Title: The Importance of Advertising Education
1The Importance of Advertising Education
- Mike Longhurst
- Senior VP, McCann-Erickson Europe
2The age old statements
- Advertising is an art not a science
- You cant teach advertising
- It is a creative business isnt it?
- Consumers change all the time, so why bother?
- It is a young peoples game
- Its just about personal flair
- We dont want others to know how to do it
3The Truth
- It IS a young peoples game
- Most older hands are lost before they can plough
back what they know - Teaching on the job loses at least 50 of all
knowledge - If knowledge is not created, distilled and
packaged in universities for handing on to the
next generation, much of it is lost
4So what about Advertising education?
5In UK universities we are low-profile
Courses offered
6The reality
- Only 12 / 96 recognised universities offer a
degree course which contains Advertising - Total courses offered is 53, of which none is
solus Advertising - Only one of those is ranked in the top 20
universities - Only 2 are in the top 60
- 13 are from universities that are unranked
7UK Graduate intake
- 53 from top 10 Unis
- 92 from top 20
- 13 Studied Advertising-related subject
- Very few decided early that Advertising is what
they wanted to do
IPA Stage 1 course graduate survey 2001
- Graduates have a vastly better chance of being
taken on by an agency graduate trainee scheme if
they - a) went to a top Uni
- b) studied an academic subject, not Advertising
- Training courses like IPA try to fill the
knowledge gap, but can only be partly successful - Grads historically dont want structured
post-grad qualifications
9So are the blind leading the blind?
10We complain about our diminished role with clients
- Terms of business now little more than ½ what
they were - Edged out of boardrooms by management
consultancies - Regarded as the delivery end of the process,
not the intellectual end - Our services bought in auctions, by purchasing
11The pressure is on us to be more effective
- Clients face stiffer competition
- They demand ever greater accountability
- They are less trusting of thematic broadcast
advertising - Are they right to be?
12How effective are wereally?
- MM, Euro Effies, IPA and other awards celebrate
the achievements of the minority, not the
majority - Most campaigns struggle to demonstrate
effectiveness - For every brand that succeeds because of
advertising, there might be another that fails
because of advertising - And many that succeed despite advertising!
13How rigorously are the awards cases studied?
- Just reading, collating and publishing achieves
little - Where can the lessons be aggregated, analysed and
disseminated, if not through universities?
14New Initiatives
- UKs Institute of Practitioners in Advertising
has a long history of running great courses - They have now announced a welcome return to
Post-grad qualifications after 20 years - Foundation Certificate level
- Check and supplement agency induction processes
- Multiple choice questions
- Online learning modules
- Diploma level
- Multi choice modules on theory and practice
- And an MBA at Leeds University
15EACA has attacked the under-graduate problem
- EACA initiative with University of Navarra
- Aim to create a European curriculum
- Educational Summit in Barcelona June 2003
- Aim to create a profession
- Invited all educational institutions
- Form Association and publish Journal
16I see problems for both
- Post-grad is traditionally unpopular with grads
- Will agency managements demand it?
- University courses traditionally suffer from poor
teaching - Will we be able to change that?
But we need both!
17The vicious circle we must break
We are in a commodity business
Our terms of business decline
We are no longer in clients boardrooms
Agencies wont hire Grads with degrees in
There is ignorance and mythology
Top unis wont offer good advertising courses
The image of advertising remains low
18We have to win the battle here
We are in a commodity business
Our terms of business decline
We are no longer in clients boardrooms
Agencies wont place emphasis on real education
There is ignorance and mythology
Top unis wont offer good advertising courses
The image of advertising remains low
19The conundrum
Universities wont offer good courses, because
agencies wont employ the graduates
Agencies wont employ the graduates because
universities dont offer good courses
20Meanwhile we live in challenging times for brands
21As the public face of brands, advertising has
also become a target
- Advertising a scapegoat, panacea, cheap shot
- Demands for more laws, codes, regulations
22The search for cheap easy solutions focuses on
- Consumption
- Deprivation
- Inequality
- Young drinking
- Obesity
23What they say about advertising
- Exploits children
- Damages the environment
- Creates waste
- Promotes sexism
- Encourages greed and envy
- Destroys indigenous lifestyles
- Destroys Southern industries
- Creates visual pollution.
- Advertising is seen as part of every problem, not
part of every solution - Advertising is seen as a disposable element, not
essential to economic wellbeing - This is even more so amongst the young, who we
depend on for new blood
- A lot of people want to stop what we do
- The best dont want to join us and assist what we
26Most of what is said about advertising is
- We have tolerated or even fostered mythology
- We have ignored proper education in our business
- Both within advertising practitioners and outside
27Conspiracy theories that were destroyed many
years ago have re-surfaced as new
- Vance Packards Hidden Persuaders comes back as
regularly as Who killed Kennedy or Marilyn
Monroe? theories - The same thinking is being applied to new media
28Advertising is seen as the irresistible force The
consumer is the defenceless victim
29Why cant we simply prove them wrong?
- Because we often arent clear on the answers
ourselves - And we are working against low knowledge and high
scepticism of advertising outside the business - Yet everyone experiences advertising and everyone
has an opinion
- In many respects we arent impressing anyone as
much as we think - Recruits
- Clients
- Opinion-leaders
- Legislators
- The traditional idea that You cant teach
Advertising is false - Our business needs the academic influence and
disciplines - It will not kill creativity
- The advertising business needs to achieve a
better balance between Art and Science - It needs to build the Art onto the Science, not
add a bit of Science to the Art
33Education is our only way forward.