Title: Learning Areas
1EMS, Business Studies, Lifeskills, Maths,
Technology, Arts, drama Culture Grades 7-12
(specifically Gr 8)
Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Des
Pupils Cross-curricular Critical thinking
training, developing creative innovative
entrepreneurs, financial skills, marketing
skills, real-life decision-making, co-operative
team-work, collaboration with community.
Teachers Providing resources so that teaching is
pupil-centred, teacher-training (especially
cross-curricular), skills training, collaboration
with regional global community.
MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Movie Maker,
Photostory 3, CamStudio
An innovation within an innovation! The teacher
receives a CD (or can access it on the Net) one
days training. The CD outlines in full an entire
project on deciding which of the 2 franchise
businesses is the most viable. The CD contains
pupil teacher resource material, assessment
rubrics, instructions, voice-over visual
tutorials. The pupils are divided into 2 teams
and each team, (after due research) has to
prepare a marketing presentation (PPoint, movie,
stop-frame animation, photostory etc any
digital format) which the class assesses. Final
winners go forward to the regional competition
and so on until an international winner is
identified. Prizes training are sponsored.
These provide the impetus for teachers pupils
engage , hopefully, allow them to win ( use)
more technology.
Author Documents
Gaye Pieterse, Durban Girls College, Durban,
South Africa
2Teacher Planning and Management Click the
documents below to help you understand the
context of this exemplary learning
project Background Planning A synopsis of the
origin and objectives of the learning project,
including the manner in which the project was
planned and managed. Classroom Images Images of
the classroom to give you a better feeling for
how the project was implemented.
3Work Samples, Teacher and Student
Reflection Click the documents below to see work
samples and reflections from the teachers and
students Student Work Samples Examples of
student work generated through participation in
this learning project. Teacher Reflection
Thoughts and reflective comments from the
teachers involved, including advice for future
implementations. Student Perspective Comments on
how the students perceived the learning that
4Teaching Resources Click the documents below to
view the teaching resources used in the teaching
of this learning project Student Project
Overview An overview of required tasks. Other
Teaching Resources
5Assessment and Standards Click the documents
below to see the assessment rubrics and standards
cover in this learning project Assessment
Rubrics Examples of assessment rubrics provided
to students showing how the project was
assessed. Mapping the Standards Mapping this
projects learning objectives against curriculum
standards. National Educational Technology
Standards for Students (NETS) Performance
indicators for technology-literate students.