselves and shares their picture.
Say, Discuss, Explain
  • 1. Think of an object that symbolizes the way
  • You felt or saw yourself at about age 12.
  • 2. Think of one (1) word to describe the feeling
    related to this symbol.
  • 3. Introduce yourself
  • ? Your name
  • ? Your symbol
  • ? The feeling related to your symbol

Module 1
Discussion Point Process how we were all feeling
back then what are the similarities between us
and youth today? What are the developmental tasks
that all people this age go through? It is
important to know that where youth are
developmentally influences the decisions they
Key Points
In this workshop, we are going to be discussing
why and how youth make the choices they make, and
how parents can influence youth to make healthy
Module 2
Intro Life Skills training for youth focuses on
giving them the personal self-management and
social skills found to reduce the risk of drug
abuse. This parent workshop focuses on what the
reach calls Protective Family Factors. These are
skills you can use to decrease your childs risk
for drug abuse.
Say, Discuss, Explain
  • Protective Factors include
  • Five key family management skills
  • Effective Family Communication
  • Good Parental Monitoring
  • Being A Good Role Model
  • Using Appropriate and Consistent Discipline
  • Taking A Clear Stand Against Drug Use

Module 2
  • Effective Family Communication (15
  • You should make a point of talking to your
    children everyday. There should be time for
    family and one-on-one talks as well. It should
    be a part of your daily plan so conversations can
    happen regularly. Such as during a family meal
    or activities.
  • As your children reach middle school age, you
    may find that it becomes more difficult to talk
    to them. Between daily misunderstandings and
    disagreements, some parents may feel like just
    giving up on talking to them altogether. But
    this is the time when open and honest talks are
    more important than ever.
  • Things that get in the way of good communication
    are Communication Blockers. Being able to
    identify and address communication blockers can
    be a big help.

Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 2
Step 1 The Trainer breaks the parents into small
groups. Step 2 The Trainer ask the parents to
identify five (5) Communication Blockers.
EXAMPLES Pick 1 to brainstorm ways to address
it. (5 minutes) Step 3 Each group is to select
some one to be the recorder and reporter. Step
4 When the allotted time has elapsed, the
trainer asks each group to present their list of
BLOCKERS to the large group. After each
group has reported out the Trainer debriefs and
processes the activity with the total group by
reviewing the list of COMMUNICATION BLOCKERS and
identify the most common one from each list. As
a group identify other techniques/approaches to
eliminate communication blockers. Note For
small groups this activity can be done all
Group Activity
Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 2
  • Good Parental Monitoring (5 minutes)
  • The Trainer leads a discussion with the total
  • by asking the Parents to brainstorm What Is
  • Monitoring?
  • The Trainer explains to the group that Parental
    Monitoring means keeping an eye on your child
    keeping track of who your child is with and what
    your child is doing on a day-to-day basis,
    knowing exactly where they will be, who they are
    spending time with, and whether they will be
    supervised by an adult. Monitoring is a skill
    that incorporates good family communication and
    discipline. It involves communicating
    information, clarifying what is expected of the
    child, setting limits where necessary, and
    choosing the right way to keep your child within
    those limits.
  • Why Monitor?
  • How Far Should You Take Monitoring?

Say, Discuss, Explain
Ask Questions (in bold type)
Examples of Monitoring Knowing who your child is
spending time with and what he/she is
doing. Getting to know the parents of your
childs friends keeping in touch with them
about what the kids are doing. Making time for
discussing every day activities, such as having
family meals together.
Things To Consider In Deciding How Much
Monitoring Is Needed Is your child a risk taker?
Whats your childs personal safety record?
Think about things like how many time he/she gets
into trouble at school or with friends. Do you
communicate well with your child? Does your
child make good decisions?
Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 2
  • Being A good role Model (5 minutes)
  • The Trainer leads a discussion with the total
  • by asking the Parents to brainstorm What Does
    Being a Good Role Model Mean?
  • The Trainer explains that most parents
    understand that they are the first role models
    for their children, but too many believe that
    they lose their importance as their child grows
    older. This is not true! Despite the fact that
    adolescents become more influenced by their
    friends, favorite celebrities, and the media as
    they get older, parents still pay a major role in
    helping kids make important decisions about such
    things as where to go to college and what career
    to pursue. Parents can also help influence their
    kids to not use drugs. What your kids see you
    doing is what they are most likely to copy during
    childhood and adolescence.

Say, Discuss, Explain
The Trainer states that nobodys perfect and
you dont have to be to set a good example for
your children. The Trainer briefly highlights the
following points
  • Be a good role model.
  • Share your values with your children.
  • Set good examples for dealing with stress.
  • Make thoughtful, independent decisions.
  • Take time, make plans.
  • Listen to what your child is saying about your
    tobacco or alcohol use.
  • Talk to your child about tobacco and alcohol
  • Keep in mind that all of your habits will
    influence your child.

Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 2
  • Using Appropriate and Consistent Discipline (10
  • The Trainer asks the group to share some of
    their discipline techniques that they use or have
    used with their children.
  • Note People will have differing approaches,
    the goal
  • here is to share and not to judge.
  • What has been most successful? Why?
  • What has been least successful? Why?
  • What is the purpose of discipline?
  • The Trainer gives a brief lecture stating its
    not just about punishment.
  • The word discipline means to teach or guide.
    Your goal, when its time to discipline your
    kids, should be to teach and guide your child to
    make the right choices and to accept
    responsibility for his/her behavior. All kids
    need parents and other adults who use appropriate
    and consistent disciplinary skills, such as
    setting clear limits and rules, and letting kids
    know just what is expected of them. It is
    important to enforce the rules with consistency,
    but also to realize that sometimes there may be a
    good reason to break the rules. Also, realizing
    that rules may need to be updated or changed from
    time to time is essential.

Say, Discuss, Explain
Ask Questions (in bold type)
Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 2
5. Taking a Clear Stand Against Drug Use
(10 minutes)
The Trainer gives a brief lecture on Taking A
Clear Stand Against Drugs. Its never to early to
start talking with your kids and letting them
know where you stand regarding the use of
tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. By letting
them know your feelings early, you will build
trust, understanding and communication between
you and your child. You will both be better
informed about what is happening in each others
lives. Talking about drugs will help you to know
that your values and wishes are being understood,
and your child will have a clear anti-drug-use
message from home. By taking the time now to
discuss these topics, your child will be less
likely to smoke, drink and take drugs in the
Say, Discuss, Explain
Step 1 The Trainer breaks the parents into small
groups. Step 2 The Trainer asks the parents to
discuss the best ways to discuss drug use with
your child and how to set family rules for drug
use that deliver a clear anti-drug
message. Step 3 Each group is to select some
one to be the recorder and reporter. Step
4 When the allotted time has elapsed, the
trainer asks each group to report out to the
total group. After each group has reported out
the Trainer debriefs and process the activity
with the total group.
Group Activity
Module 2
Key Points
  • The Trainer reviews the following points
  • Start talking abut drug use now!
  • The earlier you start talking about drug use
    the better. Adolescence is as good as a time
    as ever to practice decision-making skills that
    they will need throughout life.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Ask their opinion about things. Show that you
    are willing to listen. You do not have to
    agree with everything your kids say, but listen
    first and give your opinion second.
  • Be aware of communication blockers
  • Talk often, and look for the right time to make
    your point.
  • Talk in the car or on the bus talk about the
    days events, whats on TV that night, or about
    anything at all! Show them youre interested
    in their friends, clothing, music, etc.
  • Be clear with your kids.
  • Tell them you absolutely do not want them
    using drugs.
  • If your child says, Hey you drink! You smoke!
    (Or you used to ), be willing to discuss it
    at another time, but keep the focus on kids
    using drugs, and why it is not worth the risks.
  • Tell them about the bad thinks that can happen
  • Always let kids know that there are immediate
    and short- term risks to using drugs.
    Adolescents are more likely to be concerned
    with things that can affect their lives now,
    rather than the distant future.

Key Points
Say, Discuss, Explain
Module 3
Now that we have looked at Protective Family
Factors and Family Management Skills its time to
shift focus to the kids. In order to understand
how to prevent drug use its important to look at
reasons why kids use.
Say, Discuss, Explain
Why Do Kids Use?
Activity STEP 1 The Trainer asks the
Participants to work together at the table
where theyre currently sitting. STEP 2 The
group selects a recorder to do the writing on
Post-Its. STEP 3 Post-Its and markers are
distributed to each table. STEP 4 The Trainer
asks the parents in their groups to discuss why
they think kids start using? The recorder writes
down 2-3 reasons kids start using. (5 minutes)
Group Activity
Module 3
The Trainer explains the three main areas that
affect a persons life and their decision to
start using illegal substances personal,
relationships, and environmental/community STEP
5 The Trainer asks for an individual from each
table to report out by placing their Post-Its in
one of the three (3) MAIN AREAS.
Say, Discuss, Explain
Environmental/ Community
Discussion Point Process that there are many
different reasons why kids start to use. This
means that there are many areas where we can make
a difference to help kids make good choices.
Key Points
Module 4
Now that we have why kids use we are going to
move on and discuss what kids need to prevent
drug use and other unhealthy behaviors.
Say, Discuss, Explain
What Do Kids Need?
Activity STEP 1 The Trainer asks the
Participants to work together at the table
where theyre currently sitting. STEP 2 The
group selects a recorder to do the writing on
Post-Its. STEP 3 Post-Its and markers are
distributed to each table. STEP 4 The Trainer
then ask the parents in their groups to discuss
kids need in order to make healthy choices and
not use illegal substances? The recorder writes
down 2-3 needs for each area. (5 minutes)
Group Activity
Module 4
posted on individual chart/newsprint paper
hanging on the wall. STEP 5 The Trainer asks
for an individual from each table to report out
by placing their Post-Its on the appropriate
SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, and ATTITUDE chart/newsprint
paper. Discussion Point Kids need all
of these to know how to make good choices to not
use illegal substances. These are the types of
things that are taught in the LifeSkills
Say, Discuss, Explain
Key Points
This comprehensive workshop contains material and
exercises that will help parents
strengthen communication with their teens and
prepare them for the transition from adolescence
to adulthood.
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